How about instead of pre-set spawn points you simply point at the map and click and that's where you spawn?
There would have to be limitations of course like only x distance maximum from the base you're starting from or at least y distance from the nearest enemy base but other than that open up spawning.
Spawn on top of a canyon or at the bottom or whatever you want. Take your chances on spawning into trees or in the open or on a canyon wall and adjust your spawn point on the next try if needed.
Seems to me like it would really open up the ground game to a lot more strategy and realistic tanking.
There has been 2000 idea's to upgrade tanking , many are quite good, the biggest problem that isn't a simple solve is adding more spawns to a base, if it was that easy it would of been fixed/upgraded already.
You take your chances, I already lost enough perk tanks "guessing and spawning on top of a canyon", there is only one map that spawns tankers in a position to shoot down hill, or cause them to ROLL down hill.
I've lost less money gambling then trying to spawn a tank on that hill.