Author Topic: 109G2 - not a bad little airplane  (Read 2147 times)

Offline Urchin

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2003, 06:21:25 PM »
The G10 is far and away the "best" 109.  A spit IX will tear the 109G2/G6/F4 apart... it can't catch a G10 so it can't tear it apart.  

If you are really really good in the G10 you might even be able to kill a Spit 9 that knows you are there.  Assuming he is a newbie.

Offline B17Skull12

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2003, 07:05:07 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin
The G10 is far and away the "best" 109.  A spit IX will tear the 109G2/G6/F4 apart... it can't catch a G10 so it can't tear it apart.  

If you are really really good in the G10 you might even be able to kill a Spit 9 that knows you are there.  Assuming he is a newbie.
spit9 chew F4 apart sure if it is a good pilot but the chances the person in a spit is a good pilot is 1/100 from my expirence just kick in that elevator trim and watch them try to turn and turn and turn while get on there 6 and blast em. i find it can out turn spit9 cause most spit 9 pilots leave combat trim on


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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2003, 07:52:13 PM »
I find 1 v 1 that the Spit 9 can be outflown by the G2 provided that you keep the fight fairly low. The trick is to equalize e sates and then use the G2 superior hig speed climb power to gain vertical seperation and turn tables.

Offline Wilbus

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2003, 08:27:17 PM »
stick to your wuerger

Good idea, it beats anything.
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline Soda

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2003, 10:12:41 PM »
A spit IX will tear the 109G2/G6/F4 apart... it can't catch a G10

The Spit IX can't even catch an 109F4, 332mph vs 319mph.  The 109F4 even out-accelerates the Spit IX at most altitudes according to the AH test data I've got.  Sure, the margin to the G10 is much larger but even an F4, given a smart pilot, can leave a SpitIX and extend.  A diving Spit can catch any 109, or anything else for that matter, so that's not worth talking about.

Know what's a great fight for a 109G2 is, the La5FN.  Had some of my best ever fights in the CT with that combo.

Offline moot

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2003, 12:00:54 AM »
190A5-La5FN is hard work but a very fun fight also.
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Offline gatt

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2003, 04:50:11 AM »
Originally posted by Soda
The Spit IX can't even catch an 109F4, 332mph vs 319mph.  The 109F4 even out-accelerates the Spit IX at most altitudes according to the AH test data I've got.  Sure, the margin to the G10 is much larger but even an F4, given a smart pilot, can leave a SpitIX and extend.  A diving Spit can catch any 109, or anything else for that matter, so that's not worth talking about.

Know what's a great fight for a 109G2 is, the La5FN.  Had some of my best ever fights in the CT with that combo.

do those ground level speeds match historical data? Its really strange that a MkIX cannot catch an F4. BTW, the MkIX maneuverability at very high speed is .... weird. The compressibility of our 109 family at high speed is weird as well.
HTC should give a deeper look at them.
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Offline Siaf__csf

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2003, 06:15:47 AM »
Ive been caught and outmanouvered by SpitIX several times while doing a 262 with a ludicrous speed.

I could never believe a spit would get me after a full power dive with 262 (start speed 300knots), blacked out turn and extend to vertical.. But it followed me with no effort at all and hizookaed me down. Later inspection on film showed that the spit didn't compress or even black out following me judging from the way he was able to follow me. A spit ix with a 5k alt advantage could catch an F-15 with full afterburn in AH.

Offline Soda

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2003, 11:19:59 AM »
do those ground level speeds match historical data?

I have no idea but that wasn't the topic of this thread anyway.  We weren't comparing modeling accuracy, we were comparing AH aircraft as modeled (right or wrong doesn't matter).  Questioning the modeling is a topic for another thread.

The Spit IX can easily catch a 109F4 at high altitudes, but most fights with Spits start near the ground, or end up blowing lots of alt early and get near the ground quickly.

Offline hogenbor

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2003, 11:35:50 AM »
Not to mention that we have an early IX which apparently is a mid-high altitude variant.

After a year of sporadic AH I'm flying the G-10 frequently with 30mm, no gondolas. Hard work but challenging fun. Funny that my K/D with it is less than half of what my usual early-mid war planes will yield... so I'll stick to 109's for a while.

To come back to the G-2, after flying the G-10 quite a lot I find it a lot easier to kill with it. 1 20mm is not much but if you can bring yourself in position for a high quality shot it works. And this is much easier in the G-2 than it is in the G-10 due to a cannon which is easier to aim and a more maneuverable airplane.

As for the Spit IX - G2 debate, I'll rather fly a G-2 if I find someone with a comparable skill to my own.

Offline jodgi

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2003, 11:59:39 AM »
Yea, I find SpitIX vs G2 fights interesting as they have pronounced differences in handling and performance, within limits.
It's a matter of knowing your plane and your opponents plane.

A fight between a G10 and Hurri could ofcourse also be fun, but the differences in performance and handling, IMO, is not  "within limits".

Offline beet1e

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2003, 08:03:41 AM »
I like the G10 and the F4. I fly alone a lot, and the G6 is easy prey for Spit IX, especially on a map like Fester's Vulcherama™, where it's easy for the Spit you just killed to reappear 2 minutes later from the field next door. :rolleyes:

Some of you say the G10 is good against buffs. I've killed buffs with the gondolas. The problem for the 109 (especially with the spud cannon) is having to get so damn close. Given that the buff gunner will be plinking you at 1400 yards, closing to less than 200 yards is a very risky business. You're going to die a lot doing that.

Alternatively, you can approach from the side as I did in this short (1:40min) film. If you look at the film, you see that I landed more than one hit on the tail of a B17 coming at him from his 2 o'clock. The effect? Nothing. I got a Spit soon afterwards - but you have to get close with the spud cannon - I try for less than 200 yards as with this kill. Having to get that close means fewer opportunities. Snap shots are all but impossible. If anyone knows different, let's see the film.

Offline gofaster

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2003, 09:21:15 AM »
I've found that most Spit IX pilots will use the same tactic - turn as hard as they can with the throttle wide open.  In this situation, the G2 will gain an advantage if it uses WEP to climb above the Spit IX's loop and stay topside.  Since the Spit pilot is yanking so hard, he's bleeding his energy and will have trouble bringing his nose up for the next merge.  Of course, if you've misjudged his speed, he'll be in a position for a tail shot on the G2.

A lot of pilots instantly think the G2 is the G10 and expect it to zoom away.  By going with a nose-hi yoyo turn, I've gotten inside the turn radius when the Spit pilot had gotten complacent and wasn't expecting me to be high and behind him.  The difficult part is that the prop torque will twist the nose around so its hard to line up a shot.

A G2 will own a P-51 in a high-speed turnfight, no problem.  Same with Corsairs.  I would've had a couple of them last night but I got combo'd by Stangs/N1ks and then Corsairs/LA-7s.  P-38s can be a little trickier if the Lightning pilot knows his business, or if the P-38 is being used for jabo work.

I learned a hard lesson that the G2 should not be used as a bomber buster against B-17s.

Offline gofaster

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Re: Re: 109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2003, 09:25:09 AM »
Originally posted by ATC
You ever engage in air to air combat.  Your kills could have been done in anything with guns


Yeah, actually the Navy kills were A2A.  The Corsairs and Hellcats had altitude on me and went in over my head at high speed, pickled their ordinance, then climbed away.  I dueled them outside of the airfield flak range, over the water and beaches.  The F4U-4 fight was particularly hairy since he was flying a perk ride.  He was more aggressive in the engagement since he had perk points on the line.

Offline wklink

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109G2 - not a bad little airplane
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2003, 01:44:31 PM »
G-10 is one of my fav's.  Would love to see the G-14 or K4 (very similar aircraft) modeled in this game.

Agreed on the G-10, don't turn with it.  The G-2 is better but I still don't like using it for knife fights, it tends to get me in trouble.

Like I don't do that on my own anyway.
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