Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Karnak on June 10, 2011, 06:02:14 PM
The Ju88 and Mossie were two of the most diverse airframes in history. The following is my opinion on what a nice, comprehensive stable of them would look like.
I will arrange them so that they match up to their equivalents of each other.
Ju88A-4 - Mosquito B.Mk IV - Early bomber versions.
Ju88C-6 - Mosquito F.Mk II - Early fighter versions.
Unknown - Mosquito FB.Mk VI - Low level strike aircraft and fighter versions.
Ju88P-1 - Mosquito FB.MK XVIII - Big gun versions.
Ju88S-1 - Mosquito B.Mk XVI - Late bomber versions.
Ju88G-7 - Mosquito NF.Mk 30 - Late fighter versions
This list would give coverage to the wide variety of tasks these two diverse airframes were modified for. The Ju88 needs to be updated and it would be nice to see some of these added when it is updated. The Mosquito Mk II is externally indistinguishable from the Mosquito Mk VI already in AH and the Mk XVIII is only slightly different. The B.Mk IV and NF.Mk 30 could largely be made up of composite models based on the existing Mk VI and Mk XVI, though additional modifications would be needed such as a larger bomb bay on the Mk VI fuselage, flame dampers on the engines and removal of the cannons, while the Mk 30 would use the wings and engines from the Mk XVI model with the fuselage of the Mk VI model, it would need a new nose to be created.
A big +1
F3 view would need to be removed from the JU88 if they do this :aok
The sheer din of the shreaks of being PWNed by a JU88 would be "mind bottling and would melt your face" :devil
+1 for more German bombers.
+1 for more Ju-88 variants
Just because one side has a plane doesn't mean the other needs an identical one.
Ju-88S was nothing. It led, however, to the Ju-288 and Ju-388 if I recall. Neither of those appeared in time to see service. The Ju-88S was a pathfinder if I recall, and rather slow until 11000 meters altitude where it had GM1 boost. It had almost no bombload at all, only a single defensive gun.
Not comparable at all. What you're looking for (more representative, later, more powerful model) is the Ju-188.
As for the Ju-88P, it also was nothing. It was a failed attempt to make a good anti-tank platform. From 1941 it was already woefully underpowered and overweight. It only gained more weight as they added more armor (seems it was too slow, and it made it a very large easy target for ground fire).
For the Ju88 series we need a couple more, but NOT because of the RAF's mossie variants. We could use the Ju88A-1 for BOB and early war setups. It had 1 dorsal and 1 ventral MG17 only, less horsepower, less wing area, less climb rate and ceiling as well. It was the more common Ju88 in the BOB.
For the 1942-1943+ we could really use the Ju188 with improved performance and defensive firepower.
Outside of that the Ju88C-6 would be nice but would have limited use with 1 MG/FF and 3 7mm fixed forward guns, no bombsight, and the speed of a Ju88A. Bf110s and later models (190Fs etc) proved to be better ground attack platforms. Nice to play around with, but not really filling any planeset holes.
Hold the phone there Karnak! You got another Mossie. Where's my Beaufighter!?! :)
More airplanes (or vehicles for that matter) are like Jello. There's always room for more.
Hold the phone there Karnak! You got another Mossie. Where's my Beaufighter!?! :)
I think the Beaufighter should come first, but I would very much like to see the diversity of Ju88 and Mossie roles represented.
I think the Beaufighter should come first, but I would very much like to see the diversity of Ju88 and Mossie roles represented.
Whew! Almost had to cancel that check! :)
F3 view would need to be removed from the JU88 if they do this :aok
not if you selected the correct variant. or if you opted for formation, rather than 1 lone plane.
I've been flying EW alot so any addition to the JU88 family sounds good to me!!!! +1
+1 on the 88s
-1 on the wooden wonders
+1 on the 88s
-1 on the wooden wonders
May I ask why you don't think the Mossies would be good as well?
+1 for the remodelled 88s and the 188
also +1 for the mossies
Its much easyer to add sub-types than brand new models.
+1 for new Ju88s!
+1 for new Mossies!
May I ask why you don't think the Mossies would be good as well?
same reason you dont want varients of A-20s ;)
The Ju-88 is already an excellent aircraft in the game. Variants including those for more specialized roles would greatly add to the diversity of the German plane set. I give a big +1 to both the new mossies and the Ju-88s especially. I have nothing against the mossie, but I just prefer the Ju-88. Both planes are great, though. :aok
+1 on the 88's, -1 on the Mossies; specifically the Mosquito FB.MK XVIII. Why you might ask? Because in a different thread on the Wishlist forum, Karnak himself railed against what he called a "historically insignificant" aircraft (the Defiant). Since fewer than 20 of the Mosquito FB.MK XVIII's were built, I'd have to say they fall squarely in the "historically insignificant" catagory.
I'd love to see more 88's as they were a real workhorse in the Luftwaffe with lots of variants.
27 Mk XVIII's were built. Yes, a very low number, but they saw heavy use, sinking many ships and U-boats. Not exactly historically insignificant. Much more significant than the Ta152 as a matter of fact.
I have nothing against new versions of the A-20, presuming that the new version is not a rare cannon armed version which would entirely replace the historical 50 cal armed A-20G in use in AH. You're request for the cannon armed A-20G had nothing to do with the historical use of the airplane and everything to do with "get me four cannons!!!!!!!"
I'm all for -anything- that'd get the JU88s out of hanger queen status. Hell, the only time
folks fly 'em anymore is when the (cough) loveable ENY forces 'em into it. Exception
being, noobz who don't know any better.
......but they saw heavy use, sinking many ships and U-boats.
WOW! Such specific, detailed data really does support your case for the Mossie FB.MK XVIII.
JU88's carry just as much as B17 and faster . I would up them for town killing and V base attacks .
WOW! Such specific, detailed data really does support your case for the Mossie FB.MK XVIII.
word to the wise - karnak is not a guy to call out for lack of data on mossies ... :D
... only 17 Tsetses built, and only 13 of them saw combat, but they did ridiculous amounts of damage to enemy shipping. I havent pulled the exact numbers but it looks like about 8 U-boats sunk and another 10 or so damaged, 30+ ships sunk and more than double that damaged, a Ju-88 (confirmed) and a Bf109 (possible,) plus a few shore AA batteries. All that for 4 combat losses (2 to fighters, 2 to flak.) blimey!
saw combat (lots of it), served in squadron strength, fulfills the inclusion criteria. :aok
I'm all for -anything- that'd get the JU88s out of hanger queen status. Hell, the only time
folks fly 'em anymore is when the (cough) loveable ENY forces 'em into it. Exception
being, noobz who don't know any better.
I use them for my attack rank damage, 4 large eggs, I think people do not realise they are over 3000lbs each when they see 1500kg in the hangar ;)
They can wreck a town in 2 passes. Or flatten 4 hangars on a vbase, just pickle the small ones in for good measure. I would say it is one of the most under rated bombers in game.
I'm all for more variants especially if we get the Mossie Tse Tse, 25 rounds of 57mm molins ammo will do nicely against gv's. Think lighter more manoeuvrable B25H. ;)
They can wreck a town in 2 passes. Or flatten 4 hangars on a vbase, just pickle the small ones in for good measure. I would say it is one of the most under rated bombers in game.
I don't think people underrate the bomb load. They just correctly rate the survivability in the LW arena. ;)
A single Ju88 for precision bombing is my choice. Wrecked the town around a flag in a single pass. ;)
The Mossie with a Tse Tse will be good with the 4 37mm German Bkr cannons in gondolas, too. (Ju88 P-3. Please correct if wrong.)
same reason you dont want varients of A-20s ;)
The glass nosed 4 20mm versions after 2500 models were cancelled. They found the cannons unreliable.
Anyways, the 500kg bombs are enough to destroy hangars and shore batteries. I think the 20 50kg bombs can also take out something of that sort if used with precision bombing. The survivability on the other hand is very low.
Seems there were only 17 Tsetses built, and only 13 of them saw combat, but they did ridiculous amounts of damage to enemy shipping. I havent pulled the exact numbers but it looks like about 8 U-boats sunk and another 10 or so damaged, 30+ ships sunk and more than double that damaged, a Ju-88 (confirmed) and a Bf109 (possible,) plus a few shore AA batteries. All that for 4 combat losses (2 to fighters, 2 to flak.) blimey!
I am not sure where RTHolmes got the 17 number, all my data says 27 built and converted from Mk VI's. The 17 may just be the new build numbers. I don't have the number used in combat in front of me, but they were worked hard by Coastal Command.
Also, the Ju88 destroyed was a Ju88C that was part of a group of Ju88 fighters covering a convoy. The Tse Tses were escorted by Mossie VI's, but one of the Tse Tses apparently wasn't satisfied with just taking on the ships.
using the 20 50kg bombs on the center of town with a salvo of 10 is great for milkruns ;)
My best ever sortie in a Ju88 was back in AH1 prior to formations. I took four fighters with me, including an F4U-1C and N1K2-J. Sadly the N1K2-J got me as well.
I'm all for -anything- that'd get the JU88s out of hanger queen status. Hell, the only time
folks fly 'em anymore is when the (cough) loveable ENY forces 'em into it. Exception
being, noobz who don't know any better.
I don't fly the Ju-88 due to ENY, I fly it because it is fun to fly and carries a nice payload. I'll admit, it can be a little interesting if you fly over an area that has quite a few enemy fighters, but that's half the fun. You would be surprised how many people make the mistake of coming in the 5-7 positions, making for rather easy kills. You would also be surprised how well she'll handle when you are down to your last plane. I've chased away or shot down people with that forward MG. Doesn't happen very often, but does it feel GOOD when you do. :x Granted, they were either new or just made a mistake, but still... :x
If you do it correctly, you can destroy 7 hangers with a formation of Ju-88's and still have a couple of 50kg bombs to hit something with, be it ords, dar or a very small piece of town. Mind you, this was prior to me reading something about the 100lb bombs being tweeked and I don't recall if that included the 50kg bombs. So I am not sure if I can do it now. Gotta give it a go myself all curious and what-not. :joystick:
As for the OP, +1 on more Ju-88's and Mossies.