Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: xPoisonx on November 24, 2014, 05:13:19 PM

Title: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: xPoisonx on November 24, 2014, 05:13:19 PM
I don't see why not... They had decent success during the last part of the war.

"The anti-aircraft version of the R4M used a large warhead of 55 mm. with 520 g. (17.6 ounces) of the strongly brisant Hexogen explosive charge, nearly guaranteeing a fighter kill with one hit, from the "shattering" force of its explosive warhead. Each R4M weighed 3.2 kg and was provided with enough fuel to be fired from 1000 m., outside the range of the bomber's defensive guns. The main body of the rocket consisted of a simple steel tube with eight base-hinged flip-out fins on the tail for stabilisation, deployed immediately after launch. A battery typically consisted of two groups of 12 rockets and when all 24 were salvoed in an attack, they would fill an area about 15 by 30 m. at 1000 m., a density that made it almost certain that the target would be hit."

"Though this tactic was effective, it came too late to have a real effect on the war, and only small numbers of Me 262s were equipped with the rocket packs. Most of those so equipped were Me 262A-1 (the one we have now), members of Jagdgeschwader 7. This method of attacking bombers became the standard, and mass deployment of Ruhrstahl X-4 guided missiles was cancelled."
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Oldman731 on November 24, 2014, 05:22:01 PM
I don't see why not... They had decent success during the last part of the war.


May have to up the perk price of the 262, though.

- oldman
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: xPoisonx on November 24, 2014, 07:47:40 PM
I don't think they would be THAT effective since we rarely see formations of over 3 planes... But still awesome!
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Coalcat1 on November 24, 2014, 09:11:14 PM
+1 a very effective weapon system when used. Couldn't the 262 carry up to 48?  :devil
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Someguy63 on November 24, 2014, 11:34:30 PM
These rockets were installed on the 262A-2A

Not the one we have in-game -_-
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: MK-84 on November 24, 2014, 11:49:45 PM
I don't think they would be THAT effective since we rarely see formations of over 3 planes... But still awesome!

Oh I think they would be. I can often score a hit with rockets using what we have now with a maximum of only 12. and often only 6.  I am betting I could all but guarantee a kill from 1.5k out ripple firing 48 of them with practice.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: lyric1 on November 25, 2014, 01:36:43 AM
These rockets were installed on the 262A-2A

Not the one we have in-game -_-

That is the bomber variant.

What we have in game did have the rockets.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Coalcat1 on November 25, 2014, 05:17:14 AM
The Me-262a1as was fitted with rockets, since it was very similar, I think HTC could let the 262a1 carry R4Ms
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Someguy63 on November 25, 2014, 05:48:55 AM
That is the bomber variant.

What we have in game did have the rockets.


It could carry only 24 of em right..?

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: lyric1 on November 25, 2014, 12:49:43 PM

It could carry only 24 of em right..?

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bustr on November 25, 2014, 01:34:16 PM
1. - 30mm Minengeschoss, 85g HA41, 500 M\sec

2. - R4M, 520g HA41, 525 M\sec

1 R4M = 6 30mm in HiTech's world. One shot super weapon.

Me262 carries 24. Priceless!!

No amount of perking will make anyone feel like playing in the same arena with a 262 and 24 of those.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: morfiend on November 26, 2014, 02:12:20 PM
 IIRC the 190D's also carried these rockets as well! :devil

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Stampf on November 26, 2014, 02:13:54 PM
IIRC the 190D's also carried these rockets as well! :devil



Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bangsbox on December 01, 2014, 01:53:20 PM
1. - 30mm Minengeschoss, 85g HA41, 500 M\sec

2. - R4M, 520g HA41, 525 M\sec

1 R4M = 6 30mm in HiTech's world. One shot super weapon.

Me262 carries 24. Priceless!!

No amount of perking will make anyone feel like playing in the same arena with a 262 and 24 of those.

I want to see them added to planes that carried them (190, 262, 163). Also, I believe the all fire at once, so its not as bad as some may think. I also wouldnt mind seeing the eny lowered for the 190 and a + ten perk added to the 163/262 for even having the option.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Volron on December 01, 2014, 02:02:44 PM
I want to see them added to planes that carried them (190, 262, 163). Also, I believe the all fire at once, so its not as bad as some may think. I also wouldnt mind seeing the eny lowered for the 190 and a + ten perk added to the 163/262 for even having the option.

From Wiki:

"The R4Ms were usually fired in four salvos of six missiles at intervals of 70 milliseconds from a range of 600 m..."
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Devil 505 on December 01, 2014, 02:18:55 PM
From Wiki:

"The R4Ms were usually fired in four salvos of six missiles at intervals of 70 milliseconds from a range of 600 m..."[i/]

Is the 70millisecond interval between salvos, or individual missiles?
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Volron on December 01, 2014, 03:52:02 PM
I believe that's per missile. :headscratch:
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 01, 2014, 06:50:45 PM
Me 163 with R4M rockets on the underwing.


R4Ms (showing the wooden under wing launcher) on a Me 262.


Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Stampf on December 01, 2014, 07:00:09 PM
...and the Dora:

Close-up views of a R4M rocket-toting Fw 190 Dora-9 filmed by a US 101 Div. cameraman in the winter of 1945-6 at Schongau. Still extracts from this footage were previously exploited in Vol II of the Eagle Editions Fw 190 Dora volume, although were first described in the David Wadman/Brown Experten Decals No.3 book published way back in 1995.

 The film was shot on 02 May 1945 according to Crandall. The machine is identified in that publication as Fieseler-built Dora-9 'white 52', possibly 'chevron white 52' of 1./JG 101 and it is suggested that this unit/field served possibly as a satellite field/unit for the aircraft of the Verbandsführerschule General der Jagdflieger based 30 miles away at Bad Wörishofen.. The camouflage and markings infer an aircraft from the 600601-600680 Werknummer series. Note the lower cowling is painted in yellow. There are 13 white-tipped rockets on each wooden underwing rack.

 The R4M was the only air-to-air rocket to see service with the Luftwaffe and its effectiveness was successfully demonstrated by the Me 262. Its warhead contained a high-explosive charge weighing some 440 grams  (R=Rakete, 4= kg weight, M=Minenkopf). During February 1945 an entire Staffel of Dora-9s had been assigned to test unit JGr. 10 at Parchim to trial the R4M rockets under operational conditions and when this unit was disbanded during April 1945 the surviving aircraft went to at least two other units, JG 26 and possibly JG 301 - although Crandall quotes Cescotti, TO of JG 301, who asserts that no such transfer to JG 301 was realised. Luftwaffe fighters arriving in Norway at the end of the war included a number of Doras belonging to II./JG 26 mounting R4M rockets.

 Note too the "52" in small black figures (partly covered by snow) on the wing leading edge. Similar leading-edge markings were seen on aircraft serving with the Verbandsführerschule General der Jagdflieger. The pilots seat is on the ground behind the wing. The aircraft featured a blown canopy - the plexiglas is shattered here..note the absence of a spinner spiral, another feature of Verbandsführerschule aircraft.





Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Lucifer on December 02, 2014, 12:32:04 AM
+1 !  :aok
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Denniss on December 02, 2014, 05:40:20 AM
That "Me 163" does not look real, strange form of the bow with the prop (for generator AFAIR) missing. Mock-up installation in one of the Me 163 glider prototypes?
Also did they continue to use the Me 163 until the end? I thought they were removed from service as ineffective and too dangerous (not enough bang for the buck).
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Coalcat1 on December 02, 2014, 05:44:43 AM
That "Me 163" does not look real, strange form of the bow with the prop (for generator AFAIR) missing. Mock-up installation in one of the Me 163 glider prototypes?
Also did they continue to use the Me 163 until the end? I thought they were removed from service as ineffective and too dangerous (not enough bang for the buck).
The 163 is a glider... With a rocket engine built in, it was meant to attack as a glider. But yes, this was the full glider model with no engine installed, the undercarriage and the lack of an engine are clear giveaways  :D
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bustr on December 02, 2014, 01:18:42 PM

Any documentation of the Dora using R4M against bombers from the 8th AAF. Like the verified kills of bombers from 262 using R4M. How much do those mountings effect the Dora's speed on WEP? I bet you have some ideas about the unintended consequences in the MA. Even the lowly CHog had it's rein of terror years ago.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Stampf on December 02, 2014, 01:38:52 PM

Any documentation of the Dora using R4M against bombers from the 8th AAF. Like the verified kills of bombers from 262 using R4M. How much do those mountings effect the Dora's speed on WEP? I bet you have some ideas about the unintended consequences in the MA. Even the lowly CHog had it's rein of terror years ago.

I'm not really adding to the wish for these rockets bro, just adding to the history part.  They would be devastating, too devastating in game I think.

A lot of folks I've found had no idea these were used on the D-9 as well.  And no not off hand - as far as actual combat results - or even performance of the testing under combat.  They only had 3 months to try em, seeing as the original 16 Dora's we're equipped in Feb, '45.  But I'll look for you.  Likely as was the case very often in the last months, these kids flying them were shot down and killed long before even getting to the bombers.  I'll look for some data.

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Ack-Ack on December 02, 2014, 01:56:27 PM
That "Me 163" does not look real, strange form of the bow with the prop (for generator AFAIR) missing. Mock-up installation in one of the Me 163 glider prototypes?
Also did they continue to use the Me 163 until the end? I thought they were removed from service as ineffective and too dangerous (not enough bang for the buck).

It's a picture of the Me 163 flown by Adolf Niemeyer.

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: BuckShot on December 02, 2014, 03:04:07 PM
Anything with these rockets would turn onto a fun de-acking machine
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bangsbox on December 04, 2014, 08:21:14 PM
Anything with these rockets would turn onto a fun de-acking machine

Many of the RM4 with anti tank head were also used (Even by 262s! ). I read a combat report from a 262 squad leader i think from jg7 saying something along the lines of: the speed of the 262 at flying low enabled us to surprise formations of tanks and r4m anti-tank rockets were extremely effective at destroying even the heaviest of russian tanks.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bangsbox on December 08, 2014, 03:20:38 PM
Here is the report

30 April
Almost all fighter-bomber Staffeln had moved to Prague/Ruzyne by April 30th . JG 7 had found this base well stocked with vast amounts of fuel and R4M rockets. This allowed the unit to continue in the ground attack role, strafing Russian armour moving along the Guben-Cottbus road en route for Berlin. Oberfeldtwebel Otto Pritzl well remembered the low-level sorties against the heavily armoured T-34 tanks. The jet pilots found that their R4Ms were deadly; the attacks, delivered at low level and high speed, meant that results could not immediately be seen, but on subsequent sorties the awesome results were apparent. He recalled, “We saw the total effect of our rocket attacks was massive””
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Lucifer on December 09, 2014, 06:40:13 PM
...and the Dora

Adding rockets to Dora would be really excellent.

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: xPoisonx on December 09, 2014, 08:38:10 PM
Adding rockets to Dora would be really excellent.


ewwwwww I think it would be best to leave them to the 262. I feel like having them on a dora would make them see many unintended uses.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: save on December 10, 2014, 08:27:36 AM
If the R4m would have been mounted on all Sturmgruppen autumn 1944, it would have been a fist in the face of the bomber groups in Europe.

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bangsbox on December 17, 2014, 02:10:12 PM
b24 hit by r4m from a 262

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: xPoisonx on December 17, 2014, 03:36:20 PM
b24 hit by r4m from a 262


Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Lucifer on December 17, 2014, 04:06:56 PM
Good Lord...  :confused:
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: morfiend on December 17, 2014, 04:15:27 PM
Good Lord...  :confused:

  A single R4M is equal to 6 or 7 30mm rounds in explosive power!

  If we ever get a perked ords system I would be the first to request to R4M's inclusion.

Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Someguy63 on December 17, 2014, 08:43:13 PM
Wow that is truly crazy.
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: bangsbox on December 18, 2014, 03:01:00 PM

  A single R4M is equal to 6 or 7 30mm rounds in explosive power!

  If we ever get a perked ords system I would be the first to request to R4M's inclusion.


BOOOO i hate perked ORDS, I would rather see adjusted eny/perk cost
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Motherland on December 19, 2014, 05:20:13 PM
Many of the RM4 with anti tank head were also used (Even by 262s! ). I read a combat report from a 262 squad leader i think from jg7 saying something along the lines of: the speed of the 262 at flying low enabled us to surprise formations of tanks and r4m anti-tank rockets were extremely effective at destroying even the heaviest of russian tanks.
I'm pretty sure the anti tank versions of the R4M are the PB rockets we have fir the 190F8
I also think that R4Ms would be very difficult to use in AH (like the 21cm mortars on the 109) and would not warrant a perk
Title: Re: R4M Rockets on Me262
Post by: Lusche on December 19, 2014, 07:18:15 PM
I'm pretty sure the anti tank versions of the R4M are the PB rockets we have fir the 190F8

That would be the Panzerblitz II, but we have the Panzerblitz I in game. Which was based on the 8 cm Raketensprenggranate