Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: flippz on December 19, 2023, 07:43:33 PM
I have been back for about a month and a half now. Every night when there are "decent" numbers on its a constant gang on one country. Maybe its me but how can it be fun for anyone?
I mean the team being ganged up on just runs to gvs. The teams that are ganging have solid dars of guys hunting the one or two planes that are trying to fly. I just want to hear some reasons why cause again I just dont get it.
My harmless M-8 always get double, triple, even quadruple ganged. Poor little M-8 never gets any respect.
I feel your pain.
Darn, I was sure expecting a link to a video...I mean...uhhhh.... :uhoh
I completely understand where you're coming from, flippz. Every now and then you run across some really good fights, but what you described is accurate. I would say every map needs a furball island just for the dogfighters, but even then it can be much of the same.
Were you looking for another video from a senate room?
It was like that constantly when I quit playing. The higher numbers ganged the lower number country so it would be very lopsided. I resorted to just flying 262s as anything else would have been sewercide.
The higher numbers ganged the lower number country
It’s not even that! There’s been several times that the low number country couldn’t even find a fight.
What time are you referring too flip?
Different time blocks during the day have varying gameplay.
I have been back for about a month and a half now. Every night when there are "decent" numbers on its a constant gang on one country. Maybe its me but how can it be fun for anyone?
I mean the team being ganged up on just runs to gvs. The teams that are ganging have solid dars of guys hunting the one or two planes that are trying to fly. I just want to hear some reasons why cause again I just dont get it.
All I know is despite the doubleteaming the Knights have faced this past week we managed to reset the map after bish were 2 bases away from a win and then last night bishops just needed 1 base from Knights and still lost to us :aok
The double teams are rough but it is what it is :cheers:
Numbers are too low for a 3 way split anymore imo...
Two sides would be better gameplay but I don't expect anything to change
I think ganging up on the weaker side must be unfortunately, human nature. Probably related to a need to fight from within the safety of a horde, but it may also be a valid strategy for a team to gain bases with the least expenditure of time and resources. The small country is so overwhelmed and hard-pressed it can't put up an effective defense.
It is completely within our power as players to end this. If you're on the small side being ganged by the two larger forces, switch sides and attack the other large force. Ignore the small country and go after the other big country.
I've made a post like this already a few months ago before you returned. It's basically the morning bish crew that rekts boths sides in the morning with their squad that neither team has enough players to defend. So for the rest of the day, the 2 teams push back the bish as the Jokers log off. This causes bish to be ganged for most of the day.
The thing is, players are going to go where the fight is. Some players switch to bish to help out and defend, while there are no fights on the rooks vs knits side, so no one goes over there to fight/play by themselves. It really takes a squad of players to attack the other side to build up a fight, however the side they are attacking may not even care and allow them to roll bases because they cannot stop attacking bish for some reason. This makes it not fun for those who like air combat.
I've even yelled at my side before who were just allowing the rooks to take their bases and win the map while they continued to fight bish for whatever reason. I cannot explain it. There is essentially nothing that can be done as this just that nature of it.
Heh.. yes, this, sorta... I've covered how the game plays out over the day as well and have gotten chat muted for ragging on the ones responsible, lol.
Morning does set the tone for the day, yet players have the ability to make the needed changes, yet kind of don't.
Personally, I don't generally go against or with a horde - I find it boring and unrewarding.
<edit: it's also kind of ironic that this often sets up an overnight knit win, which can upset the morning crews.>
<edit: added screenshot 8:25am CST> no bish/rook action, no knit/rook action, basically rooks (could easily be knits) have very little to do - not enough to attack bish and attacking knits would be double teaming a weak team, right? My biggest peeve in mornings is how bish use those numbers to focus on one side at a time instead of spreading the action out. See 20% knit bases, 0% rook. Bish will focus on rooks in a while but they'll unlikely win the map before numbers start to balance. This is what sets up the afternoon reclaims by knits/rooks as the locusts log leaving their afternoon brethren holding the watermelon bucket. AND ENY IS A NONFACTOR, AMIRITE?
( ( to capture screen (
I've made a post like this already a few months ago before you returned. It's basically the morning bish crew that rekts boths sides in the morning with their squad that neither team has enough players to defend. So for the rest of the day, the 2 teams push back the bish as the Jokers log off. This causes bish to be ganged for most of the day.
The thing is, players are going to go where the fight is. Some players switch to bish to help out and defend, while there are no fights on the rooks vs knits side, so no one goes over there to fight/play by themselves. It really takes a squad of players to attack the other side to build up a fight, however the side they are attacking may not even care and allow them to roll bases because they cannot stop attacking bish for some reason. This makes it not fun for those who like air combat.
I've even yelled at my side before who were just allowing the rooks to take their bases and win the map while they continued to fight bish for whatever reason. I cannot explain it. There is essentially nothing that can be done as this just that nature of it.
Hmmm sounds like a Bish "hate" thread, you know its "always their fault". Come on people, grow up. This is the way its always been, at least since I started playing in 2012. Not matter what arena you were in, EW, MW, or LW. I think Oboe is right for the most part, it is human nature to go after the weaker, especially in this dog eat dog world we live in.
While all 3 countries get double teamed, it seems the bish get it the most, yeah I know you "hate the bish" lol. as to everyone going gv, when you can't get off the ground because of vulching, and your trying to defend your base, that is what happens. Yes I know you can come from another base, just takeoff, fly for 6 minutes and get caught on climb out and picked.
For those wanting 2 countries, it will never work. #1 You will still have one side dominate over the other. #2 Many of the players forced to move to a "new" country setup will quit. We have players that have stated "if I am forced to change countries for balancing I will quit. I have always flown (take your choice Bish, Knit, Rook) and will not change."
IF you want this to change, YOU have to be part of the solution. The players CAN change this, we have ALWAYS been able to change it, we just don't have the WILL POWER.
As a side note, we all need to start Saluting more in country and cross country. You shoot someone down, give them a salute. don't berate their flying skills, or the lack there of. Someone shoots you down, same thing, give them a salute, don't whine about their killing you. It's a game, you win some you loose some. To send a salute, ".s playername" to return a salute ".rs" it's not hard. :cheers:
Heh.. yes, this, sorta... I've covered how the game plays out over the day as well and have gotten chat muted for ragging on the ones responsible, lol.
Morning does set the tone for the day, yet players have the ability to make the needed changes, yet kind of don't.
Personally, I don't generally go against or with a horde - I find it boring and unrewarding.
<edit: it's also kind of ironic that this often sets up an overnight knit win, which can upset the morning crews.>
<edit: added screenshot 8:25am CST> no bish/rook action, no knit/rook action, basically rooks (could easily be knits) have very little to do - not enough to attack bish and attacking knits would be double teaming a weak team, right? My biggest peeve in mornings is how bish use those numbers to focus on one side at a time instead of spreading the action out. See 20% knit bases, 0% rook. Bish will focus on rooks in a while but they'll unlikely win the map before numbers start to balance. This is what sets up the afternoon reclaims by knits/rooks as the locusts log leaving their afternoon brethren holding the watermelon bucket. AND ENY IS A NONFACTOR, AMIRITE?
( ( to capture screen (
Pretty much sums it up. I have had few chances to log early mornings but when I do, I see bish outnumber both sides by a wide margin. (Ive seen 26 bish vs. 5 or 6 Knight).
Base defending is futile. Its like trying to get rid of a rat infestation by killing 1 or 2, but they just keep coming back OR they attack several fields. With those numbers they can do that. Once they get to the point of enough numbers to match them, they become unsuccessful and usually log off.
Best attitude to take in this situation is just forget about the map and try to get in as many easy kills as you possibly can.
With a 3 country system, the downside is most of the time, 2 will be ganging 1. The upside is that it is never for a long period of time so all 3 get it as much as they take it.
IF you want this to change, YOU have to be part of the solution. The players CAN change this, we have ALWAYS been able to change it, we just don't have the WILL POWER.
True, but willpower ends when after country change you are called a spy with very vulgar choice of words.
As a side note, we all need to start Saluting more in country and cross country. You shoot someone down, give them a salute. don't berate their flying skills, or the lack there of. Someone shoots you down, same thing, give them a salute, don't whine about their killing you. It's a game, you win some you loose some. To send a salute, ".s playername" to return a salute ".rs" it's not hard. :cheers:
The end of <S> is a sign of things going too personal, too deep under the skin of killed one. Used to do it but lack of return makes it feel unnecessary.
Its only morning "bish hate" lol. Note that I fly mostly for bish now when I log in since that's where the fights are and they are normally being double teamed and need the help. I really don't like flying with the hoard as id prefer others have the opportunity to partake in that.
Sad thing is one country has 40% of another countries bases but continues to attack them. Duce time!
Its only morning "bish hate" lol. Note that I fly mostly for bish now when I log in since that's where the fights are and they are normally being double teamed and need the help. I really don't like flying with the hoard as id prefer others have the opportunity to partake in that.
“Find a fight” is a very subjective thing. I’ve never had trouble and when numbers are low or unbalanced I just go do my own thing. Usually that starts a fight somewhere. Some people only fly or only drive etc, that will certainly limit your choices if you don’t do utilize what the game gives you.
Bish had the Dweeds last night so they were inflated and when I was playing us Rooks had the lowest numbers but we still were out there starting fights. The game is what you make it, it’s not always going to be what you want.
This is also a time zone controlled complaint. Too bad there isn’t a good way to recruit more non-US players.
Stop it with the two country nonsense… that will only exacerbate this issue. You think more people grouped together won’t do the same thing? What happens when it’s two countries and it’s repeatedly 20-2 numbers? I will be excited for those BBS threads. Three countries ensures the options that all players can play the game as they desire at any time of the day. There is also room to go off and do your own thing.
Also, you can’t fix human nature with codes.
I am not personally a proponent for a 2 sided system in the MA. I never mentioned that.
I'm glad that you can find entertainment whenever, but it doesn't work like that for me. I roll when I have an opportunity to partake in a battle. I'm not going to fly to a base by myself and see if anyone rolls. Just not my cup of tea and don't have the time for it. For newer players or guys who like doing that, I'm all for it, but it's not what most want to do. They want to be in the action with others and if it's taking bish bases when you already have 30%, that's what they are going to do...for me, it's all about the maps, and smaller maps bring bigger battles that most want to partake in.
Not enough pilots for any sort of balance. It's sad to see. :aok
As a side note, we all need to start Saluting more in country and cross country. You shoot someone down, give them a salute. don't berate their flying skills, or the lack there of. Someone shoots you down, same thing, give them a salute, don't whine about their killing you. It's a game, you win some you loose some. To send a salute, ".s playername" to return a salute ".rs" it's not hard. :cheers:
Amen.... :salute
Looks like friendship in the game is gone...
I am not personally a proponent for a 2 sided system in the MA. I never mentioned that.
I'm glad that you can find entertainment whenever, but it doesn't work like that for me. I roll when I have an opportunity to partake in a battle. I'm not going to fly to a base by myself and see if anyone rolls. Just not my cup of tea and don't have the time for it. For newer players or guys who like doing that, I'm all for it, but it's not what most want to do. They want to be in the action with others and if it's taking bish bases when you already have 30%, that's what they are going to do...for me, it's all about the maps, and smaller maps bring bigger battles that most want to partake in.
That wasn’t directed at you, was calling to the two country proponents et al.
This is the beauty of AH’s secret sauce. We can both play the game our way at the same time together or on opposing sides.
If Lusche is lurking… can we infer from pilot stats the breakdown of gv only vs. plane only vs. mixed? Would go a long way in helping to put some context to this evergreen topic.
Amen.... :salute
Looks like friendship in the game is gone...
Maybe I am spoiled by time zone but our rook country chat is always light hearted goofball stuff and is full of WTG’s and <S> all night long. What are you all talking about in the other country channels lol
As a side note, we all need to start Saluting more in country and cross country. You shoot someone down, give them a salute. don't berate their flying skills, or the lack there of. Someone shoots you down, same thing, give them a salute, don't whine about their killing you. It's a game, you win some you loose some. To send a salute, ".s playername" to return a salute ".rs" it's not hard. :cheers:
We will have to agree to disagree on this. If I'm in a 1vs1 that has been going on for some time and we're both down on the deck stallfighting trying to gain an inch in a close fight and some dweeb in a rocket plane comes out of orbit to bounce me he's not gonna get an .rs if he salutes me.
Seems some people will do anything for a kill, including clearing your 12 and then extending for a sector, leaving you alone with a bunch of enemy. These people would never get a salute from me.
On the other hand a good 1vs1 or even a good kill in a furball would get a salute from me.
I think the reason that the salutes have died down is because the lack of good fights and sportsmanship has died down.
Maybe I am spoiled by time zone but our rook country chat is always light hearted goofball stuff and is full of WTG’s and <S> all night long. What are you all talking about in the other country channels lol
You’re correct…I shouldn't generalize; friendship is gone for some players.
When on the double teamed side, you always have plenty of targets. That is not really a bad thing.
When on the double teamed side, you always have plenty of targets. That is not really a bad thing.
Not when you can't get there without five drop tanks.
First, lets get back to the topic. the OP I think was talking about "fights". not land grabbing.
There are two types of "fighters" in the game, those that like to fight for the fun of the fight. Shida, flippz, MARK4, Simon, Yucca and so on. You know these guys as they come in mid alt, and will fight to the death on the deck in what ever plane they are in. The second group are the score potatos. While many will say "I dont play for score" they are also the ones that seem to be the guys who point out how many times they have been ranked #1. You can also spot them by how they fly. In groups at high alt. Only engaging when the other player is busy (picking, clearing your 12 oclock...), and then running like they have 100 guys chasing them until they can get back to that high horse they were perched on.
The problem is there are not that many "fighter" guys that really want to fight. Id say it about 1 in 5 are real fighter guys. Of the guys that fly fighters in these groups there may not be more than 400 total, so thats less than 100 fighter guys. The other 400-600 players are split between bombers, attack planes and GVs and their objective isnt to fight, its to aid in the capture of bases and sometimes the defense of those bases.
So out of the 1000-800 player we have playing the game less than 100 are fighter types looking for a fight. Add in time of day/population locations IE euro, asian/fire rim, west coast, east coast that gives you a dozen fighter types playing in prime time. Its not going to change until/unless the numbers go up. This is the hardest hit group of players in the game due to numbers.
Most players are doing what they want in the game and can still do it as the numbers still support their type of play. 6-8 players for a base take, 4-6 for defense, gvs 4-5 per side makes a great battle, but with only a few fighter type out there they have a hard time finding other fighter types and for whats left, most of those guys dont want to fight.
Someone said you cant change human behaviour with code. Change the code so when a team takes two bases against one opponent all other bases against that opponent are locked until the team takes a base from the other opponent. Bish take 2 from the knights so they have to switch fronts to take at least one from the Rooks, but not more than 2 because they would have to switch to the other front again. This way you wont see a night long run of pushing one team down to 10% of their fields. With the force from the code players have to fight other enemies instead of rolling just one. The double gang would almost disappear because we know most of the action in the game is generated by the base capture guys.
I know we need more numbers. Half of the complaints in the games would disappear if we had double the numbers we have now.
I also believe that a few minor changes in the code could add spice to the game and negate some of the minuses to help with the numbers.
Someone said you cant change human behaviour with code. Change the code so when a team takes two bases against one opponent all other bases against that opponent are locked until the team takes a base from the other opponent. Bish take 2 from the knights so they have to switch fronts to take at least one from the Rooks, but not more than 2 because they would have to switch to the other front again. This way you wont see a night long run of pushing one team down to 10% of their fields. With the force from the code players have to fight other enemies instead of rolling just one. The double gang would almost disappear because we know most of the action in the game is generated by the base capture guys.
Was me… those are good ideas . I also think some ENY tweaks should happen too. Several other tweaks could happen but I’m guessing there will always be someone short sided. Hoping Lusche sees my other message to provide the context that might answer some of these questions.
Just takes one or two good fights to make a good AH evening imo
I usually get that and more
Especially on Monday Nights. :joystick: :airplane:
Just takes one or two good fights to make a good AH evening imo
I usually get that and more
First, lets get back to the topic. the OP I think was talking about "fights". not land grabbing.
There are two types of "fighters" in the game, those that like to fight for the fun of the fight. Shida, flippz, MARK4, Simon, Yucca and so on. You know these guys as they come in mid alt, and will fight to the death on the deck in what ever plane they are in. The second group are the score potatos. While many will say "I dont play for score" they are also the ones that seem to be the guys who point out how many times they have been ranked #1. You can also spot them by how they fly. In groups at high alt. Only engaging when the other player is busy (picking, clearing your 12 oclock...), and then running like they have 100 guys chasing them until they can get back to that high horse they were perched on.
LMFAO. Simon is the biggest picker in the game. He sucks 1 v 1 and can't win a fight without his gang of Hogs around him to beat his target down in E or save him as he is flailing around/running.
You have lost all credibility to dare compare Simon to someone like Shida. :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
First, lets get back to the topic. the OP I think was talking about "fights". not land grabbing.
There are two types of "fighters" in the game, those that like to fight for the fun of the fight. Shida, flippz, MARK4, Simon, Yucca and so on. You know these guys as they come in mid alt, and will fight to the death on the deck in what ever plane they are in. The second group are the score potatos. While many will say "I dont play for score" they are also the ones that seem to be the guys who point out how many times they have been ranked #1. You can also spot them by how they fly. In groups at high alt. Only engaging when the other player is busy (picking, clearing your 12 oclock...), and then running like they have 100 guys chasing them until they can get back to that high horse they were perched on.
The problem is there are not that many "fighter" guys that really want to fight. Id say it about 1 in 5 are real fighter guys. Of the guys that fly fighters in these groups there may not be more than 400 total, so thats less than 100 fighter guys. The other 400-600 players are split between bombers, attack planes and GVs and their objective isnt to fight, its to aid in the capture of bases and sometimes the defense of those bases.
So out of the 1000-800 player we have playing the game less than 100 are fighter types looking for a fight. Add in time of day/population locations IE euro, asian/fire rim, west coast, east coast that gives you a dozen fighter types playing in prime time. Its not going to change until/unless the numbers go up. This is the hardest hit group of players in the game due to numbers.
Most players are doing what they want in the game and can still do it as the numbers still support their type of play. 6-8 players for a base take, 4-6 for defense, gvs 4-5 per side makes a great battle, but with only a few fighter type out there they have a hard time finding other fighter types and for whats left, most of those guys dont want to fight.
Someone said you cant change human behaviour with code. Change the code so when a team takes two bases against one opponent all other bases against that opponent are locked until the team takes a base from the other opponent. Bish take 2 from the knights so they have to switch fronts to take at least one from the Rooks, but not more than 2 because they would have to switch to the other front again. This way you wont see a night long run of pushing one team down to 10% of their fields. With the force from the code players have to fight other enemies instead of rolling just one. The double gang would almost disappear because we know most of the action in the game is generated by the base capture guys.
I know we need more numbers. Half of the complaints in the games would disappear if we had double the numbers we have now.
I also believe that a few minor changes in the code could add spice to the game and negate some of the minuses to help with the numbers.
LMFAO. Simon is the biggest picker in the game. He sucks 1 v 1 and can't win a fight without his gang of Hogs around him to beat his target down in E or save him as he is flailing around/running.
You have lost all credibility to dare compare Simon to someone like Shida. :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
I've fought Simon many times 1 vs 1, dont remember winning many but hey its me. Maybe its because I dont hide in a horde so he doesnt need to bring one to fight me. :D
Not when you can't get there without five drop tanks.
I have never been on a team being double teamed where you couldn't get in the fight rather quickly.
I've fought Simon many times 1 vs 1, dont remember winning many but hey its me. Maybe its because I dont hide in a horde so he doesnt need to bring one to fight me. :D
No, it's because you're even less skilled than he. :ahand
I have never been on a team being double teamed where you couldn't get in the fight rather quickly.
I was erroneously referring to the side being ignored. My bad.
I was erroneously referring to the side being ignored. My bad.
Who are you in ma? Skyr?
Nice hiding under aliases on the bbs
Stop crapping on our game with your petty ego whining
Get into MA and kill us all please...and stfu while you're at it lol
No, it's because you're even less skilled than he. :ahand
How many fights you have had with Fugi?
I like animals, even snakes. I've been bitten by poisonous viper three (3) times, and still I neither hate nor am I afraid of them. I spend lots of time by helping stray cats and dogs and I have adopted several ones, which wouldn't have made it without shelter and help.
You know, animals act based on their instincts. Snakes, like cobras, use their venom to defend themselves and hunt. They do not spread it around because they are vain, have low self esteem or just by malice. And when male cobras fight for females, they use no methods to injure. They wrestle and the one who manages to push his opponent down to the ground, it the winner and the the losing party slinks away. No hard feelings, better luck next year.
On the other hand, there are snakes who walk on two (2) feet, put themselves above of everyone, have an avatar with a guy posing in leather pants and show condescension and contempt to everyone and everything, except their own alter egos. They are not real snakes, but an epitome of non-existent self-esteem. They just poison everything around them, not with real poison but by their behaviour. They deserve no respect, or even attention. Just ignorance.
( So, just dump them. (
Who are you in ma? Skyr?
Nice hiding under aliases on the bbs
Stop crapping on our game with your petty ego whining
Get into MA and kill us all please...and stfu while you're at it lol
First, lets get back to the topic. the OP I think was talking about "fights". not land grabbing.
There are two types of "fighters" in the game, those that like to fight for the fun of the fight. Shida, flippz, MARK4, Simon, Yucca and so on. You know these guys as they come in mid alt, and will fight to the death on the deck in what ever plane they are in. The second group are the score potatos. While many will say "I dont play for score" they are also the ones that seem to be the guys who point out how many times they have been ranked #1. You can also spot them by how they fly. In groups at high alt. Only engaging when the other player is busy (picking, clearing your 12 oclock...), and then running like they have 100 guys chasing them until they can get back to that high horse they were perched on.
There is a third type buddy. The Pigs On The Wing just loved to watch everything blow up and burn. If a good fight comes out of it, great. If a capture is made or a base is defended, great. But were there cool explosions, flaming wreckage, fires, and awesome or funny kills? That's the important stuff! :aok Happy Holidays Fugi!!!
Who are you in ma? Skyr?
Nice hiding under aliases on the bbs
Stop crapping on our game with your petty ego whining
Get into MA and kill us all please...and stfu while you're at it lol
He’s Vraciu… most common answer anyway.
There are two types of "fighters" in the game, those that like to fight for the fun of the fight...
Honoured but probably a bad example. My hobby within the AH hobby is primarily motivated by my learning disabilities. I used to put myself in shocking positions and see if I could swim out of it because my challenge is principally with myself. I'm not driven by the score or other observable results but my own ongoing training agenda or trying to unravel a particular piece of an opponent's ACM I've seen. Probably understanding everything would mark the end of the hobby for me.
About winning: look at Gabriel Varga's video about how he beat Lerdsila. Yes he won that match. Does that make him as accomplished and admirable as Lerdsila? To me it didn't really prove anything more than no one is invincible. I think we already knew that anyway.
One thing I do find a bit weird about the result-focussed faction is that hit and run and ganging isn't the most effective low-risk-to-results-productive technique. That would be properly-done and subtle BnZ IMHO - quite rare in AH but I can think of one semi-active player who does it brilliantly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who are you in ma?
Palace_Cobra is Vraciu's troll account. He uses it to fluff himself and his hero, and because his actual handle is on many people's ignore lists due to spamming PMs.
Of course he denies it, but it's more than obvious if you look at his posting history. The story tends to change, including his recent laughable insistence that PC/Vraciu are siblings.
Having the gall to post from a troll/shade/fluffer account that TheFugitive, of all people, lacks credibility is the icing on top of this sad Christmas fruitcake.
Now you may not recognize the handle Vraciu if you just play the game, as he's not really noticeable, and certainly not threatening or particularly memorable in any way.
Except if you tune to ch200, where you'll recognize his frequent, hours-long ranting meltdowns, along with his fantastical stories of dominance over the top players, comical claims that he's an Airbus commercial pilot, and constant boasting about things that never actually happened. It doesn't matter that what he says is easily disproven, so long as his target audience is impressed.
In fact, I am pretty sure that he led Seal Team Six in the assassination of Bin Laden, and once beat up Chuck Norris in a bar fight after he said something mean about his adolescent crush, Skyyr.
If you've ever crossed paths with him, and likely shot him down, his demands that you participate in a grudge match duel are also probably familiar. Just bear in mind that he'll be a no-show unless Skyyr is around on Discord to log in under his account to fight for him.
As far as his comments go, they're not really worth dignifying, since anyone that actually plays the game knows what's up.
Every village has it's Vraciu, and it's probably prudent to look upon it as comic relief, rather with the disdain or disgust that may come naturally. People with such a tenuous grip on reality can present a danger to themselves and others, so it's probably best to avoid them to keep your conscience clear.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to create another BBS account so I can agree with myself.
He’s Vraciu… most common answer anyway.
I sure hope not, while Vraciu and I don't agree on everything, I've never seen him do anything as underhanded as this.
Palace_Cobra is Vraciu's troll account. He uses it to fluff himself and his hero, and because his actual handle is on many people's ignore lists due to spamming PMs.
Of course he denies it, but it's more than obvious if you look at his posting history. The story tends to change, including his recent laughable insistence that PC/Vraciu are siblings.
Having the gall to post from a troll/shade/fluffer account that TheFugitive, of all people, lacks credibility is the icing on top of this sad Christmas fruitcake.
Now you may not recognize the handle Vraciu if you just play the game, as he's not really noticeable, and certainly not threatening or particularly memorable in any way.
Except if you tune to ch200, where you'll recognize his frequent, hours-long ranting meltdowns, along with his fantastical stories of dominance over the top players, comical claims that he's an Airbus commercial pilot, and constant boasting about things that never actually happened. It doesn't matter that what he says is easily disproven, so long as his target audience is impressed.
In fact, I am pretty sure that he led Seal Team Six in the assassination of Bin Laden, and once beat up Chuck Norris in a bar fight after he said something mean about his adolescent crush, Skyyr.
If you've ever crossed paths with him, and likely shot him down, his demands that you participate in a grudge match duel are also probably familiar. Just bear in mind that he'll be a no-show unless Skyyr is around on Discord to log in under his account to fight for him.
As far as his comments go, they're not really worth dignifying, since anyone that actually plays the game knows what's up.
Every village has it's Vraciu, and it's probably prudent to look upon it as comic relief, rather with the disdain or disgust that may come naturally. People with such a tenuous grip on reality can present a danger to themselves and others, so it's probably best to avoid them to keep your conscience clear.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to create another BBS account so I can agree with myself.
:rofl :aok
In fact, I am pretty sure that he led Seal Team Six in the assassination of Bin Laden, and once beat up Chuck Norris in a bar fight after he said something mean about his adolescent crush, Skyyr.
Ah, now I know why Chuck called me one night and asked if I knew the number of Jackie Chan or if I could borrow him one of my battle cats! He was in dire straits!
Who are you in ma? Skyr?
Nice hiding under aliases on the bbs
Stop crapping on our game with your petty ego whining
Get into MA and kill us all please...and stfu while you're at it lol
I killed you the other day actually. Then you tried for payback and the ack got you.
:neener: :banana:
Simon desperately trying to become relevant.
Now you have three of us living rent-free in your head and it is glorious to watch your manic flailing.
I sure hope not, while Vraciu and I don't agree on everything, I've never seen him do anything as underhanded as this.
If Vrace isn't Palace Cobra then Quiet isn't double00PKer.
(even though the day double00PKer disappeared Quiet appeared with the exact same achievements, fighting stye, plane choices, score ranking, lack of vox, TDR and attitude.) He's also some Navy fighter pilot or something too. (go figure)
I killed you the other day actually. Then you tried for payback and the ack got you.
:neener: :banana:
You and everyone else :aok
Seriously though if you are over 16 years old , you should seek help
You and everyone else :aok
Seriously though if you are over 16 years old , you should seek help
You are the one attacking me when I've never said word one to you or about you. PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF! :old:
Honoured but probably a bad example. My hobby within the AH hobby is primarily motivated by my learning disabilities. I used to put myself in shocking positions and see if I could swim out of it because my challenge is principally with myself. I'm not driven by the score or other observable results but my own ongoing training agenda or trying to unravel a particular piece of an opponent's ACM I've seen. Probably understanding everything would mark the end of the hobby for me.
About winning: look at Gabriel Varga's video about how he beat Lerdsila. Yes he won that match. Does that make him as accomplished and admirable as Lerdsila? To me it didn't really prove anything more than no one is invincible. I think we already knew that anyway.
One thing I do find a bit weird about the result-focussed faction is that hit and run and ganging isn't the most effective low-risk-to-results-productive technique. That would be properly-done and subtle BnZ IMHO - quite rare in AH but I can think of one semi-active player who does it brilliantly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can hit a tree with the best of them. I aint braggin', I just crash that way.
You are the one attacking me when I've never said word one to you or about you. PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF! :old:
Vraciu, heed Eaglers wise words.