Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Open Beta Test => Topic started by: Skuzzy on February 26, 2016, 02:43:39 PM

Title: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Skuzzy on February 26, 2016, 02:43:39 PM
New version up (,377947.0.html)!

Please post any issues or bugs with Beta 8, in this thread.  Thank you!
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Blade on February 26, 2016, 05:28:53 PM
Flickering shadows on.
And Disable Shadows, red blom apear?
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: MADe on February 26, 2016, 09:33:11 PM
nada but app crash.
exiting video settings
entering offline
entering melee, crater ma or flag.
I rebooted rig after patch 8 install.

Maybe I nee a total new clean install?? sporting thru patch 8 now....................
u want dx report?

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Application Error
Date:          2/26/2016 10:26:51 PM
Event ID:      1000
Task Category: (100)
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Faulting application name: ahbeta.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x56d0a7d7
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.19135, time stamp: 0x56a1c6fa
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0003dae8
Faulting process id: 0xf48
Faulting application start time: 0x01d1710ea27e7a9d
Faulting application path: C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High Beta Game\ahbeta.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
Report Id: f065ef41-dd01-11e5-a77d-00241d133a48
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-02-27T03:26:51.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High Beta Game\ahbeta.exe</Data>
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: lyric1 on February 27, 2016, 01:02:20 AM
A6M5 Left cowling gun has virtually no muzzle flash compared to the other three guns & no tracers at all.

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Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: 715 on February 27, 2016, 01:30:01 AM
Downloaded and installed fine.

Tankland:  discontinuity is gone.  When driving over bridges there are strange magnified reflections of bridge stones intermittently in the water.  There is a missing bridge just N of V23.  Enemy bases don't flash if I start at selected bases near the center of the map, even if I drive onto the enemy base.  (Same for B, K, or R).  Paddocks at V18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 35, and 39 are, to larger or lessor degrees, floating above ground.  The paddock has no collision map.  Also, V18 maproom is blocking a road (who's texture goes right over the maproom).  And, submitted for your consideration for Pointless Nit Pick of the Year: many water areas have pine trees growing in them; almost all pines grow only in well drained soils and avoid wet areas. 
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Chilli on February 27, 2016, 02:43:17 AM
Flickering shadows on.
And Disable Shadows, red blom apear?


Just curious why you have environment map set at 1?  That with shadows, are the 2 top resource hogs in beta it seems.  Next I would imagine to be clutter??  Have you tested, with environment map to none, and shaders on?  Again, only curious.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Randy1 on February 27, 2016, 07:56:43 AM
Using FOV 100-106 I was surprised how much the in-cockpit gauge graphics have degraded now.  They improved at FOV 80 but still not as good as AH2.  In earlier versions they use to be super sharp using any FOV.

Cockpit moving shadows still have saw-tooth edge much like AH2.

Turning my head a full 90 degrees in a plane like a P-38, I get good directional sound but 45 degree turn gives a like a flat spot in the sound.  In other words the transition of directional hearing as I turn my head does not seem to be smooth.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: GrandpaChaps on February 27, 2016, 11:44:16 AM
Beta 8 patch 2.  some attached films.  b25 run

first film. - suggestion.  When you bring up clipboard maps the grid coordinates aren't really that clear.  numbers are fuzzy.
second film, while on bomb run, ground around a hill/mountain appeared to be flashing...
third film, - ive seen this through all the beta versions, this is in bomb view.  When there is water in view, there's an on color band and visual band at the top of the view.
fourth film, see difference between swichin between F6 bomber view

Will send more in a bit.
Title: more films
Post by: GrandpaChaps on February 27, 2016, 11:47:18 AM
I noticed in b25 while in bomb site, when you change views at all, the bomber seems to drift. or, the F6 view drifts.  see first attachment. 
Second attachment is another view of the weird thin blue line at alt in bomber.  this is in F3 view and also shows bomber view but at a certain distance, appears to be a stark contrast in map view/distance view
Last view, there's an odd pulsing in terrain at times, seems to be in all views, but this is on a descent to land.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports - Prison camps?
Post by: GrandpaChaps on February 27, 2016, 03:07:21 PM
Not sure what to say.  I'm a bit flabbergasted.  prison barracks?  I've got uncles and fathers who died in german prison camps and some of this looks too similar to what I would imagine.  not sure how I feel about this.  but, as I look at this it's becoming quite dark and ominous in my view. 

Beta 8, patch 2.  not feeling too good about this game about now.  might be making a whole lot of nothing out of nothing, but this is sure creepy and makes me want to go somewhere else.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports - Prison camps?
Post by: hitech on February 27, 2016, 03:13:52 PM
Not sure what to say.  I'm a bit flabbergasted.  prison barracks?  I've got uncles and fathers who died in german prison camps and some of this looks too similar to what I would imagine.  not sure how I feel about this.  but, as I look at this it's becoming quite dark and ominous in my view. 

Beta 8, patch 2.  not feeling too good about this game about now.  might be making a whole lot of nothing out of nothing, but this is sure creepy and makes me want to go somewhere else.

What building are you speaking of? We have not put any prison barracks in the game that I know of.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: SNO on February 27, 2016, 03:46:34 PM
Sound issue, when I turn my head left the engine sound is louder on the left side not right which is facing engine. Same thing to the right, louder on right side and sound stutters when looking up. I checked my sound in Windows and sounds are configured correctly. I experienced this in the 190 a5 and 109 G2. Thanks
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports - Prison camps?
Post by: bustr on February 27, 2016, 03:51:27 PM
Not sure what to say.  I'm a bit flabbergasted.  prison barracks?  I've got uncles and fathers who died in german prison camps and some of this looks too similar to what I would imagine.  not sure how I feel about this.  but, as I look at this it's becoming quite dark and ominous in my view. 

Beta 8, patch 2.  not feeling too good about this game about now.  might be making a whole lot of nothing out of nothing, but this is sure creepy and makes me want to go somewhere else.

Those are troop barracks laid down in orderly lines and row. Just how the US military specified. If it were a POW camp you would have layers of fencing and wire along with guard towers. A company that won't allow the swastika on the rudders of German aircraft will not then turn around and create POW camp at strat objects.

This is Easy Company's area at Camp Toccoa. Some US POW camps looked exactly like this with one difference, fences and guard towers. Company camps and POTW camps were just places to quarter soldiers.


Nice orderly rows.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Chilli on February 27, 2016, 04:36:25 PM
In the eye of the beholder.  HiTech, I watched the first film, and it appears that radar factory buildings are what he is talking about.  Grandpa, I am certain that the resemblance if any, maybe purely architectural of the period.  While watching your film, it was clear that they were labeled factory buildings

Your pride for your family members' remembrance is notable.  There were many brave stories in WW2 to be told away from the battlefield.  :salute

If you had known anything of HiTech Creations, you would know the length they go to present a product that is a detail representation of the physics of WW2 weapons, only.  As for your unease, I have a similar gut feeling sometimes when I fly Axis aircraft.  I even have this disturbed feeling whenever I watch real WW2 footage.  This merely means that we are human.  I can assure that those at HiTech, and the overwhelming majority of this community are the best that humanity has to offer.   :salute
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports - Prison camps?
Post by: JimmyD3 on February 27, 2016, 04:47:19 PM
See rule #4
Title: Re: more films
Post by: Chilli on February 27, 2016, 04:48:03 PM
I am not sure what is meant by bomber drift, but could it be?  Either:

a)  You were in the bomber sight before it had been calibrated?  An uncalibrated F6 view would account for drift


b)  Your were at 21k feet altitude and subjected to cross winds.  If you right click on your clipboard map and enable "wind" a ledger item will appear, and show wind speed and direction, at differing altitudes.  I cannot tell from the film what map or if wind was enabled.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports - Prison camps?
Post by: redcatcherb412 on February 27, 2016, 06:21:26 PM
Not sure what to say.  I'm a bit flabbergasted.  prison barracks?  I've got uncles and fathers who died in german prison camps and some of this looks too similar to what I would imagine.  not sure how I feel about this.  but, as I look at this it's becoming quite dark and ominous in my view. 

Beta 8, patch 2.  not feeling too good about this game about now.  might be making a whole lot of nothing out of nothing, but this is sure creepy and makes me want to go somewhere else.

I take it you never visited the Ft Huachuca barracks in the 60's which were barely renovated from the calvary days.
Talk about looking like a camp you describe, but I doubt HT had any POW camp in mind designing 1940's buildings.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Bizman on February 28, 2016, 12:10:30 PM
Updated without issues, went to Greebo's CraterMA.

Noticed that I can hit the Target with a Dora and even see the hits.  :aok A funny thing I noticed was that the clipboard slid between the window frames when minimized, image attached. Another obscurity I noticed was that after Alt-Tabbing to the Desktop, the engine started again (engstart) when I returned to the game, although the plane had been on Autopilot all the time.

Changed country to try to bomb the fleet. Upped three Mossies with 4000 lbs. Lined up, calibrated and dropped - and saw the bombs splash way behind the CV. Turned home to get another load and then I crashed to Desktop. Logged back in, the game said that AI had just bailed me. So I was back in the tower sooner than expected... Didn't go to the Hangar, instead I just upped to the same direction as before. Noticed my drones were missing which I vaguely remember being a feature of the automatic disco rescue system. I soon was high and close enough to calibrate, but to my surprise I couldn't get into the calibrating mode! Back to the cockpit, back to the bomb site. No calibration mode whatsoever. So I decided to try dive bombing. Oh, no bomb bay door either??? Still diving and CTD... Again back to the game, this time I was still airborne and noticed that actually I had no bombs either. And then the meatball ack got me. End of the story.

Location info taken while free falling after the first CTD:

FOV = 50.5

CTD error reports attached.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: j500ss on February 28, 2016, 12:23:10 PM
Launched V59 SE in a tank.   Tank rolled over immediately after start up, which I have had happen before near a tree.

Funny thing is I could drive around upside down.   May be worth looking at.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Krupinski on February 28, 2016, 05:34:02 PM
Not sure if this is a known bug or not, but while shooting at a player controlled bomber formation, sometimes the players aircraft will take the damage even though you are shooting at one of the drones. Other times the correct aircraft you are shooting at will take the damage.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports - Prison camps?
Post by: tboy1972 on February 28, 2016, 09:01:09 PM
Not sure what to say.  I'm a bit flabbergasted.  prison barracks?  I've got uncles and fathers who died in german prison camps and some of this looks too similar to what I would imagine.  not sure how I feel about this.  but, as I look at this it's becoming quite dark and ominous in my view. 

Beta 8, patch 2.  not feeling too good about this game about now.  might be making a whole lot of nothing out of nothing, but this is sure creepy and makes me want to go somewhere else.

this is a world war 2 combat flight simulator game. world war two was dark, and evil, and millions died. This is what war is.  This is what combat is.  If it is a simulation game, then I would want as close of a simulation as possible.  The word simulation comes from the word similar.  If your looking for a feel good happy game, this may not be it. 

I'm not trying to be a jerk here, or insult you.  I am just pointing out the facts.  If the creators of this game can simulate an environment that resembles a world war, to the point that it triggers some dark feelings, then they have done their job well.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Chalenge on February 28, 2016, 09:11:28 PM
Looks like the radar factory.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Mano on February 29, 2016, 12:32:16 PM
Tankland is wonderful.  :aok

Bug report:

I selected Rook and drove to Bishop base v2
The autogun next to the tower cannot be destroyed.
My pintle does not show sprites if I shoot at.
Also, it is not solid. You drive right through it.

You can drive through the fence and the ammo bunker next to the tower as well.

Also, if you raise the barrel to high on the panther it will not fire smoke. You get an error message.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Zacherof on February 29, 2016, 08:14:02 PM
When firing guns, and then switching to f3, and back to f1, guns won't make a sound. Did it with the 262, La7, P40E, and 109g14
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: 715 on March 01, 2016, 01:02:31 AM
I selected Rook and drove to Bishop base v2
The autogun next to the tower cannot be destroyed.
My pintle does not show sprites if I shoot at.
Also, it is not solid. You drive right through it.

You can drive through the fence and the ammo bunker next to the tower as well.

I can confirm that the autogun next to the tower at V2 as well as the maproom cannot be hit and both can be driven through.  At V18 the other autogun cannot be hit or collided with, but the maproom is OK.  Both of these fields have a seam running E-W right through the base.  In V2's case it runs near the maproom and tower autogun (i.e. the ones with problems), at V18 it runs near the other autogun (also the one with problems).  Perhaps a solution would be to slightly move those two bases away from the seam.  (None of the other central vehicle bases have this problem.)

Ground clutter at some bases (V4, V34, V37 maybe others) is not on the ground but floating a bit above it.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: hitech on March 01, 2016, 11:34:43 AM
When firing guns, and then switching to f3, and back to f1, guns won't make a sound. Did it with the 262, La7, P40E, and 109g14

I can not duplicate this.
Any more info would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: FLS on March 01, 2016, 11:58:48 AM
For the F4U's, F6F, P-40's, P-47's and P-51's, firing guns in the cockpit view, the smoke trails aren't showing for the right wing guns. They show from the external views.

The F4U's do not show the 3rd smoke trail on the right side machineguns in the cockpit view until you move the pilot's head to the right. They show from the external views.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Zacherof on March 01, 2016, 04:20:52 PM
I can not duplicate this.
Any more info would be appreciated.

What other information is needed?
I'm not really sure? :salute
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: hitech on March 01, 2016, 04:47:57 PM
I.E. Lanched at field xx in plane xx.

Sat on runway fired guns.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Zacherof on March 02, 2016, 02:27:01 AM
I.E. Lanched at field xx in plane xx.

Sat on runway fired guns.

Pretty sure it was field 47, Wrnway,
Sat on runway, without taxing
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Zacherof on March 02, 2016, 02:29:03 AM
Tried to recreate it myself and didn't find an issue. :headscratch:
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Chilli on March 02, 2016, 04:28:21 AM
P51B has bug with oil hit.  Shows up as transparent light tan, instead of opaque oil colored.  Also, the canopy of the pony B is expanded like bubble gum.


Like Bubblegum:

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: DeadMeat on March 02, 2016, 11:35:54 AM
Not sure if it qualifies as a bug or not, but frame rates dropped significantly after last update(when in a ground vehicle). During FR test I get nearly 700fps. Film included with graphics settings.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Easyscor on March 02, 2016, 12:33:52 PM
In the 17lb Manned gun, you can't look around ie left, right etc. Your view is fixed forward.

This is the only man gun with this issue. The 88s etc all work correctly.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: bustr on March 02, 2016, 12:38:17 PM
In the 17lb Manned gun, you can't look around ie left, right etc. Your view is fixed forward.

This is the only man gun with this issue. The 88s etc all work correctly.

We don't even have that ability in AH2's 17lb. Only two views, forward and forward through the gunsight.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: oboe on March 02, 2016, 01:01:36 PM
Can't hear external sounds in films.

Exhaust smoke during startup appears to come only from the exhaust manifold on the other side of the plane from you.

Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: bustr on March 02, 2016, 01:09:55 PM
P51B has bug with oil hit.  Shows up as transparent light tan, instead of opaque oil colored.  Also, the canopy of the pony B is expanded like bubble gum.


Like Bubblegum:


I couldn't see your img tagged photos until I opened this page in FireFox.
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: Easyscor on March 02, 2016, 02:18:06 PM
We don't even have that ability in AH2's 17lb. Only two views, forward and forward through the gunsight.

Does that mean it isn't a bug?  :bolt:
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: bustr on March 02, 2016, 03:48:05 PM
We did abuse F3 mode in the 17lb when it was first introduced.
Title: Text Buffer Error?
Post by: Nefarious on March 02, 2016, 05:14:30 PM
( (

Had this the entire time, makes the text buffer unreadable.

Any clue? Did I miss this somewhere?
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: GrandpaChaps on March 02, 2016, 11:13:13 PM
The only one I can honestly post on is the altimeter.  It's VERY hard to see your alt using the altimeter sometimes.  See film.

Also, i hate to say it but the graphics are wonderful, until you start to speed up.  Then, I'm sorry, I'm about to blow chunks.  the graphics from some great view to some wild impressionist painting / drunken / paint by numbers view that really messes with your head.  (see second attachment).
Title: Re: Beta 8: Issues/Bug Reports
Post by: lyric1 on March 03, 2016, 03:22:09 AM
Tried an Ostwind out on the crater map when firing the hull machine gun from time to time the sound of the gun firing drops off & eventually comes back.