Author Topic: FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score  (Read 420 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score
« on: September 11, 2005, 09:05:25 AM »

I have gone through the logs, created my excel spread sheet for scoring and have the results.

    Frame 2
    1770= ALLIES
    1189= AXIS[/list]

    A point difference of  581.. a solid victory to the allies for frame 2 and the allies take the lead by 387 points in the combine frame point totals.

    The combine frame 1 and frame 2 points are:

      Frame 1 & 2
      4464= ALLIES
      4077= AXIS[/list]

      Interestingly enough the Axis basis one the air war and scored roughly twice as many points than the allies did for air to air kills. Although the Allies did a much better job of keeping their B24s alive this frame.

      It was hitting the targets that decided the frame. Not only did the Allies hit all their targets (not just the target areas but all bases) but they did a lot more significant damage to the targets they hit. The Axis destroyed the airfield at Malta but did not damage A103 in Tunisia or P6 in Malta. And only did light to moderate damage to the other targets. Which yielded a large defense point bonus to the Allies.

      The Allies did over 90% damage to targets, over 85% damage to two targets, and over 55% damage to the last 2 targets. However, the airfield at

      Both sides were hurt by lower than expected turnout. The allies had 94 pilots show while the Axis had 85 pilots show. The low turnout among the Axis really hamped their offense and defensive operations.

      And in the case of the Allies I know that only 1 pilot defend the fleet C110. Fortunately for them it took the Axis a quite a bit of time to find the task force but with reduce number of pilots the Axis only sunk the CA and a DD.

      Here are the specifics:


        AIR KILLS
        100 pts - 10 P38Gs
        30 pts - 3 P38J
        140 pts - 14 Spitfire IXs
        90 pts - 6 Mosquito VIs
        80 pts - 4 B26Bs
        200 pts - 8 B24Js
        - 20 pts - 1 JU88
        -10 pts - 1 BF109G2

        TOTAL = 610

        Ground Targets
        32 pts - P109 (Tunisia)
        34 pts - A104(Tunisia)
        0 pts - A103 (Tunisia)
        0 pts - P6 (Malta)
        264 pts - A47 (Malta)
        40 pts - C110 (RN Task Force)

        Total = 370

        Defense of bases
        19 pts - A18 (Sicily) : 90% destroyed
        9 pts - A23 (Sicily) : 95% destroyed
        74 pts - A114 (Panterilla) : 61% destroyed
        22 pts - V8 (Sicily) : 85% dstroyed
        22 pts - V9 (Sicily) : 85% destroyed
        63 pts - V19 (Sicily) : 57% destroyed

        Total = 209


          AIR KILLS
          140 pts - 14 109G2s
          70 pts - 7 109G6s
          10 pts - 1 190A5s
          50 pts - 5 C.205
          45 pts - 3 JU87s
          160 pts - 8 JU88s
          -150 - 6 B24Js

          TOTAL = 325

          Ground Targets
          173 pts - A18 (Sicily)
          183 pts - A23 (Sicily)
          118 pts - A114 (Panterilla)
          124 pts - V8 (Sicily)
          124 pts - V9 (Sicily)
          83 pts - V19 (Sicily)

          Total = 805

          Defense of bases
          59 pts - P109 (Tunisia) : 35% destroyed
          158 pts - A104(Tunisia) : 18% destroyed
          192 pts - A103 (Tunisia) : 0% destroyed
          91 pts - P6 (Malta) : 0% destroyed
          0 pts - A47 (Malta) : 100% destroyed
          140 pts - C110 (RN Task Force) : 22% destroyed

          Total = 640
          X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
          CM Terrain Team

          Offline KOOL

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          Re: FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score
          « Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 10:51:06 AM »
          Originally posted by ghostdancer
          However, the airfield at

          I think there's more to this sentence than what you wrote Ghostdancer. Care to share? :D

          BTW Salute to all Allied personnel!  WTG on an outstanding effort!
          327th Steel Talons

          Offline daddog

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          FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score
          « Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 11:03:00 PM »
          WTG KOOL and Allies. :)

          We will see if we can pull a rabbit out of our hat for frame 3. :)
          Noses in the wind since 1997
          332nd Flying Mongrels
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          Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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          FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score
          « Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 11:06:36 PM »
          The uh, "minus" points in air to air, I take it those are losses to "friendly fire"?
          "I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


          Offline ghostdancer

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          FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score
          « Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 11:12:53 PM »
          Yep .. friendly fire kills subtract points from your side.
          X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
          CM Terrain Team

          Offline KOOL

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          FSO: Operation Husky - Frame 2 Score
          « Reply #5 on: September 12, 2005, 05:53:44 AM »
          Thanks Daddog! Your side fought well against us. Who knows, a few more friendly fire kills would have evened the score. Heck I was even credited 1 friendly fire kill. I was 200 behind a Me109 as he was diving through our bombers but I and put the hammer down anyway since I was so close. I guess a few rounds missed and struck one of our B24s.  It wasn't until well afterwards that the faitful friengly fire kill was credited. Possibly puffy ack finished him off. Being credited with that kill was my only black mark for the night so the victory wis kind of hollow for me.:(

          Again, thanks for the good fight Daddog! :aok
          327th Steel Talons