If you look at his victim it says he lost 23 lancasters to him. Is that also part of the bug ya think ? Meaning the bug that erroneously gives you extra kills also awards the other guy extra deaths ?
I'm guessing, no.
Yeah, it is that way in my case as well. LW Tour 156 I killed kikdrum a total of 18 times (bug) while he was flying the Lancaster, he has 18 deaths on his record.
The point about Graysin is quite curious though. In the end, no it doesnt really matter unless it is indeed the bug that caused it, in which case you called a new pilot out on the BBS for something out of their control.
On the bug side of things: I think the bug has something to do with bombs. Seems this happens with bombers only (from what I've read). Maybe it occurs when a bomber dies at the precise time that their bombs hit the ground and destroy whatever buildings they are bombing? Like the town buildings for instance. You get credited with the town buildings being destroyed in the form of kills on the bomber? Maybe?