Author Topic: Frustration factors in Aces High...  (Read 318 times)

Offline Minotaur

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Frustration factors in Aces High...
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2000, 10:20:00 PM »


Thanks for taking the time to reply.  



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Frustration factors in Aces High...
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2000, 09:26:00 PM »
Perhaps we should consider the point system used by the LW in WW2--adopted later--more points awarded for BUFF kills than for fighters.  After all, BUFF kills have more strategic importance when fighting--this could encourage the realistic situation of pilots "going in for the heavies" and trying to blow through escorts, instead of just tooling around looking for the first NME fighter to come by.  Also, this could help give compensation to the fighter community for the issue that the AA from the buffs is too tough, or that the buffs are too hard to shoot down--you get credit for the effort expended to climb up to high alt and duke it out with a buff.  

I guess the danger here is buffs could become "fight magnets" if the points awarded were too high.  

I guess this brings up an interesting point--are people playing for "score" or just to "win"--i.e., get kills no matter what or hit ground targets regardless of scoring?

The scoring system I would think does seem to impact on player behavior.  If you can't "kill" a pilot in a 'chute, you probably won't bother firing at the guy when he hits the silk...

I suspect newer players play to just put rounds in a bandit and send em down, (or just hope to live ;-) ), do experten seek to rack up "points" or do the simple kills themselves or even "pieces" mean more?

Ah well, interesting...

<S>  Bolter