Aces High Bulletin Board
Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: 321BAR on April 29, 2012, 12:29:31 AM
ive had more fun in the last two frames in a scenario than ive ever had in any scenario! <S>
ive had more fun in the last two frames in a scenario than ive ever had in any scenario! <S>
LOL Tiger driver. Would you be saying it if you'd been in an M-18? :)
LOL Tiger driver. Would you be saying it if you'd been in an M-18? :)
nope and you know why make the M18 an axis GV and the tigers allied and i will leave it at that :aok
Eh, the only scenario GV fight I've REALLY enjoyed was Stalin's 4th minus the derpy bridges. This one comes in second, but at a distance. Though shepherding might tarnish my viewpoint a bit. :D
Eh, the only scenario GV fight I've REALLY enjoyed was Stalin's 4th minus the derpy bridges. This one comes in second, but at a distance. Though shepherding might tarnish my viewpoint a bit. :D
so you're the one i've been facing off with command wise on the ground front :noid "hat tip" <S>
Not for me, this is the last event I shall participate that have GV's. It is not why I play.
Not for me, this is the last event I shall participate that have GV's. It is not why I play.
I'm with Zoney here. The next time GV's are included in a scenario I will not participate if I'm going to be forced into them.
I think it's great that they are an option if someone wishes to participate in the ground war, but personally I do not really care for it.
I'm with Zoney here. The next time GV's are included in a scenario I will not participate if I'm going to be forced into them.
I think it's great that they are an option if someone wishes to participate in the ground war, but personally I do not really care for it.
I agree. while the tank fight last night was some of the most fun i've ever had in AH, I think the fact that the command staffs have to force some people into tanks to meet the ten-person limit is not cool. keep the original rules, have dedicated gv groups and present tanking as an option if you have used both your lives. we shouldn't have to yank people from flying to meet a limit.
I'm with Zoney here. The next time GV's are included in a scenario I will not participate if I'm going to be forced into them.
I think it's great that they are an option if someone wishes to participate in the ground war, but personally I do not really care for it.
You are not forced into them. There is a Quit button located on the clipboard map for your convenience.
I agree. while the tank fight last night was some of the most fun i've ever had in AH, I think the fact that the command staffs have to force some people into tanks to meet the ten-person limit is not cool. keep the original rules, have dedicated gv groups and present tanking as an option if you have used both your lives. we shouldn't have to yank people from flying to meet a limit.
It was done due to low number of registrants. If we had 50 more people per side, it wouldn't be an issue.
I agree. while the tank fight last night was some of the most fun i've ever had in AH, I think the fact that the command staffs have to force some people into tanks to meet the ten-person limit is not cool. keep the original rules, have dedicated gv groups and present tanking as an option if you have used both your lives. we shouldn't have to yank people from flying to meet a limit.
It was done due to low number of registrants. If we had 50 more people per side, it wouldn't be an issue.
im with spikes on this. i believe if we had the full numbers there would've been no issues at all with this. although a few volunteered for the GV aspect i know not everyone loves a GV.
From an Axis perspective, I've tried not to make it clear that no one is to be 'forced' into a GV role if they absolutely don't want to do it. In fact, we've had a few that didn't want to GV so they just stayed in their airplanes. The whole purpose of these scenarios is to have fun. I'll try to reinforce this in frame 4.
It was a bloody knife fight in the streets of the city center island last night! Despite not spending much time in a GV in frame 3, I'd have to give it a 10+. It was definitely the funnest GV battle I've ever been in!
From an Axis perspective, I've tried not to make it clear that no one is to be 'forced' into a GV role if they absolutely don't want to do it. In fact, we've had a few that didn't want to GV so they just stayed in their airplanes. The whole purpose of these scenarios is to have fun. I'll try to reinforce this in frame 4.
It was a bloody knife fight in the streets of the city center island last night! Despite not spending much time in a GV in frame 3, I'd have to give it a 10+. It was definitely the funnest GV battle I've ever been in!
The dilemma is that scenarios are designed with GVs as a clutch to the gameplay after people beg and beg for such a design, then nobody signs up for them. (This is Aces High, afterall, right? smugsmug) Then they complain when the design has to be shoehorned to deal with it; having to "volunteer" people for GV duty and having to delay the effort until T+90 in order for there to be enough GVs to last until frame end are good examples.
so you're the one i've been facing off with command wise on the ground front :noid "hat tip" <S>
Dantoo's been helping along like he can't seem to avoid, but that's mostly just approving or slightly tweaking my strategies, then working them in with timing (which is lovely because that's the bane of my existence). :p I haven't been beaten nearly as badly as some of the aerial plans.
I wasn't there last night as I was volunteering serving lobster and steak dinners for the Eagles. In fact, neither of our P-47 groups had their GLs. So our command structure may have been a bit wobbly; I haven't heard the derief and am afraid to look at the logs. :D
I wasn't there last night as I was volunteering serving lobster and steak dinners for the Eagles. In fact, neither of our P-47 groups had their GLs. So our command structure may have been a bit wobbly; I haven't heard the derief and am afraid to look at the logs. :D
:lol this would explain the GV fight now. i was going to say the Frame 2 fight was well worth the wait and Frame 3 was a blast to plan for and put into action. :aok
I had actually written up multiple strategies and battle plans for that Frame 3 fight. wish you were there for the fight it was a brawl in that city...
You are not forced into them. There is a Quit button located on the clipboard map for your convenience.
It was done due to low number of registrants. If we had 50 more people per side, it wouldn't be an issue.
When I'm told to report for GV duty after the first sortie, it sure feels like I'm being forced. I shouldn't have to use the quite button when I still have a life in planes.
If enough people do not sign up for the ground war maybe the ground war part should be dropped.
If enough people do not sign up for the ground war maybe the ground war part should be dropped.
That isn't really feasible in this design. Though this scenario was an inch away from being completely cancelled to due low numbers as it was.
When I'm told to report for GV duty after the first sortie, it sure feels like I'm being forced. I shouldn't have to use the quite button when I still have a life in planes.
If enough people do not sign up for the ground war maybe the ground war part should be dropped.
Like most things it's a balancing act to try and give the largest number of people the best chance to have a good time. I don't tank much in MA's, I will occasionally for a change of pace but it's not what got me to sign up for Aces High, nor what keeps me coming back for more. To me Scenario's are a chance to do something different than the MA's (a little ironic because I'm flying 38's this time I know) some of my best scenario memories are flying B-25's with Beefcake, I also had a great time flying 109G6's in the last scenario even though I don't have the slightest idea how they work or really want to spend a lot of time in them when I'm flying in the MA. It's new, it's a challenge, sometimes I think people (and I'm not speaking of anyone specific here) just need to get out of the way and let themselves try and enjoy the experience, I've often been surprised how often I've found something fun that I didn't think I'd like at first. Trying to hold a bridge in one of the previous frames, or stalking Panzers, Tigers, and Panthers (or being stalked in turn) through the streets yesterday was a lot of fun.
I had the pleasure to view the tank battle from the air last night. It was very similar to the footage of the tank battle in downtown Cologne.
I got splattered the first couple frames, but overall I'm having fun... aside from the huge delay in the ground war starting. Imho, if the ground war started at frame start it might encourage the fights to remain lower, particularly if all the bombing was tactical in nature. That is my only complaint, which isn't too bad at all.
Like most things it's a balancing act to try and give the largest number of people the best chance to have a good time. I don't tank much in MA's, I will occasionally for a change of pace but it's not what got me to sign up for Aces High, nor what keeps me coming back for more. To me Scenario's are a chance to do something different than the MA's (a little ironic because I'm flying 38's this time I know) some of my best scenario memories are flying B-25's with Beefcake, I also had a great time flying 109G6's in the last scenario even though I don't have the slightest idea how they work or really want to spend a lot of time in them when I'm flying in the MA. It's new, it's a challenge, sometimes I think people (and I'm not speaking of anyone specific here) just need to get out of the way and let themselves try and enjoy the experience, I've often been surprised how often I've found something fun that I didn't think I'd like at first. Trying to hold a bridge in one of the previous frames, or stalking Panzers, Tigers, and Panthers (or being stalked in turn) through the streets yesterday was a lot of fun.
Prior to this scenario, the K4 was one of my least favorite aircraft. I couldn't turn it with the Spits, couldn't outrun Ponies at alt, and the gun just lobs out taters so it's difficult to shoot accurately. Now, I'm really liking it and can actually hit something occasionally. Point is, the scenarios allow you to do something different than grind it out in the MA.
The GV battle last night was a bloody knife fight. We slugged it out for a while! I've heard a lot of people say it was the funnest GV battle they ever had. I have to agree. <S> Allies...till next week.
When I'm told to report for GV duty after the first sortie, it sure feels like I'm being forced. I shouldn't have to use the quite button when I still have a life in planes.
If enough people do not sign up for the ground war maybe the ground war part should be dropped.
Not sure it wasn't even the ground war part...there were entire squads and groups that had 1 or 2 people in it. In previous scenarios, there were people fighting over spots, and being reserves.
That GV battle in the city was intense, I got there in the first wave, parked up and sat for an hour for 2 kills, the intense part was hearing enemy tanks passing behind my hidey-hole, and having to look both ways at all times.
It wasn't fast and furious action, but the pressure was on the whole time, I really enjoyed it!
I'm done with the GV scenarios the Axis tanks are impossible to beat, I will watch from above in the future
This is what I based the frame's tank fight on.
This is what I based the frame's tank fight on.
It put the mobile site in, i fixed it.
It put the mobile site in, i fixed it.
:aok <S>
Edit: also a reason i wish the M26 was added. they DID fight in that city
:aok <S>
Edit: also a reason i wish the M26 was added. they DID fight in that city
Why, you never play in the ones you want added. :lol
Why, you never play in the ones you want added. :lol
:rolleyes: so many people are missing the point as of why i went axis... (though corky completely understood as much as he LOVESSSS rubbing it in my face! :rofl )
and yes. i do drive the M-18 in the MA
as i have stated make the tiger allied and the M-18 axis and you'd have seen me zip through those streets in my baby :lol
I had the pleasure to view the tank battle from the air last night. It was very similar to the footage of the tank battle in downtown Cologne.
This is what I based the frame's tank fight on.
I don't know what is scarier, the fact I saw the resemblance or the fact I might think like Fencer does. :bolt:
I'm done with the GV scenarios the Axis tanks are impossible to beat, I will watch from above in the future
That is lunacy! The best chance the Allies had was in the city; at the ranges the combat was taking place, the Axis armor and gun advantage was neutralized. The speed the Sherman's had to move around city blocks should of helped them flank the campers.
What didn't help was the city ack, as it kept friendly tank spotters away and it was closer to the Luftwaffe than the Allied airfields.
What didn't help was the city ack, as it kept friendly tank spotters away and it was closer to the Luftwaffe than the Allied airfields.
i saw a fight at the end del between two 38s and 2 190s i didnt see ack shoot down either of the 38s i may be mistaken
I don't know what is scarier, the fact I saw the resemblance or the fact I might think like Fencer does. :bolt:
Does anyone ever look at the references I put in the writeup? :bhead
Does anyone ever look at the references I put in the writeup? :bhead
I got the hint when someone accused us of a lack of diligence because we hadn't posted orders for the Mosquitos.
Does anyone ever look at the references I put in the writeup? :bhead
No, I can't say I do. I don't check the references on many books either, unless I'm looking to read further on the topic.