Author Topic: Tour of Duty Mission 5  (Read 1523 times)


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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« on: February 05, 2000, 07:54:00 PM »
Tour of Duty mission five, scheduled for last Thursday, was scrubbed and rerun today at 17:00 EST.  Today's mission was a JABO mission from Bishopland to Rookland.  Primary target was the flak factory in sector 12,12. Eight F4U-1C with bomb, rockets and a drop tank lifted off and headed into indian country. One aborted and another suffered massive control-system failure. The pilot successfully bailed out.

One sector away, it became obvious to ground controllers that the Rooks were planning a welcoming commitee that would likely result in the enhilation of the strike. Ground control issued orders to abort against the primary target and proceed to the secondary target, f21. In a tragic example of the fog of war, Bravo flight got the word and Alpha didn't. Alpha tried to reach their primary target and got severly mauled. One pilot disco'd, another was shot down and successfully bailed (captured by the enemy). Alpha lead was damaged and bailed after going as far as his crippled craft could take him. He began walking in the hope of evading and escaping. Another pilot later volunteered to fly a C-47 to attempt a linkup with this pilot, and fly him home.

Bravo flight proceeded to the secondary target and was engaged by an enemy fighter. Two of the three pilots jettisoned their air-to-ground and engaged the bandit.  The enemy was quickly downed, and the one Bravo flight member with ordnance disgorged it upon F21. The three aircraft then proceeded toward home. On the way, an enemy bomber was destroyed, then another enemy fighter. One of Bravo flight was damaged in the fight, but managed to land deadstick.

Results: Two aborts, 1 MIA, 1 KIA (the pilot trying to walk home was strafed on the ground and killed; the C-47 made it home okay), and 3 kills.  Thanks for all the participants for a gut-wrenching mission.

Sabre (a.k.a. Rojo)

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2000, 01:59:00 AM »

[This message has been edited by SC-GreyBeard (edited 02-06-2000).]

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2000, 02:10:00 AM »
Yes  after walking on the ground for over an hour and a half, some bimbo, straffed a chute, for no credit.

Then proceeded to claim that he:
Thought I was in an aircraft.(Blatantly a lie since my icon had to have read "chute".

Thought I was spying...
oh yeah right, I couldn't see any enemy fields what so ever... was in sector 13,11

I should have checked my 6...
oh yes, I'm gonna out walk an aircraft in the air.

Chute shooting bastige if ya ask me...
No biggie.

But the rescue effort mounted by Jarbo was great fun.

In Fact the entire TOD Series has been a major blast for me.

Highly reccommend that anyone, and I mean anyone try it.

Sabre, you've done an excellant job!!!!

And you can bet yer bippy, I'll be in the next TOD.  If you run another one...    


Flight Commander, Aces High
"Skeleton Crew"
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Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2000, 05:43:00 AM »
what a *****  

Phillip "Duckwing6" Artweger
Flight Officer "E" Flight
Skeleton Crew


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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2000, 11:27:00 AM »
Yeah, the rescue effort was almost as much fun as the mission, and full of tension. We designated the downed GreyBeard "Bat21" and jarbo flying the Dakota was radio call sign "Birddog." Added immensely to the drama.

As Tour of Duty is a one-life-to-live series of 12 missions, and Greybeard had was on his fifth (5 successful missions required to get one of the custom made campaign ribbons), Greybeard was extremely motivated to make it home. He had gone down not far from f18, deep in enemy territory. Normally, I role a die for pilots shot down behind enemy lines to determine if they're captured or manage to evade.  Greybeard had about a 1-in-12 chance of doing that, based on where he went down.  So the bastage that shot him on the ground did much more than simply hurt his AH score. Anyway, he asked if he could attempt to walk home, and I told him if he made it all the way to friendly territory, I'd count it as a successful bail.

Watching his stalwart attempt was too much for fellow TOD pilot Jarbo, who had successfully led his flight back to base and landed. He requested permission to attempt to rescue him in a Goony Bird.  I told him he could try, but that if he died in the attempt, he would be KIA for the entire Tour.  Bravely, he climbed into his aircraft and took off.

The rules were that Jarbo would have to fly on the deck all the way to a rondesvous (spelling) with Bat21, and land next to him. Obviously, Bat21 would need to get as far away from enemy bases as possible, so he moved steadily east toward the coast, were Birddog would meet him.  Bat21 would then click on "tower," then do a .join with Jarbo/Birddog.  Jarbo would then have to fly all the way back to inside friendly territory and land.

Salute to Greybeard/Bat21, and especially to Jarbo/Birddog for putting his virtual life on the line for a comrade in need.  It's dedication and professionalism like this that has made Tour of Duty a great event. Five missions down, and seven to go.  So far, Bourbon is the closest to reaching five missions, with 4 completed successfully; he aborted on this last one when his control cables snapped and he had to bail minutes after takeoff.

Sabre (a.k.a. Rojo)
TOD Minister of War

Offline Gator

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« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2000, 12:01:00 PM »
What a great read!  Sabre/Rojo I salute you for hosting what looks like a great event!  And a big salute to Jarbo, too, for the rescue attempt.  

Pretty lame excuses by the downed pilot killer.     I'd be interested in who deserves "credit" for this brave act ...

Hey, is it too late to sign up to participate in the last seven missions?  These sound like the kind of semi-historical events I enjoy.


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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2000, 01:22:00 PM »
Gator: No problem, dude, and thanks for the compliments. Just e-mail me with your name and call-sign (all names held confidential, tho not call signs), and I'll send you the rules. Missions are flown Thursdays at 9:30 PM EST and Saturdays 5:00 PM EST. Still plenty of time to get your five missions in. Be warned, though: attrition is every bit as high as it was in real life. Even a "milk run" can turn into a real mess.  With everyone trying to survive, it puts a different perspective on things.


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« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2000, 02:29:00 PM »
Was Budhman one of Bravo flight?  If so, I was the last enemy mentioned in your initial post.  I know I shot down Bud (who I saw bail), and damaged another before getting hit myself.  1 v. 3 is tough odds.

Anyway, TOD sounds like a blast.  Where does one sign up?


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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2000, 07:31:00 PM »
BD: Just e-mail me with your name, e-mail, Aces High call sign, and your squadron (if you belong to one). I'll then send you the rules. And yes, Buhdman was shot down last time out but managed to bail and was recovered.  TOD runs Thursdays at 9:30 PM EST and Saturdays at 5:00 PM EST.


Offline buhdman

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« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2000, 11:44:00 PM »

Yes, I was part of TOD.  I was rtb'ing with two kills to my credit (with help of my wingman LordHaHa) when you bounced us from on high.  I saw you pitch back towards me after your initial overshoot, but I had turned back towards my wingman and was too dang slow to get out of the way.  Nice job!  I got to watch the rest of the fight from atop the mountain plateau just NE of F8.  Quite a nail-biter as I watched you chase LordHaHa into the valley with Jarbo on your tail.  I couldn't tell if LordHaHa had lived or died until he came zooming back out of the valley with a white trail of fuel behind him.

Yes, sign up, we need replacement pilots!

buhdman, out

Walt (buhdman) Barrow
(formerly lt-buhd-lite)
The Buccaneers - "Return with Honor"

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2000, 03:27:00 AM »
I'm writing this as a POW, held captive at F17.

The mission, it really was a blast, even though our alpha flight was annihilated...    
After GMan aborted and Jarski got disco'ed, only GreyB and me were left of A-flight. Deep in enemy territory, just N of F18, at 15k, cons everywhere. B-flight had disappeared somewhere - we didn't get the order to divert to 2ndary target...  Things didn't look too good...

Suddenly we were bounced by about 6 hi cons.  I could to little to protect GreyB so he could do his attack run. After a series of split-s's and desperate evasives I found myself running for home on the deck, with 4 cons on my tail.  My luck didn't last very long, I lost my wing and had to bail. Fortunately I managed to pull up a bit, and grab alt before punching out.  Chute opened safely.

Enemy border guards caught me soon after, as I was trying to make it East towards the sea. They tied me up and threw me on the back of their truck.  They brought me to F17 and locked me into one of the barracks.

Fortunately they were sloppy with their body search, so I managed to hide my spoon from them.  I'm digging a tunnel under the barrack wall, I'm almost half way already.  The digging will take another day, and then I've got 5 days to run back to the friendlies.  About 150 miles... Piece of cake    

Cya next saturday!    


[This message has been edited by LLv34_Camouflage (edited 02-07-2000).]
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Offline Kirin

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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2000, 04:59:00 AM »
Wow, TOD sounds really immersive. Great write up on the rescue mission. Did ya also use golfing maps for navigation?   -

I really loved the few scenarios I flew in AW. But there as in AH I have a serious problem: time shift! For us Europeans it's practically impossible to fly on 9:00pm EST what is about 3:00am local time here in Switzerland. So, any adjustement to flying times would be highly appreciated! Aren't there any Euro-Squads that have the time and ability to great a TOD for us non-americans? I am growing tired of the daily main arena furball massacre. Give me a reason to stay alive!!!

Kirin out
Real men fly Radial!

Offline Saintaw

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Tour of Duty Mission 5
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2000, 05:42:00 AM »
Looks GREAT indeed !
Anyone in Europe willing to create a TOD for European times ?


DCO 186th Wardogs (Falcon4 Squad)
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Offline Duckwing6

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« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2000, 07:19:00 AM »
Same here Kirin (i'm ins Austria) but there is still the saturday 5pm TOD (23:00 MEZ) ... i didn't attend a mission yet but i do plan on doing so LOL  

Btw.. could we get the mission outlines a bit earlier ??


Phillip "Duckwing6" Artweger
Flight Officer "E" Flight
Skeleton Crew

[This message has been edited by Duckwing6 (edited 02-07-2000).]