Author Topic: FSO: 1942 - Guadalcanal, The Green Hell - Frame 3 Objectives  (Read 542 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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I have sent the objectives for frame 3 to the COs and XOs or each side. The Arabian Knights are the Allied CiC. They are in tasked with assigning rides and coming up with a battle plan for the allies. The LCA is the CiC for the Axis side. They are tasked with assigning rides and coming up with a battle plan for the axis.

The Naval Surface Action for the dead pilots is still scrapped.
We will have the naval surface action in frame 3 as we did in frame 2. Each will assign a 7 - 11 size squad to man the guns of one task force (1 CA, and 4 DDs). Once all ships of an opposing side are sunk then these squads get a second life to fly in any available aircraft type for their side. Only then and B5N2 pilots get second lives.

Let me stress this, even if fields are open ONLY B5N2 and those who manned the ships get a second life. Nobody else is to up!!!!!

Another squad violated this in frame 2, this time an allied squad violated it in en masse. Sled is dealing with it.

After fields are open at T+0 everyone has until T+15 to reup if they disco, crash on take off, need to auger to correct joystick settings etc. They can only up if they have NOT taken any enemy damage in this time period.

After T+15 only B5N2 and those who manned the ships guns get a second life (doesn't matter if fields are open or not!!!!

Next I am posting the objectives for each side here in this thread so that the average pilot can see the objectives and the SPECIAL RULES! Do note that when I create objectives I usually do one set first and then modify the other side. As your COs and XOs will attest from the past .. I do have a tendency of typos or missing changing something or snipping it out. If you or they have questions contact me and I will clarify or correct my oversite or mistakes.

Next, these objectives do not include the maps. Because the maps show the CV placement (I am placing the CV start positions to make sure there is enough distance from each other so that we don't have a quick and intense battle in under T+30 like in frame 1). Your COs and XOs have maps with the CV start positions. Outside of the CV start positions all other information is known to both sides so I am not revealing anything here by sharing this with the rank and file.

With that said here are the objectives.
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline ghostdancer

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Re: FSO: 1942 - Guadalcanal, The Green Hell - Frame 3 Objectives
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 03:33:13 PM »
1942: Guadalcanal, The Green Hell
Allied Frame 3
June 20th, 2008
Start Frame: 11 pm EDT

End Frame: 1 am EDT


1.   B5N2 pilots get a second life in an aircraft assigned to them by their CiC (it can be any of the available Japanese plane types).

2.   Nobody on the allied life gets a second life flying a plane, EXCEPT those assigned to the Naval Surface Action objective (manning the guns of fleet C27).

3.   The allied and axis squads assigned to man the guns for the naval action get a second life in airplanes after the naval action concludes (one fleet is completely sunk) in any available plane type of their side.

4.   A minimum and maximum number will be assigned to each aircraft type. The CiC of each side must deploy the designated minimum per aircraft type and can not more than the maximum per aircraft type. Outside of that the CiCs can deploy the aircraft types anyway the want (i.e. can have squads fly 2 aircraft types and in split they wish as long as squads are assigned same objective).

5.   If both CiCs agree they may have the setup CM end the frame early. This is usually done if one side wipes out the other side (i.e. 60 versus 5).

6.   Dead pilots may gun bombers. They may not man the guns of airfields or ships.

7.   Ships will be placed by CMs and each side can maneuver the ships as long as they stay in their containment area. Ships must stay in containment area defined in the objective orders. If they go outside of the containment area a penalty will be assessed.

8.   All targets must be attacked within the first hour of the event. To make sure this is done the CiC of each side must send the Admin CM their battle plans before the event so that he can verified they actually planned to attack their objectives in force (no sending just one plane to attack an objective before the 60 minute mark).

9.   Partial damage to CVs will be scored. In regards to CVs you will get points if you do 1/3rd damage to it (2667 lbs of bombs), 2/3rds damage to it (5334 lbs of bombs), and full damage to it (8000 lbs of bombs). Each level gains you 27 pts .. so that would be 27 pts, 54 pts, and 80 pts.

10.   Airplanes MAY NOT ATTACK any ships in sector 11,9. The ships in this sector will be used for the naval surface action later in the frame. Planes may not bomb or strafe these ships.

11.   The ships in 11,9 MAY NOT fire their 8 inch or 5 inch guns at airplanes flying over them in sector 11,9. The ships in this sector are only to be used in a naval surface action against each other.

12.   Must attack a base/task force in each of the three target areas by T+60

13.   B5Ns can not auger or bail en masse after their first strike to get their second lives. The must do their very best to actually land and deplane at their ships. If the die in combat or lose their plane do to battle damage they get their second lives with no penalty. If the Admin CM discovers that after conducting a strike they bail or auger in en masse a PENALTY will be incurred for such actions.


Frame 1 CiC = Arabian Knights

Note: Please confirm that you are able, or one in your squad is able to be the CiC for this frame. If you are not able to be CiC it is up to you to find a replacement and inform me.

Note: All squads are receiving the objectives so that you all have a rough idea of what the allies need to accomplish in frame 1. It is up to Arabian Knights to actually create a battle plan and to get it out to you all.

Squadname   Min   Max   FR1   FR2
347th Fighter Group   22   27   TBM-3   F4F-4
*LYNCHMOB*   11   15   P39-D   TBM-3
 31st Fighter Group   11   15   F4F-4   TBM-3
 332nd Flying Mongrels   22   27   TBM-3 / SBD-5   F4F-4
357th Death Dragon   7   10   SBD-5   P39-D
49th Figher Group   7   10   P39-D   SBD-5
 613th SOS Pariah   7   10   P39-D   F4F-4
 880 Sqn Fleet Air Arm   4   6   P39-D   P39-D
 Arabian Knights   16   21   P39-D   SBD-5
 Army Of Muppets   7   10   F4F-4   P39-D
 Clowns of Death   4   6   F4F-4   P39-D
 Isle of Misfit Toys   4   6   F4F-4   P39-D
JG2 Richthofen   11   15   F4F-4   SBD-5
Rolling Thunder   4   6   F4F-4   P39-D
 The =55th= Squadron   4   6   F4F-4   SBD-5
The Blind Bats   4   6   SBD-5   F4F-4
The Sky Knights   7   10   TBM-3   SBD-5
 USMC / 71sqn   11   15   P39-D   P39-D
VF-6 Fighters Squadron   7   10   P39-D   TBM-3
 VMF-251 The Buccaneers   7   10   F4F-4   F4F-4
 ~Air Raiders~   7   10   F4F-4   Ships / P39-D
The Unforgiven   16   21   F4F-4   P39-D
   200   272      

NOTE: I have included what each squad flew in frame 1 & frame 2. Please remember to give the squads that flew a SBD-5 and TBM-3 a chance to fly the F4F-4 or P39-D.

NOTE: 200 Min / 272 Max - Each squad can go over or under min/max by 2.So revised min / max with the +2 and -2 per squad 158 / 314.


AXIS FRAME CiC:  (Your Opponent)

- A6M2s (no min or max, unlimited – any ordinance)
- B5Ns (no min or 55 max, – get 2nd lives, any ordinance)
- D3A1 (15 min or max, unlimited – any ordinance)

C28 – one 7-11 squad must be assigned to man the CA and DD guns. There
   are 3 8 inch gun mounts, and 2 5 inch gun mounts on the CA, and
   each Destroyer has 2 5 inch guns. Total 13 mannable guns.

Please look at the objectives map attached. You must attack the target area by T+60.

DEFEND OBJ. – A1, Small Airfield = 192 (on Guadalcanal)
      - A35, Small Airfield = 192 pts (on Malaita)
- C3 (1 CV, 1CA, 4 DD) = 360 pts
- C22 (1 CV, 1CA, 4 DD) = 360 pts
- C27 (1 CA, 4 DD .. naval surface action) = 200 pts.

NOTE: The town at bases are NOT a valid target. All other objects at bases are valid.

ATTACK OBJ. – A9, Small Airfield = 192 (on New Georgia)
– A10, Small Airfield = 192 (on Santa Isabel)
- C7 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) = 360 pts
- C8 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) = 360 pts
- C28 (1 CA, 4 DD .. naval surface action) = 200 pts.

NOTE: Your Task Forces must stay in their containment area.

C3 – 13,10    14,10    13,9    14,9
C22 – 11,7   12,7   11,6   12,6
C27 – 11,9

Initially can only launch from:


NOTE: All planes available at all base. After initial launch any allied airbase can be used to rearm.

The CM will place the C8 starting position. After placed C8 will be under control of the Allied CiC. Remember it must stay in the designated containment areas at all times.

Initially can only launch from:

C7 (somewhere in 10,11   11,11   10,10   11,10)
C8 (somewhere in 8,8     9,8     8,7     9,7)

NOTE: All planes available at all base. After initial launch any allied airbase can be used to rearm.

P400  - 30 min requirement, no max limit (any ordinance, 20mm gun)
F4F-4 – no min requirement, no max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
SBD - 15 min requirement, no max limit (any ordinance)
TBM - no min requirement, 40 max limit (bombs, torpedoes, NO ROCKETS)

The naval surface action this time will be score and part of the frame instead of being something for dead pilots to do. This time you must assign one 7-11 squad to man the guns of the C27. The CA. There are 3x8 inch gun mounts, and 2x5 inch gun mounts on the CA, and each Destroyer has 2x5 inch guns for a total of 13 mannable guns. Remember that tactics and maneuvering are need to bring all guns into play otherwise if only the forward facing guns are in play you have 7 forward facing guns.

The CMs will place both fleets and set them on a collision course. The CO of the assigned squads should take control of the fleet and maneuver it. NOBODY ELSE outside of the CO of the assigned squad (or the person his squad designates to drive the boats) should take control of the fleets.

Once all the opposing ships are sunk in the naval surface action the allied and axis squad assigned to man and fight these fleets get a second life to fly planes. They can only launch from active airfields.

If all the hangars at the active airfields are destroyed then the CMs will activate a different non targeted airfield for them to launch from.

Each enemy TF takes 18000 lbs of bombs to sink 1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs
A9 takes 19200 lbs of ordinance
A40 takes 19200 lbs of ordinance

9 TBMs carries 18000 lbs (2000 lbs per plane)
15 SBDs carries 18000 lbs (1200 lbs per plane)
36 P400s carries 18000 lbs (500 lbs per plane)
90 F4F-4s carries 18000 lbs (200 lbs per plane)

Arena Settings
- Slot2 terrain
- Fuel 1.00
- Icons short
- .3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 52,000 (about 10 miles)
- Tower range set to 52,000 (for display purposes only)
- Visibility, 9 miles
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off
- Wind conditions 65 to 85 mph winds above 25K.
- Time: 11 AM
- Bomber Formations Disabled
- MA bombing mode
- Ship and object hardness, MA standard


 5 pts = Single or dual Engine AC with 1 crew
10 pts = Single or double engine AC with 2 crew
15 pts = Double Engine AC with 3+ crew

0.062 = Gun
0.062 = Mannable Gun
3.125 = Ammo Bunker
3.125 = Fuel Bunker
3.125 = Barracks
3.125 = Radar
27.812 = Vehicle Hangar
27.812 = Fighter Hangar
27.812 = Bomber Hangar
3.125 = Town Building
3.125 = Factory at strategic target
0.781 = Truck in convoy
1.562 = Train

40 = Destroyer
40 = Cruiser
160 = Carrier

Ghost Dancer, CM

X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline ghostdancer

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Re: FSO: 1942 - Guadalcanal, The Green Hell - Frame 3 Objectives
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2008, 03:33:47 PM »
1942: Guadalcanal, The Green Hell
Axis Frame 3
June 20th, 2008
Start Frame: 11 pm EDT
End Frame: 1 am EDT


1.   B5N2 pilots get a second life in an aircraft assigned to them by their CiC (it can be any of the available Japanese plane types).

2.   Nobody on the allied life gets a second life flying a plane, EXCEPT those assigned to the Naval Surface Action objective (manning the guns of fleet C27).

3.   The allied and axis squads assigned to man the guns for the naval action get a second life in airplanes after the naval action concludes (one fleet is completely sunk) in any available plane type of their side.

4.   A minimum and maximum number will be assigned to each aircraft type. The CiC of each side must deploy the designated minimum per aircraft type and can not more than the maximum per aircraft type. Outside of that the CiCs can deploy the aircraft types anyway the want (i.e. can have squads fly 2 aircraft types and in split they wish as long as squads are assigned same objective).

5.   If both CiCs agree they may have the setup CM end the frame early. This is usually done if one side wipes out the other side (i.e. 60 versus 5).

6.   Dead pilots may gun bombers. They may not man the guns of airfields or ships.

7.   Ships will be placed by CMs and each side can maneuver the ships as long as they stay in their containment area. Ships must stay in containment area defined in the objective orders. If they go outside of the containment area a penalty will be assessed.

8.   All targets must be attacked within the first hour of the event. To make sure this is done the CiC of each side must send the Admin CM their battle plans before the event so that he can verified they actually planned to attack their objectives in force (no sending just one plane to attack an objective before the 60 minute mark).

9.   Partial damage to CVs will be scored. In regards to CVs you will get points if you do 1/3rd damage to it (2667 lbs of bombs), 2/3rds damage to it (5334 lbs of bombs), and full damage to it (8000 lbs of bombs). Each level gains you 27 pts .. so that would be 27 pts, 54 pts, and 80 pts.

10.   Airplanes MAY NOT ATTACK any ships in sector 11,9. The ships in this sector will be used for the naval surface action later in the frame. Planes may not bomb or strafe these ships.

11.   The ships in 11,9 MAY NOT fire their 8 inch or 5 inch guns at airplanes flying over them in sector 11,9. The ships in this sector are only to be used in a naval surface action against each other.

12.   Must attack a base/task force in each of the three target areas by T+60

13.   B5Ns can not auger or bail en masse after their first strike to get their second lives. The must do their very best to actually land and deplane at their ships. If the die in combat or lose their plane do to battle damage they get their second lives with no penalty. If the Admin CM discovers that after conducting a strike they bail or auger in en masse a PENALTY will be incurred for such actions.


Frame 3 CiC = LCA

Note: Please confirm that you are able, or one in your squad is able to be the CiC for this frame. If you are not able to be CiC it is up to you to find a replacement and inform me.

Note: All squads are receiving the objectives so that you all have a rough idea of what the allies need to accomplish in frame 1. It is up to  LCA to actually create a battle plan and to get it out to you all.

Squadname   Min   Max   FR1   FR2
13 Midwest Pilot Group   11   15   A6M2   D3A1
 325th Checkertails VFG   11   15   B5N2   A6M2
 327th Steel Talons   7   10   B5N2   A6M2
 353rd Fighter Group   7   10   A6M2   A6M2
 367th 'Dynamite' gang   11   15   A6M2   A6M2
 5th Air Force   7   10   A6M2   Ships / A6M2
65th FS ~Fightin noodles~   4   6   A6M2   A6M2
79th Fighter Group   7   10   A6M2   A6M2
 9GIAP VVS RKKA   4   6   A6M2   B5N2
Claim Jumpers   11   15   A6M2   A6M2
 Hellcat Fighter Group   7   10   B5N2   A6M2
JG11 'Sonderstaffel'   11   15   A6M2   A6M2
 Jokers Jokers   11   15   A6M2   A6M2
 JV44 Butcher Birds   4   6   F4F-4   B5N2
 LCA   16   21   A6M2   B5N2
 Nightmares VMF-101   16   21   A6M2   A6M2
(+)precision   7   10   B5N2   A6M2
 Raw Prawns   4   6   A6M2   A6M2
Righteous Vengeance   4   6   A6M2   A6M2
 SWAMPDRAGONS   11   15   A6M2   D3A1
Damned SE   4   6   B5N2   A6M2
 The Haze 100th FBG   4   6   A6M2   A6M2
 VFA-169 Excaliburs   7   10   A6M2   A6M2
VMFA 212th   4   6   A6M2   B5N2
364th FG C-HAWKS   16   21   A6M2   A6M2
 ~~~FATE~~~   7   10   A6M2   B5N2
 ~~~ The Killuminati ~~~   7   10   A6M2   A6M2
   220   306      

NOTE: I have included what each squad flew in frame 1 & frame 2. Please remember to give the squads that flew a B5N2 a chance to fly the A6M2. Well unless they ask to fly the B5N2 again.

NOTE: 220 Min / 306 Max - Each squad can go over or under min/max by 2.So revised min / max with the +2 and -2 per squad 166 / 360.


ALLIED FRAME CiC:  (Your Opponent)
Arabian Knights

P400  - 30 min requirement, no max limit (any ordinance, 20mm gun)
F4F-4 – no min requirement, no max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
SBD - 15 min requirement, no max limit (any ordinance)
TBM - no min requirement, 40 max limit (bombs, torpedoes, NO ROCKETS)

C27 – one 7-11 squad must be assigned to man the CA and DD guns. There
   are 3 8 inch gun mounts, and 2 5 inch gun mounts on the CA, and
   each Destroyer has 2 5 inch guns. Total 13 mannable guns.

Please look at the objectives map attached. You must attack the target area by T+60.

ATTACK OBJ. – A1, Small Airfield = 192 (on Guadalcanal)
      - A35, Small Airfield = 192 pts (on Malaita)
- C3 (1 CV, 1CA, 4 DD) = 360 pts
- C22 (1 CV, 1CA, 4 DD) = 360 pts
- C27 (1 CA, 4 DD .. naval surface action) = 200 pts.

NOTE: The town at bases are NOT a valid target. All other objects at bases are valid.

DEFEND OBJ. – A9, Small Airfield = 192 (on New Georgia)
– A10, Small Airfield = 192 (on Santa Isabel)
- C7 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) = 360 pts
- C8 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) = 360 pts
- C28 (1 CA, 4 DD .. naval surface action) = 200 pts.

NOTE: Your Task Forces must stay in their containment area.

C7 – 10,11   11,11   10,10   11,10
C8 – 8,8     9,8     8,7     9,7
C28 – 11,9

Initially can only launch from:


NOTE: All planes available at all base. After initial launch any allied airbase can be used to rearm.

The CM will place the C7 & C8 starting position. After placed C7 & C8 will be under control of the Axis CiC. Remember it must stay in the designated containment areas at all times.

Initially can only launch from:

C3  (somewhere in 13,10   14,10   13,9   14,9)
C22 (somewhere in 11,7   12,7   11,6   12,6)

NOTE: All planes available at all base. After initial launch any allied airbase can be used to rearm.

- A6M2s (no min or max unlimited – any ordinance)
- B5Ns (no min or 55 max, – get 2nd lives, any ordinance)
- D3A1 (15 min or max unlimited – any ordinance)

The naval surface action this time will be score and part of the frame instead of being something for dead pilots to do. This time you must assign one 7-11 squad to man the guns of the C28. The CA. There are 3x8 inch gun mounts, and 2x5 inch gun mounts on the CA, and each Destroyer has 2x5 inch guns for a total of 13 mannable guns. Remember that tactics and maneuvering are need to bring all guns into play otherwise if only the forward facing guns are in play you have 7 forward facing guns.

The CMs will place both fleets and set them on a collision course. The CO of the assigned squads should take control of the fleet and maneuver it. NOBODY ELSE outside of the CO of the assigned squad (or the person his squad designates to drive the boats) should take control of the fleets.

Once all the opposing ships are sunk in the naval surface action the allied and axis squad assigned to man and fight these fleets get a second life to fly planes. They can only launch from active airfields.

If all the hangars at the active airfields are destroyed then the CMs will activate a different non targeted airfield for them to launch from.

Each enemy TF takes 18000 lbs of bombs to sink 1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs
A1 takes 19200 lbs of ordinance
A41 takes 19200 lbs of ordinance

11 B5N2s carries 18150 lbs (1650 lbs per plane)
24 D3A1s carries 18480 lbs (770 lbs per plane)
82 A6M2s carries 18040 lbs (220 lbs per plane)

Arena Settings
- Slot2 terrain
- Fuel 1.00
- Icons short
- .3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 52,000 (about 10 miles)
- Tower range set to 52,000 (for display purposes only)
- Visibility, 9 miles
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off
- Wind conditions 65 to 85 mph winds above 25K.
- Time: 11 AM
- Bomber Formations Disabled
- MA bombing mode
- Ship and object hardness, MA standard


 5 pts = Single or dual Engine AC with 1 crew
10 pts = Single or double engine AC with 2 crew
15 pts = Double Engine AC with 3+ crew

0.062 = Gun
0.062 = Mannable Gun
3.125 = Ammo Bunker
3.125 = Fuel Bunker
3.125 = Barracks
3.125 = Radar
27.812 = Vehicle Hangar
27.812 = Fighter Hangar
27.812 = Bomber Hangar
3.125 = Town Building
3.125 = Factory at strategic target
0.781 = Truck in convoy
1.562 = Train

40 = Destroyer
40 = Cruiser
160 = Carrier

Ghost Dancer, CM

X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline AKDogg

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Re: FSO: 1942 - Guadalcanal, The Green Hell - Frame 3 Objectives
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2008, 05:45:29 PM »
I hope u only made a mistake with AK's FR2 ride.  We flew p39d's both frames, not SBD FR2.
Arabian knights
#Dogg in AW

Offline ghostdancer

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Re: FSO: 1942 - Guadalcanal, The Green Hell - Frame 3 Objectives
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2008, 08:13:31 PM »
It's possible .. let me go back and check my tracking. Sometimes, as you well now, I do tend to reverse transcribing things.

Anyway you are the CiC for frame 3 .. so I think you will know where to put yourselves. ;)
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team