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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: saggs on February 04, 2012, 11:51:29 PM

Title: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: saggs on February 04, 2012, 11:51:29 PM
So I was at lunch the other day on a break from school with some friends, 4 of us from the same A&P class.  We sit down and can't help but overhear a couple of loudmouths at the booth behind us.  They are going on about chemtrails... of course at first the 4 of us just went  :rolleyes: and tried to ignore them.

But these guys kept getting each other more and more worked up on the topic; what they're spraying, why, how, who's behind it, HAARP etc...  Till finally one of the says (and I paraphrase to leave out the inappropriate words) that the only way to convince all the mindless "sheeple" that this was really going on was to shot one of those blankety-blank planes down!   :eek:

I think we all thought about confronting him, but we didn't.  It probably just would have made a scene, some of these people are so set that no amount of logic or reason will change their minds.  When I got home I was curious and looked up some of the chemtrail websites, and was shocked again to discover that there is no shortage of internet tough-guys out there talking about shooting down chemtrail planes.  Now I know most would not, but we know from things like the OK city bombing that it only takes one.

Before I'd always heard about this conspiracy theory but figured they where just harmless nuts.  Now I'm kind of worried.  How long till some unstable individual deluded into this fantasy gets his hands on an RPG and tries to take down an airliner on final?

On their forums I found that anyone who dares venture in to offer real science and explanations are instantly labeled "paid government shills" spouting "disinformation"  Even if it's only to point out that their pictures of a supposed chemtrail sprayer on a plane is jut the refueling drogue on a KC-10, or that the chemtrail chemical tanks pictured inside a plane are actually nothing but water tanks/pumps for W&B testing, or that that's just Evergreens supertanker dumping water, not chemicals.

It almost breaks my heart that so many people are so hopelessly gullible, that they waste away their lives in perpetual state of paranoia of an imaginary danger, and anger at an imaginary enemy...   :(   But at the same time now I wonder if I have some moral duty to try and set them straight when I meet them (instead of just  :rolleyes: ) on the slim chance it will avert a tragedy.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: PuppetZ on February 05, 2012, 12:07:33 AM
Just  :rolleyes:.

You cannot do anything. If a nutcase is going to go berserk, no one but himself can prevent. Risk zero does not exist. You can make prevention campaign, and there will still be people to not listen. Nothing anybody can do.

The rest of my answer is rule 14'ed so  :bolt:
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Dragon on February 05, 2012, 12:11:34 AM

link is auto edited
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 12:15:48 AM
Those people really are grade A idiots.

I always think of this picture when someone mentions chemtrails


I mean it couldnt just be water vapor, thats too simple.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: icepac on February 05, 2012, 08:30:27 AM
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: chaser on February 05, 2012, 09:28:37 AM
:rofl :rofl
 The amount of stupidity in the video is truly astounding.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: wil3ur on February 05, 2012, 09:43:28 AM
Chemtrails cause Morgellons.  It was given to us by the 5th dimensional lizard people who live under Denver International Airport to 'Terra'form our planet into a breatheable atmosphere for our Annunaki overlords who will be returning on the comet Elinin.

It's all on the internet...  Look it up.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Shifty on February 05, 2012, 09:54:49 AM
She should worry more about her fence.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: MK-84 on February 05, 2012, 10:24:06 AM
"...This can't be natural..."   :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: mthrockmor on February 05, 2012, 10:45:32 AM
Nut? Very likely yes. Something most will not appreciate is the amount of distrust for the Federal government going back decades. From the Tuskegee syphillus tests, Gulf of Tonkin, Kennedy assissination, etc. Many examples of either outright admitted harm, to obviously incorrect information. For many this distrust continues. We can laugh at some manifestations of this distrust though should not ignore the cause.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Maverick on February 05, 2012, 11:32:00 AM
Nut? Very likely yes. Something most will not appreciate is the amount of distrust for the Federal government going back decades. From the Tuskegee syphillus tests, Gulf of Tonkin, Kennedy assissination, etc. Many examples of either outright admitted harm, to obviously incorrect information. For many this distrust continues. We can laugh at some manifestations of this distrust though should not ignore the cause.


You can trust me that contrails are a natural phenomenon due to heating air then releasing it into cold ambient atmosphere, not spraying chemicals. It is much the same as your breath being visible on a cold day.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Puma44 on February 05, 2012, 11:38:52 AM
...even worse, she has the right to vote.   :eek:
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: ghi on February 05, 2012, 11:58:41 AM

Before I'd always heard about this conspiracy theory but figured they where just harmless nuts.  Now I'm kind of worried.  How long till some unstable individual deluded into this fantasy gets his hands on an RPG and tries to take down an airliner on final?
I'm more worried about uninformed guys like you, feeding your daily news from Nancy Grace on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox. Chemtrails are vissible traces of weather  modification projects, used by governments all over the world including China,USA.
Do you think this is guy is talking BS,just conspiracy ?!
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Shifty on February 05, 2012, 12:11:46 PM
...even worse, she has the right to vote.   :eek:
Now that is the scariest thing to come out of this.  :lol
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: mthrockmor on February 05, 2012, 12:30:31 PM
Having interviewed many 'Occupy Wallstreet'rs' I'm just as alarmed they get to vote.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Bodhi on February 05, 2012, 12:37:00 PM
I know everytime I go flying, I spray out chemtrails.  Of course mine are nothing more than methane...
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 12:38:15 PM
I'm more worried about uninformed guys like you, feeding your daily news from Nancy Grace on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox. Chemtrails are vissible traces of weather  modification projects, used by governments all over the world including China,USA.
Do you think this is guy is talking BS,just conspiracy ?!

I know a guy who did cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is a real thing.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: wil3ur on February 05, 2012, 01:05:37 PM
Cloud seeding has been around for decades and is much different than what Chemtrails are said to be.

Chemtrails are seeding the atmosphere with Barium and Aluminum particles.  There's the climatologist view of this that it's being done to test reflecting some light back out into space, to stop global warming.  There was even a big conference in San Diego here a year or so ago discussing just that as a 'possibility', funny that some 'nut Job' would say that's exactly what's been going on a decade before an 'educated' person comes up with the idea...

The second view of it is that these are used as a reflector, but not for the suns rays, but to create a 'lens' in the upper atmosphere to bounce radio waves off of.  The Russians, the Chinese, the US and Britain all have huge "HAARP" arrays, and according to theorists, these can be used to manipulate the course of weather patterns by heating the atmosphere and causing changes to the jet stream.  There are also those that state they can actual effect the magnetic flow of the earth underneath them causing seismic disturbances such as earthquakes or eruptions.

Is this man crazy?


"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 05, 2012, 04:41:18 PM
I'm more worried about uninformed guys like you, feeding your daily news from Nancy Grace on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox. Chemtrails are vissible traces of weather  modification projects, used by governments all over the world including China,USA.
Do you think this is guy is talking BS,just conspiracy ?!

You're absolutely right, there are people all over the world attempting to modify the weather.  I'm surprised that you haven't heard about this earlier; it was all over the science networks a few years ago.  It's great for agriculture because we can get more rain to grow more crops.

Change the weather with radio waves?  Really?  There are hundreds of millions of liters of air, and radio waves are not well known for their heating capabilities at any frequency.  That's why we use microwaves to heat dinner, and not NPR.  Think of it this way: coal fired power plants generated millions of tons of extremely hot gas every single day, and we don't see them creating their own weather patterns.  That's not even getting into the fact that radio waves are broadcast, not fired, which means that they would disperse so quickly that the air wouldn't heat up at all.

Earthquakes?  Volcanoes? How exactly are you going to do that?  Get millions of tons of rock to vibrate at its resonant frequency?  Just think about the logistics, the power, the coolant, the money, the manpower required just to build such a device.  Even Dr. Doom couldn't hide his Doomsday device from the world.  The thing was just too dang big.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 04:43:01 PM
You're absolutely right, there are people all over the world attempting to modify the weather.  I'm surprised that you haven't heard about this earlier; it was all over the science networks a few years ago.  It's great for agriculture because we can get more rain to grow more crops.

Change the weather with radio waves?  Really?  There are hundreds of millions of liters of air, and radio waves are not well known for their heating capabilities at any frequency.  That's why we use microwaves to heat dinner, and not NPR.  Think of it this way: coal fired power plants generated millions of tons of extremely hot gas every single day, and we don't see them creating their own weather patterns.  That's not even getting into the fact that radio waves are broadcast, not fired, which means that they would disperse so quickly that the air wouldn't heat up at all.

Earthquakes?  Volcanoes? How exactly are you going to do that?  Get millions of tons of rock to vibrate at its resonant frequency?  Just think about the logistics, the power, the coolant, the money, the manpower required just to build such a device.  Even Dr. Doom couldn't hide his Doomsday device from the world.  The thing was just too dang big.



Penguin that is about the most spot on thing I have ever seen about HAARP.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 04:45:52 PM
Here's some more chemtrails




Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 05, 2012, 05:04:33 PM
Here's some more chemtrails





I hope that you were being sarcastic.  Aren't contrails caused by turbulence as well?

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 05:06:03 PM
I hope that you were being sarcastic.  Aren't contrails caused by turbulence as well?


Yes, I was being sarcastic. I don't believe in chemtrails.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 05:09:57 PM
I hope that you were being sarcastic.  Aren't contrails caused by turbulence as well?


I dont think I have heard of turbulence causing contrails, just mostly condesned water vapor, or sometimes it will turn into ice depending on atmospheric conditions.

You can also get prop tip vortices that are created by cold air condensing as the pressure changes at the prop tips.


(I've had those before, they are really cool)
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 05, 2012, 05:18:08 PM
Well, I've seen jets do really hard turns and little white lines come off their wingtips.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Tupac on February 05, 2012, 05:26:48 PM
Well, I've seen jets do really hard turns and little white lines come off their wingtips.


those are vapor trails in the low pressure part of the wingtip vortice
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 05, 2012, 05:37:56 PM
Aha, thanks for clearing that up.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: saggs on February 05, 2012, 08:58:58 PM
I'm more worried about uninformed guys like you, feeding your daily news from Nancy Grace on CNN and Bill O'Reilly on Fox. Chemtrails are vissible traces of weather  modification projects, used by governments all over the world including China,USA.
Do you think this is guy is talking BS,just conspiracy ?!

No he's talking about cloud seeding, which has been around for decades, it is not a secret, not classified, and there is nothing nefarious about it, and therefore there is no conspiracy.  To be a conspiracy, someone must be conspiring to keep it secret.  Cloud seeding is out in the open, nothing secret about it.  Just because you learn about something and it's news to you, doesn't mean it's been kept secret.

Besides they don't "spray" anything when they do cloud seeding.  They usually burn silver iodine flares, or dry ice dispersers fixed to the airframe somewhere like this
Also there has to be clouds already there for cloud seeding to work, they seed clouds, they don't make clouds, so you wouldn't find them cloud seeding on bluebird days, but overcast days when clouds are already near saturation, and cloud seeding planes to be effective must fly at much lower altitudes then contrails are formed at... in the clouds.  <---- for top secret government conspirators they sure don't make their websites very difficult to find.

P.S. I don't watch Fox, or CNN...  I only get a dozen over the air channels on my TV  :D
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: wil3ur on February 05, 2012, 10:41:13 PM
You're right...  this guy must be crazy.     :noid


"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

As for your arguements, resonance is a hellofa drug...  How do people shatter glass with their voice?
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: -tronski- on February 05, 2012, 10:54:39 PM

No he's talking about cloud seeding, which has been around for decades, it is not a secret, not classified, and there is nothing nefarious about it, and therefore there is no conspiracy.  To be a conspiracy, someone must be conspiring to keep it secret.  Cloud seeding is out in the open, nothing secret about it.  Just because you learn about something and it's news to you, doesn't mean it's been kept secret.


Man...wait till he finds out about the shield generator which protects our moon!

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: ghi on February 05, 2012, 10:59:04 PM

P.S. I don't watch Fox, or CNN...  I only get a dozen over the air channels on my TV  :D
I'm sorry, i didn't mean to be rude! my poor english :bhead
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: mthrockmor on February 05, 2012, 11:07:27 PM
Ok, HAARP,chem trails, etc aside let me tell the oddest 'Bigfoot' story ever.

2002 Salt Lake winter olympics. If you know Salt Lake it lays between two different ranges of mountains within the Rockies. This geography coupled with temps can cause what they call an inversion where smog is trapped within the valley by the mountains, almost like a cereal bowl.

A day or two before the Olympics the oddest thing happened that many of us noticed and discussed. Around 10am a cold wind blew in from the West, lasted several hours and completely cleared the smog out. Odd, winds do blow though at evening when the warm air rises and cold air is sucked in along the mountain walls. This was not that, certainly not the evening. And, not a single cloud in the sky. It didn't match any known scientific conditions associated with wind but...who knows.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: flight17 on February 05, 2012, 11:16:31 PM
Having interviewed many 'Occupy Wallstreet'rs' I'm just as alarmed they get to vote.

Lol there is an occupy Pittsburgh which they was set up on the Mellon bank property... Well long story short, Mellon tried to have them removed from the property with no success... Then it went to court and the local news agencies went in with thermal cameras and shown them at all the tents that we're there and not one returned a themrmal signature. Needless to say on Friday they were given a three day notice to get off Mellon property.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: ghi on February 05, 2012, 11:51:51 PM

  There are also those that state they can actual effect the magnetic flow of the earth underneath them causing seismic disturbances such as earthquakes or eruptions.

There is an interesting conspiracy connecting ionospheric compression and earthquakes/volcanoes prediction especially after the atmosphere was observed heating up before Fukushima earthquake.   
And look at the ionospheric map today;
and the earthquakes in Philippines 2 hours ago;
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: wil3ur on February 06, 2012, 01:35:34 AM
Again... I'm just going  to throw this one out there...

This guy is crazy, and it's definately not quoted off of an government website:


"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

 :noid  :noid  :noid
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: saggs on February 06, 2012, 02:52:29 AM
Again... I'm just going  to throw this one out there...

This guy is crazy, and it's definately not quoted off of an government website:

 :noid  :noid  :noid

I fail to see your point, how does that have any bearing on the chemtrail nuts who threaten violence.

In any case I think Bill Cohen's assessment of the possibilities of the terrorists developing EM wave weapons in 1997 proved to be just a bit optimistic.  15 years on and we have no more evidence now then we did then of there existence or development.   Also if you read the sentence in context he was talking about them being "engaged" in trying to develop such weapons back as 1997 not actually using them, yet from that time to today there has not been one shred of evidence to support that such weapons were ever successfully developed. 

I don't think Secretary Cohen is/was crazy, I think he was a sharp politician who was playing to the crowd, which happened to be the
"Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the Georgia Center, Mahler Auditorium, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. The event is part of the Sam Nunn Policy Forum being hosted by the University of Georgia. Secretary Cohen is joined by Sen. Sam Nunn and Sen. Richard G. Lugar."
He's a politician, it was a political event, and he was doing what good obedient political appointees do best, trying to win support for the policies of the President who appointed him.   And now I'm pushing the boundary of rule 14 so I'll shut up about Bill Cohen.

Bottom line;  just because someone holds a White House cabinet position does not mean there opinions are infallible.  Just because something is written on a .gov website doesn't mean it's true.  Isn't it the chemtrail nuts themselves who constantly proclaim that the government is lying and intentionally misleading us? 

Do I believe the government hides stuff from the public?  Of course they do, just look at half the documents people get from FOIA with half the page blacked out.  But here we have people taking a perfectly natural and well documented and understood phenomenon like contrails, and trying to twist and obfuscate it enough to fit some conspiracy theory. 

That is 180° from the scientific method, they are trying to change the facts, ( ignoring 70 years of science on the topic) to fit their hypothesis, instead of changing their hypothesis to fit the facts.   

I believe in Occam's Razor.
Occam's razor, also known as Ockham's razor, and sometimes expressed in Latin as lex parsimoniae (the law of parsimony, economy or succinctness), is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: icepac on February 06, 2012, 07:43:07 AM
I believe that there is a higher percentage of morons than ever before.

This is not lost on the people manipulating them.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: FireDrgn on February 06, 2012, 01:40:23 PM
I fail to see your point, how does that have any bearing on the chemtrail nuts who threaten violence.

In any case I think Bill Cohen's assessment of the possibilities of the terrorists developing EM wave weapons in 1997 proved to be just a bit optimistic.  15 years on and we have no more evidence now then we did then of there existence or development.   Also if you read the sentence in context he was talking about them being "engaged" in trying to develop such weapons back as 1997 not actually using them, yet from that time to today there has not been one shred of evidence to support that such weapons were ever successfully developed. 

I don't think Secretary Cohen is/was crazy, I think he was a sharp politician who was playing to the crowd, which happened to be the  
He's a politician, it was a political event, and he was doing what good obedient political appointees do best, trying to win support for the policies of the President who appointed him.   And now I'm pushing the boundary of rule 14 so I'll shut up about Bill Cohen.

Bottom line;  just because someone holds a White House cabinet position does not mean there opinions are infallible.  Just because something is written on a .gov website doesn't mean it's true.  Isn't it the chemtrail nuts themselves who constantly proclaim that the government is lying and intentionally misleading us? 

Do I believe the government hides stuff from the public?  Of course they do, just look at half the documents people get from FOIA with half the page blacked out.  But here we have people taking a perfectly natural and well documented and understood phenomenon like contrails, and trying to twist and obfuscate it enough to fit some conspiracy theory. 

That is 180° from the scientific method, they are trying to change the facts, ( ignoring 70 years of science on the topic) to fit their hypothesis, instead of changing their hypothesis to fit the facts.   

I believe in Occam's Razor.

S of Defence is a chemtrail nut job.     but not really hes just a lier..  ummm Ya So in your opinion who is more dangerous      A lier with a Cabinet position or chemtrail nut jobs that do not have rpg's   .. Of course I am applying Occams RAzor ,thats how I know they dont have rpgs... :devil :airplane: :devil :noid :noid :noid :noid :bhead :bhead :bhead
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 06, 2012, 02:33:39 PM
I believe that there is a higher percentage of morons than ever before.

This is not lost on the people manipulating them.

If we measure the number of morons by say, literacy rates, then no, the number of morons is rapidly declining due to increased education.  Furthermore, evolutionary pressures for increased intelligence will weed out those too stupid to reproduce.  Nope, unless a bunch of universities and educational departments just got nuked, we should be approaching a moron free world.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Maverick on February 06, 2012, 05:24:50 PM
Never confuse stupidity, idiocy, moronic behavior / beliefs with a lack of education. There are TONS of educated idiots, morons and stupid people out there. One can be given the finest tools known to man and still be unable to sharpen a pencil or deal with real life in the world outside of academia. Education is often the refuge of those who lack the ability to cope in any other form of existence. That is not to say educators are all stupid, idiotic, etc. but that there do exist a number of folks who can complete higher education and lack the ability to apply any of it. They are highly educated but unable to cope outside of the school.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 06, 2012, 05:58:24 PM
I'd rather have the nerds of today than the violent barfighters of the 30s.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Maverick on February 06, 2012, 09:15:01 PM
And you expose another assumption you have regarding the past that is no doubt fueled by your extensive research into late night TV shows.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Shuffler on February 07, 2012, 09:10:41 AM
And you expose another assumption you have regarding the past that is no doubt fueled by your extensive research into late night TV shows.

I've seen the B&W films.... they all look like Bogart and Cagney. :D
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: VonMessa on February 07, 2012, 10:07:38 AM
Some of the dumbest people that I have ever met are the one's with the most formal education.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Shuffler on February 07, 2012, 10:13:30 AM
Some of the dumbest people that I have ever met are the one's with the most formal education.

Most and the least.  There must be a happy medium. :)
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: tmetal on February 07, 2012, 10:28:43 AM
Ah yes, thanks in large part to the internet we now live an age of readily available information. Unfortunately, misinformation is just as easy to get a hold of and pass off as truth or fact.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: VonMessa on February 07, 2012, 10:28:51 AM
Most and the least.  There must be a happy medium. :)

Until I find that happy medium, I'm gonna play it safe...


I will be taking orders soon.  Please state hat size and preferred accessories  :aok
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Shuffler on February 07, 2012, 10:35:48 AM
Until I find that happy medium, I'm gonna play it safe...


I will be taking orders soon.  Please state hat size and preferred accessories  :aok

 :rofl   :aok (
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: VonMessa on February 07, 2012, 10:43:46 AM

 :rofl   :aok (

AFDB  :aok
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: cpxxx on February 07, 2012, 12:12:38 PM
I believe that there is a higher percentage of morons than ever before.
Maybe, maybe not. But all too often people who come up with this stuff are highly intelligent, articulate and personable. But completely mad, paranoid or whatever. But mainly they are superficially convincing. Which is enough for many citizens of average intelligence. Because most people in this world do not really think for themselves. They look to other people to make up their minds for them.

That's the problem right there.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: icepac on February 07, 2012, 01:36:22 PM
And a lack of basic physics knowledge which causes them to rush headlong into stupid theories.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: VonMessa on February 07, 2012, 01:51:50 PM
Maybe, maybe not. But all too often people who come up with this stuff are highly intelligent, articulate and personable. But completely mad, paranoid or whatever. But mainly they are superficially convincing. Which is enough for many citizens of average intelligence. Because most people in this world do not really think for themselves. They look to other people to make up their minds for them.

That's the problem right there.

I want to sit down and interview these folks sometimes and ask them what it is like to live in perpetual fear.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 07, 2012, 05:14:56 PM
And you expose another assumption you have regarding the past that is no doubt fueled by your extensive research into late night TV shows.

Nope, I've met them in person.  Whenever parties and celebrations come to mind, they always express their wonder at how none of us lose any teeth.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Maverick on February 07, 2012, 09:01:06 PM
Wow, must have been an amazing population sample to justify a sweeping generalization covering multiple generations.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: saggs on February 07, 2012, 09:33:51 PM
If we measure the number of morons by say, literacy rates, then no, the number of morons is rapidly declining due to increased education.  Furthermore, evolutionary pressures for increased intelligence will weed out those too stupid to reproduce.  Nope, unless a bunch of universities and educational departments just got nuked, we should be approaching a moron free world.


Then there are the people who think they are a lot smarter then they really are...  cough  cough
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 08, 2012, 04:56:44 PM
Wow, must have been an amazing population sample to justify a sweeping generalization covering multiple generations.

I'd say yes.  I'd say that it's around 40, from near-slum to white collar, including both veterans and non-veterans.  There's also the fact that the culture of the US has been tending toward peace rather than violence (e.g., all the domestic violence laws, the decline of boxing and blood sports).

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Maverick on February 08, 2012, 08:24:16 PM
Your naivete seems to know no bounds. You condemn an entire generation at least 3 times removed from yours as violent then claim that the current one is less so based on anecdotal stories you soaked up. Sorry I don't buy it. Having actually lived with folks from the 30's and a career in Law Enforcement, my empirical actual experience says otherwise. Don't let that stop you from spouting off about your vast knowledge based on less than 20 years on the globe however.
Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: Penguin on February 08, 2012, 09:30:48 PM
Your naivete seems to know no bounds. You condemn an entire generation at least 3 times removed from yours as violent then claim that the current one is less so based on anecdotal stories you soaked up. Sorry I don't buy it. Having actually lived with folks from the 30's and a career in Law Enforcement, my empirical actual experience says otherwise. Don't let that stop you from spouting off about your vast knowledge based on less than 20 years on the globe however.

Weird, perhaps my sample was not large enough.  I was pretty darn sure that we were getting less violent, though.

Title: Re: Chemtrail nuts threaten violence.
Post by: jimson on February 18, 2012, 11:21:02 AM
I'd say yes.  I'd say that it's around 40, from near-slum to white collar, including both veterans and non-veterans.  There's also the fact that the culture of the US has been tending toward peace rather than violence (e.g., all the domestic violence laws, the decline of boxing and blood sports).


Really? I don't see it with the violent imagery in video games, TV and cinema and the rise in popularity of "Ultimate Fighting" sports.

I instead see a distinct coarsening of our culture.