Pyro, the yogi guy helps you against the other god.
One thing I hate about that level (im stuck in it) is that you dont start with any population. I left the PC for 3 hours with all the non-essential villagers set to breed like bunnies...
I return and find my graveyard overpopulated and almost the same amount of villagers. Dangit, they cant have died of too much sex.. can they?
Managed to take over the 2 neighboring villages (the yogi helps you against the enemy god's retaliation), and I find the 2nd village has only one villager! My fireball found him.. and I got the village!? LOL. Then the bastige enemy god retaliates and wins the village back.. and I have to retake a 0 population village that need 1600 pnts to retake? Can you say FUBAR? HAHAH.