Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: Skuzzy on January 13, 2016, 03:35:31 PM

Title: Beta 0
Post by: Skuzzy on January 13, 2016, 03:35:31 PM
New version up (,377004.0.html)!

And away we go!
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: MrKrabs on January 13, 2016, 03:40:12 PM
First  :old:
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Skuzzy on January 13, 2016, 03:45:30 PM
Some notes about this release.

1)  If you patch from Patch 91, you will end up with two desktop ICONS.  One is for the last Alpha version.  The new one is linked to the new Beta version.

2)  There will be an extra entry in the Windows Start programs panel showing "Aces High Beta Game".  The old "Aces High Alpha Game" link will still be there.

If you remove the Patch 91 Alpha, then install the full version of the Beta, everything will be normal.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 49Dallas on January 13, 2016, 03:50:34 PM
BETA! WOO! Hopefully it will run on my machine.  :x  :banana:
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Mitsu on January 13, 2016, 04:25:21 PM
WTG beta release, I'm in!  :)
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Chilli on January 13, 2016, 04:39:27 PM

doh, I clicked on the wrong icon to start.... out of habit  :D  Nice work HTC  :rock
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hitech on January 13, 2016, 04:48:20 PM
Hope to  open this up on the front page in the next few days.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Gman on January 13, 2016, 04:54:07 PM
Is it the same deal in terms of the files you can copy over from the current AH version to the Beta, as it was from AH(current) to the Alphas?  I'm referring to the view system/stick settings/etc files, and specifically JSM,KMP,HPS and the planes folders.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Kanth on January 13, 2016, 05:42:15 PM
WOohooo!!   :banana: :banana:

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Lazerr on January 13, 2016, 05:44:00 PM
Looks good...

If you are a guy using the free flying mouse mode, pulling up the clipboard and losing control of your plane is a real PITA.  Please?  :D

Also, after exiting any arena, the clipboard is too small to see if trying to join another arena.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Lazerr on January 13, 2016, 05:59:11 PM
Getting weird shadow flicker on capture the flag arena.  Haven't tried any other terrains yet.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: BowHTR on January 13, 2016, 06:04:19 PM
Looks good...

If you are a guy using the free flying mouse mode, pulling up the clipboard and losing control of your plane is a real PITA.  Please?  :D

Also, after exiting any arena, the clipboard is too small to see if trying to join another arena.  :cheers:

Is that what happened when you were in the custom with us?
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: oboe on January 13, 2016, 06:11:09 PM
Congratulations on Beta!
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 715 on January 13, 2016, 06:13:35 PM
Updated from alpha just fine.  Tried all arenas, some multiple times, including a Player arena.  Got CTD only twice, both with AvA arena (once on exit and once when selecting a field).

Tower ambient sounds are much quieter at ports vs other fields (all maps).

Vehicles still bounce when speed=0, even with engine off (reported already I believe).
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Chilli on January 13, 2016, 06:41:14 PM
M3 engine sound does appear to be mono and not stereo (3D sound) as reported in alpha 91.  As a whole the experience of AH Beta does feel much more like you are in the driver's seat. 

F4U tail wheel has a wobble (off center) when rolling.

Thank you for all of the magnificent art work.   :aok  Please note that I would expect whines (and I may have one or two) but the overwhelming impression should be very positive, even if not as vocal as the nit picking things that we / I point out from time to time.

HTC staff, you ROCK!!!   :rock
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: streakeagle on January 13, 2016, 07:01:37 PM
F4U tail wheel has a wobble (off center) when rolling.

I did some circles over an airfield, fired on AI planes until out of ammo, and landed. Instead of picking a new plane, I arbitrarily decided to admire the F4U-1A from an external view on the ground and started to roll to turn and change the lighting. Then I saw the tail wheel and came here to mention this very minor but horrible looking detail... only to discover someone already found it!

I can still tell I am playing the same old Aces High that I first played in 2000 or 2001, patch 1.03? Yet the terrain and lighting look awesome in comparison. External views look great with bump mapping and shading effects. The relatively low poly counts of the models don't look too bad from external views, but is far more apparent from the cockpit in the case of looking over the nose of the F4U-1.

I like my frame rates. With all in-game graphics settings maxed, I am usually pegged at 60 Hz Vsync. I have always loved this game and I am glad to see it improved so much.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 100Coogn on January 13, 2016, 09:53:38 PM
Did a clean install of Beta.  No problems.
Cannot hear the stall buffet sound. (I can hear the stall horn.)

Looking great.   :rock

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: lyric1 on January 13, 2016, 11:21:43 PM

Looking through the tank guns sights if you look at the sand/gravel & the glare from the sun even a bit.
The white range markers disappear due to being about the same color.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: FTJR on January 14, 2016, 03:48:59 AM
Updated no problem.

When you go to select a field gun,  the "score as field gun" line  the F is missing, and there are 2 n's in gun.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hgtonyvi on January 14, 2016, 05:14:15 AM
Alot of things needs fixing. I notice the planes damage quicker. Also the flames looks too red. Shadows of trees flicker. FOV needs to be set as AH2. Many more things needs fixing.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Chilli on January 14, 2016, 05:45:00 AM
Pump the brakes Tony.   :old:

The FOV maybe needs a disclaimer, simply stating that it is what HTC has determined as the industry standard, and easily set to just about any distance that you may desire.

I assume that you refer to the fireball graphic for burning plane, and what does that really matter?  tomato ~ tomata  Did you even notice the new debris smoke or hit sprites?  New tracers?  or a ton of other things that separate the current from beta cockpit graphics?

Flickering shadows, as was just recently discussed, may be the result of under performing video card, but no matter there either.  A simple button click and they are turned off, viola there you go back to AH2 (no shadows).

I don't know how you can say that planes take more damage, in a vacuum.  Could it be that there are more field acks pointed at them?  Maybe the lethality setting has been moved, but after testing alpha since the onset, I haven't quite yet had that same experience.  It does seem that 50 cal gun rounds are more potent against field guns though.

Yes, there are things that are not "proper" and will most likely be prioritized and dealt with more input from larger populations as it rolls into beta phase.

A more helpful beta tester comment in the future would be along the lines of:  Flew offline mission and noticed that E6B data on the clipboard was missing for climb rate and weight.  Instead of actual numbers the words "climb" and "weight" were next to their perspective categories.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Lazerr on January 14, 2016, 07:41:15 AM
Is that what happened when you were in the custom with us?

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Randy1 on January 14, 2016, 07:53:24 AM
Did a clean install.  Got a firewall access popup.  No problem after that.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Kanth on January 14, 2016, 07:58:55 AM
Did a clean install of the beta

The close up trees have shadows that tremble, the ones in the distance do not.

In the alpha that I didn't get a chance to go back and report but there was text in the missions that needed a space. I can't remember what it said but it was correcting me while I was trying to assign myself and I noticed two words were jammed together with no space.  Also in Missions I've seen it tell me that Kanth is my wingman which is odd.

I had the mission text recorded but when I uninstalled Alpha it was deleted but I didn't want to not report it. I did another mission but I didn't see the faulty text I'll have to try that some more.

When setting it up for play I am consistently changing the FOV to 106 and the default straight forward view using the home key and saving it (thanks to whoever it was that pointed that out, it was driving me nuts)  If I don't it feels completely wrong and frustrating.

looking forward to messing with it more after work.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: lyric1 on January 14, 2016, 09:15:54 AM
Sky looks weird compared to the old version. :headscratch:


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Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hitech on January 14, 2016, 09:16:07 AM
Updated no problem.

When you go to select a field gun,  the "score as field gun" line  the F is missing, and there are 2 n's in gun.

BTW the same bug exists in the released version. it supposed to be "Field Gunner" and is getting truncated.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hitech on January 14, 2016, 09:41:12 AM
Is it the same deal in terms of the files you can copy over from the current AH version to the Beta, as it was from AH(current) to the Alphas?  I'm referring to the view system/stick settings/etc files, and specifically JSM,KMP,HPS and the planes folders.


Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hitech on January 14, 2016, 09:42:25 AM
Updated from alpha just fine.  Tried all arenas, some multiple times, including a Player arena.  Got CTD only twice, both with AvA arena (once on exit and once when selecting a field).

Tower ambient sounds are much quieter at ports vs other fields (all maps).

Vehicles still bounce when speed=0, even with engine off (reported already I believe).

Don't remember seeing this except possibly by bustr. Can you give me a method to duplicate it?

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: JunkyII on January 14, 2016, 10:10:36 AM
First Thoughts on Beta...

Framerate....went from running default graphics in AH2 with steady 60 frames to AH3 Beta on Minimum settings with a lot of frame drops depending on where I'm looking at (Trees seem to be main cause)

Gunnery...Going to be good for new players....GOING TO BE CAKE for veterans. Those orange tracers make it very easy to see convergence and bullet drop

FOV...Why does my reticule get bigger the further I move back? Is this historic? I would think it got smaller.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 12:28:01 PM
Don't remember seeing this except possibly by bustr. Can you give me a method to duplicate it?


Just before I downloaded and installed Beta0 last night I was testing a wirbel on my gunnery terrain alpha 91. It did a very tiny repetitious bounce while sitting still. I only noticed it because it was enough to move the gunsight around. I ran build Beta0 and spawned everywhere on my gunnery map and offline NDisles just now, cannot duplicate it. On my gunnery map the last time it happened, the tile had small rock clutter strewn around.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Chilli on January 14, 2016, 12:31:16 PM
Cannot connect Online Beta.  I am using the correct run file, and had no problem yesterday.  It gives me "Host Connection Lost" on 3 attempts at Mission Arena, 7 Abs Mission, GS4 Arena.

Maybe some server maintenance??? Will try again later.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 12:40:49 PM
Lyric have you tried upping your beta gamma to 1.2 or 1.3?

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hitech on January 14, 2016, 12:41:57 PM
Cannot connect Online Beta.  I am using the correct run file, and had no problem yesterday.  It gives me "Host Connection Lost" on 3 attempts at Mission Arena, 7 Abs Mission, GS4 Arena.

Maybe some server maintenance??? Will try again later.

Working on the issue at the moment.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 10thmd on January 14, 2016, 12:42:23 PM
I got the same messages trying to connect online, I did run offline practice and found a sound issue. The BK37mm's on the Stuka G-2 do not play the audio for single shots, if you hold the trigger down the audio works fine.
Seems to be tied to the F3 external view mode.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: lyric1 on January 14, 2016, 01:21:15 PM
Lyric have you tried upping your beta gamma to 1.2 or 1.3?

Gone lower than that .9 any higher & any part of suns brightness renders the optics close to useless.

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Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 01:47:53 PM
I was hoping someone would bring that up again. At times I get blinded shooting at a light colored building in full sun. First by the sun reflection, then by the combined reflection and the explosion. The light engine is dramatic versus AH2.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 715 on January 14, 2016, 02:10:20 PM
Don't remember seeing this except possibly by bustr. Can you give me a method to duplicate it?


Spawn a Jeep from ndisles A16 NW then turn left and drive up the mountain to the south.  Stop on bare boulder terrain tile at:
FOV = 50.5

Still bouncing.  Turn off engine.  Still bouncing.  Yes it was bustr that reported it.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 715 on January 14, 2016, 02:17:46 PM
I was hoping someone would bring that up again. At times I get blinded shooting at a light colored building in full sun. First by the sun reflection, then by the combined reflection and the explosion. The light engine is dramatic versus AH2.

The Beta still has the .sliders command enabled so you can turn down the glare on the terrain, the trees, and objects with three separate sliders.  I set the trees and terrain to 1.0 and objects to 1.5 or less.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Zacherof on January 14, 2016, 02:33:27 PM
So Thw 262 is 1800 Perkins lol?
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 02:36:01 PM
Spawn a Jeep from ndisles A16 NW then turn left and drive up the mountain to the south.  Stop on bare boulder terrain tile at:
FOV = 50.5

Still bouncing.  Turn off engine.  Still bouncing.  Yes it was bustr that reported it.

Spawned a jeep there offline. My jeep would not get out of first gear starting at the spawn. After that no matter the GV I could not get out of first gear. Followed me back to my gunnery terrain. Exited and uninstalled the now disabled Hi Def Audio device from device manager and rebooted. Upon getting back to my desktop Win7 reinstalled drivers for the Hi Def Audio device. I disabled it and started the Beta back up. Went offline on my gunnery terrain and all spawns, my vehicle now clears first gear. NDisles don't like me now.... :O

This seems to effect how the "W" key is seen by the Beta and after the first time I fixed it by getting rid of all the ghost installations of the Hi Def device and disabling the device itself. My CH Fighterstick x,y inputs became crisper instead of a slight mushy delay.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Zacherof on January 14, 2016, 02:47:12 PM
Joined a staged mission and my default view is all the way forward?
And move back or zoom out in a zeke.....
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Easyscor on January 14, 2016, 03:12:34 PM
Spawned a jeep there offline. My jeep would not get out of first gear starting at the spawn. After that no matter the GV I could not get out of first gear. Followed me back to my gunnery terrain. Exited and uninstalled the now disabled Hi Def Audio device from device manager and rebooted. Upon getting back to my desktop Win7 reinstalled drivers for the Hi Def Audio device. I disabled it and started the Beta back up. Went offline on my gunnery terrain and all spawns, my vehicle now clears first gear. NDisles don't like me now.... :O

This seems to effect how the "W" key is seen by the Beta and after the first time I fixed it by getting rid of all the ghost installations of the Hi Def device and disabling the device itself. My CH Fighterstick x,y inputs became crisper instead of a slight mushy delay.

Try waiting for the engine to completely start, otherwise you can't shift out of 1st. Also, if you don't wait, tap the W key as if you're shifting gears before holding it down. See if that helps.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: FLS on January 14, 2016, 03:37:57 PM
Joined a staged mission and my default view is all the way forward?
And move back or zoom out in a zeke.....

Check your FOV in video settings. Default for the beta is 80 not 106.

You can copy your hps files from AH or reset the front view with Home and F10.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 03:44:02 PM

It's the full on "W" key is not received by the game as it should be, I tested this in full against my alpha 91 reported symptoms. It is the same bug I reported about in my gunnery terrain that followed me to NDisles when I switched terrains alpha 91. The precursor to it was the bouncing on rock or terrain with rock clutter on it I reported earlier on back in the alpha 80s.


Try spawning to that spawn several times in a row and see if your issue moves on to not being able to get out of first gear. Also is your video card HD and are you connected to your monitor with an HDMI cable? This issue previously was sporadic while I had my AMD HD 6770 connected to my monitor with an HDMI cable. I would exit from the alpha and restart it which would fix it before I started building my terrain. I thought it was a simple alpha glitch and didn't report it because it cleared with each restart of the alpha. I first began building my terrain using my HD6770 card and had the Hi Def Sound device disabled. I had to start running a new build after that to clear not being able to get out of first gear. When I changed to my current 760 HD card it go worse because Win7 kept trying to reinstall the drivers and gave me 1 full install and 5 ghost installs.

Once I cleared all of the installs and disabled the device, I didn't experience the "W" key problem until you reported your NW A16 spawn issue with the jeep. I tried it with a jeep and got a full on "W" key issue at the spawn.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Easyscor on January 14, 2016, 03:55:05 PM
Here you go with the bouncing GV issue. Anyone should be able to see it this way, but let me know, bustr.

Bouncing M3 - Repeatable.

I built a test terrain and tested against the Pac and Med terr sets.

One terrain, two terr sets. I didn't check the ETO or wwi terr sets.

Atlas 0 Type 14 Pac terr set - tiletstp
In tiletstp, spawn N and if you're not already bouncing, drive to the Flag pole and stop.

Atlas 1 Type 19 Med terr set - tiletstm
In tiletstm, spawn NE and if you're not already bouncing, end sortie and respawn until you bounce. Usually, once out of 5 to 10 spawn times I won't bounce but it's quicker to respawn then to drive around.

EDIT: oops. Rezipped as with both res files inside.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: BowHTR on January 14, 2016, 04:00:36 PM
Is beta compatible with Vista?
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Zacherof on January 14, 2016, 04:01:10 PM
Check your FOV in video settings. Default for the beta is 80 not 106.

You can copy your hps files from AH or reset the front view with Home and F10.
thank you. Waffle and copprhed and chili helped in game. I feel like this is something you have to experiment in game with but for the most part it's good to go. Thank you!
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 04:11:48 PM
Just duplicated the "W" key issue.

Offline my gunnery terrain. Tested "W" key at spawns all GV accelerated out of first. Then I tried the .sliders command to adjust the visual environment. Once I had that set, spawned up onto a hill, hit Shift_W and the GV was stuck in 1st. Pulled my CH throttle and joystick USB, tried Shift_W and W again and vehicles accelerated past 1st. Closed the Beta, plugged the CH back in, restarted back on my terrain and Shift_W and W keys worked.

These were the slider settings I found looked best to me.

ShapeSt - 1.610
Terr - 1.402
Trees - 1.805
Gamma - 1.3

In win7 is there any setting to tell the OS not to auto install drivers for a device? Or should I install the NVIDIA Hi Def sound drivers, THEN disable the device? This is happening when Win7 auto installs the windows drivers for the Hi Def audio device on my NVIDIA card. When I ran the NVIDIA install I did a custom so I could tell it not to install the Hi Def audio device.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: hitech on January 14, 2016, 04:24:33 PM
Buster it sounds like you are getting some rudder input with your JS. If it happens again, add some dead band to the rudder see if it fixes it.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: lyric1 on January 14, 2016, 04:47:14 PM
I was hoping someone would bring that up again. At times I get blinded shooting at a light colored building in full sun. First by the sun reflection, then by the combined reflection and the explosion. The light engine is dramatic versus AH2.
Squad mate hooked me up.

Turn off post lighting.  :aok
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 04:55:47 PM
Fixed it by removing the HDMI cable and reconnecting the PC to DVI cable. It no longer happens, W key is now fully functional and I've got some horizontal refresh flicker by feeding into the PC plug on the HDTV\PC Monitor. Something about HDMI was causing the conflict.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Chilli on January 14, 2016, 05:19:18 PM
Sweet Jeebus!  Did you guys optimize the FPS or something with beta?   59-60 FPS during all fights and practically all situations.  :x  Then again, it ran so smoothly, that FPS may have dipped but I was having so much fun, I didn't notice.

Seriously, don't do another thing and my 1 GB video card will earn her stripes!!  I am over the MOON!!!   :banana: :banana:
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 05:27:05 PM
Did some searching around. Not everyone with HDMI and Hi Def audio devices has a great time.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Mister Fork on January 14, 2016, 06:06:45 PM
my Triple monitor with a nVidia 970 4Gb gets 60FPS solid in all areas... :aok
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 06:50:47 PM
The .slider adjustments I reported have lightened up the mask on the gunsight reflector plate. Tested online and could not run into the "W" key issue now that my connection is DVI to VGA. Noticed the CV groups are back to having the cruiser in the group versus the new battleship.

Need to get a DVI - HDMI digital video component only adapter because this DVI to VGA connector is causing horizontal refresh lines to visibly display on my TV. With an HDMI connection at both ends, the audio component, even with the Hi Def audio device disabled, was causing the "W" key conflict. Didn't have this problem with the Miles sound system.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Pudgie on January 14, 2016, 07:29:11 PM
Did clean install of Beta0 w\o issue.

All came up online w\o issue.

Outside of shadow shimmer & shadow anti-aliasing issues all else was golden.

When are we gonna set up a LW type arena so's us lone wolves can duke it out?

I know this is coming.....just impatient.


Back at it.....................

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Drane on January 14, 2016, 08:43:28 PM
Updated with no known issues.

Deleted old desktop icon & start menu shortcut and old executable in Aces High Alpha Game folder.

Entered and exited all arenas ok.

When entering special events beta arena you can't answer yes/no question about joining existing mission until you acknowledge the MOTD, even though the yes/no dialogue box is in front of MOTD.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: JimmyD3 on January 14, 2016, 08:58:00 PM
The .slider adjustments I reported have lightened up the mask on the gunsight reflector plate. Tested online and could not run into the "W" key issue now that my connection is DVI to VGA. Noticed the CV groups are back to having the cruiser in the group versus the new battleship.

Need to get a DVI - HDMI digital video component only adapter because this DVI to VGA connector is causing horizontal refresh lines to visibly display on my TV. With an HDMI connection at both ends, the audio component, even with the Hi Def audio device disabled, was causing the "W" key conflict. Didn't have this problem with the Miles sound system.

Bustr which slider made the mask brighter?

Never mind I found your earlier post. :o
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 10thmd on January 14, 2016, 09:25:25 PM
The issue with the 37mm's on the Stuka also affects the 37mm manned gun. When in the F3 view mode single shots do not play sound. Holding down trigger sounds play fine.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Oldman731 on January 14, 2016, 09:49:05 PM
Updated with no known issues.

Deleted old desktop icon & start menu shortcut and old executable in Aces High Alpha Game folder.

Entered and exited all arenas ok.

When entering special events beta arena you can't answer yes/no question about joining existing mission until you acknowledge the MOTD, even though the yes/no dialogue box is in front of MOTD.

Same for me.  When exiting an arena, the choice box (whatever it's really called) is very small and must be manually enlarged.  I hates this.

Otherwise very nice.

- oldman
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2016, 11:55:08 PM
Once I plugged in the HDMI to DVI adaptor, the NVIDIA control panel suddenly gave me a new Hi Def audio option that was not available when I used the HDMI to HDMI cable as my video cable.

Disable Hi Def audio.

I gained back FPS and no problems with GV. Seems using the HDMI connector on the card did not work very well on my PC. But a digital video only DVI feed to the HDMI jack on my TV works fine.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Greebo on January 15, 2016, 03:58:13 AM

I built the above weather file to test in CraterMA. It is simply an overcast layer with no other clouds. After saving it in the normal way I ran the beta. The game loaded the textures etc but crashed at the point of entering the arena. This is the crash data from the log file:

Faulting application name: ahbeta.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5696a3d3
Faulting module name: ahbeta.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5696a3d3
Exception code: 0xc00000fd
Fault offset: 0x00030c37
Faulting process id: 0x17e0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d14f6d8d777bcf
Faulting application path: C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High Beta\ahbeta.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High Beta\ahbeta.exe
Report Id: de0abf60-bb60-11e5-a0cd-50e549edb851

When I set the overcast layer's start time to something other than 0 the terrain loads but then the game CTDs as soon as the overcast layer loads. I can click on the icon and re-enter the arena briefly before it CTDs again.

The terrain runs fine without the new weather file. I ran out of time before going to work before I could test the old weather file, however it never caused an issue before. This older weather file had an overcast layer as well, but it was the last layer in the file and 1K thick rather than 3K like this one. I suspect the thickness might be the issue here, I'll test more when I get home.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: 68Raptor on January 15, 2016, 06:16:01 AM
Took a 163 in the CTF arena, ran over captured a flag and returned it to my base. Towered out. Exited after towering out, game froze on exit with the Quit button highlighted. Title music is playing. Ctrl, Alt+Delete to get game to quit.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: puller on January 15, 2016, 08:01:44 AM
Did clean install from 91 to Beta...

In 91 had 30+ beta have 9-15...

Messed with settings for a long is dxdiag...I don't know what else to do

Only problem I found was CTF arena...upped spit flew and crashed tried to press hung on exit...had to do a hard restart of machine

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Kanth on January 15, 2016, 08:08:52 AM
this is a bad bug report please disregard I can't reproduce it.

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Bizman on January 15, 2016, 10:56:58 AM
@ puller: It's your video card. Radeon HD 6450 with 1 GB video RAM is on the low side of the HD 6000 series ( which means it's perfect for multimedia but not that good for serious gaming. You probably already know that AH3 will be more GPU dependent than AH2, which also shows in the Alpha and Beta. There may be several reasons for your frame rate drop, like different settings (especially the Environment Map slider is a resource hog) and a different place on the map (some areas are tougher for the GPU than others).

Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: bustr on January 15, 2016, 11:21:10 AM
You can search Wikipedia for excellent specification lists of AMD and NVIDIA family video cards.

radeon 6000 series
radeon 7000 series
Radeon Rx 200 series

Geforce 9000 series
Geforce 600 series
Geforce 700 series
Geforce 900 series

The Geforce GTX 9800 is the minimum requirement video card for this game.

GTX 9800
GDDR3 512
Data Path 256bit
Band Width 70.4 Gbyte\sec
Shaders  128

Radeon HD 6450
DDR3 512
GDDR5 512, 1024, 2048
Data Path 64bit (both memory types.)
Band Width
DDR3 12.8 Gbyte\sec.
GDDR5 25.6, 28.8 Gbyte\sec.
Shaders 160

GPU-Z is free and it will tell you everything about your video card.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: puller on January 15, 2016, 11:29:40 AM
@ puller: It's your video card. Radeon HD 6450 with 1 GB video RAM is on the low side of the HD 6000 series ( which means it's perfect for multimedia but not that good for serious gaming. You probably already know that AH3 will be more GPU dependent than AH2, which also shows in the Alpha and Beta. There may be several reasons for your frame rate drop, like different settings (especially the Environment Map slider is a resource hog) and a different place on the map (some areas are tougher for the GPU than others).

Thanks fellas...

That's a drag though...I just bought this video card a few months ago (memory fades but I thought I got it in the spring)
That's what I get for being a cheapazz....but it was a lot better than my x1300 256mb  :rofl
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Bizman on January 15, 2016, 12:06:48 PM
....but it was a lot better than my x1300 256mb  :rofl

More important, it's capable of running the alpha/beta.
Title: Re: Beta 0
Post by: Bizman on January 15, 2016, 12:10:05 PM
Download and update w/o issues.

Jungle mission arena, drove a jeep into the lake. Outside views are odd at certain angles, see images.

FOV = 50.5