Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: Kazaa on December 22, 2009, 01:31:36 PM

Title: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 22, 2009, 01:31:36 PM
So, I just now stumbled across the following link ( while searching for BoB SoW info. Turns out WoP is being released for PC with additional content (better graphics, more planes etc). If you pre order the game you can play the beta version right now!

Graphics are a 10, but I'm not sure what online game play is like, let alone flight model. the planeset also looks a little thin of the British/US front, but I'm told the company who makes this game has a large development team, so we could see additions down the road.

Has anyone on our BBS already preordered and played the beta? Thoughts, input?

Wings of Prey, PC specs) (

Eye candy video!!! (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 22, 2009, 01:47:07 PM
Yeah it looks pretty good, as longs as it dont suffer the same problems of IL2s flight model all feeling the same
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: Saxman on December 22, 2009, 01:49:58 PM

I'm told the company who makes this game has a large development team, so we could see additions down the road.

Yours for only $9.99 each! Nevermind the fact they should frelling well have been in the game in the first place....
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: allaire on December 22, 2009, 02:38:47 PM
Sorry but I'm going to look at that like MW2 for pc, which is nothing but a port of a console game.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: sluggish on December 22, 2009, 02:54:09 PM
Thank cod they're making it politically correct; I hate it when video games are offensive...
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: Spikes on December 22, 2009, 02:56:27 PM
Sorry but I'm going to look at that like MW2 for pc, which is nothing but a port of a console game.
I agree. I wish MW2 wasn't such a success, but I guess their PC game industry isn't important enough for them.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 22, 2009, 03:14:20 PM
I agree, not having dedicated servers will royally suck. I've been trolling the forum and it seems a lot of people who play the beta have been asking for dedicated servers.

I bit and pre-ordered the game.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 22, 2009, 05:28:18 PM
I agree, not having dedicated servers will royally suck. I've been trolling the forum and it seems a lot of people who play the beta have been asking for dedicated servers.

I bit and pre-ordered the game.

your have to write up a mini review for us :), I like the looks of all the luft rides for us to fly :D
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Karnak on December 22, 2009, 06:28:40 PM

From the Wings of Prey website:
The Supermarine Spitfire was a British fighter of the WWII era. It was a single-engine, all-metal, low-wing monoplane with retractable landing gear. Various modifications served as fighters, interceptors, high-altitude fighters, fighter-bombers and reconnaissance aircraft.
The Mk XVI variant was very similar to the Mk IX, however it was powered by a US-manufactured Packard Merlin 266 engine. A total of 1,054 Spitfires of this variant were produced. All production variants had the distinguishing feature of low-altitude clipped wings; late production variants were also equipped with underwing cannons.
No, just no.  No Spitfire ever had underwing cannons nor have I ever come across any proposal to try to put cannons under its wing.  The idea is absurd give the fact that the Spitfire could easily, if desired, carry additional cannons internally in the wing and yet did not.

Sorry, but console game.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 22, 2009, 06:38:17 PM
No, just no.  No Spitfire ever had underwing cannons nor have I ever come across any proposal to try to put cannons under its wing.  The idea is absurd give the fact that the Spitfire could easily, if desired, carry additional cannons internally in the wing and yet did not.

Sorry, but console game.

such fail on their part. I'm worried now, but the game looks so seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy! :x
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: AAJagerX on December 22, 2009, 06:58:18 PM
Underwing cannons on a Spit???  That's wrong on SO many levels.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 22, 2009, 07:04:57 PM
such fail on their part. I'm worried now, but the game looks so seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy! :x

Have the console version, even with the 'advanced' flight settings, it has a very pronounced arcade like feel to the planes.  From my understanding, the only difference between the PC and console versions is the better graphics of the PC version and the flight model is the same.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: eagl on December 22, 2009, 08:35:32 PM
Wings of Prey...  Umm.  That's like, chicken wings?  Maybe dove or quail?

I know what a "bird of prey" is, but "wing of prey" is food, right?   :huh
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 23, 2009, 04:36:26 AM
No, just no.  No Spitfire ever had underwing cannons nor have I ever come across any proposal to try to put cannons under its wing.  The idea is absurd give the fact that the Spitfire could easily, if desired, carry additional cannons internally in the wing and yet did not.

Sorry, but console game.


Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: eagl on December 23, 2009, 06:29:18 AM
Hmm, those dirty windows...  Never would have been allowed.  The pilot would have cleaned them himself if the ground crew had given him a plane with windows that dirty.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Eagler on December 23, 2009, 12:49:17 PM
we are just AH spoiled :)
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 24, 2009, 02:16:27 AM
your have to write up a mini review for us :), I like the looks of all the luft rides for us to fly :D


Knowing how much you like your luft rides, I took it upon myself to film a couple going down in flames.

Enjoy. :aok

P.S: I love flying through a cloud and havin' rain drops form on my canopy.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 24, 2009, 03:05:34 AM
Wow, amazing graphics, I love how realistic the ground looks, with the houses & streets, I hope that someday AH graphics reach this level.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 24, 2009, 03:07:40 AM

Knowing how much you like your luft rides, I took it upon myself to film a couple going down in flames.

Enjoy. :aok

P.S: I love flying through a cloud and havin' rain drops form on my canopy.


The graphics look very impressive, how deos the flight model feel? the water drips and planes on fire looked great too  :airplane: deos a spitfire feel like it flys like a 109 like in IL2?

Ill end up buying this  :joystick:
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 24, 2009, 03:53:04 AM

The graphics look very impressive, how deos the flight model feel? the water drips and planes on fire looked great too  :airplane: deos a spitfire feel like it flys like a 109 like in IL2?

Ill end up buying this  :joystick:

I've only played the game for a couple of hours, plus I never really played IL2 so I can't really answer that question. I think the flight model for WoP was based on Oleg's original IL2 data, don't quote me on that though. All I can say is the planes don't feel or act like they do in Aces High 2 and it takes a lot of getting use too after 5 years of the game.

On the graphics subject, what blows my mind is the fact that I'm able to play the game completely maxed out and still have fantastic FPS. I'm talking 70-100 easy!
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Bruv119 on December 24, 2009, 05:48:23 AM

looks awesome kaz  wheres the red icons ?    :D 
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 24, 2009, 10:18:05 AM

looks awesome kaz  wheres the red icons ?    :D 

Only the spitfires have red Icons!  :noid
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 24, 2009, 11:12:25 AM

looks awesome kaz  wheres the red icons ?    :D 

There are none. TBH I was lucky to even find the 109 again. :D
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 25, 2009, 05:15:18 PM
are they going to release it as a boxed game? I dont like downloading full games without having the box etc

when will BOB be released?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 25, 2009, 06:08:48 PM
The final version was released a day ago, I think. There will be a DVD version in stores sooner or later.

Unless you use TrackIR than I wouldn't buy it just yet, the hat switch view system needs major tweaking. The views themselves feel fantastic, you can even change the speed and smoothness of them, but you can't look diagonally or straight up with the current options.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 25, 2009, 08:40:23 PM
graphics look sick :aok

but it reminds me of "Pacific Fighters" the sounds are the same and the views look exactly the same, I thought that game suked bad!
I have a feeling WoP is gonna be the same.

eye candy is not what makes an Air combat game, I have tried "Fighter Ace" (that was my first) "Il2", "pacific fighters" "Heroes over the Pacific" "WW2OL" "Target ware" and others that I cant think of right now, and none of them even come close to how AWESOME AH is.

 I think Dale (and company), have made the best WW2 combat sim/game there is, a perfect blend of Sim/game, Realism/gameplay, that satisfies the sim crowd and the gamer crowd, perfectly.
 :salute Dale and company, I dont care how "great" the graphics are you will not lose me to that "game", unless of course they let me play for free :D

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 25, 2009, 09:01:00 PM
Dale is second to no other in flight sim development! I also love that fact that he has time to interact with the subscribers via the BBS, it's very reassuring.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 25, 2009, 09:16:02 PM
What is it with dev's and poor english? :aok

First of all - thank you guys for your work and feedback.
We have made 12 updates for 25 days, which included more then 300 uodates (bugfix, new features and so on). Work is not finished, of course. But we'll make only one update this year, and then will have vacations. So next update won't be earlier then 18th of January.

Here are list (and may be not full - we are still sorting your feedback):

Common issues and suggestion:
* more views: guncam, following camera
* more relaistic weapons deviation depending on plane and construction with vibrations from firing
* replay - switching planes
* forcefeedback
* option for allowed views in MP
* option fow allowed markers in MP
* animation of wing slats
* animation of wheels
* effect from wheels and engine on surface
* support of some joysticks (X-45 for example)
* pause button for sreenshots (not in mp of course)
* different visual effects of cannon and machine guns hits
* settings for zoom speed
* torpedos and skip-bombing
* different volume for music in game and in menu
* animations for prop pitch in cockpit
* suggestion for enhanicng visual of oil on glass
* animated pilots in cockpits
* different flatter and wep camera vibration
* hotkey for reset all trimmers
* more clear view in clear weather (less haze)
* sounds for Ju-87
* setting for accleration of camera rotaion and zoom
* better effects of burning planes and fire on the surface
* "INDIKATOR FLESH" (two mistypes) on spitfire wing
* realistic bomb-view

* option for gun divergence setting in a select plane menu
* lots of lags on bad connections
* optinal markers for match settings
* main chat for all gamers
* option to change side in MP
* push-to-talk
* option for take-off\start in air
* Option for reloading weapons
* score system needs changes

Features requested and planned:
* dedicated server (main arena?)
* votes
* co-op
* mission editor
* quick mission editor
* plane customizations

Suggestion that are not going to be don for different reasons
* Bailouts are possible on high altitudes
* paratroopers are ghosts
* changing head position from joystick
* wingemn in training
* navigation lights
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Flench on December 26, 2009, 08:02:47 AM
graphics look sick :aok

but it reminds me of "Pacific Fighters" the sounds are the same and the views look exactly the same, I thought that game suked bad!
I have a feeling WoP is gonna be the same.

eye candy is not what makes an Air combat game, I have tried "Fighter Ace" (that was my first) "Il2", "pacific fighters" "Heroes over the Pacific" "WW2OL" "Target ware" and others that I cant think of right now, and none of them even come close to how AWESOME AH is.

 I think Dale (and company), have made the best WW2 combat sim/game there is, a perfect blend of Sim/game, Realism/gameplay, that satisfies the sim crowd and the gamer crowd, perfectly.
 :salute Dale and company, I dont care how "great" the graphics are you will not lose me to that "game", unless of course they let me play for free :D

I agree it doe's look like PF but the graphics are cool !!
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Killer91 on December 26, 2009, 12:06:18 PM
Looks sweet!!   Does anyone know if there is a free trial or do you have to buy it?
Not really looking to pay $50 for a game I don't like or won't run on my PC.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 26, 2009, 04:11:47 PM
Looks sweet!!   Does anyone know if there is a free trial or do you have to buy it?
Not really looking to pay $50 for a game I don't like or won't run on my PC.

There's going to be a demo released after the holidays are over.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 26, 2009, 04:21:26 PM
There's going to be a demo released after the holidays are over.
Cool, if you can let us know when it comes out, I'd love to give it a try.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Hajo on December 26, 2009, 04:28:47 PM
Kazaa I purchased it.....looks nice.  Once I can get the controls situated I hope I can fly the dang thing.  Push stick forward...plane goes up etc.

The need HTCs version of how to setup controls.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 26, 2009, 04:45:59 PM
Hajo, there's a reverse axis button when you go to assign a certain axis as input.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on December 26, 2009, 06:38:30 PM
kazaa, Ill get it tomorrow and then I can shoot your spit down in my 109  :noid
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Killer91 on December 27, 2009, 12:43:28 AM
There's going to be a demo released after the holidays are over.

Oh ok thanks I'll keep an eye out for it. :)
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: IronDog on December 27, 2009, 08:40:07 AM
I don't think I'll purchase it.Every time I try a flight sim ,I just mess with it for a short time,and end up back to Aces High.The IL 2 series has always looked good,but there is things I don't like,gunnery is tough,making me look like a real dinger in AH...I suck!!!.The flight model is arcadish,and Aces High's flight model seems well done,but Ive never flown a real WW II fighter.I really liked the German military song that plays during the U Tube trailer.I have a lot of German military marches I listen to when I play my submarine sim Silent Hunter III.I don't have any problem with swastikas,music,etc. being in a game,but some do.I say to each his own,and I like realism in my sims.So,I won't be purchasing it,unless I read some really great reviews.The last thing I need is another hanger queen.I'm old and set in my ways.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Stratocaster on December 27, 2009, 10:54:10 PM
I almost crapped myself when I tried the demo (downloaded torrent) I am about to purchase the full version... It is a nice distraction from AH, I know I will stick with both, but the graphics and immersion are unreal.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 28, 2009, 06:47:43 AM
I found the demo for the game, I guess this demo was put out at first, it was the whole game, 6GB, but only has 2 planes unlocked, then they decided to make a new demo that was smaller, around 1.5GB, which they say will be out soon, but if you want to try it now here's the link, I'm downloading it, it downloads through a torrent so it's fairly fast, mine says it's only gonna take about 2 hours to finish. (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 28, 2009, 02:22:16 PM
I found the demo for the game, I guess this demo was put out at first, it was the whole game, 6GB, but only has 2 planes unlocked, then they decided to make a new demo that was smaller, around 1.5GB, which they say will be out soon, but if you want to try it now here's the link, I'm downloading it, it downloads through a torrent so it's fairly fast, mine says it's only gonna take about 2 hours to finish. (

it took all of 10 seconds to download for me, but what do I use to open it with?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 28, 2009, 02:35:34 PM
it took all of 10 seconds to download for me, but what do I use to open it with?
That would be because all you downloaded was the torrent file, you need to use a program called BitTorrent to then open that file and download the game.

Here's a link to where you can download the BitTorrent client and start downloading the demo. (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 28, 2009, 09:19:41 PM
That would be because all you downloaded was the torrent file, you need to use a program called BitTorrent to then open that file and download the game.

Here's a link to where you can download the BitTorrent client and start downloading the demo. (



(I can be a tard--I used to have Bittorrent ) totally forgot, soon as the downloading screen came up DOH used to get a lot of movies and songs this way.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 29, 2009, 03:00:47 AM
Just posting a a link to a review which a player just posted on the forum, hope this helps.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 29, 2009, 06:35:44 AM
Just had a little session online, once I  got over the fact that it wasn't AH2, it was very, very enjoyable. I must have crashed more times then I got shot down because my engine kept blowing up due to my lack of engine management. :D

It was great fun, even though I had to use my mouse for views I still managed to pull of some sweet reversals and even shoot down a few 109's. :D

This game has massive potential, but it's far from it.

Now I need to find out what the following does:

Prop feather
Radiator flaps
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: SgtPappy on December 29, 2009, 11:10:27 AM
All 3 are automatic in a Spitfire VIII!
 :D (at least in RL and all the other IL-2 PC games)

Mixture is generally pretetermined for each plane (as is the supercharger settings if applicable) and changes the mixture of air:fuel in the engine. For combustion, the absolute necessary mixture for clean combustion is 14.7:1. Any greater, the mixture is lean and any less the mixture is rich. Sometimes, making a rich mixture in WWII, helped pilots develop more power for say, takeoff or helped keep the engine cooler. The problem with this of course is that excess carbon deposits build up everywhere in a carburettor engine when using rich mixtures. Leaner mixtures are good for conserving fuel and be used for certain cruise conditions instead of closing the throttle, leading to a more efficient burn.

Prop feather is available for only some planes (in the other IL-2 PC games). If your engine stops and your prop is dead or milling in the wind, this tool pitches your propeller blades in such a way that they are in the most aerodynamic position. Also, in terms of pitching props, I was told in IL-2, actually getting your props to a coarser pitch (i.e. < 100%)could help you go faster in a REALLY high speed dive.

But for the record, your radiator flaps are the main tool for cooling the engine. Opening them up, of course, increases drag.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Shuffler on December 29, 2009, 11:54:06 AM
I stay away from torrents.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kirin on December 30, 2009, 01:15:24 PM
Wow - the GFX blow my mind away. The immersion is great. Just had my first online dogfights on a Sicily map. Wow again - the cloud fights were awesome. The new graphics make eye-ball identification of other planes much easier than in AH or IL2.

The controller setup was a chore and the flight model is not without some serious twirks but it's definately a step ahead in the technical department. I always loved the engine management in IL2 but WoP makes it so much harder with it's rudimentary feedback on screen and the non-existent manual.

Nevertheless WoP is a raw diamond. Looking forward to its developement!


BTW, I had Birds of Prey for the PS3 for a while now - and those two games are TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS!!! The PC version is lightyears ahead...
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 30, 2009, 02:51:37 PM
I stay away from torrents.
Well I got the link to that torrent from a post on their forum from the developer YuPlay after they had removed it from there site until they made the smaller demo version, so I'm sure it's safe, but they have put up the demo of the smaller 1.36GB version today, here's the link. (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kirin on December 30, 2009, 04:06:51 PM
Alright, alright - I am starting to sound like a Gajiin fanboi... but wow - haven't had that overwhelming feeling while flying a 'toon plane (as we say nowadays) for a while. Just played around with the training mission builder. Zoomed around a formation of B-17s over Dover cliffs and let a horde (16 or so) of C.202s chase me around mount etna. And after that I kept watching the replay. This game really hit a nerve with me!! I can only DREAM & DROOL if AH had these GFX!!!   :O

Online play is meh - with only a handful of realism servers up which tend to be team deathmatches albeit with historical setup! Had some fun T&Bing in a Spit9 (yeah I know - but the server forced me to the allied side) vs. G2, F4s and 202s. The damage model is harsh. Only a few pings tend to drop you out of the fight but it's such a thrill!  :x
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Killer91 on December 30, 2009, 11:11:00 PM
That would be because all you downloaded was the torrent file, you need to use a program called BitTorrent to then open that file and download the game.

Here's a link to where you can download the BitTorrent client and start downloading the demo. (

When i downlaod the file from that link and try to run the program it says its not a valid win32 application. Any suggestions to make it work?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 30, 2009, 11:25:33 PM
When i downlaod the file from that link and try to run the program it says its not a valid win32 application. Any suggestions to make it work?
No clue, but if your downloading BitTorrent just so you can get the demo they put out the smaller version of the demo today on their website that you can download directly from them without needing to use BiTorrent. (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Killer91 on December 30, 2009, 11:37:45 PM
No clue, but if your downloading BitTorrent just so you can get the demo they put out the smaller version of the demo today on their website that you can download directly from them without needing to use BiTorrent. (

Oh sweet! Thanks man  :salute
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: bravoa8 on December 30, 2009, 11:41:19 PM
Looks cool I got IL-2 Birds Of Prey for PS3 for christmas looks alot like it.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 31, 2009, 01:33:05 AM
Downloaded the demo and played around with the BoB demo campaign for a few hours and while the graphics are very nice but not really impressed with the flight model.  What's the difference between Realism and Simulation?  I tried both for a few hours and found no difference in how the Spitfire flew between any of these settings.  In fact, even in Arcade mode, the plane had the same 'feel', though it was almost impossible to get into an accelerated stall in that mode.  Unfortunately, haven't been able to try multiplayer as the demo doesn't have it enabled.  Still, I do like the graphics and the damage model and did enjoy playing the BoB demo campaign.  Will get it to but at least in the FM department, BoP or AH have nothing to fear from WoP.

Here are some screenshots from the BoB demo campaign showing some damage I received after diving into a hord of He 111's and Ju 87s.  Bagged a few and a Bf 109E for good measure. 

( ( ( (  ( (

Some shots of the aftermath of the German raid.

( ( ( (

Another thing that suprised me about this game was how easy it was to use a Xbox 360 controller with the game and how responsive it was.  It was just as responsive as my CH set up.


Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 31, 2009, 01:40:49 AM
well after a couple hours trying to even get the plane to stay in the Air  :rofl

(I bet I augured more times today in that game then the whole time I have been in AH,) :rofl

awesome graphics...going through the clouds is sweet :D
 it truly is sick but at this point playability is to the extremely difficult I would say,I was only playing the demo version, it is very sick, The View system suks bad, that's its biggest downfall.
plus the p-51 spins out of control WAY too easy, It is very different from AH, the flight model that is, it seems to react more like a real plane would but yet To much at the same time.

the biggest difference for me was after a few hours of that, Ya wow its rush, I log into AH head to center Island, get into a sick fight and my whole body is shaking from adrenaline. :aok
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 31, 2009, 01:47:09 AM
Where did you select teh P-51 to fly in the demo?  The demo I got only allows you to fly a Spitfire II during the BoB and a LA7 during the Battle for Berlin, didn't have any other selections than that.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 31, 2009, 01:49:27 AM
Where did you select teh P-51 to fly in the demo?  The demo I got only allows you to fly a Spitfire II during the BoB and a LA7 during the Battle for Berlin, didn't have any other selections than that.


the demo I got is a 51 and I think the spit but I have not tried that one yet so cant say for sure.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on December 31, 2009, 04:54:52 PM
Where did you select teh P-51 to fly in the demo?  The demo I got only allows you to fly a Spitfire II during the BoB and a LA7 during the Battle for Berlin, didn't have any other selections than that.

Which demo did you download, the larger 6GB one or the smaller 1.36GB?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 31, 2009, 05:06:59 PM
In my opinion the game was released too early, I can't recommend that people buy the game until they review the view system and implement dedicated servers. It's a great addition to the genre and I can't wait to see what's next, I hear that they are already working on a pacific add-on!!! I can't wait to start landing on a C.V with those graphics!!!

Just play the demo and soak in the eye candy, I'll let you know when the time to buy comes!
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 31, 2009, 05:09:11 PM
In my opinion the game was released too early, I can't recommend that people buy the game until they review the view system and implement dedicated servers. It's a great addition to the genre and I can't wait to see what's next, I hear that they are already working on a pacific add-on!!! I can't wait to start landing on a C.V with those graphics!!!

I agree the View system is it's biggest down fall at this point.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on December 31, 2009, 05:17:15 PM

I agree the View system is it's biggest down fall at this point.

The dev's said that it's on the "to do list".

I do however like the fact that we have the ability to change the camera look speed and smoothness.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 31, 2009, 06:13:06 PM
Which demo did you download, the larger 6GB one or the smaller 1.36GB?

The demo that was available through their website, guess it was the 1.36GB version.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on December 31, 2009, 06:17:58 PM
The demo that was available through their website, guess it was the 1.36GB version.


yup go back through this thread and grab the larger version.

I had no probs at all with the torrent, plays like a charm, but I think the ground is Magnetic because my plane is so attracted to it.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 01, 2010, 10:33:33 AM

My first experience of using a digital download could not have gone any worse, I purchased Wings of Prey and registered at the same time, I then started to download the game and I went and checked my email for the CD Key which had I had not recieved, then I had noticed I have not even recieved any confirmation email from yuplay for registering.

I clicked to resend my password, and it says the email has been sent, still nothing, I tried to register my email again and the website tells me my email is already in use. I had emailed tech support and its been around 36 hours with still no response. I made a post on the forums and no response. I appreicate that it is new years, however if you provide a service of selling software internationaly, 24hrs a day you should provide 24 hour support. Im rather annoyed with them at the moment as it feels like a cowboy outfit. and if I my issues are not resolved by the end of tomorrow I shall be contacting my bank and having my visa card charged back.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ex-jazz on January 01, 2010, 12:25:44 PM
After short demo test, I purchased the WoP without any problems :)
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ebfd11 on January 01, 2010, 12:35:02 PM

My first experience of using a digital download could not have gone any worse, I purchased Wings of Prey and registered at the same time, I then started to download the game and I went and checked my email for the CD Key which had I had not recieved, then I had noticed I have not even recieved any confirmation email from yuplay for registering.

I clicked to resend my password, and it says the email has been sent, still nothing, I tried to register my email again and the website tells me my email is already in use. I had emailed tech support and its been around 36 hours with still no response. I made a post on the forums and no response. I appreicate that it is new years, however if you provide a service of selling software internationaly, 24hrs a day you should provide 24 hour support. Im rather annoyed with them at the moment as it feels like a cowboy outfit. and if I my issues are not resolved by the end of tomorrow I shall be contacting my bank and having my visa card charged back.


when you sign in you need to use ur email addy as sign in and then you can get info needed
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 01, 2010, 12:40:21 PM
it dont work, I have not even got the email containing the password.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: MrRiplEy[H] on January 01, 2010, 01:22:02 PM
Tried downloading the demo but seems it requires registration and accepting the EULA which includes indemnification.. I don't think so.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 01, 2010, 02:28:09 PM
it dont work, I have not even got the email containing the password.
Check your spam folder
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on January 01, 2010, 03:04:19 PM
Tried downloading the demo but seems it requires registration and accepting the EULA which includes indemnification.. I don't think so.

try this, to open get BITTorrent,(free) works like a charm :aok

if you are worried about torrents don't, I have downloaded this and its fine!
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 01, 2010, 03:04:29 PM
 Downloaded the demo and all it had was mouse and keyboard controls. Is there a demo with Joystick support?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: mia389 on January 01, 2010, 03:06:46 PM
I hope so,, Im downloading the demo now
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on January 01, 2010, 03:11:19 PM
its a PITA but it's there in the one I reposted.

the controls that is, cant remember where but it is!!  I do know you gotta set up every axis,  every thing is awesome but the Views.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 01, 2010, 03:14:13 PM
 Ok Im downloading the bigger one now.We shall see how it works. Thanks.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 01, 2010, 03:49:09 PM
If you're going to digitally purchase the game, I know some do not like Steam but it's by far the better of the two choices.  I wouldn't want to digitally purchase it through yuPlay.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: lengro on January 01, 2010, 04:24:30 PM
I just tried the demo - impressive graphics and generally great fun.
Setup was very easy - click 'controls' and assign axis and keys to your joystick, pedals and throttle. It took less than 5 mins.
TrackIR works perfectly.

Uh oh - when I restart the demo I lose all settings I made. That's annoying.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: mia389 on January 01, 2010, 06:32:22 PM
Demo is nice. Ran ver smooth on my pc too. Very nice eye candy. Wish they would make it more towards the sim crowd. This game has lots of potential if the company takes it the right way.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 01, 2010, 06:47:52 PM
I found the demo for the game, I guess this demo was put out at first, it was the whole game, 6GB, but only has 2 planes unlocked, then they decided to make a new demo that was smaller, around 1.5GB, which they say will be out soon, but if you want to try it now here's the link, I'm downloading it, it downloads through a torrent so it's fairly fast, mine says it's only gonna take about 2 hours to finish. (
Wow that's well seeded
2.2 mb/s here
I wonder if HTC could implement a P2P system for map/update downloads, it would probably cut down on download time a lot.

BTW it says .iso
Do i have to burn it to a disk? I don't think I have an .iso burning program anymore
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 01, 2010, 07:01:23 PM
Wow that's well seeded
2.2 mb/s here
I wonder if HTC could implement a P2P system for map/update downloads, it would probably cut down on download time a lot.

BTW it says .iso
Do i have to burn it to a disk? I don't think I have an .iso burning program anymore
No there are free .ISO programs out there that can create a virtual drive that you mount the file to.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 01, 2010, 07:07:25 PM
No there are free .ISO programs out there that can create a virtual drive that you mount the file to.
Could you link me to one?
I would just google it however when I tried to burn a W7 install disk I ended up wasting 2-3 DVD's with an .iso program that just turned out to not work right... downloaded another and worked fine. I was also not able to find a free one with that quest (and the trials have run out).
Sorry to be a pain :)
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 01, 2010, 07:11:51 PM
Try this one, if it doesn't work let me know. (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 01, 2010, 07:29:31 PM
Try this one, if it doesn't work let me know. (
Thanks, 5 mins more for the torrent to finish and I can try it out. :aok
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 01, 2010, 07:42:54 PM
Haha I'm dumb
I select the .iso as Disk M and it shows up on my computer as CD Drive (M:)
But when I double click on M:\ it says 'M:\ is not accessible incorrect function'
I think I'm doing it wrong?

It was on a different partition (all of my torrents go to the Music folder by default d'oh)
I'm putting it on my desktop to see if that will work.

Nope :(
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 01, 2010, 08:13:47 PM
Yeah I just tried that one & it didn't work, but I tryed this one and it does work. (

Once you open it you click on the "Ace" icon to run it.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 01, 2010, 08:47:13 PM
Demo is nice. Ran ver smooth on my pc too. Very nice eye candy. Wish they would make it more towards the sim crowd. This game has lots of potential if the company takes it the right way.

It's definitely more geared to the mass market rather than the sim flyer, game is optimized for game pads as well as for joysticks but the immersion factor is quite high and I have been having a lot of fun playing the demo.  I've been really enjoying the Battle for Berlin campaign.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: mia389 on January 01, 2010, 09:35:32 PM

It's definitely more geared to the mass market rather than the sim flyer, game is optimized for game pads as well as for joysticks but the immersion factor is quite high and I have been having a lot of fun playing the demo.  I've been really enjoying the Battle for Berlin campaign.


I had a blast to, but when I started it up again all my settings were gone. That just sucks.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 01, 2010, 09:39:34 PM

It's definitely more geared to the mass market rather than the sim flyer, game is optimized for game pads as well as for joysticks but the immersion factor is quite high and I have been having a lot of fun playing the demo.  I've been really enjoying the Battle for Berlin campaign.

Yeah flying into that horde of HE-111 is definitely a blast, wish I had the $50 to activate the rest of it. :(
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: mia389 on January 01, 2010, 09:51:48 PM
Love the oil effect. I shot the engine out on a HE111 and had oil all over my canopy.  Was great. I am downloading the big version now to see if that one will keep my views
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 01, 2010, 10:41:11 PM
Love the oil effect. I shot the engine out on a HE111 and had oil all over my canopy.  Was great. I am downloading the big version now to see if that one will keep my views
No, it won't, that the version I use, I have to set it up ever time.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 01, 2010, 10:46:12 PM
Yeah I just tried that one & it didn't work, but I tryed this one and it does work. (

Once you open it you click on the "Ace" icon to run it.
It worked great :)

WoP is ermmmm... interesting.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: james on January 01, 2010, 11:31:36 PM
This game is still in beta despite the problems correct?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: lengro on January 02, 2010, 05:06:51 AM
WoP is ermmmm... interesting.

cc - it's no AH, but it sure is fun, and the models are gorgeous:

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 02, 2010, 05:52:11 AM
It worked great :)

WoP is ermmmm... interesting.

How do you find it bubi? Ive not played it, Im going home today and it should have downloaded by now..Im looking forward to flying that german iron, they look fantastic! nothing will replace AH for me, but something that has some good single player campaign is what I like to play in between AH

Edit -

Well got it working, it looks quite good and great graphics...however it has damn engine over heats which I dont think we can switch off and so far it feels like the AI deos not use the same FM, spits were out zoom climbing me in a much so in the pure vertical they were shooting past me, even tho I had more E  :(

and no single player campaign for Luftwaffe :(

other than that its a gorgeous game thats quite fun, but AH is still better to fly, I just will wait for the Luftwaffe campaign to be released  :joystick:
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 02, 2010, 09:13:36 AM
can edit my above post,

just done a mission against 12 B17S to see them try and dog fight me in a me262  :O
Title: hey kazaa check this out
Post by: TwinBoom on January 02, 2010, 09:46:30 AM ( (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 02, 2010, 03:15:48 PM
cc - it's no AH, but it sure is fun, and the models are gorgeous:

I'd like to find the graphic settings, because the plane graphics I'm seeing would not be any better than Waffle's recent work if not for the games magnificent lighting.
The textures seem very low resolution.

How do you find it bubi? Ive not played it, Im going home today and it should have downloaded by now..Im looking forward to flying that german iron, they look fantastic! nothing will replace AH for me, but something that has some good single player campaign is what I like to play in between AH

Edit -

Well got it working, it looks quite good and great graphics...however it has damn engine over heats which I dont think we can switch off and so far it feels like the AI deos not use the same FM, spits were out zoom climbing me in a much so in the pure vertical they were shooting past me, even tho I had more E  :(
I can't seem to get my controls to a point where it doesn't feel like my control linkages are rubber bands....
In fact, both for TrackIR and my controls there's a ton of lag between my inputs and what the game does, even if I turn smoothing all of the way down, seemingly...
I don't have any kind of scaling going but my controls are very insensitive out to about 75% and then they just kind of spike... it's very annoying.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 02, 2010, 03:34:22 PM
 Yea gotta say after taking a LOT of time setting up the controls,they feel horrid.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: lengro on January 02, 2010, 05:01:42 PM
I'd like to find the graphic settings, because the plane graphics I'm seeing would not be any better than Waffle's recent work if not for the games magnificent lighting.
The textures seem very low resolution.

Indeed - there is nothing wrong with the newer AH models. Put them into the 3D engine of some recent games, and they will look astonishing.

WoP strikes a good balance between environmental effects, mesh detail, texturing and FPS. However, the fidelity of the flight and ballistic modelling is nowhere near AH standards (all IMHO) :)

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 02, 2010, 05:16:34 PM
The one thing I can't STAND about the game is that it looked like someone took it and put it through an 'old' filter in like WMM or Photoshop or something... the black border and colors are very annoying IMO.
Other than that it looks great. I wish there was some way to turn that off.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 02, 2010, 05:31:39 PM
Hitech and the rest of the Aces High team, have single handily ruined every other flight sim I play now  :), as no other sim I have played gives me a real sense of input and feedback, a 109G6 feels completely different than with a 109 G6 with gondolas, flying spits is a completely different feel to flying 109s etc. The very first difference I felt the first minute of playing the game was not feeling the huge amount of torque from the 109 K4. Rise of flight is the only other game where different planes felt different also, but still not to the extent AH pulls off, it really geos to show the good work that has gone into this game :)

although dispite the less complex FM, it is still very enjoyable to play for a few will be good once the Luftwaffe campaign comes  :devil,  
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 03, 2010, 07:57:27 AM
 I will trade off the eye candy for the flight model in the blink of an eye. HT has fine tuned this into an excellent addiction.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 03, 2010, 08:57:55 AM
just played it online, I was the king of the skies!  :x its a very simple sim
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 03, 2010, 09:04:47 AM
Seems it has a profile for every stick out there but CH. Go Figgure
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Hajo on January 03, 2010, 09:25:03 AM
Doc it has CH not as a selection rather when you click on a function and move your stick it reads Ch Combat Stick etc.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 03, 2010, 09:31:26 AM
 Yea Hajo I know.I got it working,but the flight model to me is sloppy. Views with the hat nonexistant.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Hajo on January 03, 2010, 09:33:00 AM
???   I use the hat.....go through control setup completely.  hat werks fine although it is in pan mode.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: mike254 on January 03, 2010, 12:28:52 PM
???   I use the hat.....go through control setup completely.  hat werks fine although it is in pan mode.

Isere anyway to take it out of pan mode?
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: james on January 04, 2010, 07:34:20 PM
Cant get pony to come up in online dogfight. The graphics blow ah and wwiiol away. Theres no tanks though so ill keep AHii. Doesn't take a monster pc to run it on high settings.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 04, 2010, 10:03:23 PM

Isere anyway to take it out of pan mode?

No, just pan view.  Supposedly in a recent post the devs have working on the view system on their to-do list. 

Playing the game more, this is definitely a game that is marketed towards the mass market instead of the flight sim player.  Once you get over the eye candy, the realization that the game isn't the new "IL2" and is geared more towards the arcade flight sim gamer, you're going to see some sour expressions.  The campaign is clearly geared for Arcade mode and really don't work very well in either Realistic or Sim mode.  It's best to play through the campaign mode in Arcade mode and the missions in Realistic or Sim mode.  The missions are far better suited for Realistic and Sim modes as they offer realistic goals and set of friendlies and enemy.

For those starting out in flight sims and want to move from the arcade style ones and into something more meatier, I would recommend this game to cut your teeth on before getting into the more complex and advanced flight sims.  It's a good learner flight sim due to its rather small learning curve.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 04, 2010, 10:41:36 PM
Yeah I'd agree that you should play it in arcade mode as it seems geared that way, which is fine with me, in a game like this I'm not looking for a realistic flight sim, I have AH for that & thats the closest I'm really looking for in realistic flight sim.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: lengro on January 05, 2010, 02:16:12 AM
^^ yeah - what Ack-Ack and trax1 said - this is easily accessible WWII air Quake with great visuals. the AI is very weak, and so are the online players I met until now :)
If anyone interested I made a small youtube movie (
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 05, 2010, 11:19:35 AM
^^ yeah - what Ack-Ack and trax1 said - this is easily accessible WWII air Quake with great visuals. the AI is very weak, and so are the online players I met until now :)
If anyone interested I made a small youtube movie (

I came on half way through the scores, and won the match with only being shot down once, the rest of my deaths were me bailing out to re arm, most people just turn round in circles or do loop the loop,
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: lengro on January 05, 2010, 11:29:09 AM
I came on half way through the scores, and won the match with only being shot down once, the rest of my deaths were me bailing out to re arm, most people just turn round in circles or do loop the loop,

Hehe - most I met lost control and crashed to the ground when I started to push them a little  :)
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 05, 2010, 11:32:22 AM
Well coming from Aces High you guys should have no problem handling anyone on there.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ex-jazz on January 05, 2010, 02:54:29 PM
The WoP is running smoothly.

Much better than AH. No more that annoying micro pausing / jerking.

I had first some problems with my old Saitek X35T 'EVO' stand-alone throttle, but the Dhauzimmer driver re-installation fixed the no WEP issue.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: allaire on January 05, 2010, 03:57:00 PM
Oh crap grab your asbestos suit. :bolt:

Edit: Just based off of past evidence saying an arcade flight game is better than AH might get some wound up.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Skuzzy on January 05, 2010, 04:01:55 PM
Oh crap grab your asbestos suit. :bolt:

No reason for a flame war.  Every computer is different.  Every computer will respond differently to different conditions.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: jdbecks on January 05, 2010, 05:56:57 PM
Oh crap grab your asbestos suit. :bolt:

Edit: Just based off of past evidence saying an arcade flight game is better than AH might get some wound up.

thats exactly how I feel about the game, it is has quite a simple FM and I got bored of the campaign after the second mission, but it is very fun for a quick 10 minute FPS style dog fight. I play it when I dont really have time to fly a few sorties in AH.

I keep saying it, but I have still not played a sim/game that matches AH phyics and FM.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: DrDea on January 05, 2010, 08:52:22 PM
No reason for a flame war.  Every computer is different.  Every computer will respond differently to different conditions.
Flames Skuzzmiester for running 3 gerbils and a hampster in his power supply.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Reschke on January 07, 2010, 08:29:48 AM
Going to try it out this weekend but still just might get my oldest son his own AH account.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Reschke on January 07, 2010, 12:14:21 PM
I just downloaded it this morning and gave it the old school try. It has now been uninstalled and yuplay has been deleted from the system as well. This is just something that doesn't interest me at all and I see no benefit to having it available for my oldest son to start playing that first before AH.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: gatt on January 07, 2010, 12:36:44 PM

OMG! a four blades prop on a 202 ... :x
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Stratocaster on January 08, 2010, 12:50:52 AM
The eye candy is great, online play not so much.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on January 08, 2010, 11:11:22 AM
I was laughing playing the offline the other day, thinking most of you are stating that the FM is more arcade then AH, but I dont think it is, the spins are way worse then in AH, WAY worse. that 51 is straight up unstable.

what makes the game more "arcade" is all the "info" on screen, the targeting Info and such like that.

the graphics are INSANLY awesome, attacking the bombers in the spit, wow there were holes in my wing I could see through, YUP game is cool, I would play this but I am a True HARD core Aces High fan, wierd some people love sports, some love racing( oh wow watch... they are gonna turn left.... :rofl) 
  Me Aces High baby.... :aok

I will say Dale should take a spin(if he has not already) and just LOOK at it.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Kazaa on January 08, 2010, 11:35:44 AM
The eye candy is great, online play not so much.

Nail on the head.

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 08, 2010, 01:52:10 PM
I was laughing playing the offline the other day, thinking most of you are stating that the FM is more arcade then AH, but I dont think it is, the spins are way worse then in AH, WAY worse. that 51 is straight up unstable.

what makes the game more "arcade" is all the "info" on screen, the targeting Info and such like that.

the graphics are INSANLY awesome, attacking the bombers in the spit, wow there were holes in my wing I could see through, YUP game is cool, I would play this but I am a True HARD core Aces High fan, wierd some people love sports, some love racing( oh wow watch... they are gonna turn left.... :rofl) 
  Me Aces High baby.... :aok

I will say Dale should take a spin(if he has not already) and just LOOK at it.

Just because you find the spins to be worse in WoP than AH does not mean the flight model is that much harder than AH.  The game is marketed towards the mass market (why else optimize the game for game pads?) and the flight model is representative of that fact.  Yes, in 'realistic' and 'simulation' mode, the flight model is better than 'arcade' mode but it still doesn't change the fact the flight model has been 'dumbed' down a bit in order to make it more appealing to the mass market it's aimed at. 

Not saying it's a bad game at all, I have been having a lot of fun playing the demo and will be getting the full version but it's definitely not inline with the FM of AH or even any of the IL2 games.  Like I mentioned in a previous post, this is a great game for those that are looking to get into the flight sim genre for the first time. 

Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: ink on January 08, 2010, 02:00:20 PM
Just because you find the spins to be worse in WoP than AH does not mean the flight model is that much harder than AH.  The game is marketed towards the mass market (why else optimize the game for game pads?) and the flight model is representative of that fact.  Yes, in 'realistic' and 'simulation' mode, the flight model is better than 'arcade' mode but it still doesn't change the fact the flight model has been 'dumbed' down a bit in order to make it more appealing to the mass market it's aimed at. 

Not saying it's a bad game at all, I have been having a lot of fun playing the demo and will be getting the full version but it's definitely not inline with the FM of AH or even any of the IL2 games.  Like I mentioned in a previous post, this is a great game for those that are looking to get into the flight sim genre for the first time. 


they are worse!  but does that constatute flight model?  Do all planes handle exactly the same way? this I don't know, so I should not say the FM is better or worse...I do know the 51 spins out of control way easier then ANY plane in AH.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: Motherland on January 08, 2010, 10:41:29 PM
they are worse!  but does that constatute flight model?  Do all planes handle exactly the same way? this I don't know, so I should not say the FM is better or worse...I do know the 51 spins out of control way easier then ANY plane in AH.
The problem is that you have none of the indicators that the stall is coming up like you do in Aces High. No stall horn/noise or buffet (that I noticed at least). Control authority seems to stay rather similar through all flight speeds as well (except extremely high speeds), which certainly doesn't help the matter.

The issue is not so much that it stalls 'easier', just that you don't have the 'seat of your pants' feeling of when the aircraft is going to stall that I hear described by real pilots, nor the 'stand in' indicators that Aces High has, so it comes up suddenly and without warning.
Title: Re: Wings of Prey, PC beta release!
Post by: trax1 on January 09, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
The problem is that you have none of the indicators that the stall is coming up like you do in Aces High. No stall horn/noise or buffet (that I noticed at least). Control authority seems to stay rather similar through all flight speeds as well (except extremely high speeds), which certainly doesn't help the matter.

The issue is not so much that it stalls 'easier', just that you don't have the 'seat of your pants' feeling of when the aircraft is going to stall that I hear described by real pilots, nor the 'stand in' indicators that Aces High has, so it comes up suddenly and without warning.
You can fly this way in AH, you just turn off the stall horn, you will notice a difference in the handling.

But it would be nice if it was in WOP where you could toggle it like in AH.