Aces High Bulletin Board

Special Events Forums => Scenario General => Topic started by: Wizz on June 01, 2015, 04:33:12 PM

Title: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Wizz on June 01, 2015, 04:33:12 PM
Just curious as to which side won? I dont know where to look
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Nefarious on June 01, 2015, 04:49:03 PM
Just curious as to which side won? I dont know where to look

The logs are posted here

The actual score will take some time, I'm hoping later this week or weekend.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Zoney on June 01, 2015, 04:51:34 PM
Everyone who played won.  The Victory goes to the people who had the most fun!

I definitly won the whole she-bang baby.   Woooohooooooooooo!
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Guppy35 on June 01, 2015, 05:06:30 PM
What Zoney said.  Anyone who participated and had fun won.   Over time folks forget the scores but they remember the fun and the experience.  That will always be the win  :aok
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Nefarious on June 01, 2015, 05:09:32 PM
Everyone who played won.  The Victory goes to the people who had the most fun!

I definitly won the whole she-bang baby.   Woooohooooooooooo!

What Zoney said.  Anyone who participated and had fun won.   Over time folks forget the scores but they remember the fun and the experience.  That will always be the win  :aok

Of course, there is this too.  :aok
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Arlo on June 01, 2015, 05:20:39 PM
What Zoney, Dan, Nef said.  :cheers: :D
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: WEZEL on June 01, 2015, 05:44:51 PM
Zack and Pipz tied for first, Winston was second
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: guncrasher on June 01, 2015, 06:51:13 PM
Just curious as to which side won? I dont know where to look

nefarious won, he was accused of spamming the arenas for far too long asking for more axis pilots.  shoot we even started complaining about him spamming while we were playing on the scenarion  :D.

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: 68ZooM on June 01, 2015, 07:00:45 PM
I absolutely agree with everybody I think the big winner here was me and every other player that had fun I had a lot of fun and exciting time's  with my squadmates the atmosphere when you got into dogfights was mostly a 1 vs 1 maybe 2 vs 2 but man it was a lot of fun. Hats off to the whole group for putting this together.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: LilMak on June 01, 2015, 07:09:02 PM
And that's the whole pout of the game...have fun. It's really never been about who wins or loses.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Volron on June 01, 2015, 07:22:44 PM
I had to take my mom to the hospital Saturday and didn't get home till earlier today.  Hopefully there will be a similar setup in the future though.  I want in on this. :aok
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Nefarious on June 01, 2015, 07:23:40 PM
nefarious won, he was accused of spamming the arenas for far too long asking for more axis pilots.  shoot we even started complaining about him spamming while we were playing on the scenarion  :D.


Hats off to TWIST, who PMd me every time and complained.

Hats off to me for not replying to his private texts  :rofl
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: KCDitto on June 01, 2015, 07:24:40 PM
I was reluctant to sign on a axis CIC after the a s s  whooping I took in Malta. But I am glad I did, good set up good people good objectives. Even if Axis looses in points, I still think this was a great event. Would be nice if we won one frame  :rock. But we all won who played
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: LilMak on June 01, 2015, 08:18:42 PM
Ditto...given the number disparity early on, I'd say you kicked our butts no matter what the score says.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BuckShot on June 01, 2015, 11:11:36 PM
Was there something wrong with the radar in there?

After 40 minutes of chasing disappearing dots I couldn't find anything and logged off.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Muzzy on June 01, 2015, 11:44:59 PM
Radar settings were on delayed updates...what you were seeing was where the target was a few minutes ago. It threw off a lot of people but it made it more challenging to find the targets (and a bit easier for us to hide from you).
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: JVboob on June 02, 2015, 04:02:02 AM
The 3:1 bit made it fun in the beginning we had to be sneaky with the heavies and pretty much hope our 1 pass would be enough to cripple some buffs. It seemed once we showed up we died. I am pretty sure it was a close one though. The constant change of pace and tactics was fun too
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: waystin2 on June 02, 2015, 07:34:46 AM
I won!  That was a blast!!!
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Wizz on June 02, 2015, 10:38:17 AM
Yaya screw your participation medals  :neener:

I al very interested in seeing how the score affected the putcome in the last phase. Seems like it went back and forth with the Axis carrying most of the lead until the very end.

Its going to make for some wonderful data for the future strategy of the next one.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BuckShot on June 02, 2015, 10:53:46 AM
Radar settings were on delayed updates...what you were seeing was where the target was a few minutes ago. It threw off a lot of people but it made it more challenging to find the targets (and a bit easier for us to hide from you).

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: fudgums on June 02, 2015, 10:58:46 AM

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.

 :huh Did you fly in a squad?
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Zoney on June 02, 2015, 11:01:27 AM

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.

Sir, I have heard no other complaints but yours upon the radar settings.  I personally found it much more realistic.  The delay, 2 minutes I believe, reflected the fact that communications for this kind of intel was not instantaneous in WW2.  Just like then, you did not know precisely where your enemy was until you got a visual sighting, but you did know where they just were.  You should have tried maybe just a bit more instead of quitting.  There were plenty of people there to help you figure it out, or, and I assume you were not a squadron lead here, you could have just followed your CO's lead and let him lead you to the fights, or the targets.

I sincerely hope the radar settings are like this the next time.  They were part and parcel to what contributed to so many of us players saying, "The best Event, EVER!".
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: hgtonyvi on June 02, 2015, 11:49:40 AM
And that's the whole pout of the game...have fun. It's really never been about who wins or loses.
Mak is right.....Yo Mak since you came over to knights I have not had a good fight againts a p47...I always remember thos fights when u were in the D25..good times.....I think all the guys who likes to fight are on knights and I only bump into runners these days lol..... :salute
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: LilMak on June 02, 2015, 01:23:35 PM
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Wiley on June 02, 2015, 03:05:51 PM
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

I would respectfully counter that with a 'Do you want to do it?' followed by 'Do you want to rely on random people to do it for you who may have varying levels of capability?'

Now granted a case could be made for RL GCI operators being of varying levels of capability, but there would have been some kind of baseline training.

In WBs S3 events, manned GCI was relatively common.  While the upside you're talking about was there, Radar Operator Hero is not a fun game for most.

Though there is a part of me that would love to see realistically modeled radar with a corps of committed individuals doing GCI and vectoring people in, and taking away the GPS dot for your plane on the clipboard, having to navigate by radio and landmarks, but that's a bit much for the average gamer/game.

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Randy1 on June 02, 2015, 03:06:31 PM
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

I see your point but not too many people would like to sit out the war in the tower to pass information to the inflight groups.   Hard enough to fill out every position.   I thought the two minute delay, at least from a bomber perspective was fine.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: LilMak on June 02, 2015, 04:42:56 PM
I agree and don't see that happening for a whole event but, at least in the case of this last event, there were enough participants in circulation (shot down/missed the launch window/discoed) that they could've provided radar intel just like volunteer gunners.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: HB555 on June 02, 2015, 07:24:50 PM
I had to take my mom to the hospital Saturday and didn't get home till earlier today.  Hopefully there will be a similar setup in the future though.  I want in on this. :aok

Getting down to it, Volron, you missed a great event, but I tip my hat and salute you for looking after your mom. I wish mine was still here to be looked after and taken care of. Good thoughts and prayers from this ol' dog that she is alright. See you next time.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: shotgunneeley on June 02, 2015, 07:49:20 PM
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

It threw me off as well because I kept seeing cons where they shouldn't have been and not seeing cons where they should've been (according to functioning radar rings). However, I'd rather have a delayed dotdar/darbar than nothing at all and relying on a controller sitting in the tower. After all, that requires some poor devil to sacrifice his/her playing time.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: ROC on June 02, 2015, 08:01:38 PM
There is usually a delay of some sort to the radar in a Scenario.
Typcially, what this does is simulate just the type of tower reporting that has been discussed here. Typically, no one wants that job, delaying radar simulates someone spotting a formation, calling it in, and having that information sent to the pilots in the air.  A delay.  An intentional "There is something over there, somewhere, go find it"

Scenarios most likely won't ever have a full blown Main Arena instant on type of radar element.  That defeats the intention of a scenario.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BaldEagl on June 02, 2015, 09:18:40 PM
Who say's no one's willing?  I went down at one point with 40 minutes before the next launch.  Rather than letting moss grow I kept jumping from base to base to see if I could spot anything.  Sure enough I spotted two boxes of buffs crossing the coastline into France and vox'd the squad with coordinates and headings.  The buffs never made it to their targets.

Alas, if I could only get credit for those six kills.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: ebfd11 on June 02, 2015, 09:23:32 PM
I like the fact Nefarious got yelled at for spamming the MA asking for Luftweenie pilets..

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Wizz on June 03, 2015, 07:28:23 AM
Who say's no one's willing?  I went down at one point with 40 minutes before the next launch.  Rather than letting moss grow I kept jumping from base to base to see if I could spot anything.  Sure enough I spotted two boxes of buffs crossing the coastline into France and vox'd the squad with coordinates and headings.  The buffs never made it to their targets.

Alas, if I could only get credit for those six kills.

On numerous occasions us buffs got zero'd in by man ack.We really enjoyed it just a heads up and didnt mind any damage taken or being spotted because of how accurate it was and how cool it made that particular run!
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: fudgums on June 03, 2015, 07:51:20 AM
Who say's no one's willing?  I went down at one point with 40 minutes before the next launch.  Rather than letting moss grow I kept jumping from base to base to see if I could spot anything.  Sure enough I spotted two boxes of buffs crossing the coastline into France and vox'd the squad with coordinates and headings.  The buffs never made it to their targets.

Alas, if I could only get credit for those six kills.

I definitely included it in my AAR! Basically got 4 during that run because of that!
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: artik on June 03, 2015, 08:09:36 AM
There is usually a delay of some sort to the radar in a Scenario...

I just wonder at 300mph you can cross 12 miles (radar ring radius) in 2.5 min. So 2 minutes update maybe little bit too slow to track the targets or even get an interception vector as you don't have enough resolution to get their flight direction.

Maybe update every 30s would be more suitable.

My $0.02
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: fudgums on June 03, 2015, 09:30:23 AM
I just wonder at 300mph you can cross 12 miles (radar ring radius) in 2.5 min. So 2 minutes update maybe little bit too slow to track the targets or even get an interception vector as you don't have enough resolution to get their flight direction.

Maybe update every 30s would be more suitable.

My $0.02

Honestly after the 1st two hours, we basically had no dot dar to work off of anyway. Communication was pretty good throughout the day on the Luftwaffe side with where/who/what was going on.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BuckShot on June 03, 2015, 09:40:57 AM
Sir, I have heard no other complaints but yours upon the radar settings.  I personally found it much more realistic.  The delay, 2 minutes I believe, reflected the fact that communications for this kind of intel was not instantaneous in WW2.  Just like then, you did not know precisely where your enemy was until you got a visual sighting, but you did know where they just were.  You should have tried maybe just a bit more instead of quitting.  There were plenty of people there to help you figure it out, or, and I assume you were not a squadron lead here, you could have just followed your CO's lead and let him lead you to the fights, or the targets.

I sincerely hope the radar settings are like this the next time.  They were part and parcel to what contributed to so many of us players saying, "The best Event, EVER!".

Different strokes...I'm truly glad so many liked it. That's good for the game.

I won't fly in the next one if the radar is like that. Where are the scenario criteria listed?

I as looking forward to shooting at huge bomber formations.

I'm in a disintegrating late war squad (3 guys including me), but not an FSO/scenario squad.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Arlo on June 03, 2015, 09:50:09 AM
FSO Corsair squad here. We got room, last I checked.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Arlo on June 03, 2015, 09:53:47 AM
Honestly after the 1st two hours, we basically had no dot dar to work off of anyway. Communication was pretty good throughout the day on the Luftwaffe side with where/who/what was going on.

Gotta admit, in spite of the 'ol Luft vs Allied tease and tumble fest that's as old as online MMO dogfighting, the dedicated Luft squads have both the technical and organizational skills for an uphill battle.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: KCDitto on June 03, 2015, 10:00:45 AM
Having RADAR is nice, But the scouts and I found the bombers everytime. There were only 5 targets. The 3 airfileds and Antwerp and Paris. I knew where they were going so we just had to find out how they were going to get there. The allies did a great job by design or by over agressive fighter pilots, but every time the scouts got within dot range they were chased until killed. Happened to me 3 times. Not sure who you flew with buckshot but as far as i know evey lufwaffe pilot engaged with plaenty of bombers, even me.

I do not think RADAR will ever be to the MAIN standard in a scenario, and that is by design.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BuckShot on June 03, 2015, 10:27:31 AM
I flew solo, that was probably the problem.

I chased disappearing dots for almost an hour. I saw one p47 who ran from me, that's it. That's not fun.

Thanks for the responses. Maybe I'll try it again to shake the bad taste left from it.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: fudgums on June 03, 2015, 11:03:46 AM
I flew solo, that was probably the problem.

Flying solo in these scenarios almost never work, if ever(There are exceptions).
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Arlo on June 03, 2015, 11:04:39 AM
Flying solo in these scenarios almost never work, if ever(There are exceptions).

Lt. Leroy Jenkins.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: ROC on June 03, 2015, 11:48:31 AM
Buckshot, you really need to do a scenario in a group, it's a whole new experience.
These events are not designed for the casual player jumping in expecting main arena conditions.  While they are walkon friendly, the walkons are brought into established groups.
These guys spend typically a month or more training, practicing, drilling and running missions in anticipation of the event conditions.  They rely on communication, spotting, position reports and everything else people bring to an event, and move away from the technical elements found in the Mains.
It's a completely different experience if you are in one of these from the start. There is absolutely nothing like it.
We have events with no dar at all. We have them with extreme winter conditions and heavy cloud cover.  We have them in the Pacific Theater, Summer, Winter, Islands, Desert, Ground War Elements and more.
The build up to the event is a major part of the experience, and the event itself is typically the day they implement what they worked on for a month.
The events are designed to have objectives, and more important, often seemingly insurmountable obstacles that always seem to be overcome.  The obstacles and difficulties are as much a part of a Scenario design as the objectives and planes. 
Grab any one of these guys who flew in this or any other Scenario, get on with them early, and try the full experience. 
You will look back on your dissatisfaction about this one particular radar setting and realize that it didn't matter at all. 
The Allies took out the Radar, by design. The Axis knew the Radar was going to be taken out, so our communication system took over.  You can't do that in the main, there is no level of organization there.  We live on that here :)
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Zoney on June 03, 2015, 12:15:40 PM
Different strokes...I'm truly glad so many liked it. That's good for the game.

I won't fly in the next one if the radar is like that. Where are the scenario criteria listed?

I as looking forward to shooting at huge bomber formations.

I'm in a disintegrating late war squad (3 guys including me), but not an FSO/scenario squad.

OK mate, fair enough.  But as ROC has stated, there is so much more than that.  These events do not require you to have your own squad in the MA or to be part of one. 

As an example, I fly with JG11, a couple of may mates players this Saturday event and some of them were not in the same squad with me.  Swoop, who fly's JG11 in the FSO was even on the allied side.  This is a great place to make new friends, bring a wingy or squadmate with you or not.

ROC did a great job in his last post, that also made mine look very harsh and for that I apologize.

In conclusion, please come fly the next one.  I would be honored with your company  :salute
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BuckShot on June 03, 2015, 12:47:39 PM
Thanks fellas! I had no idea there was that much to it.

I'll give it another go in the future.

Sorry about the thread hijack
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Randy1 on June 03, 2015, 01:18:00 PM
What is so cool is the vox in our bombers when we got attacked by the fighters.  Man it was like listening to a super WW2 bomber movie.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: KCDitto on June 03, 2015, 01:38:33 PM
HBO is working on the "Mighty 8th"

So remember that when you are watching   :D
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: ink on June 03, 2015, 01:50:02 PM
sorry to inform you gents....butaaaaahhhhh


no one else JUST ME !!!!!!!!!!

 :rock :rock :rock

 :neener: :neener: :neener:

seriously though I had one of the best times I ever had in AH........ 10 friggen years!!!!!!

I dont care what the "scores" are

anyone who had as much fun as I did...... won!!!!!
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: BFOOT1 on June 03, 2015, 02:46:07 PM
sorry to inform you gents....butaaaaahhhhh


no one else JUST ME !!!!!!!!!!

 :rock :rock :rock

 :neener: :neener: :neener:

seriously though I had one of the best times I ever had in AH........ 10 friggen years!!!!!!

I dont care what the "scores" are

anyone who had as much fun as I did...... won!!!!!
I second this!!
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: dmdchief on June 03, 2015, 05:01:37 PM
What is so cool is the vox in our bombers when we got attacked by the fighters.  Man it was like listening to a super WW2 bomber movie.
You don't happen to have any video of it by chance, I would love to hear it.

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Biggamer on June 04, 2015, 04:46:41 AM
i had a blast most fun for me in awhile, The night time is the right time imho being able to fly at night in recent FSO and the scenario has been alot of fun i hope we get more night time events such a blast
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: SlipKnt on June 05, 2015, 01:07:06 PM
@ buckshot - I know you will enjoy it better flying in a squad.  It makes the hunt enjoyable.

From the Bomber NAV lead perspective on most of the runs, I did everything I could to use that 2 minute delay to my advantage.  Try to show a DARBAR pattern going in one direction only to go another way.  By design this was to attempt to give the bombers a chance to get in a good manual calibration so they only needed to worry about matching up the speeds.  Then they could focus on the timing to drop while gunning when possible.

Having hanger hardness bumped up to x6 and manual calibrations made it a very realistic scenario for us. As taught in the Marine Corps Infantry, shoot, move, & communicate.  Both sides did really well doing this and made for non stop action.

Even climbing out and movement to target was always stressful as you are ALWAYS head on a swivel because that DARBAR works both ways.  We found ourselves getting jumped more than once with no DARBAR in the area.  You had to pay attention if you wanted a chance to use your guns!  LOL

It was a great adventure for me.  Regardless of scores when they do come out. 

We all win!

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: RSLQK186 on June 05, 2015, 03:00:47 PM

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.
Because I like many others were tuned into proper comms and paying attention to contact info, I knew much that radar was not showing. It is one point of reduced radar. Forces a shared experience not available in the MA. Without it we may have had a 12 hour fur ball over the channel.
Also, the settings were published long before the event. I invite anyone to find out what they are getting into beforehand. Makes for less explaining during the event or disappointment at things not being as expected.
And then there's the addicts. Show up even when the don't like the rules or set up. You know who you are :aok

Edit: responded to early post without reading whole thread. Hope you do attend another one knowing exactly what you are in for.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: JVboob on June 07, 2015, 01:37:43 AM
@buckshot with the squad situation. you are more than welcome to fly with the 49th in FSOs were pretty tight knit and work together. We use wingman in the MA alot and when in scenarios we always fly with wingman and in flights and fly to do the most damage possible and still live. You dont gotta join to fly with us in FSO. And in the MA we do everything buffs furballs gv runs (some are extreme and only a hand full of us do them.)

But next scenario look us up your more than welcome to tag along.

@ROC we didnt train for the event :/ lol but as much as we got pounced on I doubt it would have helped much with the swarms of juggs and spitties once we showed up. Which was how its always gonna be when your the biggest threat to the formations.
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: KCDitto on June 07, 2015, 02:12:58 AM

The main reason I DID NOT want to lead was my work situation. We were teaching out a bunch of classes where I work and that meant we were SHORT on instructors. That meant that everyone was teaching two classes a day. The class that I teach is 6 hours. With a 1.5 hour break between them, makes for a LONG day.

My wife was scheduled for surgery the Tuesday before so I had that week OFF..... Then the Doctor called and cancelled the surgery. I was going to have to have the time off when she got it. So I went into work and they put me on double shifts. Then Friday night... The kidneystone.... Hospital.... PANIC in the AXIS CAMP   :x

No practices

No meetings..  No, well we did have that one on teamspeak I think it was a meeting   :rofl

I did lay out a basic plan and was confident in the fact that I had good people leading groups.

Waiting for the score.   :pray
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: JVboob on June 07, 2015, 02:22:38 AM
It was a short "heres what we have to do no do it" meeting/meet and greet lol My shift doesnt allow for practice and im a "by the seat of the pants" kinda guy anyways. my wedding was planned and executed in 2 days time lol the divorce would be faster but the lawyer takes his sweet time on finnally drafting stuff out. lol
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: KCDitto on June 07, 2015, 11:59:09 AM

Makes everything take longer. 

Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: JVboob on June 09, 2015, 01:39:17 AM
I do enought "AARs" and paper work at
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: Brooke on June 09, 2015, 03:35:10 PM
I do enought "AARs" and paper work at

Yeah, but no one wants to read your "AAR's" at work.

Here, folks like me like reading your AAR's about scenario action.  :aok
Title: Re: Who won the scenario?
Post by: JVboob on June 13, 2015, 02:13:32 AM
Yeah, but no one wants to read your "AAR's" at work.

Here, folks like me like reading your AAR's about scenario action.  :aok

Very true, they mostly read the same "On the above date and approximte time this R/O (reporting officer) saw blahh blahh blahh restraints placed on blah blah inmate escorted to SHU blah blah blah, or the exciting ones where you get to articulate a use of force :/ very boring dry and dull.

These however are fun to read :P I need to put one together