Just a suggestion.
I haven't flown a plane so far and I can only infer from other people's saying
, what driving a fighter feels like.
What I'd like to say here is about 'feeling G', such as tunnel view effect.
I heard that, even in total blackout, we can tell how many Gs we are pulling
with our body, before we get totally passed out. We now have G-indicator as an
instrument and tunnel view as a reference to the G we are feeling.
But I think we can add another G-indicator which is independent of the view condition,
so that we can 'feel' the G even in total blackout.
Actually I'm not sure what these thinkings will sound like to other people,
but I think it's worth considering, IMHO.
Following are some screenshots that I edited to show just one of the examples for
that G-indicator.
A new G-meter will show up in the black area.
It can rotate as the direction of the G-force changes (does it occur?)
And that indicator will also fade out as we enter into the total unconsciousness.
Finally, I think we can apply this idea to the way of 'feeling' the (level) acceleration
and deceleration.
Please tell me if I'm wrong or out of sense.
(and sorry for my poor English.)