Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Films and Screenshots => Topic started by: Skyyr on September 05, 2024, 09:57:16 PM
RotBaron claims I HO'd him and so he ran because he lost his cannons. Thing is, I never shot head-on. Not even once. Odd.
Get over yourself.
No one cares
Get over yourself.
No one cares
Stalkerish. It's almost as if you've got RL experience in this area.
Why is alway trying some “Intimidation” tactic?
In the above example this is used by domestic abusers to isolate the one being abused. “No one cares.” Do what I say or else, because no one is come to help.
Evil for sure, but useless on those that they have no power (be it physical or authority) over.
Hence the frustration and spewing inane gibberish, thinly veiled threats, insults to masculinity or lowering the the target to being a child in a sad attempt to elevate themselves To a position of superiority. Pathetic
Stalkerish. It's almost
as if you've got RL experience in this area.
I have a ship load of experience with inflated overboard as a monitor engineer. I’ve worked with 450 high profile music artist. You have every symptom of someone I’d refuse to work with. Like Prince and Steven Tylor. Unmanageable. If I did, I’d bring em down to size, thats what I was paid to do, or pork their show to bring em in line. They sing, I control the ship they sing on.
Absolutely, yes I do. Correct yourself or suffer from yourself.
You’re good, your arrogance overshadows it. You have no class. You’re a narcissist. Only you are right, only you deserve attention, only you have a right to be abusive. But you can never ever mentally take what you put out. As big as you think you look, you look small. Your biggest fear, being normal. I have a feeling I’m not the first to say this. Its permeated.
Then again, in psychology, some people thrive on being hated, its a personality disorder.
Instead if being praised, you set yourself up to be shunned.
People who claim to know it all, don’t.
Stop crying about everything. Ya make yourself look weak, not strong.
Why is alway trying some “Intimidation” tactic?
In the above example this is used by domestic abusers to isolate the one being abused. “No one cares.” Do what I say or else, because no one is come to help.
Evil for sure, but useless on those that they have no power (be it physical or authority) over.
Hence the frustration and spewing inane gibberish, thinly veiled threats, insults to masculinity or lowering the the target to being a child in a sad attempt to elevate themselves To a position of superiority. Pathetic
As always, you have not one clue what you’re talking about. I’d be shocked if you ever do. You just like to hear yourself talk, even if the substance makes no sense. You should listen and learn, not talk. You make a damn fool of yourself, constantly. You talk in circles.
Basically you vomit on yourself and I’m not the only one to take notice.
Stop biting my ankles, PC punk. You’re not an eagle, you’re an uninvited flea.bombing my pm fir 10 hrs? Don’t dare tell me about psychology. You have severe obsessive issues. You obsess over me, you stalk me, I live in your head rent free. Then you play professional victim. Phfff
BTW, moron, I lost my wife and son in 2010. Don’t you dare think you will ever get away with attacking me. I’ll chew your face off.
I have a ship load of experience with inflated overboard as a monitor engineer. I’ve worked with 450 high profile music artist. You have every symptom of someone I’d refuse to work with. Like Prince and Steven Tylor. Unmanageable. If I did, I’d bring em down to size, thats what I was paid to do, or pork their show to bring em in line. They sing, I control the ship they sing on.
Absolutely, yes I do. Correct yourself or suffer from yourself.
You’re good, your arrogance overshadows it. You have no class. You’re a narcissist. Only you are right, only you deserve attention, only you have a right to be abusive. But you can never ever mentally take what you put out. As big as you think you look, you look small. Your biggest fear, being normal. I have a feeling I’m not the first to say this. Its permeated.
Then again, in psychology, some people thrive on being hated, its a personality disorder.
Instead if being praised, you set yourself up to be shunned.
People who claim to know it all, don’t.
Stop crying about everything. Ya make yourself look weak, not strong.
There it is again... It's amazing how he outs himself.
There it is again... It's amazing how he outs himself.
I don’t have to do a thing, jarma is going to find you and have its way with you, as it pleases. Buckle up flea.. in person you would melt.
Get mental help
Maybe you should hug your family and stfu.
As always, you have not one clue what you’re talking about. I’d be shocked if you ever do. You just like to hear yourself talk, even if the substance makes no sense. You should listen and learn, not talk. You make a damn fool of yourself, constantly. You talk in circles.
more belittling classic abuser
Basically you vomit on yourself and I’m not the only one to take notice.
see above and isolation (everyone is against you)
Stop biting my ankles, PC punk. You’re not an eagle, you’re an uninvited flea.bombing my pm fir 10 hrs? Don’t dare tell me about psychology. You have severe obsessive issues. You obsess over me, you stalk me, I live in your head rent free. Then you play professional victim. Phfff
LMAO claims being victimized then say its others are doing it in the same paragraph. Bro I have the PM you thought you sent to HTC, because you were so apoplectic you couldn't control your actions.
BTW, moron, I lost my wife and son in 2010. Don’t you dare think you will ever get away with attacking me. I’ll chew your face off.
Odd I haven't mentioned any of your family members, not sure why you would drag that into this. I'm telling you now JMC you do not scare me in the least. So, trying to intimidate me with your bs internet tough guy routine isn't going to work.
Hope you take the hint have a nice day.
PS I think we all now know why you have a caustic disposition; you should seek help to get closure instead of inflicting the rest of us with your rage that has no outlet, every time anyone has any minor dispute with you.
I don’t have to do a thing, jarma is going to find you and have its way with you, as it pleases. Buckle up flea.. in person you would melt.
Get mental help
Maybe you should hug your family and stfu.
It is at times like these wonder what Sheila M Moss would think of this?
Odd I haven't mentioned any of your family members, not sure why you would drag that into this. I'm telling you now JMC you do not scare me in the least. So, trying to intimidate me with your bs internet tough guy routine isn't going to work.
Hope you take the hint have a nice day.
PS I think we all now know why you have a caustic disposition; you should seek help to get closure instead of inflicting the rest of us with your rage that has no outlet, every time anyone has any minor dispute with you.
NOT ONCE have I ever brought it to you. You bring it to me. Thats your fault. Stay away, don’t come back. You are a victim of .yourself. Grow up
I’m done with your punk butt. You have karma to deal with.
NOT ONCE have I ever brought it to you. You bring it to me. Thats your fault. Stay away, don’t come back. You are a victim of .yourself. Grow up
I’m done with your punk butt. You have karma to deal with.
BTW, moron, I lost my wife and son in 2010. Don’t you dare think you will ever get away with attacking me. I’ll chew your face off.
Ummm no i didnt...
It is at times like these wonder what Sheila M Moss would think of this?
Get mental help
You keep saying this. It's almost like you were court-ordered to do this yourself and so you think everyone needs it. Or something.
:D :rofl
You keep saying this. It's almost like you were court-ordered to do this yourself and so you think everyone needs it. Or something.
:D :rofl
Get mental help
No one likes you, that should be a sign to pay attension to. If there were a vote, you’d be gone
If there were a vote, you’d be gone
If there was a judge here... :rofl
Oh the deep deep irony.
You keep saying this. It's almost like you were court-ordered to do this yourself and so you think everyone needs it. Or something.
:D :rofl
Irony, its on the top of YOUR head. I wonder why.
Irony, its on the top of YOUR head. I wonder why.
Almost like a judge's gavel?
Almost like a judge's gavel?
You’re projecting. Its you who had these issues. You prove it everyday in game and on bbs.
Most despised person to have ever played the game. Because of YOU. You def have severe abusive behavior. Its you.
This post alone us an example. You talk backwards in your own pool of evidence. Ya can’t get anymore ironic.
Ya see the TC post? Thats what admired looks like. Because he brought positive and maturity and contributed rather than complain. He help people, not beat them down. You are polar opposite. You bring rot.
Pot this is Kettle, colour check send.
Skyyr's is a very weak mind in his painted disguise. He's very fragile to any comment from anywhere, anyone, that doesn't praise him.
The banter we all shrug off on 200, he festers until the veins in his forehead burst. Things we forgot about 2 min later he is frantically running around posting videos to "punish" whoever didn't praise him like his mommy did, then post them again if he doesn't get the desired reaction. It's an attempt to force players to praise him or he'll "embarrass" them with a video dripping of clown tears.
His skin is too thin to handle ch200, at all. Loses his ever loving mind when someone makes any negative comment, or simply doesn't praise him as a all-knowing God. He goes through a mental implosion cycle where his only endorphin release is to attack someone who did him no harm. "Mommy!, he said something negative to me, fix it!, fix it RIGHT NOW Mommy!". This guy is cotton candy. These are things mature grounded adults shrug off with a giggle.
I dunno know what BS sob story he pounded HT with, but he's doing exactly what he got kicked out for. Right now, he's making a fool out of HT, and makes the game stink. Not sure why it's called probation.
I'm sure he'll saddle up his carousel pony and chase me everywhere (like knobber) posting what ever his feeble mind can imagine. Just remember, what he does to you, you might get a little irritated at,... is the very thing that would horrify him if it were done to him,... he thinks everyone is as fragile as him. He pushes his own biggest fears. Post videos of him dying,.. EVERYWHERE.
I'm not going anywhere.
Quote from: Animl-AW on Today at 03:16:52 AM
This forum has really became manbaby cryround... No wonder if folks choose to go elsewhere, if it's same at game itself.