Author Topic: An end to the HO whine  (Read 670 times)

Offline SkyRock

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An end to the HO whine
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2006, 05:16:20 PM »
I found that those shows are definitely not giving oll the info.  The HO was used in the pacific for one main reason, the tactic that the americans were drilled on is never turn with the jap planes.  Also they were warned of ev en draining any E whatsoever because the american birds accelerated like a fat woman on the way to the gym!  So, if a japanese plane came in front of their windscreen they pulled the trigger.  It definitely was not taught as a tactic to look for or seek out, but one to do as last resort to turning with jap fighters.:aok

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Offline Booz

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An end to the HO whine
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2006, 05:21:44 PM »
Those that whine about the head-on are those who really honestly DO feel above it, yet haven't reached the level to aways avoid it and turn it against the attacker.


   In "War in the Pacific", it's late feb 42, the Phillipines haven't fallen yet, Clarke field is holding strong.

 The japanse have taken Rabaul but their resupply is slow, I sink a couple maru class cargo ships every day with subs & my 4 CVs (too bad 5 get through). I've got Hendeson built up with 3 heavy bomber groups ready to hit it, but they just won't fly yet. Gotta keep the Betty's grounded.

  Kido Butai wreaked havoc around Java & Borneo and I think is rtb tokyo, the dutch cannot stop base captues but the T1V's get a lot of torp hits, cool plane. Palembang still holds.

 AVG retreated to Imphal as Mandalay fell last week, top US ace flys AVG with 22 kills, next best is 8.

 Already grabbed Tarawa back from the japanese but building fields up will take months before any thought of advance in Gilbert & Marshall Islands.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 07:07:04 PM by Booz »

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Re: An end to the HO whine
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2006, 06:45:27 PM »
Originally posted by TalonX
If you aren't watching FIGHTERS on History Channel on Friday nights (10 ET),  you are missing out.  It's well worth watching, or recording.  Awesome stuff and informative.

Interestingly enough, I have seen two separate shows, in different eras, where the head on was a TACTICAL move.  On a recent show, it was a tactic used by the F4F pilots against the Zero.  Although the zero had cannon, the 6 fifties chewed it up for the obvious reason of lack of armament.  The F4F could take the HO exchange and win.  (This may not be the case in AH).

In any event, the endless crying about the HO needs to stop....the next step will be, "You DWEEB!  You did a rolling scissors!  Man, get a life!"


You missed the point.  The "whine" is about having to put up with multitudes of dweebs who can't or won't, offer some semblance of good "gaming" (ie: a fight) without immediately resorting to a "HO", putting both at risk of severe damage and/or a collision.  They aren't doing A N Y T H I N G tactical in a typical engagement other than lusting after a kill... whether it's "tactically" wise or not.  Yes, the head-on IS a tactically advantageous maneuver IF it makes sense... remove the tactical and all you have is a skill-less wonder that belongs somewhere a little less mentally challenging (or doesn't take so long to GET to a fight)... ya know, like... Quake.

No... it certainly does not take two to ho when you have boat-loads of clowns as described above running around.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Booz

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Re: Re: An end to the HO whine
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2006, 06:57:10 PM »
Originally posted by Tumor
You missed the point.  The "whine" is about having ..


 Tumor, get outta my cone of fire!!!  [re:above]


In "War in the Pacific"

  Major update!!!!

   5thBG, 9thBG & 39thBG fly 125 B-17s & B24s heavy out of Henderson bound for Rabaul and meet up with 20 A6M3s... Flak was considerable, 7 zeros downed for 20 bombers damaged and 3 lost... many airfield hits & 8 betty's destroyed on the ground, yeee-haw

  CVs now sailing for San Francisco for plane replacements.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 07:05:22 PM by Booz »

Offline Squire

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An end to the HO whine
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2006, 06:57:36 PM »
Im not sure why this keeps coming up but for the 100,000,000 time:

HOing in real life (yes it was used) still ran you the risk < thats the term, risk to your LIFE. So it was not used lightly. Dying is a permanent condition.

HOing in the MA? risk? none. Gee I got killed , "N" button, cool, I got a new plane, start engine and go.

Ya think maybe there is a difference?

Just a bit?

I say this as somebody who gets HOed as regularily as anybody else, and its part of the game, im just pointing out the flaw with the "gee whiz they used it in WW2" crowd that always wants to crow about it, like they just discovered some well kept secret.

In the meantime, HO away, its the MA. ;)
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An end to the HO whine
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2006, 07:11:48 PM »
hoing is just part of the game.  dweeby maybe, but only if you consider yourself a non-dweeb....even though your flying a cartoon airplane, online.  bunch-o-dweebs:)
80th FS "Headhunters"