Author Topic: Frenchy  (Read 1983 times)

Offline mrsid2

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« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2001, 08:08:00 AM »
Are you chopping throttle when you dive? i normaly build up to much speed diving from even 4k out.

Dive flaps, i've never truely understood there purpose. Are they designed to keep you from compressing? And you only extending them at high speeds?

When you are at the climax of your zoom are you using the rudder mostly to turn your self around?

Are you insane head oning a la7 4 times?


Yes, naturally I chop throttle if I go vertical for too long or approach compressibility. With experience you'll learn how to ride the edge of compression to get the most boom out of your plane.

Dive flaps.. I guess they don't have that much effect in AH as they were in real life. Basically theyre supposed to give you a little nose pull if / when you enter compression while doing a little airbreak too.

I turn both using elevator and rudder to turn on the top of the zoom, depending of my speed and time available. I rarely do a pure hammerhead where you let the stall drop the nose. If you noticed, that low'n slow movie started with a perfect rope-a-dope of the 190. In that one I zoomed up, watched the 190 slow down and then just turned down to finish him off.

Am I insane HO'ing LA7 4 times? No. The LA7 was insane to let me HO him 4 times with a broken wing   :) Those .50 are nasty when they hit. Too bad I couldn't aim with the wing missing. Very often I can still use this as the last approach to avoid a certain doom. It's dweebish I know, but I'm not gonna let a LA7 have anything easy while I'm low in F4u or a jug.

Glad to hear you found new approaches from my films.. I'm quite new to jugs also. Flown them for 3 last TODs, not exclusively though.

[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Mr RiplEy ]

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2001, 10:11:00 AM »
AHHH! i didnt realize you were damaged in those HO's.. i woulda done the same thing. lol

I really learned a lot from your films, i was acutaly able to go H2H with a co-alt 190 last night, we merged HO and both went vertical and i was able to get around for a gun solution before he was.. thats a first for me  :)

He eventualy had to bug out!

thanks again!

Offline Vector

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« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2001, 11:08:00 AM »
Thanks for you replies.
Well I must say leph that you're very perceptive and you have a gift to put things into words. That is one thing that makes you a superb trainer!

Originally posted by Lephturn:

You had him at first... so close.  He actually overshot you, but you didn't capitalise on it.  Just as things start to even out in the rolling scissors again, you bailed and dove.
At that point I stalled, lost control of the plane, I had to dove and I knew I've lost the fight at that point, althought I almost made him overshoot at the deck.

Now, once you had him starting to overshoot, you want to be VERY careful.  Don't try to get a shot too early, because if you do, you pull lead pursuit or relax your pull in the scissors.  If you pull lead or relax your pull in the scissors, you are closing the distance.... you are headed for an overshoot.  This is exactly what happened, Sancho overshoots, but you don't capitalise, so he works hard and forces you to overshoot, putting him back in the driver's seat.

Yes I noticed that I spent too much time for trying to get my first snapshot, I'd have maneuver and try to gain angles instead.


XO 348th FG "Kearby's Thunderbolts"

Offline AKcurly

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« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2001, 06:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by Am0n:
Anything will do, just want more pointers to see what im doing wrong. If not thanks again for the first one, very useful.

AmOn, here are 3 Drex vs. Lephturn fights.  Nice rolling scissors stuff.


Offline Am0n

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« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2001, 07:14:00 AM »
Curly you are the man, thank you. I'll check them out when i get home tonight from "work".

thats gotta be good stuff.. last night i was watching lephturn fight @ 5k in a p47-30 very effectively, funny he was fighting lower than i was and i was flying a Zero.  :)

thanks again!

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2001, 07:18:00 AM »
Anyone know a good free web site i can upload to and link from here? i want to share some stuff if anyone wants to critique(Sp) it.. also want to share a great sortie i had just last night, 9 air-to-air kills in a p47-30. thats a personal best for me  :)

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2001, 09:14:00 AM »
Send me a note at and I can set you up.  I have a little server up at home we can use.  :)

I'm pretty rusty right now.  I'm better at helping others than actually doing it myself I think.  :)  I did have a blast yesterday though.  I went several fights 2 vs me with a pair of Nits, an La7 and a 205.  I got killed, but I had a bast... nothing like stallfighting a Jug on the deck.  :D  Amon I died in one of those because I pushed a bit hard and snap-rolled it into the drink at 50 feet.  Stallfighting at low alt in a Jug is a bad idea if you have any gas left in your Aux tank btw.... burn it off first.  I've now switched back to running 75% internal instead of 50% and a drop so I can make SURE the Aux is empty before I try throwing the Jug around at low speed.

Yeah I know, I should be flying a Hellcat for this stuff... but I just LOVE surprising people with what the Jug can do.

Offline Am0n

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« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2001, 10:11:00 AM »
Originally posted by Lephturn:
Yeah I know, I should be flying a Hellcat for this stuff... but I just LOVE surprising people with what the Jug can do.

Tell me about it! i saw you fly over a fully acked base 3 times @ 3-4k chasing that ack hugger.. i was holding my breath the whole time LOL (i dont know if you saw on the country channel but i asked you if you were insane hehe) you didnt seem to take a hit either.. damn nice flying  :)

i'll email you about the films. The 9 kill sortie film is kinda long and in 2 parts becuase i accidently stopped recording and had to restart it. (i was flying real well and though "i should record this", totaly forgot it was already recording lol)  :)

I was using pure BNZ tactics vrs turn fighters that were on the deck of a field we were capping.

Offline Sancho

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« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2001, 12:43:00 PM »
Originally posted by vector:
[QB]I have one D-11 vs. D-11 stall fight film. Like a gentleman, Sancho asked me for a dance and up and down we went!   :D
Was good fight, althought I had way too much fuel and other great excuses why I finally stalled (again)and crashed. <S> Sancho   :) D-11 stall fight

Janne, you may be interested to see what the fight looked like from my side.  ;)

my film (238kb)

Lephturn's assessment of our match is spot on.  I shoulda zoomed at the merge but I was a little impatient (had just discoed a few minutes earlier after merging with Kronos in another P-47 on P-47 fight and was eager to get into the fight) and tried to get guns on him quickly.  That was a mistake; I overshot and Janneh got a few good chances at me.  All I could do was try to roll my wings perpendicular to his and pull when I saw him getting close to a shot while trying to slow myself down enough to get inside his turns.  Lucky for me he went low and I was able to saddle up, although he almost threw me off again at the end.  I heard in the film he was cutting his engine to slow down.  :D

Very fun fight, Vector. <S>

Offline Vector

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« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2001, 03:11:00 PM »
Sure was nice film  :)
You were able to put the pressure all the time, I actually hadn't any good chances for a snapshot tho. I'd use more flaps too. Well, "we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...."


XO 348th FG "Kearby's Thunderbolts"