Author Topic: Rye Games  (Read 2933 times)

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2025, 02:53:44 PM »
I was commenting on the comments made in the video linked in this thread.

I wouldn't mind playing with my kids and maybe my wife obviously, however as time passes we all get more involved in other games. My 7 year old is a terror in a tank and my 11 year old loves to fly. My wife used to play back in the day too but if she joined us it would be $900 a year which is obvious a deal breaker.

Maybe attacked was too strong of a word. I don't take it personal, however there are many who defend the status quo and seem to wonder why the more things stay the same the more things stay the same and they seem to think any suggestions for changes from people that actually play other games are somehow an attack on them or their game.

Not sure where 900 comes from.

You’re right people not fond of change. But t it’s nit a bad system, it just doesn’t attract modern players. Back in band camp playing on genie by the hr a flat rate with gamestorm and AOHELL was a blessing. So ya, it stuck. Don’t ask people to change ask them to compromise. Ya don’t wanna run some off while attracting others. Spinning wheels goin nowhere.

I don’t think my idea passed the grade with the masses.

Which was an option to deposit 15, subtract 50 cents for each day logged on. Basically ya get 30 days for 15, may be 10 thus month 20 next month, recharge account.  It’s the current sub with a tweak.

A family option requires deeper thought. That is easily gamed. But a idea good enough to consider.

On the account page in the clipboard a new page swings out with those options, IE like the Roster page.

Some the ideas are good enough to consider, but nit refined enough to easily implement


Offline hazmatt

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2025, 03:03:38 PM »
Probably a lotta truth there.

Totally opinion. Probably another WOT
Some, like on steam, are looking for a game, ya pop in ya complete the levels and move onto another game.
This is a sim played as a game. The game part is a vehicle for flying in a sim. Its a two part experience. Sometimes the learning curve weeds out those who weren't planning on staying in the first place. IMO because our interest is in the sim portion.

DCS is so into the sim portion fun gaming is a Oh BTW. WT, sorry, but just watching that FM in vids is painful. IL-2 seems to have the glitter, but it's growing old too, that engine is probably maxed out. Again, I watch that FM in vids is not painful but I can see it doesn't really flow like AH. Mind you, drivel from someone who has played none of them. so take it for what it's not worth.

I have a different view as a return player on the learning curve. Actually flying the plane came like riding a bike, even tho I had seriously worn gear and muscle memory loss. The harder part was re-learning the setup and and how to configure to best suit me. It was amazing how much of that I forgot. I used f to fly bufs a LOT, couldn't even remember how to cal the sight.

I think every sim is a mass learning curve to someone who has never taken part in them. It's starting from zero. If we keep making it sound hard that alone could scare people from trying. If we can do it ANYONE can do it. Why I think training and tech support (customer service) is a highly valued system Minimize the curve.

That said, even those who have been a round a long time still find something to learn. And that to me is what keeps the longevity. IN other  "games" you learn it, max out, move on. In most good sims it never ends.

I think we mistake the gamer for the simmer. Its a different mindset.

Genre dying? I dunno about that. Between all the sims there is still a massive crowd, who gets who is the challenge.

We,as a seasoned community can, to a point, ease the learning curve and tech support, that's something we can control. The recent Training Forum posts shows that is in full gear, where we need it.

What we cannot control is the payment model. We can only use the power of suggestion. There are some good ideas and some, on the biz end, are non-workable ideas.  Including my own.

I think most of us think the same in regards to we need to draw new/future players,...make it more inclusive and inviting. IMO tweaks yes, over-haul no. Where is that honey spot?

These doomsayers have been doomsayers for over a decade now. Yes, the earth will end SOME DAY, that day does not make you right, its the inevitable. Today, is not that day or week or month or year. Know when one preached too long to prove a point that is not panning out. They said it would end 10 yrs ago. Nonsense drivel dark doom and gloom because they would enjoy credit for being right, even if they destroy it themselves to make it so. if you have to lie to make a point, you have no point.

Good points. I think getting some videos out there is great. One thing about AH is the community that actually notices a new player. In other games the reception of new players is not nearly as positive to say the least.

To see the actually WT flight modeling you might want to check out the Sim videos as the Arcade mode gives arcades a bad name lol.

I think there a great many people who play flight sim type games and I agree somebody who has only played COD is going to have a hard time coming up to speed quickly on any flight sim type of games. I think there are so many players in this space (hundreds of thousands) on the most popular games, that it would be easier to convince some of those people who already have a joystick to give it a go.

That said if there was a game that had the community to help a new player get started that video shows it. I think the community here is the one thing that none of those other games have and it's one of the things that is still around after all these years. Salute!

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2025, 03:20:43 PM »
Not sure where 900 comes from.

You’re right people not fond of change. But t it’s nit a bad system, it just doesn’t attract modern players. Back in band camp playing on genie by the hr a flat rate with gamestorm and AOHELL was a blessing. So ya, it stuck. Don’t ask people to change ask them to compromise. Ya don’t wanna run some off while attracting others. Spinning wheels goin nowhere.

I don’t think my idea passed the grade with the masses.

Which was an option to deposit 15, subtract 50 cents for each day logged on. Basically ya get 30 days for 15, may be 10 thus month 20 next month, recharge account.  It’s the current sub with a tweak.

A family option requires deeper thought. That is easily gamed. But a idea good enough to consider.

On the account page in the clipboard a new page swings out with those options, IE like the Roster page.

Some the ideas are good enough to consider, but nit refined enough to easily implement

We are a family of 5 so I calculated cost for 5 accounts so we could all play together and came up with 900. We have 5 gaming computers setup with joysticks and throttles of which 3 are setup for VR.

I remember those days on GEnie. If it wasn't for ramen I would have staved in those days with all my money going to GEnie.

I think there are lots of good ideas and I think your 15/30 could make sense too.

Offline Eagler

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2025, 03:43:03 PM »
Is warbirds still on steam?

Seems like it's the closest thing to AH ... more than il2 or dcs

What's the pay model for it?

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | 16GB GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Ti Super | 850 watt ps | pimax Crystal Light | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder

Offline Animl-AW

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Re: Rye Games
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2025, 06:53:13 PM »
well my idea of 15/30 probably came from my concert Talent Buy/Promoter days. A short stint I did in the 90s, about 2 yrs.

The amount of calculating and risk will make your nerves crawl. I'll try to keep it short.

I'll use my first as a learning experience example.

Waylon Jennings, I'm going to not use actual numbers, that is private biz.

Via an investor's money, I'm buying WJ for $25k. He carries only personal instruments as it's not a tour it's a I must provide transportation to and from airport (limos), stage crew, sound, lighting, catering, promotions, plus 10k for the venue for the day. It's a 3200 seat theater. Now I'm up to $50k expenses.
Part of the contract is I had to provide no less than 2 months solid advertisement prior to the event. They even want to establish a minimum of money put towards advertisement. of what My investment just got bumped up from 50k to about 65k. I cannot run another WJ show within 6 months of the same venue or 100 miles between 2 venues.

The worst thing that can happen to your investment is you throw a party and no one shows up.
Second worst thing is you break even.
3rd is a 10k return on a 65k investment.

So trust me, you learn a lot about your target audience, in this case country, where they are, what they want to hear in ads to trigger them.

Now I crushed numbers on one concert about 30 times on ticket prices to lure and make profit.

At that time ticket average in that venue was $50 x3200 seats - 160k >IF< you fill them. The key in planning these is you want half house (1,600) to be the break even point.

My lure was not being full price of $50. I risked not filling the seats. SO I dropped down to $35. Minimize risk, At $50 I might have guaranteed 2/3 house seats filled. I DO NOT LIKE RISK NOR GAMBLING. I want a predictable full house.

That concept happened to pay off, as the lower prices filled every single seat Sold Out.

At full house at $35full house I made more profit than half-house or 2/3 house at $50, and more guarantee I'd stuff the house. That became my formula. You seemingly lose to make more. Profit of $47k. That 47k bought the next concert, which was 80% profit. If i had an artist that would guarantee a full house the ticket price formula could change. I was trying to help WJ stay relevant which made him happy and more likely to do biz again. I gave him a 3k tip for stuffing the house. Its just good biz.

My concept of 15/30 is the same concept. Less for more. There is a major problem with this concept, pretty much any concept,.. ya lower the cost and the numbers do not change, now you just put the guy (HT) in a spiral. Marketing is a risk, and it better be an educated one. It works only if it works, learning the hard way is not an option.. You could set it up as a short term Sale concept for one month to see if that kind of marketing actually produces numbers. Then you can use it or 86 it.

The family thing, that is harder to regulate, but if the numbers are crushed enough you may end up with a working concept. Its not the idea, its blocking holes how it cane be gamed, like one guy in a squad says it's family but it's 3 of his squad buddies, that ain't right. Next thing you have 3 guys in the squad doing it an all those are flying for less,... less profit for HT. The finished concept cannot put HTC at risk. It's not a finished concept, it just cracked the egg shell. Keeping them honest might require something like IP or device fingerprints( But if you change any hardware that fingerprint would change and you'd have to re-resister it.)  I'm sure HT has much better way.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 06:56:40 PM by Animl-AW »