Juzz, in reference to your wondering why the 20mm projectile drops less, and then dramatically more than the .50 cal:
the .50 cal/U.S. issue, still used today is a 1250 grain, copper jacketed with steel penetrator insert with a muzzle velocity of 2300 fps.
the 20mm U.S. issue, is not the same as today, but had a 1875 grain projectile of the same composition, but at a muzzle velocity screaming around 3600-4000 fps.
With the weight of the projectile and the "drag", this muzzle energy bleeds off quite fast... say 4 tenths of a second, down to roughly 1/3 of its original velocity.
So, believe it or not, the 50 cal has better velocity retention than the 20mm, but is not modeled the same way in the game. Also, i'm not saying that the .50 is more powerful than the 20mm, but i have experience with both weapons and when regarding firing from my humvee at ground targets, i'd prefer to have an m2 than a 20mm any day.(not so when firing at light armored vehicles tho!
Ground Pounder rule #108:
The bigger the gun, the more fire drawn.
U.S. Army Military Police(Active)
Garrett "SC-GManMP" Pella
Skeleton Crew, "E" Flight