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Squadron Forums => Squadrons => Topic started by: uptown on May 18, 2010, 02:36:03 PM

Title: Squad medals and awards
Post by: uptown on May 18, 2010, 02:36:03 PM
I like to start a program in the *NDM* that would allow for advancement in rank, promote achievements, outstanding conduct and add to the general fun of the game for my squadmates. I'd like to do this be awarding medals and ribbons to the squaddies and post them on the squad web site.
The only problem is, I don't know where to start. I'd like to have a system and look all our own, and was wondering how some of the squads out there that do this kind of thing, get the ball rolling.

I was with the 412th Braunco Mustangs for a stretch and really liked the way they do theirs. I want something like that but at the same time a bit different and unique for the *NDM*.

If anyone has any experience in starting something like this, I'd sure like to hear from you. Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: fbWldcat on May 18, 2010, 02:51:17 PM
The Freebirds have this system, you can check it out here (

Hope this helps  :aok

We started our with a few basic medals, one for a number of kills in a GV, one for a certain number of kills in a fighter per month, etc, once you figure that out you can broaden it a bit
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: papjohns on May 18, 2010, 03:33:10 PM
I like to start a program in the *NDM* that would allow for advancement in rank, promote achievements, outstanding conduct and add to the general fun of the game for my squadmates. I'd like to do this be awarding medals and ribbons to the squaddies and post them on the squad web site.
The only problem is, I don't know where to start. I'd like to have a system and look all our own, and was wondering how some of the squads out there that do this kind of thing, get the ball rolling.

I was with the 412th Braunco Mustangs for a stretch and really liked the way they do theirs. I want something like that but at the same time a bit different and unique for the *NDM*.

If anyone has any experience in starting something like this, I'd sure like to hear from you. Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: shiv on May 18, 2010, 03:35:20 PM
Back in AW is was in a squad that had ranks - Capt., Lt. etc.  Caused no end of friction, most notably when the CO had a few drinks andIi cleared his six and got promoted way above my skill level.   Squad was otherwise great but ranks quickly became a problem.  
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: whiteman on May 18, 2010, 04:05:49 PM (

VF-17 does this also, Shifty could better explain details maybe if needed it but you can check out the flight deck then click on a pilot page that has their Rank FSO ribbons, Medals, Kill Streaks and Plane profile. Shifty and Wolfie do a great job of putting those together.
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: Guppy35 on May 18, 2010, 04:56:59 PM
The only rank or award in the 80th is PLO  "Permanent Latrine Orderly".  It's bounced between Mensa and Shuffler most often :)

CO rank is considered "Conscientious Objector"

FL = "Fleeing Loudly"  This is held by Soulyss

While considered the CO at times, I prefer the rank of DO= "Dying Often"
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: dhyran on May 18, 2010, 05:07:21 PM
checkout the SEC awarding system
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: uptown on May 18, 2010, 06:12:25 PM
Thank you for the replys! I really looking forward to getting this started.

Also I have a question for the VF-15. In the past I've seen some certificates that I believe Saxman made for something that had to do with FSO. I was wondering how he did that, and how hard is it to do?
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: WWhiskey on May 18, 2010, 06:22:26 PM
Thank you for the replys! I really looking forward to getting this started.

Also I have a question for the VF-15. In the past I've seen some certificates that I believe Saxman made for something that had to do with FSO. I was wondering how he did that, and how hard is it to do?
this is our squad page
we are currently changing the way we award our squad and as of yet, I don't know how we are going to do it.  AKP is the one you want to talk too tho.
this is our awards as currently set up/
and my collection as of last tour.
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: uptown on May 18, 2010, 09:25:37 PM
I really like that layout Whiskey.  :aok  I will try to contact AKP about this.  I'm wondering where everyone gets the medals and ribbons. Is there some data base or web site they're downloaded from or are they actually designed by the players?
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: maddafinga on May 18, 2010, 10:01:50 PM
I had no idea that squads actually did ranks and medals and such.  I'm somewhat astounded. 

Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: Hap on May 18, 2010, 10:19:08 PM
Back in AW is was in a squad that had ranks - Capt., Lt. etc.  Caused no end of friction, most notably when the CO had a few drinks andIi cleared his six and got promoted way above my skill level.   Squad was otherwise great but ranks quickly became a problem.  
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: Reschke on May 18, 2010, 10:31:22 PM
When I was CO of VF-17 and started it out way back in the beginning; I grabbed images from various websites that I searched for online. Also I created a few ribbons and awards within Photoshop and other programs based on things like "plankowner" (squadron founding members) and other items for flight wings for different countries and such...RN, IJN, USN, USAAF, LW, USSR...things like that helped out with our guys and kept them active and working towards a goal. I also awarded stuff like IP for Instructor Pilot and more things like that.
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: Soulyss on May 19, 2010, 12:05:10 AM
I'm a little curious to see hear how squads handle things like this over time.  I was in a squad ages ago (different game) that did these sorts of things but after a couple months everyone had everything and it kind of lost the point. 

Do squads here just reset all the medals each tour?  It's not my intention to be critical here I'm merely curious.
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: uptown on May 19, 2010, 07:02:24 AM
I'm a little curious to see hear how squads handle things like this over time.  I was in a squad ages ago (different game) that did these sorts of things but after a couple months everyone had everything and it kind of lost the point.  

Do squads here just reset all the medals each tour?  It's not my intention to be critical here I'm merely curious.

Well I can only speak to how the 412th did/does it as it's the only squad I've been in that does such a thing. Rank wasn't an issue as pretty much everyone was same rank with exception of MidNite,SkatSr,and dTango. They were the brass and in charge. Everyone else was 2nd Lts. Or there abouts.
The medals and ribbons were awarded for things like the most kills that tour in P51, highest K/D, most base captures, most kills in 1 sortie, showing good wingman tactics...etc.
For me it was fun because I had certain goals I'd try to achieve each tour. Some guys didn't care either way. But for me it was a game within a game.
On the 412th web page each pilot had their medals and ribbons they've earned since their time in the squad displayed by their name on the roster. At the end of each tour, SkatSr would send us the squad stats to see how we all did. It fun and kept things interesting.

Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: WWhiskey on May 19, 2010, 09:04:19 AM
I'm a little curious to see hear how squads handle things like this over time.  I was in a squad ages ago (different game) that did these sorts of things but after a couple months everyone had everything and it kind of lost the point. 

Do squads here just reset all the medals each tour?  It's not my intention to be critical here I'm merely curious.

we pretty much just play and have fun, the stuff I have represents everything I have done since playing AH, the thing I think would be neat is for all the squads to use the same system more or less
I think we have also found that the actual "ingame " medals should not mean as much as the "FSO" medals, so we are probably going to try to change that part of our awards, we have not been an "FSO" squad for all that long and it is a learning experience for us, also, the book keeping is very time consuming from what I have seen, it puts a lot of load on the one doing the scores,I offered to help , then found myself lost as to how to process the info.
AKP started our award system and then found out he had more work to do than he had time for,<<S>> for all his hard work at this!
It is nice to look at the medals and ribbons and think back and say WOW i did all that, and I do like showing mine off but since we did not have the system up and running until a few months ago I never new how much stuff I had actually done.

WE are thinking about an " all squad" koth tho,  an award I will surely not win, then having a trophy to pass around to the winner each month or two!
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: dhyran on May 19, 2010, 09:52:05 AM
Well I can only speak to how the 412th did/does it as it's the only squad I've been in that does such a thing. Rank wasn't an issue as pretty much everyone was same rank with exception of MidNite,SkatSr,and dTango. They were the brass and in charge. Everyone else was 2nd Lts. Or there abouts.
The medals and ribbons were awarded for things like the most kills that tour in P51, highest K/D, most base captures, most kills in 1 sortie, showing good wingman tactics...etc.
For me it was fun because I had certain goals I'd try to achieve each tour. Some guys didn't care either way. But for me it was a game within a game.
On the 412th web page each pilot had their medals and ribbons they've earned since their time in the squad displayed by their name on the roster. At the end of each tour, SkatSr would send us the squad stats to see how we all did. It fun and kept things interesting.

we LDs got our own Ranking lists each tour, my XO gath scripted some stuff, its just fun

Top 15 in

Kills per Death

Kills per Sortie

Kills per hour

Hit Percentage

Internal Ranking

Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: VonMessa on May 19, 2010, 10:38:41 AM
 :x (

Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: Bruv119 on May 19, 2010, 11:53:36 AM
medals and watermelon
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: WWhiskey on May 19, 2010, 12:05:22 PM
medals and watermelon
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: RTHolmes on May 19, 2010, 12:11:56 PM
poetry: last refuge of the cricket-hating bearded sodomite
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: kilz on May 19, 2010, 03:40:45 PM
I'm a little curious to see hear how squads handle things like this over time.  I was in a squad ages ago (different game) that did these sorts of things but after a couple months everyone had everything and it kind of lost the point. 

Do squads here just reset all the medals each tour?  It's not my intention to be critical here I'm merely curious.

i do it to give my guys something to achieve so they don't just stop at basics. these awards help them keep goals and reach out to become better at every aspect of the game.

and to answer your question i will ask you to click the link to read what i have done so they cant only get things once and be done

plus after looking at that page take a look at this page to see how its set up
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: uptown on May 19, 2010, 04:27:10 PM
medals and watermelon
:rofl I do wish they showed those shows more often in the states. What's the name of that show? Is it Armstrong and Miller?
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: Shifty on May 20, 2010, 03:09:45 PM
Most if not all of our squadron awards are based on FSO activity. The main arena flying is usually done drunk.
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: AKP on May 20, 2010, 04:16:46 PM

I used photoshop to design the medals and ribbons.  Originally, I was going to use real Navy WW2 medals and ribbons, but I didnt want to diminish their real life meaning by using them in a computer game.  Each month I look at the squad member's scores and totals, and then update the website manually.  Before I went back to work, I had all the time in the world to maintain it.  But being back to work has put a huge dent in the amount of time I have.

Basically, our system works like this:

Squadron Rank is determined by a points system.  Points are given for each completed tour you have been flying in AH.  Points are also given for each award you earn while you are with the squad.  But... it is all for show and for fun really.  The only ranks that mean anything are the CO and XO, which have nothing to do with this system.  Its all "eye candy".  Some of our pilots have few awards, and some have many... but it is no reflection on their skill.

Like WWhiskey said, we are looking at retooling the awards to be based much more on FSO actions and log results, and much MUCH less on Main Area scores. 
Title: Re: Squad medals and awards
Post by: uptown on May 20, 2010, 06:36:57 PM
Thanks for the reply AKP. I really like the idea of designing your now for the same reason you stated.  :salute