With Patch-31 and the map fix for sector lines, I've discovered early I have a bit of redesign on my main islands for the mountain range layouts.
When you build a custom terrain by hand or even if you were to use Artik's program to give yourself features to mix together into a single heightmap for import and supposed quicker construction of features. I should do that sometime and document the problems working with heightmaps for the 99% of players who have no clue about the inherit problems with the process. You are still on the hook to blend those features and adjust those features to work with bases and have a rational look for the topo features you chose to drop the bases into. If your macro topographical blends or your micro topographical adjustments around a base don't look right, they won't look right to the players who will report it back in the forums not as your fawning freind
Flying along comfortably over eyecandy and suddenly your brain goes, EEEEEEhhhfrapsquakTHUNK over something wrong, is a great way to screw your guests enjoyment of your work. Did it to myself on BowlMA numerous times while checking my work up close long before asking Hitech to look it over for the MA.
So here is my problem, red dots are strat, orange dots are airfields, hmm, maybe I should have been counting pixels sooner......
From my 4096x4096 blue print.
From my 4096x4096 CBM map out of the terrain editor. eek!! Now I wonder, should I leave that giant 25,000ft beaver stump in the terrain as a "Feature"? Oh!! And this is a good reason why you create a 4096x4096 blueprint before you start your terrain. Does wonders for mapping things out in a 1:1 scale.
Red- strats
Orange - feilds