Author Topic: Boom and Zoom  (Read 588 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Boom and Zoom
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2000, 12:39:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:

Since Rip also brought up outdoor "training"... really think about it if you are kicking around the notion of a cat door.  Cats enjoy the hunt.  They don't necessarily enjoy eating it afterwards.  The do, however, enjoy showing you they killed something.  They do this by bringing it in the house.  Disposing of dead animals in the house isn't really that bad... but inevitably the live ones are brought in too.  So far I've cleared (live animals) 1 squirell, 1 wooddonut, 1 pigeon, 4 robins and inumerous field-mice and sparrows from the house.  Fortunately, the cat couldn't get a crow through the door.  It got away outside.


ROTFLOL Deja, thanks for the good laugh!

I think each cats' personality would dictate the game in the house, mine used to bring them to the doorstep, but never in the house, but no cat door either...however, one time I chose to ingore my cat's plea's to go outside,as I slept he would jump up on my belly and prance around, I would boot him off, after about 3 times of this charade, he pissed on me!  I learned my lesson, always listen to the cat when he tells you he has to go outside~!

Offline Udie

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Boom and Zoom
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2000, 01:21:00 PM »
 hehe Dejavu that's funny!  I had a friend whos cat would leave a dead mouse or rat at the front door ever morning.  Boom and Zoom will be indoor cats for at least 6 months. They are too little to let outside here.  I have a cotton tail rabbit that lives under my trailor, it's the biggest cotton tail I've ever seen. At least 5-10 lbs, the thing is bigger than a full grown cat.  That rabbit could mess my cats up fast I bet.

  These things are a trip, the best cats I've ever had.   They have already found a zone on the couch that they sleep at, and my God do these things eat.  Good thing is that they both used the litter box on the 1st day    I have to physicly put them in the box, but they use it once there  

 You should see them spar, it's tooooo funny...


Offline Ripsnort

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Boom and Zoom
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2000, 01:38:00 PM »
Originally posted by Udie:
hehe Dejavu that's funny!  I had a friend whos cat would leave a dead mouse or rat at the front door ever morning.  Boom and Zoom will be indoor cats for at least 6 months. They are too little to let outside here.  I have a cotton tail rabbit that lives under my trailor, it's the biggest cotton tail I've ever seen. At least 5-10 lbs, the thing is bigger than a full grown cat.  That rabbit could mess my cats up fast I bet.

  These things are a trip, the best cats I've ever had.   They have already found a zone on the couch that they sleep at, and my God do these things eat.  Good thing is that they both used the litter box on the 1st day    I have to physicly put them in the box, but they use it once there  

 You should see them spar, it's tooooo funny...


Errr, do you have someone to watch them while  you're at the con? Or do I wake up in the morning with popsicle-cat over my face?  

Offline Udie

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Boom and Zoom
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2000, 01:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:

Errr, do you have someone to watch them while  you're at the con? Or do I wake up in the morning with popsicle-cat over my face?  

 Actualy I was planning on loading them up w/ food and water and leaving them here for 4 days. Hoping that they use the litter box    I'll get my neighbor to come check on em once a day or something though...
