Newer stuff can be good... look at Deaht Core...relitivly new genre, only cought on in the mid '90s, the sounds are sort of alike, but the lyrics and the sorts are damn fine.
if interested in my thoughts heres some songs and artists:
Wage Slaves - All SHall Perish
Never...Again - All SHall Perish
Gagged, bound, Shelved and Forgotten - All Shall Perish
We'll Sleep Until SUnset - Salt the Wound
The Conformist - Salt the Wound
Peas and Carrots - Salt the Wound
Parasitic Autopsy - Thy Art is Murder
Infinite Death - Thy Art is Murder.
NOTE: IN many of these songs there is EXTREME language and in "Infinite Deaht" There are many MANY SADISTIC lines. Listen at your own discretion.