Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: ebfd11 on February 15, 2009, 11:44:30 PM
I really dont know if this has been posted but here is a request for a new gv. Everyone says we have too many American and German gv's how about a Japanese for a change.. last I knew weren't they also in the war.. sorry bout that sarcasm. It is just a thought.
Type 4 Chi-To
Place of origin Empire of Japan
Weight 30 tons
Length 6.73 meters
Width 2.87 meters
Height 2.87 meters
Crew 5
Armor 12-75 mm
armament Type 4 75mm gun
armament 2x Type 97 Light Machine Guns
Engine Air-cooled Type 4 V12 Diesel engine with supercharger
400 HP
Suspension Bell crank
range 250 kilometers
Speed 45 km/h
Didn't see combat I believe. That disqualifies it.
yess sir u were right ..did some investigation and it didnt get in..but still would be nice to get some japanese armor in game
-----------------> P A N T H E R <--------------- :aok
we only play with cartoons that were in WWII so it will not even make it to the list of things to be picked... let alone picked
Hellcat or the PANTHER :aok
or this baby
cu chris3
yess sir u were right ..did some investigation and it didnt get in..but still would be nice to get some japanese armor in game
Why, so M8's can maul it?
It would be nice to see Japanese tanks in the game. Unfortunately the Japanese didn't cooperate back in WW-ll and their armor was bloody awful.
They had some sound armor tacticians in the IJA, a few that studied with the Germans. But unfortunately a lot of this expertise didn't didn't dribble down to company level. So the actual use of what lousy armor they had was mostly unimaginative and poorly executed. The mind set of many IJA officers was that the tank was un-manly and not in tune with the warrior ethos.
They were really in no position to start a war against an alliance of nations like Australia, Britain, and America. The lack of effective armor and doctrine was a big reason why.
In The Battle of Khalkhyn Gol they got a birds eye seat to modern armor tactics/combined arms as executed by one of the greatest tank Generals in history, G. Zhukov. Unfortunately for them I dont think they actually came away from that battle with anything other then a defeat. For the most part modern tank design and manufacture took a back seat in Japanese manufacture and IJA doctrine.
Its a good thing for us they didnt have type-4s in '42, or even '43. :salute
Why, so M8's can maul it?
The Chi-To was the IJA's most advanced tank and unlike the previous medium tanks, was not based off the Chi-Ha design. The Chi-To was influenced by other tank designs, most notably the T-34 and PzKpfw V. As for operational performance, it was said to compare favorably with the Panzer IV and Sherman. Supposedly, the Type 4 75mm AA Gun and can penetrate the front armor of M4 Sherman from 1,000m distance.
The Chi-To was the IJA's most advanced tank and unlike the previous medium tanks, was not based off the Chi-Ha design. The Chi-To was influenced by other tank designs, most notably the T-34 and PzKpfw V. As for operational performance, it was said to compare favorably with the Panzer IV and Sherman. Supposedly, the Type 4 75mm AA Gun and can penetrate the front armor of M4 Sherman from 1,000m distance.
Did it ever see service?
Nope. The Chi-To was reserved for homeland defense in case of an Allied invasion of the Japanese homelands. But that wasn't the point I was making, just making the point that a Greyhound wouldn't 'maul' it like you claimed.
After deep consideration, i don't think Japanese tanks (that saw service mind you) should be added. From what I've read, interestingly, machine guns could stop some like this
or this
I don't know about you but i wouldn't wanna be killed by a jeep in a tank :P
Nope. The Chi-To was reserved for homeland defense in case of an Allied invasion of the Japanese homelands. But that wasn't the point I was making, just making the point that a Greyhound wouldn't 'maul' it like you claimed.
I was referring to the Japanese tanks that did see service, as everyone constantly refers to planes and tanks that saw service. In AH I can kill Panzer's with 2 shots with the M-8
After deep consideration, i don't think Japanese tanks (that saw service mind you) should be added. From what I've read, interestingly, machine guns could stop some like this
or this
I don't know about you but i wouldn't wanna be killed by a jeep in a tank :P
I agree that they will be hanger queens in the MAs. As for getting killed by a jeep in one... if it was even half as fast as a jeep maybe... but they weren't from what I understand.
But I also agree with the OP in that we need more GVs in this game for more variety. Probably not some Japanese armor, but anyhting would help add more variety at this point.
I would like to see a tank detroyer added-hellcat or slugger
Babalonian, i got this from a wikipedia page,
During the Battle of Saipan, 36 Type 97s of the 9th Tank Regiment, commanded by Colonel Takashi Goto joined with Type 95s of the 136rd Infantry Regiment commanded by Colonel Yukimatsu Ogawa in an all-out counter attack against the US 6th Marines. This was one of the largest tank attacks mounted by Japan during the war, and was stopped by machine guns, mortars, bazookas, artillery, and naval gun fire. However, the Japanese army seldom made use of a major armored attack, preferring to retain the tanks for use as centerpieces of defense positions.
Babalonian, i got this from a wikipedia page,
During the Battle of Saipan, 36 Type 97s of the 9th Tank Regiment, commanded by Colonel Takashi Goto joined with Type 95s of the 136rd Infantry Regiment commanded by Colonel Yukimatsu Ogawa in an all-out counter attack against the US 6th Marines. This was one of the largest tank attacks mounted by Japan during the war, and was stopped by machine guns, mortars, bazookas, artillery, and naval gun fire. However, the Japanese army seldom made use of a major armored attack, preferring to retain the tanks for use as centerpieces of defense positions.
It wasn't a Japanse counter attack with only tanks. The 9th Tank Regiment was used in support of a large Japanese infantry force that counter attacked the left flank of the 6th and 2nd Marine divisions.
Your post that is trying to imply that machine guns were used to take out Japanese tanks during this battle is misleading and inaccurate.
The only real time Japanese tanks were feared is when A: we didnt know they had them and B: we had no AT cannons, personal AT means (see bazooka, flame thrower, or even in some cases massed M2 .50 HMG's) or tanks of our own to counter them. If we had one of the three than the allies usually shrugged them off.