Author Topic: Question for Christians re: the news  (Read 2532 times)

Offline X2Lee

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Question for Christians re: the news
« Reply #105 on: August 16, 2004, 08:14:17 PM »
Originally posted by demaw1

 Thought about it again,still dont like it.WWJD is always reduced to have a suv that doesnt get 50 miles to the gallon , oh your a christian    well....WWJD.


I mean well What WOULD Jesus do? Just because you dont like
the fact that Jesus prolly wouldnt drive a gashog SUV doesnt mean that you cant drive one.

And if you dont like the fact that some will judge you for drivin the said SUV, doenst mean that they are right in thier judgement.

Seems like someone has used the phrase on you in a self righteous holierythantho way.

Follks ought not think themselves better than they are, its unchristianlike.
And appying WWJD will give you your compass bearing on ANYTHING you can think of. Whether or not you choose to apply that is up to the individual.

To be a christian is to be Christlike. So WWJD is the only true measuring stick there is

`ON a side note Paul said "all things are lawful for me but not all things are profitable".
Its ok to drive a SUV(using suv as a reference since u brought it up) But they certainly are not profitable to drive.

And someone who says sell your gashog because WWJD is just a
self righteous judgemental holyroller.


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Question for Christians re: the news
« Reply #106 on: August 16, 2004, 09:17:46 PM »
Originally posted by demaw1

 Thought about it again,still dont like it.WWJD is always reduced to have a suv that doesnt get 50 miles to the gallon , oh your a christian    well....WWJD.

  There are many more but what the heck youve heard them.
  But one of the worst is when a christian ends a discussion with WWJD as if ...well me and Jesus is buds and he told me to say to you WWJD cause we think alike.

 To me there are other ways to calm your self if you need to, but this one backfired and look how the world uses it now.

 Not putting those down that use it ,just my opinion.
 respectfully demaw.

I agree with you.  I look at it from a Galatians 5 and 6 point of view with emphasis 6 v 7-10.  And may God forgive me if I'm wrong but I really think that the gate is small and the path is narrow by design.  I have in time become a five point Calvinist in my faith.  And the reason why I am reticent to consider myself a true Christian is that I really am not bothered much that some (most) folks are on there merry way to eternal separation from God.  I no longer feel it's a choice we can make.  I think it would be arrogant of me to think that I "made a decision for Christ".  It's more like he chose me, though why I he would escapes me.  I'm certainly not deserving of salvation but I am very grateful for it.  Freedom in Christ is freedom indeed.  I am willing to hear other's thoughts on this topic and to consider other viewpoints.

Offline X2Lee

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Question for Christians re: the news
« Reply #107 on: August 16, 2004, 09:35:15 PM »
Originally posted by storch
I .  Freedom in Christ is freedom indeed.  I am willing to hear other's thoughts on this topic and to consider other viewpoints.


Offline demaw1

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Question for Christians re: the news
« Reply #108 on: August 16, 2004, 10:16:41 PM »

 Funny ,I came to that conclusion around 1988 .I had heard about calvinist theo. but never studied it. After I did read about it I was amazed that it jived, with some of my beliefs. Of course, leaving room for disagreement ,with a decent amount of their theo.or any organized organizations theo. ,I thought it was neat to have worked out my salvation, and found confermation from another direction that is normally frowned on.

 X2lee...My bad didnt explain myself well enough...I didnt have a run in with holier than thou christian on WWJD theme.They dont bother me as I am confident in whom I believe. Besides everyone is human and fallible. It is the secularist that uses it that bugs me and it was a christian that gave them that weapon.

 Suvs are expedeant to me, as the one I have is one of the safest vehicles on the road. Also ,most times being judged by some one doesnt bother me.

Offline ElLobo

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Question for Christians re: the news
« Reply #109 on: August 17, 2004, 01:43:52 AM »
As a practicing Pagan or Heathen if you prefer. I think this witch was in the wrong.. One of our most loved invocations is the Charge of the Goddess, in which the Goddess says "Once a month and better when the moon is full you shall meet in some SECRET place and adore me who is Queen of all the wise".. This missguided witch should not be outing herself or trying to change anyone's religious practices.

Blessed Be

Offline X2Lee

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Question for Christians re: the news
« Reply #110 on: August 17, 2004, 05:45:53 AM »
Originally posted by demaw1

 . Besides everyone is human and fallible. It is the secularist that uses it that bugs me and it was a christian that gave them that weapon.


Same difference, I was right in my thinking.
Spmeone has used it as a weapon and now you can see it as
what it is

A measuring stick if you will.
Maybe if you look at it differently you will begin to appreciate it more.