Author Topic: Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips  (Read 888 times)

Offline SpitLead

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« on: July 06, 2001, 01:31:00 PM »
Seems like I can hardly hit the broad side of a barn when I'm in an Osti or M16.  Unless they're coming right at me, my hit percentage is abysmal.  I can't seem to get the proper lead when the targets are moving fast and at an angle creating a deflection shot.  Does anyone have any tips on shooting with GVs? Like special gunsights and how to use the markings for deflection shots?  What distance to open fire (effective range)  How to lead a low flying fast target correctly?  It seems no matter how much I lead them the shells always seems to fall away behind them.  Sometimes planes are passing by at d600 and I can't hit'em even when trying to lead them.

Offline flakbait

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2001, 11:57:00 PM »
In an M-16 you can only fire and hit out to 1.5k and even then only if the guy is diving in on you. If he's flying broad-side to you I don't even bother shooting; waste of ammo. I zoom all the way in so I can see the target and make small adjustments when firing at him. And since I don't fire on anyone unless they're coming in at me I save ammo. Osty tips I'm not qualified to give; never use the thing. One handy thing to do is pick a spot a distance away from the air action and tell everyone you'll cover them. Watch for guys who are having trouble with a con, and tell them to come on down. Once they fly over you just plaster the idiot following behind. Provided he's dumb enough to try it. A solid 3 second blast from quad .50 cals will rip anything to shreds.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"With all due respect Chaplian, I don't think God wants to hear from me right now.
I'm gonna go out there and remove one of His creations from this universe.
And when I get back I'm gonna drink a bottle of Scotch like it was Chiggy von
Richthofen's blood and celebrate his death."
Col. McQueen, Space: Above and Beyond


Offline SpitLead

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2001, 12:13:00 AM »
Thanks flakbait.  Good tips.  Booky and I baited a guy or two the other night.  He's a hell of a shot, even in a little M3 I've seen him kill IL-2s.  Still, it's frustrating to see the planes flash by so close but can't lead them to hit'em.

Offline Booky

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2001, 02:55:00 AM »
Ahhhh, thats just because you were in the IL2   :D  You will get the hang of it bud.

Offline raven 8

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2001, 08:26:00 AM »
i dont get into the m16 that much, i mean why drive when u can fly:-)

but when iam, ie when the airfield is been raided and the hangers have been destroyed. i usually wait until the bandit is heading straight for me, when he gets to about 1.5k of u,just open up and spray the bastard......i once got 4 kills(all IL-2s) doing this:-)


Offline Vosper

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2001, 08:39:00 AM »
If you don't already have tracer on, do so, at least for GV's - it makes a major difference, IMO.

M16 - use short bursts to establish lead, then longer bursts to finish them off.

Ostwind - Don't use the gunsight!  I've set my gunner position up as high as it goes and only aim by tracer.  I've hit at 1.9k with this method (but for some reason I seem to miss more of the <500 shots  :D)

You have plenty of ammo in the Ostie to keep firing once you have a good solution.

The reason I don't use the gunsight (for flying targets) is I could never see the plane when I had to lead it.


Offline raven 8

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2001, 09:21:00 AM »
thats probably a better idea?

but when im in an m16 im usually very pissed because my airfield is geting the #$%^ bombed out of i just get into a m16 and let the #$%^&&&^& have it:-)


Offline Booky

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2001, 10:31:00 PM »
I use the gunsight in the M16 but I don't even try to use it in the osti. I can't hit anything with a osti now that they changed its spread.

Offline Ghosth

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2001, 12:05:00 AM »
Put your mouse pointer in the exact center of your gunsight in the Ostwind. Now use Pageup to raise your head.

You've now got a big enough field of view to properly lead crossing shots. With  much better overall view or SA.

Offline SpitLead

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
Ah Ghosth, now THAT's thinking out of the box  :)

Any recommendations on positioning at the field to get the most action and kills?  Next to VH?  Sitting on the runway to get vulchers?  Next to the map room to squelch any capture attempt?

Offline Ghosth

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Need help with Anti-Aircraft Gun Tips
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2001, 04:48:00 PM »
All of the above  :)

If I'm the lone osty and they are attacking, then close to maproom is my fav.

If there are 2 or more of us up, then I'll spot myself to help cover the overall area.

Putting some dense smokeing fuel tank or hanger at your back may help keep you from getting blindsided.   :)