Author Topic: Who won the scenario?  (Read 5723 times)

Offline Muzzy

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2015, 11:44:59 PM »
Radar settings were on delayed updates...what you were seeing was where the target was a few minutes ago. It threw off a lot of people but it made it more challenging to find the targets (and a bit easier for us to hide from you).

CO 111 Sqdn Black Arrows

Wng Cdr, No. 2 Tactical Bomber Group, RAF, "Today's Target" Scenario. "You maydie, but you will not be bored!"

Offline JVboob

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2015, 04:02:02 AM »
The 3:1 bit made it fun in the beginning we had to be sneaky with the heavies and pretty much hope our 1 pass would be enough to cripple some buffs. It seemed once we showed up we died. I am pretty sure it was a close one though. The constant change of pace and tactics was fun too
"Sighhhhhhhhhh, office closed do to ice for a day, And I miss a thread like this.."HiTech
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Offline waystin2

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2015, 07:34:46 AM »
I won!  That was a blast!!!
CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!

Offline Wizz

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2015, 10:38:17 AM »
Yaya screw your participation medals  :neener:

I al very interested in seeing how the score affected the putcome in the last phase. Seems like it went back and forth with the Axis carrying most of the lead until the very end.

Its going to make for some wonderful data for the future strategy of the next one.
393rd Bombardment Squadron


Offline BuckShot

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2015, 10:53:46 AM »
Radar settings were on delayed updates...what you were seeing was where the target was a few minutes ago. It threw off a lot of people but it made it more challenging to find the targets (and a bit easier for us to hide from you).

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.

Game handle: HellBuck

Offline fudgums

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2015, 10:58:46 AM »

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.

 :huh Did you fly in a squad?
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline Zoney

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2015, 11:01:27 AM »

The radar settings threw me off alright, right out of the arena. Too bad because I was looking forward to this event all week.

No thanks to radar settings like that in the future.

Sir, I have heard no other complaints but yours upon the radar settings.  I personally found it much more realistic.  The delay, 2 minutes I believe, reflected the fact that communications for this kind of intel was not instantaneous in WW2.  Just like then, you did not know precisely where your enemy was until you got a visual sighting, but you did know where they just were.  You should have tried maybe just a bit more instead of quitting.  There were plenty of people there to help you figure it out, or, and I assume you were not a squadron lead here, you could have just followed your CO's lead and let him lead you to the fights, or the targets.

I sincerely hope the radar settings are like this the next time.  They were part and parcel to what contributed to so many of us players saying, "The best Event, EVER!".
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Offline hgtonyvi

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2015, 11:49:40 AM »
And that's the whole pout of the game...have fun. It's really never been about who wins or loses.
Mak is right.....Yo Mak since you came over to knights I have not had a good fight againts a p47...I always remember thos fights when u were in the D25..good times.....I think all the guys who likes to fight are on knights and I only bump into runners these days lol..... :salute

Offline LilMak

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2015, 01:23:35 PM »
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

"When caught by the enemy in large force the best policy is to fight like hell until you can decide what to do next."
~Hub Zemke
P-47 pilot 56th Fighter Group.

Offline Wiley

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2015, 03:05:51 PM »
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

I would respectfully counter that with a 'Do you want to do it?' followed by 'Do you want to rely on random people to do it for you who may have varying levels of capability?'

Now granted a case could be made for RL GCI operators being of varying levels of capability, but there would have been some kind of baseline training.

In WBs S3 events, manned GCI was relatively common.  While the upside you're talking about was there, Radar Operator Hero is not a fun game for most.

Though there is a part of me that would love to see realistically modeled radar with a corps of committed individuals doing GCI and vectoring people in, and taking away the GPS dot for your plane on the clipboard, having to navigate by radio and landmarks, but that's a bit much for the average gamer/game.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Randy1

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2015, 03:06:31 PM »
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

I see your point but not too many people would like to sit out the war in the tower to pass information to the inflight groups.   Hard enough to fill out every position.   I thought the two minute delay, at least from a bomber perspective was fine.

Offline LilMak

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2015, 04:42:56 PM »
I agree and don't see that happening for a whole event but, at least in the case of this last event, there were enough participants in circulation (shot down/missed the launch window/discoed) that they could've provided radar intel just like volunteer gunners.
"When caught by the enemy in large force the best policy is to fight like hell until you can decide what to do next."
~Hub Zemke
P-47 pilot 56th Fighter Group.

Offline HB555

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2015, 07:24:50 PM »
I had to take my mom to the hospital Saturday and didn't get home till earlier today.  Hopefully there will be a similar setup in the future though.  I want in on this. :aok

Getting down to it, Volron, you missed a great event, but I tip my hat and salute you for looking after your mom. I wish mine was still here to be looked after and taken care of. Good thoughts and prayers from this ol' dog that she is alright. See you next time.
Snoopy Bell

HB555 A gentleman, with a school boys heart, and crazy enough to think he is a cartoon dog.

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2015, 07:49:20 PM »
I'd personally like to see radar and darbar from the tower only. It would add another layer of realism to combat by requiring people to vector aircraft rather them vector themselves.

It threw me off as well because I kept seeing cons where they shouldn't have been and not seeing cons where they should've been (according to functioning radar rings). However, I'd rather have a delayed dotdar/darbar than nothing at all and relying on a controller sitting in the tower. After all, that requires some poor devil to sacrifice his/her playing time.
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Game ID: ShtGn (Inactive), Squad: 91st BG

Offline ROC

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Re: Who won the scenario?
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2015, 08:01:38 PM »
There is usually a delay of some sort to the radar in a Scenario.
Typcially, what this does is simulate just the type of tower reporting that has been discussed here. Typically, no one wants that job, delaying radar simulates someone spotting a formation, calling it in, and having that information sent to the pilots in the air.  A delay.  An intentional "There is something over there, somewhere, go find it"

Scenarios most likely won't ever have a full blown Main Arena instant on type of radar element.  That defeats the intention of a scenario.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.