Author Topic: How about a supply based system - esp realism fanatics should love this  (Read 233 times)

Offline DmdNexus

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This whole perk system is whacked.

I don't see any way for this system to be corrected to make the game "balanced".

I think the better way to go is a supply and demand system.

Every country get's 60 of each type of unit (plane/bomber/GV).  And each unit has an associated factory which produces 10 an hour.

Every sortie takes from the unit count, every successfull landing adds back to the count.

Obviously, ditches and shot downs don't add back to the count.

Kill the factory and unit production stops for X amount of time.

optional: Kill all fighter hangers at a base and 1 of each unit type that can sortie from that hanger is immediately destroyed.

This system would add more strategy to the over all game.

As the tour goes along - the late war planes may get more and more rare and folks will be need to fly a variety of planes.

Bombers and mission planners will have more options for their strikes.

This system could be extended to ammo, fuel, and troops, but on a base by base count.

Example, if each fuel tank at a base holds 10,000 gallons of fuel (I know this number is small - just an example).  4  tanks at a base, total of 40,000 gallons. With a hidden emergency reserve of 10,000 (that can't be destroyed).

10 Planes sortie with 2,000 gallons each, base is down to 20,000 in tanks and 10,000 hidden reserve. Enemy destroys 2 Fuel tanks, base is down to emergency reserves 10,000. 10 planes try to sortie with 2,000 gallons, but only 5 are able to launch. Base is out of fuel no more planes or GVs can sortie.

At the scheduled fuel delivery time (every 30 minutes) 20,000 gallons of fuel arrive, planes can sortie.

Of course if the refinery is destroyed, fuel will not be delivered every 30 minutes or not as much will be delivered.


Offline AKDejaVu

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How about a supply based system - esp realism fanatics should love this
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
HTC seems to be not too keen on anything that limits takeoffs to a certain amount of fuel.  Basically, if a base has its hangars up... anyone should be able to launch from there as opposed to a "first come first serve" scenario.  I somewhat agree with them.

I do wish there were more strategic elements to the game, but I think a clear line has been drawn in regards to strategy vs limited takeoff ability.  Adjust ideas accordingly.


Offline DmdNexus

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How about a supply based system - esp realism fanatics should love this
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2001, 01:46:00 PM »
Point taken, then throw out the fuel, ammo, troop limitations idea and just limit plane "type" availability.

With the large number of play types times 60 per type with a 10 unit regen every hour - that does not limit any one from taking off -just limits their choice of plane type (assuming the other teams have a good strategy and are effective at destroying certain types).

And why not have 5 fighter, 1 bomber, and 1 vehicle type that never get depleted.


Offline StSanta

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How about a supply based system - esp realism fanatics should love this
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2001, 12:41:00 AM »
I don't like the idea of having some dweeb furballer limit my choice of a/c.

I usually get my plane home.

Offline DmdNexus

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How about a supply based system - esp realism fanatics should love this
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2001, 09:39:00 AM »
You're right the FB dweebs will cause the best rides to be destroyed.

What about modifying this system so that no matter what the country counts are, each player has at least 3 of each type of plane every 6 hours.

If you land your A/C - you keep it. If you get shotdown 3 times, you'll have to select a new ride assuming the country count for that plane is 0. After 6 hours, regardless of the country count or factory situation - you get 3 new planes.

This system affects the reckless more than the conservative fliers.
