Author Topic: Campaign?  (Read 366 times)

Offline gyrene81

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« on: March 07, 2010, 05:47:29 PM »
I see where there was a campaign of sorts tried out in 2008 on the AvA successful was that?

The reason I'm asking is because I have an idea for a campaign but it will take some time to really iron out...not like the one Bug was involved with, more of a combination of ongoing campaign using "what if this day in history", the current idea of different types of battles weekly and sets of aircraft and vehicles as closely matched as we can without substitutions...objective based, win the objective and move on, lose the objective and move back...

Right now it's just a thought and the way it could work itself out would be based on which is more important to the participants historical accuracy or achieving the objectives, perhaps both...and the settings would be more challenging than the LW arenas in some aspects and not so challenging in others.

One part of the idea would be using a map like the Rhinewin terrain...the campaign would only be open Friday at 0001 hours GMT through Saturday ending at 1159 hours GMT...that would give everyone interested, including the European players ample opportunity to participate...everything changes after 4 weeks...maximum of only 10 bases total open for ops at any one time, the rest are unuseable...only vehicle bases operational on the front line or airfields where only vehicles are enabled...maybe just 2 useable small airbases situated further back with only fighters and fighter/bombers available with limited ordnance...1 large airbase even further back with only bombers available...all other bases are either neutral or unusable...only ground vehicles can capture an objective, no air transports...20 troops required to capture...objectives such that they cannot be rolled in a single sortie but not so difficult that a group of 10 people working together could not achieve success...the objectives set sector by sector so that offense and defense is needed to move on...everyone interested signs up to fight for a side and sticks with that side for the entire 4 week period, no side switching and no shades.

For an example lets say the campaign starts out with both sides occupying bases in the center of the map...each side has 3 vehicle activated bases directly opposing each other and if possible, spawn points that go in any direction that faces another active or inactive base...2 sectors behind those are small fighter/fighter bomber active fields...4 sectors behind the small airfields have 1 with only bombers active...all aircraft can rearm/refuel at any friendly base...only 5 or maybe 6 active bases total for each side at any point in order for a base to be taken the hangars must be down and 20 troops are needed...1000lbs or 20 HE rounds from a tank to drop a fighter or vehicle hangar, 3000lbs or 40 HE rounds from a tank to drop a bomber hangar, 100lbs or 5 HE rounds to drop an ords bunker and fuel can be taken out with machine gun fire...say 150 rounds of .30 cal (7.62 or 7.92mm) or 50 rounds of .50 cal (13mm)...(I know those numbers aren't very realistic but it's just a rough idea at this point so suggestions are welcome)...everything stays down for 15 minutes...if a base is taken it is unusable by either side for a full frame and cannot be taken back until the next frame...if a side loses all vehicle bases in a frame the next frame starts with the side that took over those bases now starting 1 sector forward and the side that lost the bases 1 sector back...where it gets tricky is the side that won the bases gets to vote which direction forward they want to move...straight ahead or at an angle...the voting would start on monday and end on wednesday.

I know, sounds complex but the participants wouldn't have to worry about anything except strategy, the admins would have all the work to do...and that is just a brief rough draft's a big picture that I'm still mulling around and I know there are people around who could add to it to make something fun out of it.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett