Author Topic: Collins Foundation warbirds in New England!!  (Read 138 times)

Offline 1Boner

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Collins Foundation warbirds in New England!!
« on: September 17, 2009, 05:32:34 PM »
Just found out through my local newspaper.

Collins Foundation warbird tour is in the New England area now.

I'm from New Hampshire, so I'll be hittin it at the Laconia NH. airport on thursday(9/23) afternoon.

I'll be taking my 8 year old son out of school early that day so he can have his 1st look at these beauties.

On tour will be a B-24, B-17 (Nine"O"Nine) and a P-51C.

Check out the Collins Foundation website for details on your area.

I know that they will be at the Laconia airport 9/23 through the 25th, and at Manchester airport from the 25th through the 28th.

As I said , I'll be hittin the Laconia stop, so if any of you are local enough and are thinking on going, drop me a line and we can hook up!

Hope some of you guys hit this tour to show your support for the effort these guys put into keeping these birds flying!!

"Life is just as deadly as it looks"  Richard Thompson

"So umm.... just to make sure I have this right.  What you are asking is for the bombers carrying bombs, to stop dropping bombs on the bombs, so the bombers can carry bombs to bomb things with?"  AKP