Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: B4Buster on November 24, 2009, 10:36:12 PM

Title: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: B4Buster on November 24, 2009, 10:36:12 PM
This may make for an interesting topic, there's alot of game id's out there, share your stories!

I remember when I was real young, 3 or 4 would be my guess...We (father, mother and I) visited my grandparents. One afternoon while my parents were out, I was left alone with my grandfather and grandmother. I was bored, so I went looking for them, as they had stepped out of the room for a few minutes. I heard voices and followed them until I was at the doorway to their bedroom (not a nasty story, I promise). They were arguing about something, and my grandmother was really giving it to my grandfather, calling him every bad name in the book. He just shrugged it off. She then called him "Buster", and that really set him off. Any swear word and bad name you could think of he didn't mind, but as soon as she called him "Buster" he got really upset. I then left their room and went back in the living room. Since then the name has stuck with me.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: phatzo on November 24, 2009, 10:45:35 PM
When I came over from warbirds I tried to keep my ID Addman but apperantly it was taken, as I looked at the ground in dispair, my cat, Phatzo, was sitting there looking at me, so, this is what I have.

BTW this cat bears a remarkable resemblance
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Shuffler on November 24, 2009, 10:49:55 PM
I figured me flying a fighter was a gamble...... Shuffler
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: AKP on November 24, 2009, 11:03:21 PM
Hehe... my initials.  And now that everyone knows me by them... I am stuck with it.  :confused:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Latrobe on November 24, 2009, 11:11:19 PM
When I started playing (3 years ago, I was 15 then) I thought that there would be no way to change my name once I picked one, so I wanted a good one (now I know you can just call up HTC and ask for a new one). I couldn't think of any names since every one I tried was taken: Hotshot, Ace, Maverick, etc etc (I was 15 I thought they were cool names  :D ). Sitting there thinking I noticed my dads Beer bottle sitting on the table (betcha you can't guess what kind it was!  :P ), and saw a name on the back. Never thought once about changing it.  :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Krupinski on November 24, 2009, 11:15:38 PM
Walter Krupinski

His name caught my attention while reading "The Blond Knight Of Germany"
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: horble on November 24, 2009, 11:17:07 PM
I started flying warbirds, and they only allowed 6 digits in a name.

Then I took a guess as to how good of a virtual pilot I would be  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: FlyinJay on November 24, 2009, 11:25:06 PM
Everyone thinks im a truck stop....but its actually simpler than that my name is Jay and in my younger days I was a flight instructor and am an ATP rated pilot...ex motorcycle racer so speed speed speed i was known as Flying Jay..hence Flyinjay
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Spikes on November 24, 2009, 11:28:19 PM
I liked Takeo Spikes when he played for the bills.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: CAP1 on November 24, 2009, 11:29:02 PM
1 LT in the Civil Air Patrol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 5PointOh on November 24, 2009, 11:39:00 PM
Used to be 5PointOh after this...

Then after my account was "accidentally" deleted (I won't go into the details) I became Coprhead. Not because I like snakes, but because I am a redhead. Though about going back to 5PointOh, but was geting tired of hearing "are you from Five Points Ohio?" :rolleyes:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SunBat on November 24, 2009, 11:44:42 PM
Have had lots and lots of questions about my name.  I fly out of the sun and bite these. 


They never see me coming.   Muhahahahahahaha
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Strip on November 25, 2009, 12:01:06 AM


The drag strip.....

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: usvi on November 25, 2009, 12:16:02 AM
United States Virgin Islands
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BaldEagl on November 25, 2009, 12:24:25 AM
<--- Me
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Plazus on November 25, 2009, 12:29:43 AM

Got my name from reading a very very good book. I highly recommend this book to those who like Sci-fi. If any of you guys are familiar with Geoffery Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, this book follows a similar format. But the plots in this book will blow your mind away.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Kazaa on November 25, 2009, 12:33:55 AM
... yes I named myself after a P2P program, I couldn't think of anything else when I was first asked for a CPID back in the day. So I just went with my favourite P2P program at the time. Of course  I got teased a lot by online gamers about my CPID, but it just makes pwning them that much sweeter.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Guppy35 on November 25, 2009, 12:39:49 AM
I got interested in the 80th Headhunters during a scenario in Airwarrior.  When it came time to start the Headhunters in AH I wanted to use the history to find a good ID. Corky Smith was an 80th pilot.  His 2nd P38 was a 38G named Corky Jr.  There was a nice image of him landing Corky Jr with a single engine. Considering how if I land at all it's usually single engined and broken, my ID became CorkyJr. It seemed the logical choice :)

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Clone155 on November 25, 2009, 12:44:34 AM
I love star wars
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Ruler2 on November 25, 2009, 12:45:41 AM
I got my name after recalling what my dad said their callsigns were when they went downrange. I don't know where the number came from,but it works, although I've had many people ask me where Ruler1 is and others have told me there was a Ruler a long time ago,lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Sunka on November 25, 2009, 01:09:30 AM
Mine was given to me by a real good friend,its Lakota for dog.I imagine it was given to me because i have a lot of Native American in me and i own three husky's, and would prefer to hang with dogs over people any day.And yes my profile pic is one of my puppers.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: bagrat on November 25, 2009, 02:11:58 AM
The Bagrat's was the name of one of the little league baseball teams my pops played for.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ink on November 25, 2009, 02:30:26 AM
Tattoo artist, I live, breath,sleep, INK.

but I have also been known as USURPER-MORTIS-JETSOM-INK69-1BADSHOT :joystick: :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: stran on November 25, 2009, 02:35:48 AM
( like vegtables.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: LYNX on November 25, 2009, 03:47:08 AM

Had one of these in my hand when asked for a name. 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Lusche on November 25, 2009, 04:27:03 AM
Then I took a guess as to how good of a virtual pilot I would be  :D

That's exactly what I had in mind when creating my first ID - "Lusche" is a German term for a sucker, a looser, a weak & unskilled person. But soon I realized that it's a bad ID for a game where 99% of the player base can't pronounce such an easy German word at all :lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Blooz on November 25, 2009, 04:57:31 AM
My favorite kind of music. I opted for this spelling thinking that "Blues" would probably not be available.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DaCoon on November 25, 2009, 05:16:39 AM
I started AH 2-1/2 yrs ago as Kjunflyr, the squad I joined already had a Cajunn. One night there was a lot of confusion as to who people were talking to, him or me. He said "there sure is a lot of coon***es playing AH" so I changed my callsign to coona55(all in caps) as a joke for what he said. Got reported by someone, got muted, and changed to DaCoon. Since I'm from south La., it seemed a pretty good one. Lots of squeekers ask if I got my callsign from South Park but that episode didn't air for about a year after I had already took the name.

       Cya "outdere"   :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: PanosGR on November 25, 2009, 05:28:24 AM
 Panos its my first name. simple as that
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: save on November 25, 2009, 05:41:43 AM
Hovering at high alt @ own field, killing off cons beeing dragged home by country pilots.
"Thanks for save" struck
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: mechanic on November 25, 2009, 06:20:26 AM
I figured if i made my handle as silly as possible I was making a good start in not taking it all too seriously.

Here is Batfink: episode 1 - 6 minutes long

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Treize69 on November 25, 2009, 06:47:31 AM
Challenged the previous holder of the name to a psychic duel inside the mind of a neutral third party. After breaking down his self image and destroying his hold on reality, I left him to wander the deepest recesses of The Stygian Darkness with only a Shamwow, a Snuggie and an intelligent (but carnivorous) guinea pig with which to amuse himself.

The neutral third party, unfortunately, was so traumatized that he had to be admitted to an asylum and now can only speak of "The Horror" and screams shrilly whenever someone wearing brown shoes enters the room. Strangely, he also has an unrelenting craving for strawberry Jell-O.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Dragon on November 25, 2009, 07:33:39 AM
I started in tour 51 flying as ddragon(Dragon was unavailable), changed to leDragon after a short break from the game.  Last year at the Dayton gathering everyone started calling me "Chef" since I was at the grill all day long making grub the the drunks.  After debating for a few weeks, I changed name to Chef and of course, then added the SW after joining the Spartan Warriors.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Anaxogoras on November 25, 2009, 07:37:19 AM
"Gavagai" became a joke among my friends in college when we read W.V. Quine.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RufusLeaking on November 25, 2009, 08:01:25 AM
National Lampoon’s High School Yearbook Parody has a character named Rufus Leaking, a.k.a. ‘Spaz.’ 

“Brown hair, wavy eyes”

‘Spaz’ and ‘Rufus’ were taken.  Abbreviated to fit.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: waystin2 on November 25, 2009, 08:08:02 AM
I had to sneak my very unique first name in there somewhere.  So I added the first four letters of my last name and wallah "Way-Stin2"

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: WMLute on November 25, 2009, 08:17:53 AM
Mine was a total accident.

Logged on to AirWarrior for the first time and sat there for 15min trying to pick a name and everything I tried to use was taken.  In AirWarrior when you pick a name that was in use, it would give you a list of "suggested" names.  Lute was one of the choices and I just finally took it out of frustration.  I just really wanted to fly.  

I promised myself that I would change it.

Never did.

Going on 15 years now.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Harp00n on November 25, 2009, 08:19:36 AM
My fav game back in the C64/Amiga500 days: Harpoon

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: REVRAND on November 25, 2009, 08:33:05 AM
Got really involved back in the day to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six game on sign was Revrand R.I.P. ......spelled Revrand like this, one, not to offend and second my roommate was a Texan with one hell of a drawl and he used to talk like a crazed preacher named REVRAND WYITE he sounded the same way I spelled basically I carried it over so I wouldn't have to remember a new name when someone talked to me....... :cheers:  :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: thndregg on November 25, 2009, 08:34:10 AM
thndrEGG, or Thunderegg: the State Rock of Oregon.

My brother, Flayed1 and I pondered for a long time what my handle would be after he introduced me to this addiction five years ago. There's still quite a few thundereggs out in the desert to be found.

What is a thunderegg? Definition according to the above linked site:
A Thunderegg is not actually a rock. It is a structure, sometimes a nodule, sometimes a geode, occurring in rhyolite, welded tuff, or perlitic rocks. However, without question, the Thunderegg is by far the most popular "rock" in Oregon. (

Seems like my handle has taken on a new significance game-wise. I love bombers. :cool:


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: REVRAND on November 25, 2009, 08:34:48 AM
My fav game back in the C64/Amiga500 days: Harpoon

You Germans and your Uboat's ............... :x
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: REVRAND on November 25, 2009, 08:38:11 AM
thndrEGG, or Thunderegg: the State Rock of Oregon.

My brother, Flayed1 and I pondered for a long time what my handle would be after he introduced me to this addiction five years ago. There's still quite a few thundereggs out in the desert to be found.

What is a thunderegg? Definition according to the above linked site:
A Thunderegg is not actually a rock. It is a structure, sometimes a nodule, sometimes a geode, occurring in rhyolite, welded tuff, or perlitic rocks. However, without question, the Thunderegg is by far the most popular "rock" in Oregon. (

Seems like my handle has taken on a new significance game-wise. I love bombers. :cool:

Dang I thought it was what dropped in the commode when you ate out when they crack! :bolt:


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: lowZX14 on November 25, 2009, 08:39:02 AM
Mine is pretty simple.  I own a lowered Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14.  I played for a while under RFD118 which was the fire department I worked at and my number but once I closed that account and came back I had to have something new.  I was sitting in the office thinking, then looked out into the garage and saw the bike sitting there so I used it.

Once it's sold which will hopefully be soon, I'll have a new one.  I've been thinking about this one for a lonnnnng time and have something decent, an old inside joke between my squaddies and I.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Sc00ter on November 25, 2009, 08:56:07 AM
I use to be stewys but cancelled cards and had to change names. One day I was talking to sirvlad and he called me sc00ter and it stuck. 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Knite on November 25, 2009, 09:27:13 AM
Mine's kinda lame. Goes back a long time. Used to use the handle BlackDeath on old BBS days back in high school. When I graduated HS, and started getting on the Internet, found a lot of people liked that name apparently, so I had to think of a new one. After going out drinkin with some friends, went to sign up for SOMETHING (forget what it was), and couldn't think of a new name. Looked outside the window and it was a very VERY Starry Night outside, so I just typed in StarKnite, and eventually shortened it to just Knite.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Dace on November 25, 2009, 09:31:54 AM
When I first subscribed way back when, I was in the middle of a good book called "War At Sea" by Nathan Miller and had just read of some of the exploits of the sister ships USS Darter and USS Dace. Actually tried Darter first but someone had it already. (
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: The Fugitive on November 25, 2009, 09:54:49 AM
When I played games and it asked for a name I always put Maddog, or Maddog Joe. When I signed up for Air Warrior Maddog was taken and Maddog Joe was too long, so I use MDJOE. I joined the 444th Air Mafia and was with them for years. I was CO of the squad when AW was axed, and I dragged as many mobsters to AH as I could. After a few years here I decided it was time to step down and let someone else lead for a bit. After a while I felt I was in the way, kinda like a second CO, so I figured for both me and the squad I would leave and take a break. A month later I was ready to come back  :x but I didn't want to get in the way, so it was time for a new name.

The saying in the "Mob" is "there is only one way to leave the mob, in a pine box", so I went under cover and became the Fugitive. Most call me "Fugi" now, so I'm either a Japanese film company, or a character from the old show "McHale's Navy"  :rofl
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: MajWoody on November 25, 2009, 10:04:16 AM
My name actually came from an episode of Beavis and Butthead.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Wobbly on November 25, 2009, 10:24:52 AM
Was thinking of a word that had Limey in it, me being a Brit, then blimey is a an expression used here "Gor Blimey Guvnor!" as an expression of surprise, so as I generally have not much idea whats going on I thought it was apt.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: WarSix on November 25, 2009, 10:50:26 AM
Was Osprey in Warbirds but had a whole dang squadron of ospreys in AH:)
Took up my oldest son's callsign from his 2004 TOD in Iraq as War Platoon leader 82nd Combat Eng Big Red One - WAR6.
Changed number to letters. War6 had been retired due to disbanding of 82nd.
Will become Thunder6 after he returns from his upcoming deployment to Afghanistan as CO of the mighty 510th Clearance Company.
Thanks to the Army for assigning such good callsigns that work well in AH:).
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: coola4me on November 25, 2009, 10:55:49 AM
Did a research paper in college on North American native Indians! Came across the Bellacoola Indian tribe in Canada! Their mythology and traditions intrigued me! Decided to use the name coola.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 1701E on November 25, 2009, 11:24:35 AM
Favorite show is Star Trek and couldn't think of any other name, so i picked (NCC) 1701E.  After a few months I got sick of such uneducated people calling me "numbers guy", so I went with another ship and Excelsior wouldn't fit, thus Xcelsior...worked out perfectly, now no one can pronounce it right. :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: saantana on November 25, 2009, 11:35:00 AM
After signing up to AH I just named myself after my own name, Marek. After some thought and thinking it sounded super uncool I decided to name myself GrndZero.
When I was in my clubbing days, and I would visit Poland I would go to this one club in particular, called "GroundZero". This was the hot spot to be back in the day.
However, I noticed that there was already a player called WingZero (What I then thought was a niki noob). So I thought, heck - I don't want to look like a copy cat.

Now when I was in highschool, I use to be in a band. I was the second guitarist on my Richi Sambora Stratocaster made by Fender (Dads gift for my 16th birthday). We as a band were very close. We played mostly Santanas guitar only pieces as we were lacking talent for a lead vocalist. We would spend late nights in Kuwait (Where I grew up) in basements rocking it on, a lead guitarist (now a RL pilot), me, a base guitarist (who now is a professional musician) and other who came and went. Good times.
So there you have it. The extra A is because when I took the name, Santana was taken.
Wasn't hard to guess now was it?  :lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: saantana on November 25, 2009, 11:36:15 AM
Did a research paper in college on North American native Indians! Came across the Bellacoola Indian tribe in Canada! Their mythology and traditions intrigued me! Decided to use the name coola.

What I want to know is where did that avatar come from?  :eek:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nwbie on November 25, 2009, 11:37:32 AM
Back in Air Warrior.. a long long time ago in a very Mastercard, almost divorce day when we received the 2nd bill....
I would up a plane and start firing at everything in sight..

And, read at the bottom... Hey Newbie!!! Quit shooting at your side, shoot at the Red guys !!!

It stuck :)

Now, when I do fly, I occasionally shoot at my squaddies for giggles.. :)

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: druski85 on November 25, 2009, 11:51:38 AM
Name is Drew, which was shortened down to Dru for online gaming.  Not sure if it was the simplicity that I liked or my sheer laziness, but I mixed it with my love of skiing and got Druski.  Substitute the S with a N and it also applies on a given night. 

Also, Spikes that is sweet.  Props me boy.   :rock   Now quit rooting for those saints...
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SPKmes on November 25, 2009, 12:16:38 PM
(   Need I say more

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Becinhu on November 25, 2009, 12:27:28 PM
My name was actually a name created by a random name generator with another online game.  It bacame ironic when the added emotes to the game, one of which was "beckon".  So it would say X beckons you.  That became the pronunciation of my name in that game. When I came here, since i'm soo original, i kept it.  The guys in my first squad pronounced it "be seeing you" and that stuck here. :joystick:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Bear76 on November 25, 2009, 12:27:45 PM
<------I'm a 76 year old Grizzly Bear
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: greens on November 25, 2009, 12:51:23 PM
when i was younger......doh that story wont work....mmmm no no not that one.....well i got into gods gift to us it has 7 leaves so there ya go my gameid. was akgreens at 1st<doh theres a AK squad, next id 1greenS<doh theres a "1" squad changed it to greens ahhhh just like taking a big ol hit.  :rock
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: curry1 on November 25, 2009, 02:16:46 PM
Curry is delicious.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fudgums on November 25, 2009, 02:25:09 PM

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: bacon8tr on November 25, 2009, 02:30:05 PM
Well the origin of my "handle" may seem anticlimactic.  But here goes.............contrary to popular belief my name does not have it's origins in the famous fast food delight  :rock  It does however, share a similar trait......yes the love of bacon (insert favorite pork related joke here).  From a very young age I would come in low and fast over the breakfast table and snatch all the bacon I could before siblings left me with none.  Years later the movie Terminator came out and my fierce fight over bacon at the family table continued.  Thus, I was crowned The Baconator by my older brother.  Shortened to it's present form of "Bacon8tr" to fit allowable charcater spaces.  See I told ya...anticlimactic.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: oTRALFZo on November 25, 2009, 02:59:17 PM
If your old like me and remember a Jetsons episode youll figure out where I got my ID from  :old:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: canacka on November 25, 2009, 03:18:07 PM
No, I'm not from Canada.  I got mine while playing baseball with the neighborhood kids when I was young.  They used to say I could knock the ball out of the park every time.  Then, they would just start saying could knock it out, and eventually that became shorter and they started mixing it up and it eventually became canacka.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: L0nGb0w on November 25, 2009, 03:46:21 PM
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 715 on November 25, 2009, 03:52:36 PM
I go back to Air Warrior version 1.0, about 23 years ago.   At first there were no handles; they assigned plane numbers when you signed up.  I was plane number 715.  Much later they decided to add handles and, being creatively challenged, I just used my plane number.  I was the only player allowed to use my plane number as my handle, so I am the original "annoying numbers guy".  

When I moved from AW (to Confirmed Kill, then to Warbirds and then) to Aces High, I chose 715 as my handle.  When Aces High came out of beta they had everyone pick a new handle (I don't remember why) so I became 715A.  Years later, in frustration, I quit.  When I restarted, I became 715B.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: sandwich on November 25, 2009, 04:02:28 PM
I was hungry.Very hungry.

 I was at that point thereaper52(that is my xbox gamertag) when I decided to change my name.

I thought for a while and my stomach started growling. I made a PBJ sandwich and then changed my name to sandwich.

Yep. Interesting isnt it?  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: TUK on November 25, 2009, 04:18:04 PM
Tucker is my last name.... 
15 was my collegate baseball number at University of Arkansas..
11 was my number in professional baseball...
I Kinda mixed them all together to make.. Tuk151... :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: B4Buster on November 25, 2009, 04:24:50 PM
great stories guys
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SkyRock on November 25, 2009, 04:30:01 PM
I was 031598 for a year when I first started, didn't understand the cpid thingy and put my daughters birthday...March 15th, 1998.  So when I changed it, she said, "Daddy, planes fly in the sky..... and you like to play rock music"  ... and there it was!   :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BiPoLaR on November 25, 2009, 04:35:16 PM
I was 031598 for a year when I first started, didn't understand the cpid thingy and put my daughters birthday...March 15th, 1998.  So when I changed it, she said, "Daddy, planes fly in the sky..... and you like to play rock music"  ... and there it was!   :aok
i figured it was because you augered too much lol  :joystick:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: bj229r on November 25, 2009, 04:39:29 PM
15 years ago, Farrapo (FA229) invited me to join the initials are JC, but the silly AW thingie wouldn't take it, so I used wifey's initials (Barbara sounds like deep south, but she hails from Boston burbs). Lol, I must confess, the greater implications of the initials didn't occur to me at the time :lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BiPoLaR on November 25, 2009, 05:05:42 PM
im flipping nuts  :rock
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Jayhawk on November 25, 2009, 05:07:10 PM
Pretty simple, student and fan of the University of Kansas.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: mechanic on November 25, 2009, 05:13:50 PM
im flipping nuts  :rock

Dipolar is a gift, i should know mate, believe me. The highest high can only be reached from the lowest of lows. It's only boring people with too much pens and paper that call it a disorder.  :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DREDIOCK on November 25, 2009, 05:26:51 PM
AH wouldnt let me use /IT\
I figured my other AW handle of PORNO wouldnt fly here either. (pun intended)

So I settled on the name of a tragic dark warrior  online character I created many years ago, DREDIOCK
Without getting too much into the story of what the character was about (think i did that already a while back)
His basic description was, A dark knight, neither living nor dead. Black helmet and armor,and shield. blood red cape
On one side of his belt a long curled whip. on the other, His sword. with the name "Vengeance"  inscribed on one side. At the base of the blade  inscribed are the words
"Men vereor nex. Nex Vereor Drediock"

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BiPoLaR on November 25, 2009, 05:38:23 PM

Dipolar is a gift, i should know mate, believe me. The highest high can only be reached from the lowest of lows. It's only boring people with too much pens and paper that call it a disorder.  :salute
i like it this way, keeps the morons at bay  :devil
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Bear76 on November 25, 2009, 05:48:38 PM
i figured it was because you augered too much lol  :joystick:
We all know how you got your name  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BiPoLaR on November 25, 2009, 05:50:54 PM
We all know how you got your name  :D
you hush

what you, me and silat do behind closed doors is private.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: LLogann on November 25, 2009, 06:03:58 PM
I stutter.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ScottyK on November 25, 2009, 06:07:40 PM
 Scotty57....  My first name and my lucky number which was also my number through out highschool football.  I also play poker and  5 of spades 7 of spades is a favorite hand.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Belial on November 25, 2009, 06:11:17 PM
Not sure musta heard it somehwere
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: stickpig on November 25, 2009, 06:29:37 PM
I figured if i made my handle as silly as possible I was making a good start in not taking it all too seriously.

Here is Batfink: episode 1 - 6 minutes long


Pencil my age.... One of my fav cartons next to Top Cat and Johnny Quest
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: awrabbit on November 25, 2009, 06:31:01 PM
My Family gave it to me.  Heck I didnt know my real name till I was 5 or 6 :)  
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: JunkyII on November 25, 2009, 06:39:48 PM
I did alot of drugs in my youth :old:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Cthulhu on November 25, 2009, 06:43:22 PM
My role model. I'm making a Career of Evil.   :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Bear76 on November 25, 2009, 07:00:20 PM
My Family gave it to me.  Heck I didnt know my real name till I was 5 or 6 :)  
I thought my name was chithead until I was 5 :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: mechanic on November 25, 2009, 07:09:16 PM
My role model. I'm making a Career of Evil.   :D

i love you sig the best of any quote i've heard :)

i read it years ago when i first saw it one of your posts, but i just thought i would comment now.

Stickpig, you have fine taste sir!
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: doomed on November 25, 2009, 07:39:36 PM
started playing wb and had to have six letters in call sign and since i never played a flight sim and was using a old out of date stick made for right handed people and im a lefty i figured i was DOOMED. :pray
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: pitbull on November 25, 2009, 07:51:17 PM
When I started playing (3 years ago, I was 15 then) I thought that there would be no way to change my name once I picked one, so I wanted a good one (now I know you can just call up HTC and ask for a new one). I couldn't think of any names since every one I tried was taken: Hotshot, Ace, Maverick, etc etc (I was 15 I thought they were cool names  :D ). Sitting there thinking I noticed my dads Beer bottle sitting on the table (betcha you can't guess what kind it was!  :P ), and saw a name on the back. Never thought once about changing it.  :salute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rolling rock   
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Steve on November 25, 2009, 08:41:43 PM
I have no idea where I came up with mine.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: MajWoody on November 25, 2009, 09:03:50 PM
I have no idea where I came up with mine.

It is original.   :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: The Fugitive on November 25, 2009, 09:56:13 PM
I have no idea where I came up with mine.

bet your mommy thought it up for you   :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: steely07 on November 25, 2009, 10:16:42 PM
It's actually what my Mates have been calling me for 15 years or more, kind of a contraction of my name and surname :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: jimmyz484 on November 26, 2009, 02:57:12 AM
When i signed into wbs2 the first time you needed 6 letters. I probably spent about half an hour trying to think up a cool name when i noticed an old t-shirt sitting on the floor by the desk that i had from my junior high skateboarding days. It was my JimmyZ surfer shirt. It was bright yellow with an old woody wagon with the surf board rack on top parked on a beach. My first name is James but everyone's always called me Jimmy, so i went with it. When they closed down the wbs2 arena i kicked around in wbs3 for a while but it wouldn't let me log in as jimmyz, so i was jimboz over there. Got bored and came here and i'm jimmyz again. I have no idea what happened to that shirt, probably lost it in a move somewhere along the way. :old:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: JimmyC on November 26, 2009, 04:33:41 AM
Used to DJ under the name JimmyC
thought I`d stick with it here
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RTHolmes on November 26, 2009, 05:12:22 AM
coupla days into my 2 weeks and I happened to run into a low lanc in my Hurri I, used all my .303 blasting away at its tail with not much effect then remembered a BoB story I'd heard, so grabbed a little alt and dived on its tail using my wing to slice it off :D  did a little googling and found the name of the pilot so ...

Sgt. R T Holmes (

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: grizz441 on November 26, 2009, 05:36:15 AM
I have no idea where I came up with mine.

Har har har
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Flench on November 26, 2009, 07:12:38 AM
Well , When I teach some one to shoot I try to take the Flinch out when they pull the trigger by adding fake rounds so that give me the idea of flench that I took because the right way to spell it had been taking .
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: TwinBoom on November 26, 2009, 08:54:46 AM
<======hmm i wonder
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Barrett on November 26, 2009, 09:12:08 AM
Bonden is a character in Patrick O'Brien's Aubrey/Maturin series novels - Barrett is his first name.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SKJohn on November 26, 2009, 10:23:25 AM
Well, I'm a member of the Sky Knights squad, hence the "SK", and, my first name is really "John".  That makes it easy for me to recognize that I'm being spoken to when I receive a check 6, etc.  Not very original, but easy to remember. . .
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: R 105 on November 26, 2009, 10:26:38 AM
I have no clue what R-105 means. The game was set up by a friend of my daughter on our home computer a few years back. I took the game over  and just kept the name.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Reaper90 on November 26, 2009, 10:49:42 AM
coupla days into my 2 weeks and I happened to run into a low lanc in my Hurri I, used all my .303 blasting away at its tail with not much effect then remembered a BoB story I'd heard, so grabbed a little alt and dived on its tail using my wing to slice it off :D  did a little googling and found the name of the pilot so ...

Sgt. R T Holmes (


You stinkin RAMMER! LOL!  :lol

Actually RT, that's pretty cool. I remember that exact story, having read that account on Geoff Nutkins' website. I have a bit of his BoB artwork hanging here in my office. My son has "Clifftop Chase" hanging in his room. The courage and absolute determination shown by those guys is difficult for the average person to grasp.  :salute

Mine is pretty simple, and a bit cheezy. Obviously I liked the imagery of the "grim reaper"....

( (http://)

( (http://)

And my race cars have always been number 90.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: dmdchief on November 26, 2009, 11:19:33 AM
radio call sign in Viet Nam, when I joined the damned years ago changed it to dmdchief because I was the police chief of jefferson, texas, then changed it back to ab8aac when I left the damned.  So I am  "ALPHA BRAVO 8 ALPHA ALPHA CHARLIE, ab8aac, THE ALL AMERICAN CHICKEN MAN, I AM EVERYWHERE, AND I AM ON THE AIR." and the squad laughs everytime I sign in, :headscratch: humm wonder if they are laughing with me or at me, oh well they will be laughing at me when I start lawndarting
Frank Williams
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: beddog on November 26, 2009, 12:00:27 PM
The Dog.......

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: The Grinch on November 26, 2009, 01:34:06 PM
Hi, I'm from Norway and this is why i came up with my game ID. :salute

In Norwegian sea folklore, the Kraken is an enormous sea monster which would sometimes attack ships and feed upon the sailors. It was supposed to be capable of dragging down the largest ships and when submerging could suck down a vessel by the whirlpool it created. It is part octopus and part crab, although others refer to it as a giant squid or cuttlefish. It was first described by Pontoppidan in his History of Norway (1752). The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them common ocean-dwelling monsters in various fictional works (see Kraken in popular culture). The legend may actually have originated from sightings of real giant squid that are estimated to grow to 13 metres (46 feet) in length, including the tentacles. These creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and reportedly have “attacked” small ships :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: AirFlyer on November 26, 2009, 02:33:23 PM
Despite what most think, mine has nothing to do with the leafy green vegetable. It's actually just a weird knock-off of my last name (Minnich) that seemed to come up in school.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ACE on November 26, 2009, 02:44:50 PM
Well mine name is from Spectacular :) I thought i would mix it up and put Spektor :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: PFactorDave on November 26, 2009, 02:59:29 PM
I've always been interested in WW1 and WW2 air combat, but have little to no interest in any "jet age" aerial combat.  So, I wanted a name that would reflect that..

Hence PFactorDave on the forum and PFactorD in the game.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: choker41 on November 26, 2009, 03:30:46 PM
Choker41 is a combination of a nickname in college and 41 was an old basketball number.  Choker came from Pearl Jam song that my roommate kept singing "Don't call me Choker".  My last name is Yoder.  He did call me Choder but some of us know what a Chode is.  He then called me Choker.  I can't imagine someone telling me "Hey Chode, check your six."  It was even more funny when I flew with Stroker1 (Duhasst), and we would land kills together.  Choker and Stroker landed ## kills.  We often got some very humorous reactions from the community.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nemisis on November 26, 2009, 04:09:43 PM
Well, I figured I'd be pissing everyone off when I shoot them down (has happened upto a point. I even got a message from EZRino saying "you are my nemesis, Nemisis". Past that, I just thought it sounded good.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Cthulhu on November 26, 2009, 06:33:01 PM
i love you sig the best of any quote i've heard :)

i read it years ago when i first saw it one of your posts, but i just thought i would comment now.

Stickpig, you have fine taste sir!

Thanks Man :)

Been AWOL for a while. Missed you clowns  :cheers: 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: oso831 on November 26, 2009, 07:08:16 PM
Mine is a nickname given to me by my then gf now wife. When I joined AW it was the only id that would be accepted so I just stuck with it in AH the numbers are my lucky numbers. Pronounced OH SO, but have been called "O" "ESS" "O" etc. , so its been funny at times when talking on range with other players. I never thought  this addiction would last 12+ years.  :O
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: flatiron1 on November 26, 2009, 08:48:16 PM
Flatiron1 to Flatiron 2, whats the status if downed bird , over.


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SunBat on November 26, 2009, 09:51:03 PM
I go back to Air Warrior version 1.0, about 23 years ago.   At first there were no handles; they assigned plane numbers when you signed up.  I was plane number 715.  Much later they decided to add handles and, being creatively challenged, I just used my plane number.  I was the only player allowed to use my plane number as my handle, so I am the original "annoying numbers guy".  

When I moved from AW (to Confirmed Kill, then to Warbirds and then) to Aces High, I chose 715 as my handle.  When Aces High came out of beta they had everyone pick a new handle (I don't remember why) so I became 715A.  Years later, in frustration, I quit.  When I restarted, I became 715B.

A lot of great stories, but I thought this one was especially cool.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Creton on November 26, 2009, 10:52:47 PM
Creton has been my nickname for many years.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BiPoLaR on November 26, 2009, 11:10:34 PM
Creton has been my nickname for many years.
newb  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: gyrene81 on November 27, 2009, 12:49:00 PM
Switched to lethrnek last month since some people have trouble pronouncing gyrene (ji-reen) in vox.

Pretty obvious:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: mtnman on November 27, 2009, 01:19:56 PM
When I started out in online flight sims, I actually started with MS CFS, and played it online a total of about two weeks before I started AH.  When I tried to log in on MS CFS, all I could think of were "generic" WWII names, and every one I came up with was already used.

Finally, out of desperation, I fell back on a different interest area of mine, which is the American fur trade, the rocky mountain aspects of it in particular.  I'd already been using the nickname of "mountain man" or "Mtnman", and figured no way in heck would somebody already be flying under that name.  

When I came to AH a few weeks later I just brought the name with me.  

It's a complicated name- often I get called "mitten-man" or "minute-man" (my wife laughed HARD at that one, for some reason.  She's warped).

You know when you go to the truck stops, restaurants, etc, and find all those little brochures for the local tourist spots, museums, etc?  Here's a picture of me, my wife, and kids (wife is holding son, daughters head is poking up behind my shoulder) that's been used as the cover for one (that was kind of neat to find, since we weren't told it was being used...  We just stumbled across it)-

And one taken during one of our shooting competitions-

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: StokesAk on November 27, 2009, 01:57:18 PM

No, not that, get your mind out of the gutter.

My first name is Stokes (wierd by its self) so one day my teacher called me Strokes and stuck.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: MrMeaty on November 27, 2009, 02:28:35 PM
I have a huge dong...... :banana:

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: B2B on November 27, 2009, 04:31:55 PM
My son and I are both named Bob. 2 Bobs became B2B. He got very busy working and taking care of his family so he never did play AH. I decided to keep the game ID because it was short and sweet.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: morfiend on November 27, 2009, 06:10:32 PM
 Well,I couldnt use the nickname my wife calls me,profanity filter, so somehow I came up with it.

 1 look at my avatar truely explains all! :devil

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nemisis on November 28, 2009, 07:10:45 PM
Lol, what DOES your wife call you?
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: StokesAk on November 28, 2009, 10:24:28 PM
Well mine name is from Spectacular :) I thought i would mix it up and put Spektor :)

Spektor is wrong i told him to. :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ABDCWOT on November 28, 2009, 10:38:19 PM
When I was in my twenties living w/a bunch of guys who liked beer as much as I, we joked around and said, "We should form a club."    :cheers:

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Slade on November 28, 2009, 11:33:19 PM
Slade are an English rock band. They were the top UK group of the 1970s. They were the first act to have three singles enter at #1, and all six of the Wolverhampton band's chart-topping stompers were penned by Noddy Holder and Jim Lea.

The group dominated the UK charts during the early 1970s. During the height of their success, Slade out-performed their chart rivals, such as Wizzard, Sweet, T. Rex, Suzi Quatro, Mud, Smokie, Gary Glitter, Roxy Music and David Bowie. In the UK, they achieved twelve Top 5 hit singles from 1971 to 1974, six of which topped the chart.

In total, Slade had seventeen Top 20 hits between 1971 and 1976 including six #1s, three #2s and two #3s. No other UK act of the period enjoyed such consistency in the UK Top 40 and Slade actually came the closest to matching The Beatles' twenty two Top 10 records in a single decade (1960s). Three of their singles entered the charts at #1 and they sold more singles in the UK than any other group of the 1970s. By 1973 alone, "Merry Xmas Everybody" had sold over one million copies globally, and gained gold disc status. They toured Europe in 1973 and the US in 1974.

Slade have released over thirty albums, three of which reached #1 on the UK Albums Chart.

While Slade's attempts at cracking the United States market were largely unsuccessful, they left their mark on several US bands who cite Slade as an influence. Kiss bassist Gene Simmons admitted that his band's early songwriting ethos and stage performance style was influenced by Slade. In his book, Kiss and Make-Up, Simmons wrote on page 85, "the one we kept returning to was Slade," and "we liked the way they connected with the crowd, and the way they wrote anthems... we wanted that same energy, that same irresistible simplicity. but we wanted it American-style".

Tom Petersson of Cheap Trick said that his band went to see Slade perform, and that they used "every cheap trick in the book", thus inadvertently coining his group's name. Cheap Trick covered the song "When the Lights are Out" (the original one appeared on Old New Borrowed and Blue) on their 2009 release, The Latest. Quiet Riot had US hits with their covers of "Cum On Feel the Noize" and "Mama Weer All Crazee Now". The origins of Slade's influence on Quiet Riot dated back to the early 1970s, when Kevin DuBrow photographed Slade during their first Los Angeles appearances at the Whisky a Go Go.

- Above Quoted From Wikipedia
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DMBEAR on November 29, 2009, 01:11:07 AM
I was asked to start up a 3rd wing for JG2.  I thought I'd go with a historical name since I thought that was a cool tribute to history. After a quick search for III/JG2 pilots I narrowed it down to a few.  I wanted to get a short name that was fun.  It came down to Egon Mayer, Hans "Assi" Hahn, or Otto Bertram.  I read a little bit on each and decided on Assi.  From what I read he was a great pilot and a sonofabeach prisoner for the Russians.  :neener:

I also knew it would give a laugh for those that appreciate the fact that I can be a total Assi.

I know there are a lot of WWII buffs on the game, I am not one of them.  I am happy that I have learned some basics about many of the planes and vehicles and their capabilities.  Looking up the names of all of you guys has also contributed to my tiny understanding of WWII.   :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: JunkyII on November 29, 2009, 05:53:27 AM
I was asked to start up a 3rd wing for JG2.  I thought I'd go with a historical name since I thought that was a cool tribute to history. After a quick search for III/JG2 pilots I narrowed it down to a few.  I wanted to get a short name that was fun.  It came down to Egon Mayer, Hans "Assi" Hahn, or Otto Bertram.  I read a little bit on each and decided on Assi.  From what I read he was a great pilot and a sonofabeach prisoner for the Russians.  :neener:

I also knew it would give a laugh for those that appreciate the fact that I can be a total Assi.

I know there are a lot of WWII buffs on the game, I am not one of them.  I am happy that I have learned some basics about many of the planes and vehicles and their capabilities.  Looking up the names of all of you guys has also contributed to my tiny understanding of WWII.   :salute
lol watch out Skuzzy will be getting back to work in a day :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Flench on November 29, 2009, 06:24:49 AM
Well when I teach people to shoot sometime's I will slip a Blank in to see if they Flinch . Could not get that name so I used flench . My on-line name is 2kool2 on all the other forum's , game's and so on but could not start out a user name with a number . Maybe if I call AH ? My old player name was GWD for George W#####  D## and in 2006 went with 2kool2 .
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: mcboi on November 29, 2009, 09:37:54 AM
mine came from the car i drive an 85 Monte Carlo and added the boi just to finish them name but now i suppose i can be the spokesman for McDonalds because everyone refers to me as McBoi lol got tired of telling everyone its supposes to be mc boi the "m" and the "c" pronounced like the letter lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 999000 on November 29, 2009, 10:29:23 AM
I was 9900 in AW......Just one dollar short......I'm stilll one dollar short in AH!..... 999000....the original number dweeb; Still looking for a good handle.
999000 <S>
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: edge12674 on November 29, 2009, 11:06:41 AM
TShark = Traffic shark

I'm a traffic cop.   :cool:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: mbailey on November 29, 2009, 11:19:34 AM
First initial and last, now that i look at it, I'm really not that creative   :(.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Sweet16 on November 29, 2009, 11:35:28 AM
My fathers airplane was named Sweet Sixteen it was a B-29
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Changeup on November 29, 2009, 11:46:12 AM
Played baseball as a pitcher at the University of Oklahoma....throwing the ball 90+ mph got me nowhere because I was missing the finest pitch in baseball.....the changeup.  It comes at you in many change, palm change, off-set 3 finger change, split finger change.  It seemed appropriate to name myself after a pitch I didnt have, while flying a plane I can't really fly, in battles that don't really exist and it was better than my Navy callsign - Horseshoe :rock


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Banshee7 on November 29, 2009, 12:02:35 PM
I started out as "ghost51."  "51" for obvious reasons, and Ghost because I thought I could come in for a quick kill and be gone before they knew what hit them. (that went really well for a n00b  :noid).  Soon changed to Ghost208 (208 added for the first squad I joined [whom actually recruited me on my first day online]).  After becoming infamous and hated by all due to my immature mouth and affiliations with other immature adults, I decided to try and get a new start (this is all within my first 6 months in the game).  I thought about it for a while, but I couldn't quite come up with a name I liked.  After looking through one of my books with WW2 Aviation paintings, I found exactly what I was looking for:

"Showdown Over Berriere" by Roy Grinnell

"Banshee" - somewhat similar to ghost, AND it was on a 51.  BINGO!

Name has stuck ever since, and I will have played Aces High for three years in March.


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DMBEAR on November 29, 2009, 01:04:00 PM
lol watch out Skuzzy will be getting back to work in a day :D

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: A8balls on November 29, 2009, 02:09:22 PM
I fly with the Aces & 8s, plus I got balls.  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Chapel on November 29, 2009, 05:24:20 PM
A fictional Comic Book character that inspired terror through his villainy, and later turned to fighting evil.
Seemed fitting for some reason.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ATC on November 29, 2009, 09:51:41 PM
At the beginning of Aces High, from Air Warrior.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: branch37 on November 30, 2009, 12:24:12 AM
Branch is my first name and 37 is my lucky number  :cheers:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: jollyFE on November 30, 2009, 09:58:41 AM
when I started palying,  was still active duty.  Decided something to reflect my job so
jolly ( for our units callsign jolly(HH-60G's), because we were the jolly greens....anyone familiar with csar will know it), and FE for my job... Flight Engineer.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: OOZ662 on November 30, 2009, 10:49:06 AM
I've used mine everywhere since I was 7.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: thumless on November 30, 2009, 01:36:05 PM
Lost most of my left thumb in an accident while working at a wielding shop in 1985 when I was 19.
My friends would at times refer to me as "Thumb less"  so any time I needed a call sign or the such in flight games I would use Thumbless.  I always thought it was unique.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Coach on November 30, 2009, 02:04:26 PM

I flew to Mirimar in the early 90s while a friend was in TopGun school.  In the evenings we would visit the local bars and I would listen as his classmates and he would recount the days dogfights.  They informed me that callsigns are not picked, but given to you by your squad.  My friend knew I flew online flight sims and decided I needed a callsign.  Since my last name is Haden.......... I was given the callsign Coach..... from the TV show.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RedTop on November 30, 2009, 05:12:38 PM
I have Red hair...been called RedTop all my life....easy to pick.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 68Wooley on November 30, 2009, 06:52:28 PM
Wooley comes from Major Woolly, Squadron Leader in Derek Robinson's classic novel on WW1 aviaton 'Goshawk Squadron'.

Book starts with the Major watching each member of his squadron landing their SE5a in turn and announcing to the world 'I hate that bas****'

For the record, I actually quite like some of the 68th... ;) :D

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Latrobe on December 01, 2009, 03:49:35 AM
I wanna know how the HTC crew got their names!  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Joc on December 01, 2009, 04:41:07 AM
 Mine comes from AW when I flew as 'Jockey' which was a radio call sign for a squadron flying out of Duxford in WW2,I shortened it to Joc,nothing at all to do with straps...... :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Treize69 on December 01, 2009, 06:42:53 AM
I wanna know how the HTC crew got their names!  :D

HiTech works with High Tech stuff.
Skuzzy is Skuzzlebutt, Lord of the Mountain (behold his Patrick Duffy leg).
Pyro regularly gets disgruntled and threatens to burn the place down (and he believes you have his stapler).
Sudz needs to have his mouth washed out with soap.
Rosie is Riveting.
Waffle is either indecisive or delicious with syrup, not sure which.
Superfly has watched a few too many Joe Cartoons.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: dmdchief on June 17, 2010, 04:35:28 PM
I really want to know about the aces hhigh staff, they have had months to think up answers, he he he he
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Rhah on June 17, 2010, 08:12:09 PM
Got mine from the movie Platoon. The name came from this giant crazy guy whom managed to live through the battle at the end of the movie. The best part about him though, is that he had a stick with tons of barbed wire wrapped around the end  :rofl
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: TW9 on June 17, 2010, 08:15:40 PM
<<--- Avatar says it all.. Miss ya teddy. frozen head and all :(
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: bravoa8 on June 17, 2010, 08:19:59 PM
I dunno why I picked my name. :headscratch:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: USRanger on June 17, 2010, 08:23:43 PM
I'm a 12 year old Chinese schoolgirl who just wanted to fit in. :uhoh
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: steely07 on June 17, 2010, 08:45:36 PM
It's what my friends call me IRL :)

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Ardy123 on June 17, 2010, 09:07:39 PM
Well my birth name is 123, and ardy was just some thing I stole from the US army line.. "ardy - king of battle" which is in reference to artillery.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 321BAR on June 17, 2010, 09:10:37 PM
321 came from every name me and my dad flew as in Air Warrior and Aces High except the old AH name, megoboom :D

the B.A.R. has always been my favorite weapon from WWII even if it was not the best.

therefore 321 came in when i took over completely from my dad, and BAR ended my name out of my enthusiasm of the weapon :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Spikes on June 17, 2010, 09:11:43 PM
Takeo Spikes, NFL football player.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: TUK on June 17, 2010, 09:29:24 PM
Takeo Spikes, NFL football player.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Mongoose on June 17, 2010, 09:32:21 PM
  From the cartoon, "Ricky Tiki Tavi".  My first flying game was Wing Commander.  I had to name my pilot, so I named him Rick Tavi, callsign, Mongoose. 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: shotgunneeley on June 17, 2010, 09:33:02 PM
Lets just say I didn't get the name "Shotgun" by supporting the PETA agenda...
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nemisis on June 17, 2010, 10:01:02 PM
Got mine because I imagined that this would be easy to learn, and I would be sweeping the skys. Turns out I'm a great tanker instead of a great pilot. My tank gunnery is great, while my ACM is mediocre at best. I'm best with scissors, which would explain my love of the 190, and my adversion to the N1K2, spitfires, and zeeks.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Letalis on June 17, 2010, 10:44:25 PM

Latin Adjective

1. deadly, fatal, mortal

I was in a ROTC classroom and got into a friendly philosophical debate with a very eloquent 3-Star who was visiting the Det.  He asked what the difference was between a cop who shoots a person dead and an Air Force aircraft killing many with bombs.  I said it was the same basic act of killing, mattering little to the person(s) dead and was neither morally good or evil of itself since "justice" is hardly derived from a given act itself but by other means.  His take was that the difference was scope or "LETHALITY" except he left out the H every time he said the word. Since the latin adjective is close to his English and since I kill many a cartoon victim w/airplanes...Letalis was born! DUM-DUM-DUMMM :O

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DaCoon on June 17, 2010, 10:47:11 PM
I'm another "just look at my avatar"      :devil
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: AAJagerX on June 17, 2010, 11:22:49 PM
<-- Self explanatory.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: oakranger on June 18, 2010, 12:41:55 AM
Got mind is because it is the national tree and you will remember that name after i shoot you down. 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: potsNpans on June 18, 2010, 06:42:20 AM
Got mind is because it is the national tree and you will remember that name after i shoot you down. 
Heh, and all this time I thought it was because oak gave such a nice flavor to your bbq smoked meat.

picked mine just because it reminds me of food, and I like bbq. Also it reminds me of my ex, who chose the pan or pot as her weapon of choice which when I think of it keeps me in a battle ready frame of mind.  :O  :bolt:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: whipster22 on June 18, 2010, 07:16:15 AM
Making fun of my last name i hve been thinking about changing it to YOURMAMA
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: rpm on June 18, 2010, 07:32:32 AM
"I am not one of them hot-dog pilots. I am the Hot Dog Man himself." - Gordon Cooper
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: IronDog on June 18, 2010, 08:20:21 AM
When I flew AW'er I owned a Doberman named Sundance.I took Dobe as my cpid,and my son was DobeJr while we were with the Nightmares.AW'er got hosed by EA...Oh how I dislike them!I had been flying Aces High Beta a bit,so it was easy for me when the Mare's came over after AW'er stopped.My son stopped flying,I quit the Mare's and bounced around.Quit for awhile,came back as IronDog.My son came back a short while ago,and now you have Dobey and DobeyJr winging it again.I have some RL problems going on so I don't fly much anymore,but that's my story,and yes I loved that doberman.Cancer got him back in 2005,and I have a picture of him and me to gather,right in front of my monitor.Happier times!
Great Grandpa Dobey
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Changeup on June 18, 2010, 08:21:21 AM
Heh, and all this time I thought it was because oak gave such a nice flavor to your bbq smoked meat.

Hey...I secret for you if you like smoked BBQ....go get, or order it online, Cajun Injector "cajun shake" for a rub for all your smoked will pass out with joy.

picked mine just because it reminds me of food, and I like bbq. Also it reminds me of my ex, who chose the pan or pot as her weapon of choice which when I think of it keeps me in a battle ready frame of mind.  :O  :bolt:

This statement is PURE GREATNESS.  All this time I thought it was because you loved Wolfgang Puck.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: jd on June 18, 2010, 09:23:23 AM
Just take a look around you in the world today............

MajChaos :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fbWldcat on June 18, 2010, 09:28:41 AM
My favorite sports team, the Kentucky Wildcats  :aok

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SAJ73 on June 18, 2010, 10:25:20 AM
SAJ is my initials, and I was born in 73.. Yes, it really is that simple..
Most people struggle with pronouncing the SAJ part, so I often go under the name SA, witch is just fine by me. So I kept with it, see no need to confuse any further by changing my name.  :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: oakranger on June 18, 2010, 11:49:09 AM
Heh, and all this time I thought it was because oak gave such a nice flavor to your bbq smoked meat.

picked mine just because it reminds me of food, and I like bbq. Also it reminds me of my ex, who chose the pan or pot as her weapon of choice which when I think of it keeps me in a battle ready frame of mind.  :O  :bolt:

I tried to oak wood to smoke my BBQ, it really dose not add flavor to it.  But that could be because of the type of oak that was used.  should look in other kinds of oak. 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: swift on June 18, 2010, 11:57:52 AM
other ppl gave me my id now, timid. think i use auto-level too much in my pony
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Lepape2 on June 18, 2010, 12:00:20 PM
I was bullied a lot when I was in high school about 10years ago and had an idiotic tendency to say stupid things for my defense. Word got around that I was Christian (not good new where I live) and one guy was sure I was going to become "the pope" one day (Means le Pape in French). Told myself, what heck, screw him, he want me to be a pope? Then I'll be (a virtual) one!

My E-Mail starts with Lepape and used it ever since. Lepape is also a French Last name. The 2 is for being annoyed about websites telling me the ID is already in use.
Older user names were Pilote>Tardif in the EA Battlefield series (gents thought I called myself reTARDed but it was my Last name) and Pacific-Killer in some others.

Only 3 or 4 people in AH know this... but since most people here have some common sense, I less risk myself to another "gaming suicide".
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Slash27 on June 18, 2010, 12:03:38 PM
I wanna know how the HTC crew got their names!  :D

I met sudz at a con and his name became instantly self explanatory.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: TinmanX on June 18, 2010, 12:51:23 PM
I just smoke a lot and thanks to my doctor and the wonderful state of Oregon, I'm legally entitled to do so.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BoilerDown on June 18, 2010, 01:07:38 PM
I previously attended (and now since I started playing AH, am attending again) Purdue University, home of the Boilermakers.  I also get shot down a lot (double meaning).  Combine those two and you get Boilerdown, in-game shortened to Boildown.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RipRap on June 18, 2010, 01:32:50 PM
I am a Civil Engineer.

Riprap — also known as rip rap, shot rock or rock armour — is rock or other material used to armor shorelines, streambeds, bridge abutments, pilings and other shoreline structures against scour, water or ice erosion. Riprap works by absorbing and deflecting the impact of a wave before the wave reaches the defended structure.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fbWldcat on June 18, 2010, 01:43:36 PM
I am a Civil Engineer.

Riprap — also known as rip rap, shot rock or rock armour — is rock or other material used to armor shorelines, streambeds, bridge abutments, pilings and other shoreline structures against scour, water or ice erosion. Riprap works by absorbing and deflecting the impact of a wave before the wave reaches the defended structure.

Thats pretty damn cool
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: grumpy37 on June 18, 2010, 02:49:16 PM
Some say its cause im angry, some say its my attitude.  If anyone has every watched Snow White you may remember some of grumpy's comments about women in general.  That is when i fell in love with the little guy.  It is my name in here, it is on my license plate to my truck and......  Well if i knew how to post an image i would show you my tattoo that i drew...

Oh and no the 37 is not my age, close but not yet.  Anyone figure out what it stands for?
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RipRap on June 18, 2010, 02:58:01 PM
Snow White was released in 1937.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: redwing7 on June 18, 2010, 03:13:05 PM
<---- yes the team, not the snack :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: uptown on June 18, 2010, 03:14:02 PM
I got mine from the CIA F16 training program.  :noid
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: grumpy37 on June 18, 2010, 04:45:00 PM
Snow White was released in 1937.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Pongo on June 18, 2010, 04:56:20 PM
Pongo is what the Canadian infantry called themselves when I was one.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: caldera on June 18, 2010, 05:04:10 PM
My game ID is Snuggie.  In real life, I'm a blanket with sleeves.

When it's cold and you are out at the bar beer-goggling over some snaggle; I'm all over your girlfriend.     :devil
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BulletVI on June 18, 2010, 06:20:34 PM
lol My name was given to me in a more simple manor lol. I used 2 do some racing when i was younger and you may guess what type of racing  ;)
Around 9 years ago now i did some racing. After some victory's and quick times i was given the nickname Bullet. As you may have guessed it has now stuck with me all these years. so when i joined aces high 2 i picked Bullet as my name. Then once i was invited to MerlinVI's squad i was able to Change to BulletVI. Man it feels like yesterday i got the name Bullet Man those where some fast time's  :x :bolt: :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: AAJagerX on June 18, 2010, 06:39:49 PM
<---- yes the team, not the snack :D

 :rofl :uhoh
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Tarstar on June 18, 2010, 07:06:02 PM
For my first week I was a #'s guy.. I was also having major issues with landing.. So I thought about what it looks like when an A/C smacks down on the runnway way too fast and hard.. Well, it leaves a big black "star" on the "tar"... And there you have it..  :airplane:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nefarious on June 18, 2010, 07:36:32 PM
I had the nickname Buster during my childhood and teenage years, but when I went to create a handle back in 2000, Buster had been taken.

I thought a little bit and decided to go with Nefarious, but it had to be shortened to Nefari, because back then the character limit was 6.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Gorf13 on June 18, 2010, 07:57:39 PM
No idea how i came up with "Gorf", :headscratch: just pulled it outta me arse for the 2 week trial and it stuck.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Dogtown on June 18, 2010, 10:56:37 PM
Dogtown is a oldschool skateboard ....skating and surfing is alot like flying but now i got guns ha !!!
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nemisis on June 19, 2010, 01:05:55 AM
My game ID is Snuggie.  In real life, I'm a blanket with sleeves.

When it's cold and you are out at the bar beer-goggling over some snaggle; I'm all over your girlfriend.     :devil

Oh dear god, caldera's been shooting me down the whole time? Never woulda guessed it.

And thats not a bad way to live, provided you're careful about what you catch (hehehe, doble meaning :D).
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: caldera on June 19, 2010, 08:25:25 AM
I'm still on my two week trial and haven't shot anyone down yet.  I may have bombed your GV a few times though.  :devil
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: IronDog on June 19, 2010, 08:30:19 AM
Played baseball as a pitcher at the University of Oklahoma....throwing the ball 90+ mph got me nowhere because I was missing the finest pitch in baseball.....the changeup.  It comes at you in many change, palm change, off-set 3 finger change, split finger change.  It seemed appropriate to name myself after a pitch I didnt have, while flying a plane I can't really fly, in battles that don't really exist and it was better than my Navy callsign - Horseshoe :rock


 OU thats a neat story.In baseball I played 1st base,and I hated pitchers that had good off speed pitches.Our coach was a look for the fastball first,and you can adjust if you don't get one type.I don't know how many times I looked foolish when a savvy pitcher fed me a off speed pitch,with me looking for a fastball.I took this lesson to fast pitch softball,and even though I wasn't all that fast,I got a lot of batters out with a knuckleball and a slow drop.You can throw the ball 95 mph,but if that's all you got,the good hitters will find you!
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DadRabit on June 19, 2010, 09:00:20 AM

From the book YEAGER.  Daddy Rabbit was the name of a P-51D Mustang that was soon to be Yeager's plane.  Too many letters, so shortened it to DadRabit   :aok

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: jolly22 on June 19, 2010, 09:02:21 AM


Best Squadron that ever lived :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: redcatcherb412 on June 19, 2010, 09:05:23 AM
(redctchr)  Redcatcher ...  Brigade name for the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, Vietnam.  A great Heliborne Assault unit to fight in.  Where I learned that infantry company strength stateside usually  300-400 men were a myth in a combat area where company strength was usually 90-100 souls.          
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: jolly22 on June 19, 2010, 09:08:43 AM


Best Squadron that ever lived :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Changeup on June 19, 2010, 01:11:32 PM
 OU thats a neat story.In baseball I played 1st base,and I hated pitchers that had good off speed pitches.Our coach was a look for the fastball first,and you can adjust if you don't get one type.I don't know how many times I looked foolish when a savvy pitcher fed me a off speed pitch,with me looking for a fastball.I took this lesson to fast pitch softball,and even though I wasn't all that fast,I got a lot of batters out with a knuckleball and a slow drop.You can throw the ball 95 mph,but if that's all you got,the good hitters will find you!

Dobey...I was low 90's on my best days and in High school that was good enough.  At the Div 1 level...that is just a bit better than ordinary without something off-speed to enhance it (fork, slow-curve, slider, or a changeup).  Guys at that level will work the count on you if you're a fastball a pitcher, if you get ahead in the count the batter KNOWS that you are NOT going to throw a strike...he knows you will try to get him to reach with a pitch close to the strike zone or just plain fool him with a real crappy pitch.  Well, quickly the count is 2-2 and now, as a pitcher thats' out-pitch (that was almost my in-game name) is a fastball, he knows whats coming and can sit on it and wait.  That is when you get crushed because everyone at that level can hit a mid 90's fastball...with very few exceptions.

If you think about it, its the same way in this game...there are pilots that are criminally good at BnZ (fastballs) and there are pilots that deceptively good on the deck stall-fighting (off speed).  The best pilots I can think of, Bruv, Grizz, DrBone, Lazer, Krupnski, Sunsfan, SHawk, Batfink, SkyRock, JunkyII (NuffSaid), perdweeb, Sunbatt and Dodger have BOTH pitches...they will kill you either way and in fact, can actually set you up for an off-speed pitch!!  They will hit you from above, dodge someone on the pass and lose a touch of E, go ahead and kill the other guy and bleed off most of their remaining E knowing that you are waiting to hit them when they appear most vulnerable...low and slow (off speed)..and then WHAMMO!  Here comes the changeup pitch and you are back in the tower.  If you have one competitive bone in your entire body, you are demoralized and left foolish after being struck out by a changeup or some form of off speed spoiler pitch OR being set up by one of those escapes no one.

Lots of similarities in the games :salute


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: IronDog on June 19, 2010, 03:31:05 PM
OU your right,the similarities are there.I love watching a pitcher who can hit spots,and get people out w/o a 95 mph fastball.Some of the better sticks in here can kill you in so many ways.The one thing they all seem to have in spades is good S.A.,and deadly accurate gunnery. 
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: phatzo on June 19, 2010, 06:01:20 PM
<---- yes the team, not the snack :D
what about the award?
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: redwing7 on June 19, 2010, 11:13:48 PM
what about the award?

same as the "snack" :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: dhart on June 19, 2010, 11:26:31 PM
1 LT in the Civil Air Patrol

Where are you from? I used to be in it too back when I was a teenager, and was a 2nd Lt.  :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: GunRunner82 on June 20, 2010, 12:41:04 AM
Current gamerid is a variation of my callsign in iraq. GunRunr82G (last G meaning Gunner) Just check the avatar next to my name....that is me and my .50cal

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BrownBaron on June 20, 2010, 02:29:31 AM

Absolutely no idea. Wasn't random. Knew I wanted it. But it wasn't premeditated either.

Not sure how it's pronounced, but I don't enjoy the pervertions "bye", "bi", "bye-arf", "Bee-why", or "B guy".

"Barf", or "Berf" are preferred.  :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: MickDono on June 20, 2010, 04:28:22 AM
Apparently my name bears resemblance to a small fast food establishment.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: dmdchief on June 20, 2010, 08:10:30 AM
Current gamerid is a variation of my callsign in iraq. GunRunr82G (last G meaning Gunner) Just check the avatar next to my name....that is me and my .50cal



Frank Williams
ab8aac out
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: guncrasher on June 20, 2010, 09:20:01 AM
My current I'd is semp short for semper fi.   used that I'd in aw but there I was known in my squad for two things.  I was an awesome buff gunner and I could not land any plane all I culd do is crash.  So I combined both into Guncrasher due to somebody else was using semp.  When it became available I just switched back to semp.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: AAIbyteu on June 20, 2010, 11:05:01 AM
Have had some form of “Byte” since Air Warrior days.  :old: Have been in computers forever it seems and always thought it was a stupid word.  Could not use my old CB handle  “Galactic Banana”  so Byte it is. :banana:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: phatzo on June 20, 2010, 11:33:57 PM
My current I'd is semp short for semper fi.   used that I'd in aw but there I was known in my squad for two things.  I was an awesome buff gunner and I could not land any plane all I culd do is crash.  So I combined both into Guncrasher due to somebody else was using semp.  When it became available I just switched back to semp.

all this time I thought it was a three stooges reference.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 1pLUs44 on June 21, 2010, 06:08:25 AM
Named after the band +44, usually named after bands I like on pretty much anything I use whenever it comes to games.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Stampf on June 21, 2010, 08:28:15 AM
No brainer. - It's in the blood. The real 'Stampf' .


Oberstleutnant (Lt. Col.) Daniel 'Stampf' Stampfli

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SEseph on June 21, 2010, 09:15:54 AM
I love the Final Fantasy saga, trilogy, what ever it has become these days. Anyway, I thought when I started AW it would be easy to be the best. So, being the invincible teen we all were/still are, I figured why not use the name of a killer bad guy from FF, so Seph was born out of the need to shorten Sephiroth.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Digr1 on June 21, 2010, 09:30:41 AM
got mine through usaf callsign it was just Digr1 then the DR was added later
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Changeup on June 21, 2010, 10:31:35 AM
OU your right,the similarities are there.I love watching a pitcher who can hit spots,and get people out w/o a 95 mph fastball.Some of the better sticks in here can kill you in so many ways.The one thing they all seem to have in spades is good S.A.,and deadly accurate gunnery. 

UPDATE:  OU 4, S. Carolina 3....Round 1 of the College World Series ....Boomer Sooner.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: swoose on June 21, 2010, 10:55:51 AM
My Dad flew 52 missions over Germany in a B-26. One of the planes he flew was named the Swoose (see avatar). It was a duck that flew backwards and only cared where it had been not where it was going.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: vafiii on June 21, 2010, 03:05:23 PM
My actual game ID is "stainman." I only use vafiii for the forums. Anyway, one morning me my business partner and I were driving on I-95 to a very important business meeting in New Jersey. Before we hit the highway we stopped at the Bagel King and picked up some bagels with cream cheese and two large coffee's. We were making good time when we hit a traffic jam. At the same time the cream cheese and coffee were doing their dirty work on my digestive system and in no time flat I was cramping up like a chick with her period. Hemmed in on all sides by commuters and eighteen-wheeler's, I succumbed to the immense pressure building in my intestines and crapped my pants. Needless to say my partner dubbed me the "stainman" and a legend was born!
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fbWldcat on June 21, 2010, 03:41:08 PM
 :rofl :rofl :rofl

Thank you for sharing, this gave me a much needed laugh. Not funny though.... some people think it is...... Horrible people
<-------  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: guncrasher on June 21, 2010, 07:40:35 PM
I believe Confucius said : "he who denies ever crapping in his pants, has never washed his own underwear"

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Reaper90 on June 21, 2010, 07:45:55 PM
UPDATE:  OU 4, S. Carolina 3....Round 1 of the College World Series ....Boomer Sooner.


Congrats on your defeat of USuC, the shame of athletics in my beloved state.

We'll be seeing you all tomorrow night.  :)


CU Alum, 1995
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ElGuapo1 on June 21, 2010, 08:01:59 PM
Well lets see..back in Dec 2000 i signed up w/ HTC.My handle was "Mullet1"..(Had a Mullet for like 10 yrs at this point) it to "ElGuapo"..just for the simple fact that the movie 3 amigos made me laugh my arse off.Been here since..And yes..I have a plethora of sweaters :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fudgums on June 21, 2010, 08:16:08 PM
Well lets see..back in Dec 2000 i signed up w/ HTC.My handle was "Mullet1"..(Had a Mullet for like 10 yrs at this point) it to "ElGuapo"..just for the simple fact that the movie 3 amigos made me laugh my arse off.Been here since..And yes..I have a plethora of sweaters :aok

Shawks brother?
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: guncrasher on June 21, 2010, 08:54:14 PM
Shawks brother?

now I know why he hangs around betty  :noid.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: perdue3 on June 22, 2010, 12:50:14 PM
perdue + dweeb = perdweeb

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Masherbrum on June 22, 2010, 01:20:23 PM
I haven't a clue.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Changeup on June 22, 2010, 04:40:33 PM
Congrats on your defeat of USuC, the shame of athletics in my beloved state.

We'll be seeing you all tomorrow night.  :)


CU Alum, 1995

Well, its tomorrow and its shaping up to be a duel between Clemson (the hottest team in the CWS) and the Sooners of Oklahoma (Averaging 10 runs a game for the season and the CWS) and is what will become an instant ESPN Classic before it even starts...Good luck Clemson...

Boomer Sooner....Class of 1987

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: tpownall on June 23, 2010, 02:40:22 PM

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Glen69 on June 24, 2010, 08:17:20 AM
Glen - short for my full nick name Glendinho (Thanks to Football (Soccer))
69 - From the Birth year of my mother 1969

simples  :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: DmonSlyr on June 24, 2010, 10:27:32 AM
Violater..... violating your right to flyyy
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ebfd11 on June 25, 2010, 10:50:28 AM
I had different handles but for some reason i finally took one that exemplifies my flying ability, that is why I am now LawnDart. nuff said
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ink on June 25, 2010, 03:35:51 PM

usurper - FROM A Conan book.


ink- that S WHAT i DO FOR A LIVING ie: tATTOO








so what is a easy way of switching it around...instead of rewriting it? is there a way?

ith not a tumor.....
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RTHolmes on June 25, 2010, 05:09:47 PM
ink theres a reason why newspapers, books etc dont use allcaps - its just completely unreadable. just FYI :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BrownBaron on June 25, 2010, 05:11:57 PM
ink theres a reason why newspapers, books etc dont use allcaps - its just completely unreadable. just FYI :)

Yet...I've seen military documents that do....odd.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ink on June 25, 2010, 05:12:12 PM
ink theres a reason why newspapers, books etc dont use allcaps - its just completely unreadable. just FYI :)

it's all caps? :rofl

i use a custom font so I cant see it oh crap sorry :cry
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: RTHolmes on June 25, 2010, 05:15:36 PM
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Nemisis on June 26, 2010, 06:46:46 PM
lol ink. that would explain why its so small I had to zoom to 180% to get a good look.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SIK1 on June 26, 2010, 09:54:20 PM
When I first joined Air Warrior Radcam was my first choice, and had been left on many vidoe game machines in arcades across the west, but it was already taken and every name I tried after that was unavailable.

As I remember it you had to pick a handle and a cpid. and after a while I came up with splatter as my handle since that was what I seemed to do most often, but it was too long to be my cpid so I tried sick1 e.g. splatter ewww sick1 but sick1 was taken. Then basically out of desperation ( I really wanted too get my fighter pile-it career going now) I typed in SIK1, it wasn't being used and that's been my  handle ever since.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Zeagle on June 27, 2010, 08:37:52 PM
My dive gear is Zeagle (BC and regs anyway)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: 1sum41 on June 28, 2010, 01:37:00 AM
if yall remember 1plus44. well hes a good buddy of mine so i put mine as one of my favorite bands and put a 1 in front of it. like he did his. :bolt:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Vinkman on June 28, 2010, 09:54:37 AM

A lot of folks online thinks it's Bill Murray's character from the movie Ghost Busters, but it's not. His name was Peter Venkman.  18 years ago I came to work for a company that has cubicles, and ID badges. Every cubicle has a name plate on the outside so people can find in the cubicle rat maze. The guy in charge of ordering cubicle nameplates, and ID badges was an old guy who was about as sharp as the blunt end of a banana. When all my IDs arrive, the "e" in missing from Vince so everyone thinks my name is Vinc, and they start pronouncing it VinK. Of course it stuck and despite spelling corrections that quickly followed, for 18 years everyone has called me Vink. Some then nicknamed the nickname and call me Ice-man, or Bat-man I suppose.

On-line check six calls are always interesting. "Viking check six", or "Vikeman, check six"     

But I'm just happy to get a check <S> and figure as often as I get poached, if the name has a V and a K in it, I just break.  :D

Good thread by the way.  :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Vulgar on June 28, 2010, 10:49:24 AM
I was playing FA as ReapALL and moved to AH in late 1999 or 2000. I played AH as ReapALL till one weekend, I got up early Saturday or Sunday planning on playing all day and night. I was at my height of my AH addiction!

I could not login, I tried everything, but to no avail. I was jittery and pissed, could not figure out what was wrong, nothing worked, no password email nothing. It was the weekend, the office was closed. I started cussing up a storm, I could not login to get some kills! So I thought screw it, I will start a new account for the weekend and get it straightened out later the next week.

Well I kept trying out names, of course all of the names I tried were already taken. I was already pissed from being denied my fix!  I kept cussing more and more as I tried more names. I was getting really vulgar, then it hit me, vulgar, and it worked! I was up in the air in no time getting my fix!

I planned on getting my old name back, but after a few days, I kinda liked my new name. My GF and her friends said it was more fitting for me, since I cuss so much! Yes I woke my GF up that morning cussing so loud, she asked me later what I was cussing about so early in the morning!


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Reschke on June 28, 2010, 01:21:10 PM


Best Squadron that ever lived :)

You got that part right now come fly with us all the time!
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Reschke on June 28, 2010, 01:23:10 PM
I don't remember what I used when I played AW. Too long in the past and somethings are better left uncovered I would imagine and I know I used the same name from AW in Warbirds.

When I joined up in Fighter Ace back in 1999 I joined as Six. That became LJK_Six when I joined up with LuftJagerKorps (LJK) in FA since I was the 6th person to join up coincidentally. Then I switched over to LJK_Reschke because I had always liked the little LW oberfeldwebel who flew with Geschwaderstab JG301. I was a numbers dude in my time in the AH Beta at that point. Then when LJK made the switch I had to change my name to LJKResch. When LJK closed up shop and I started VF-17 back in September of 2002 I changed my name to Reschke to make it simpler and its been that way ever since.

Although I am thinking it might be time for a new name...who knows what it will end up as.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Simba on June 28, 2010, 05:21:12 PM
Back in the 1960s I was a long-haired redhead and the first (and only) student to grow a beard at my grammar school. A humourous schoolmate, a son of one of the old Kenya colonials, decided to call me by the Swahili word for lion - Simba - and it stuck. Now, I'm getting old 'n' the hair's turning white, but I've still got the beard and I'll continue to


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: caldera on June 28, 2010, 05:26:02 PM
Back in the 1960s I was a long-haired redhead and the first (and only) student to grow a beard at my grammar school.

How many years were you held back?   :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Simba on June 28, 2010, 06:29:14 PM
Held back? Na, just advanced for my age.


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: olds442 on June 29, 2010, 04:10:45 PM
<----- A C P is the first letters in my 1st name middel name and last name

442 is well what do you think......the one my dad has is a 72 442 with V8 twin supercharged and NOS
it will do mid 10s in 1/4 mile strip :aok :rock die mustangs DIE!!!! :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: morfiend on June 29, 2010, 05:10:19 PM
 Wow twin supercharged,are they stacked or side by side?

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: ink on June 29, 2010, 05:12:33 PM
Wow twin supercharged,are they stacked or side by side?


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Tarstar on June 29, 2010, 05:23:44 PM
Wow twin supercharged,are they stacked or side by side?

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Vudu15 on June 29, 2010, 06:29:07 PM
( Liked the general nature of the little fellow reminded me of myself but used it as a handle for xbox live, but changed the spilling to Vuduvince. so when it came time fora a name here took the first part of that name and my number designation for my MOS in the army 15T. and Thus Vudu15 was born.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Joker2 on June 30, 2010, 04:08:58 PM
Those of you who know me know its not because i'm funny.

Full Metal Jacket is one of my favorite movies.

Lead Character is "Joker"

Pretty simple right.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Ping on July 01, 2010, 05:53:19 AM
only just getting back into game at this point . I was looking for the sound effect of a round hitting steel... Ping

prob is i cant get mine to hit.   :x
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Flossy on July 02, 2010, 07:22:08 AM
In Norwegian sea folklore, the Kraken is an enormous sea monster which would sometimes attack ships and feed upon the sailors.
Oh so that' s where Kraken comes from!  There is a sea monster in World of Warcraft called Kraken, and one of my favourite 'daily' quests is to "Get Kraken!". I do like to find out where these names originate.  :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Masherbrum on July 02, 2010, 07:24:01 AM
Oh so that' s where Kraken comes from!  There is a sea monster in World of Warcraft called Kraken, and one of my favourite 'daily' quests is to "Get Kraken!". I do like to find out where these names originate.  :)

Howdy stranger!   :rock
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Flossy on July 02, 2010, 08:31:47 AM
Hi Karaya!  :)

My ID like many others goes back to my days of playing Air Warrior.  My husband had been playing AW on and off for quite a few years, leaving and then "bouncing back".  Also his favourite plane was the p38 but every time he landed it he would bounce several times.  He eventually decided to call himself Zebedee after a character from The Magic Roundabout - (, shortened to Zeb for the AW CPID.  When I started playing in 1998 I wanted something to associate me with him and therefore chose another character from The Magic Roundabout - Florence!  The only other female character was Ermintrude but I did not want to be named after a cow, for obvious reasons!  I had to shorten it for my CPID, Floss was taken so I spelt it with one 's' - Flos.  Though people with short IDs only saw the first 3 letters so I often got called Flo.  When I came to AH I decided to change to Flossy.  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Molsman on July 02, 2010, 08:15:18 PM
My name came from the Beer Molson Ice cause that was the beer I was drinking back when I got addicted to the flight sims and the name kinda stuck so my club Brothers Started to call me it
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: sandwich on July 02, 2010, 08:32:45 PM

I dont think we need to explain that one.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: The Fugitive on July 03, 2010, 09:34:09 AM
Hi Karaya!  :)

My ID like many others goes back to my days of playing Air Warrior.  My husband had been playing AW on and off for quite a few years, leaving and then "bouncing back".  Also his favourite plane was the p38 but every time he landed it he would bounce several times.  He eventually decided to call himself Zebedee after a character from The Magic Roundabout - (, shortened to Zeb for the AW CPID.  When I started playing in 1998 I wanted something to associate me with him and therefore chose another character from The Magic Roundabout - Florence!  The only other female character was Ermintrude but I did not want to be named after a cow, for obvious reasons!  I had to shorten it for my CPID, Floss was taken so I spelt it with one 's' - Flos.  Though people with short IDs only saw the first 3 letters so I often got called Flo.  When I came to AH I decided to change to Flossy.  :D

It always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I see that Flossy is still lurking around   :aok

EDIT: My name is way back HERE on Page 4 (,278750.msg3508574.html#msg3508574)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Rino on July 03, 2010, 03:08:12 PM
     My name is pretty simple, so I don't get many mispronounciations.  The Euro crowd sometimes gets
creative.  Sometimes I get Fon and back when I used Rino <short for Rhino, AW +Rino> I got Reno sometimes.
No biggie, I knew exactly who they were talking to.  :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: awrabbit on July 03, 2010, 03:25:38 PM
My family gave it to me :) dont know which one for sure.

I dont think they ever called me by my real name.  Perhaps they kept forgetting who I was? So they conditioned me to anser to anything. 

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: sandwich on July 03, 2010, 05:02:51 PM
My family gave it to me :) dont know which one for sure.

I dont think they ever called me by my real name.  Perhaps they kept forgetting who I was? So they conditioned me to anser to anything. 


Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: qcarech on July 04, 2010, 10:25:45 PM
Im a nascar fan and it matched my email so i wouldnt forget it, qcare short for dale jarrets Quality Care ford.
the ch is for the squad im in   chawks. QcareCh is end result     :cheers:
<<S>> qcarech
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Bizman on July 05, 2010, 03:18:26 PM
Geez! I've been following this thread for ages - well, at least half a year - thinking I've already punished you with my story. After a thorough search I found out I actually have, but in another thread. All you curious ones have to search it youself. No link today, sorry...

So... Once upon a time I needed to do some shopping at the local net auction service. My friend didn't want me to use his account for that one time (so I thought) affair, so I had to create a nick for myself. Little did I know I would use it after a decade in various occasions, even IRL. I find it kinda funny, when I'm referred to as Bizman to someone totally unaware of this kind of communities. There's a certain fellow pilot who has become a family friend, who even at his wedding party, called for his newlywed wife telling her "Bizman and his family are leaving!" Not to tell I've known her almost as long as him under totally different circumstancies...

Now, back to business... Oh, it seems I already told the story by that sentence: I used to work as a traveling B2B salesman for a total of 18 years, which led me to choose a nick referring both to my occupation and my gender. Must be a disappointment for those waiting for some kinky stuff. No, not me. I'm a good Christian and a trustworthy husband and father. If not dull, then at least boring...  :neener:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Stalwart on July 05, 2010, 05:31:17 PM
I asked everyone in the the room how they liked the call sign "stalwart" for flying with the Knights.  Everyone said it sucked.  So I used it anyway.  :neener:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BrownBaron on July 06, 2010, 07:05:46 PM
I asked everyone in the the room how they liked the call sign "stalwart" for flying with the Knights.  Everyone said it sucked.  So I used it anyway.  :neener:

I think it's a pretty bad bellybutton call. Of course, I'm a member of the quite probably small community of players who can actually define it.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SOAP on July 26, 2010, 02:35:22 PM
Well Unfortantly This is a nick name that stuck with me thru a few friends We went on a canoe trip to go camping well there is no camping on Gamelands  and  gamelands pretty much surround the rivers here. To make a long story short I was taking a bath in the river when Mr. Game officer told us to Get up there to give us a fine....So I did with Just a Bar of Lever Soap and nothing else. :0)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fbWldcat on July 26, 2010, 02:41:50 PM
Well Unfortantly This is a nick name that stuck with me thru a few friends We went on a canoe trip to go camping well there is no camping on Gamelands  and  gamelands pretty much surround the rivers here. To make a long story short I was taking a bath in the river when Mr. Game officer told us to Get up there to give us a fine....So I did with Just a Bar of Lever Soap and nothing else. :0)

You sure it had nothing to do with Modern Warfare 2?  :lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SOAP on July 26, 2010, 03:44:33 PM
I wish then I wouldnt of had to pay the fine lol.... but never played the game.. If I wasnt laid off I would of never played this one neither but its to late and now im hooked. I enjoy Die'n Alot  :banana:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: fbWldcat on July 26, 2010, 11:08:46 PM
Death has never been so addicting, huh?  :rofl
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: toodrunk on July 27, 2010, 12:02:14 AM
i forgetsh whys i chosed mines. shure i'ma remembers shoon. I'l let you knowsh
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Makoyouidiot on July 27, 2010, 01:15:30 AM
My original Mako15 and the follow up MakoShrk are both pretty obvious, as I'm very fond of Mako Sharks. MattiasK comes from Mattias Kerensky, my name in another game, EVE Online, and I made it up after thinking about Alexander Kerensky, a figure in the old BattleTech universe. :)
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: W7LPNRICK on July 27, 2010, 01:16:58 AM
WildWzl-for Phantom F-4G wild weasels anti radar missile aircraft I worked on in the Air Force. They went in first before anything was down. They were used up until & mostly through the gulf war. During my time in they went from F-105G Thuds, F-4's, then later to F-16s, and probably a few others... During NAM...
The F-4D phantoms had a large fat radome on the nose & was heavier due to the pay-load of bombs usually carried. The "C's" were already lighter and faster, so a long sleek nose was fitted, the entire aircraft was lightened. The 105's worked with the F-100 in hunter killer teams which was copied later by 105's and 4's, then F-4G's and F-16C falcons. The slower aircraft would go in and get "Locked on" then the later would fire. Great Tactics in Viet-Nam, & Iraq.  :salute
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Simba on July 27, 2010, 06:14:33 AM
"i forgetsh whys i chosed mines. shure i'ma remembers shoon. I'l let you knowsh"


Splendid stuff, Toodrunk!
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Wyatt134 on August 11, 2016, 09:37:07 AM
I got my name from my dad awrabbit creating me E-mail on yahoo over time it went from wyattestes1 to wyatt134 but i mostly go by Superbee3834 from steam
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Wyatt134 on August 11, 2016, 09:40:07 AM
i dont have much story about this game since im really really new and i cant download it cause my internet kills the download but when i get to florida hopefully it will be better
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: madrid311 on August 11, 2016, 01:16:37 PM
I like westerns and gunfighters. I chose GunFTR 2 years ago when i joined aces high. Gunfighter was my name in the 2 years prior playing air attack. I chose that name based on the p51 "gunfighter" war bird and as a homage to the gunfighter spirit in us all.  I still suck, but i love the name.  "Draw!"

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: JunkyII on August 12, 2016, 09:03:47 AM
I use to smoke a lot of Marijuana...don't know why I liked the name but it stuck....Oh and it's Junky 2...not JunkyLL :D
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Lusche on August 12, 2016, 09:07:52 AM
I use to smoke a lot of Marijuana..

Seems to have affected your long term  memory, as you had already posted in this thread before  :P

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: JunkyII on August 12, 2016, 09:09:57 AM
Seems to have affected your long term  memory, as you had already posted in this thread before  :P

Crap....I thought it would make me a super human like Michael Phelps  :(
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: puller on August 12, 2016, 09:15:41 AM
I had read the book Marine! The life and times of Chesty Puller before I saw the ad on the military channel for this game...I thought we were supposed to have historical WWII names...and like Junky my in-game name is puller2 not pullerLL  :confused:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: donnieboy on August 12, 2016, 02:34:43 PM
Wanted something that was of some historical significance so did a little research and found this:


...and BONUS, it's my name  :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: USCH on August 12, 2016, 02:43:22 PM
Makayla is my daughter's name, so given the fact that we can only have tags that are 7 caricatures or less I thought it was fitting for the side of my cartoon aircraft. Just like nose art on a real WWII aircraft.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: tmetal on August 12, 2016, 02:53:35 PM
( (
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Tracerfi on August 12, 2016, 04:39:10 PM
Makayla is my daughter's name, so given the fact that we can only have tags that are 7 caricatures or less I thought it was fitting for the side of my cartoon aircraft. Just like nose art on a real WWII aircraft.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Shuffler on August 12, 2016, 04:51:30 PM
Some think it relates to cards and aces but.....

I got mine going from here to there.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: hgtonyvi on August 12, 2016, 04:55:42 PM
Anyone notice this thread has been dated back since 2009?   :x
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Ramesis on August 13, 2016, 04:15:18 PM
It should come as know surprise... I am facinated with ancient Eygpt!
Having visited the pyramids when living in Turkey, the hieroglyphs, ruins
and tombs hooked me.
Soooo... I picked the ID name from the famous Pharoah Ramsis II.
And btw... for those that complain I spell Ramsis incorrectly,
I suggest you take a look at the glyph for ms. It transliterates as
ms... nothing between the m and the s  :neener:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: bozon on August 14, 2016, 01:20:13 AM
Back in 2001 I was an undergraduate physics student. All my usernames to various stuff were names of particles, because that was easy to remember.

AH was my first online game, so I did not want to look like a nerd by calling myself Boson, so I spelled it with a "z" like the cool H4XX0R kids would do.

It didn't really work :(
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Lab Rat 3947 on August 14, 2016, 02:05:48 AM
My parents met in 1943 on the P-38 assembly line at Lockheed, in Burbank.

I only fly the three variants of the Lightning.

My last name is Ryder.

I took it a step further with my noseart.
My 38 is called Devil Doll.
The artwork is Bettie Page as a devil, riding a green lightning bolt. 80th FS color.

AH is the only game I play.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: TwinBoom on August 14, 2016, 10:05:19 AM
cough cough necro bump
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Tumor on August 14, 2016, 03:37:25 PM
Grabbed a dictionary, closed my eyes, opened dictionary, jammed my index finger on a page, opened eyes... "Tumor".  I thought, what the hell, why not?
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Brooke on August 14, 2016, 04:40:31 PM
Have had lots and lots of questions about my name.  I fly out of the sun and bite these. 

Doesn't the glass chip your teeth?
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: PropNut on August 15, 2016, 12:53:57 AM
PropNut: since I spent many years working as an aircraft mechanic, working on many old warbirds ,radials and even a Reno racer P-63 , you can have all the jets just give me prop driven planes. Add to that I have collected movie props off and on for years so  the name works two ways.

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: LCADolby on August 15, 2016, 02:14:02 PM
Anyone notice this thread has been dated back since 2009?   :x

I'm not even going to bother looking through 20 pages to see if I posted already
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SPKmes on August 15, 2016, 02:32:09 PM

I'm not even going to bother looking through 20 pages to see if I posted already

you don't have to....there will be a little smiley in the left hand column if you have
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Brooke on August 15, 2016, 04:54:32 PM
you don't have to....there will be a little smiley in the left hand column if you have

That is so unfair.

They've just got given all, like, smileys and this, that, and everything else.  And I, like, haven't got given no smileys.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: elc7367b on August 16, 2016, 04:11:33 PM
Muttman:  United States Border Patrol K9 Handler/K9 Handler Instructor at the time I joined Aces High.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Bear76 on August 16, 2016, 05:18:08 PM
Bear1 through Bear75 was taken  :confused:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Invictus84 on August 16, 2016, 05:27:22 PM
From my favorite poem. (
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: JOACH1M on August 16, 2016, 06:14:19 PM
My last name, but it was taken. So I added a 1 lol
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Devil 505 on August 16, 2016, 09:09:41 PM
Jake Grafton's plane from "Flight of the Intruder"

The book is way better than the movie.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Invictus84 on August 16, 2016, 09:11:19 PM
Jake Grafton's plane from "Flight of the Intruder"

The book is way better than the movie.

Yep.  And the movie wasn't terrible!  :aok
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: MK-84 on August 16, 2016, 09:37:46 PM
Back in Air Warrior 3 I had to create a handle that was what I remember to be less than 7 characters?  So I picked MK84 after the 2000lb general purpose bomb that was my weapon of choice from my then other favorite game A-10 Cuba.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Vulcan on August 16, 2016, 10:08:34 PM
My godlike good looks and body.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Devil 505 on August 17, 2016, 12:38:24 AM
Yep.  And the movie wasn't terrible!  :aok

The movie is decent. That is why I first read the novel back in '97. It is still one of my favorites.

Funny story: I was visiting my step brother in Maine a coupe of years ago the week before Christmas. I was doing some gift shopping with my sister-in-law at some local music/movies/comic/book store and found an original printing of the novel and snatched it up for $20.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: hcrana on August 18, 2016, 09:24:06 AM
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Latrobe on August 18, 2016, 09:56:20 AM
I'm an alcoholic   :D :cheers:
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Xtrepid on August 18, 2016, 10:01:47 AM
Tried using Xcalibur when I first joined, and it was unavailable. So, I used an AOL email address abbreviation for Xcalibur Collectibles, LTD = XcalCo1

Joined the Hell Hounds (The Originals) and used XcalCo1 until the split of the squad.

Retooled the name into Xtrepid (Play on Intrepid... doh), and loved shooting down "Xcelsior" in his P38 with the "Old Osti"   :cheers:

X  :salute

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Devil 505 on August 18, 2016, 10:09:15 AM
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
At least tell us how to pronounce it correctly.  :devil
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: Alpo on August 18, 2016, 10:22:25 AM

SKFGAlpo:  I've been Alpo since flying in AirWarriorII back in '96  (holy crap... 20 years  :joystick:).  Added the SKFG for the SkyKnights Fighter Group when we had multiple squadrons.

Upon joining AirWarrior and flying for a couple of days and having my arse handed to me repeatedly, it was apparent that my handle had to reflect my abilities.  Since I was being turned into dog meat regularly, it seemed appropriate.    :aok

(Couldn't find any of my P38 nose arts... however, I did stumble across an old scenario one where we kept our kill counts on the rudder)

Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: BFOOT1 on August 19, 2016, 08:51:31 AM

SKFGAlpo:  I've been Alpo since flying in AirWarriorII back in '96  (holy crap... 20 years  :joystick:).  Added the SKFG for the SkyKnights Fighter Group when we had multiple squadrons.

Upon joining AirWarrior and flying for a couple of days and having my arse handed to me repeatedly, it was apparent that my handle had to reflect my abilities.  Since I was being turned into dog meat regularly, it seemed appropriate.    :aok

(Couldn't find any of my P38 nose arts... however, I did stumble across an old scenario one where we kept our kill counts on the rudder)

I've got some of my old profiles were we kept score on the nose (flying allies of course). I miss those big old scenarios
Title: Re: How'd you get your game ID?
Post by: SunBat on August 19, 2016, 12:20:27 PM
Doesn't the glass chip your teeth?

It took 7 years, but somebody finally got it!!!  :banana: