Greetings Gentlemen,
After the last four weeks of being CO for the allies, I've made some general observations and feel that the recent actions warrent a statement. Unfortunately my statement isn't one that I'm happy to have to make. In fact it's quite the opposite. Judging from comments i've been privy to, I don't think i'm the only one that feels this way either.
The attitude of many participants in the AvA arena is quite appauling and severely detrimental to the continuation and evolution of the AvA in it's current form. I'm terribly disapointed in several individuals that seem to think that by making negative remarks, and complaints, that things will suddenly *POOF* be fixed and perfect.
While I have no intention of naming names, or laying blame to a spicific side, i'm certain those individuals will know exactly whom they are. That said, the comments and actions they are taking in no way whatsoever are going to help populate and give the AvA arena any kind of positive reinforcement and encourage more players to come and play here.
Personally, I've had a great time in the AvA in the last 4 weeks, and hope that the hard work that Fork, Soda, and other AvA Staff continues and gains momentum. That said, the previous incarnation of the AvA was something that I tried and disliked. So I didn't fly there. Lots of complaints about this fight or that fight, constant bashing, and severely low numbers.
While the numbers have increased, and strategy evolved and grown, the negative comments continue to spew forth and are quite contradictory to what most players say they want. Rampant posts of finger pointing, compaining of this or that, "my plane sucks and your's doesn't", "so and so is milkrunning", they did this, or didn't fly like that....
It's just shameless and sad. My point, is that if you are unhappy and dislike the current setup, then please, by all means offer your suggestions to fix or change things. Bottom line is, if you don't like it, you aren't forced to fly here. Several have stopped for that very reason. What I don't like to see, is a squad or individuals leaving because of the constant griping and complaining, insults, and accusations of whatever.
My hats off and a huge to those players who've conducted themselves in a professional and courteous manner. To those players who threw a after a good fight, that worked togeather to try and accomplish a goal even if it was a failed attempt, to those that stood up and took some initative to organize a raid, and to those players who didn't throw out negative insults to players on the other side.
I'd also like to give a personal to Truekill.
You've done a fine job organizing the Axis forces, but most of all, due to the "apparent" change of attitude in general in the AvA and on these boards. I for one appreciate the effort you've made both in organization, and in communication with the allies. While the dedicated allies might deem me a traitor, upon completion of this tour of duty, I would be glad to fly with you, or against you anytime in future conflicts.