Im am sure many of You have heard of the so called "0-tolerence" rule many of our nations schools have adopted, well here is a true story of this "great idea" in action.
A child who is in the 7th grade goes to a local junior high school in my area, has been my neighbor for a few years and i used to baby sit him. He is a A/B student and so far in his school life he has had detention only once and that was just for talking, all in all he is a model student.
Ok about a week ago he went to school on monday as always, he had one of those small charm braclet things for some reason and it fell out of his coat pocket and the teacher found it, she sent it to the office to the lost and found and the next day the child came to look for it, he told the principal what it looked and as part of the description he said it had a small gun shaped silver "charm" on it. The principal found it but insted of giving it to this is what happened..
The child was expelled from school because the little silver gun on the bracelet violated the 0-tolerance policy of taking guns to school. His parents objected and went to the school board to show them this misundersatading knowing they would understand. Insted they said that rules are rules and the child was still expelled.
Today he goes to this nasty school you have to go to when ya get expelled. its kinda like a juvinile hall.
Wonderfull school policy isnt it.