HRD...Trukill is a very talented video game player that likes to brag a lot. If you recall, he was the one in a tank sitting on our spawn point a couple of TOD's ago, picking us off as we spawned on the RW. Yes, it took us a while before we realized what was happening....but at l;east it gave trukill a good time.
I am not sure about the following...strictly an assumption....but whereas we are in this sim to enjoy the hisotrical aspects as well as the thrill of flying, my guess....strictly a that trukill has absolutely no care at all about the historical value of the sim. I amy be wrong, but I see him as anothe Celexa from WB's....a very talented video game player, but clueless as to the historical side of things.
Like I said, I was a killer at Breakout when I was 14.