Author Topic: I was robbed I tell ya.  (Read 269 times)

Offline Wilbus

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I was robbed I tell ya.
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2002, 06:39:59 PM »
The reason I don't fly it is because it's uber.

Best in the set? HELL NO!
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline Fariz

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« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2002, 09:47:40 PM »
Originally posted by Wilbus
The reason I don't fly it is because it's uber.

According to your stats that are planes you consider "not uber" are:

Only in tour 28 (I get only unperked rides):

la7 -- 15
spit IX -- 12
p51D -- 31

in comparing with 6 kills in yakU.


So, la7 is not uber now? :) Or p51d is not?:))

I do not even talk of all those 262s, tempests, f4us you fly. Their uberness is proven by their perk price :)

YakU is overrated. It is a very nice plane, but in it you shall be ready to start every second fight from a disadvantage, be ready to be caught by every 3rd enemy plane you see in MA, and be outturned with every 2nd. If you bounced you can sirvive for some time, but guns and load make overshooting a hard job, and you can not HO your bouncers. Also be ready to lose engine to every second .50 hit. You will get assists on every 4th of a kill you get, just because that guy which sprays the whole last minutes from your back has hispanos or a zillion on .50s.

Actually, hardly anything say of plane uberness more, than plane popularity. YakU is flown by few, and it is hardly flown by casuals. I believe that pilots who fly it create more fame for it, than it qualities. Same with 205, I am not considering it a top plane, though every time I meet it I know that most likely it gonna be a tough fight.


Offline Widewing

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« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2002, 12:48:47 AM »
Originally posted by Fariz

According to your stats that are planes you consider "not uber" are:

Only in tour 28 (I get only unperked rides):

la7 -- 15
spit IX -- 12
p51D -- 31

in comparing with 6 kills in yakU.


So, la7 is not uber now? :) Or p51d is not?:))

I do not even talk of all those 262s, tempests, f4us you fly. Their uberness is proven by their perk price :)

YakU is overrated. It is a very nice plane, but in it you shall be ready to start every second fight from a disadvantage, be ready to be caught by every 3rd enemy plane you see in MA, and be outturned with every 2nd. If you bounced you can sirvive for some time, but guns and load make overshooting a hard job, and you can not HO your bouncers. Also be ready to lose engine to every second .50 hit. You will get assists on every 4th of a kill you get, just because that guy which sprays the whole last minutes from your back has hispanos or a zillion on .50s.

Actually, hardly anything say of plane uberness more, than plane popularity. YakU is flown by few, and it is hardly flown by casuals. I believe that pilots who fly it create more fame for it, than it qualities. Same with 205, I am not considering it a top plane, though every time I meet it I know that most likely it gonna be a tough fight.


I'd argue that the Yak-9U is the most balanced fighter in the game.

It's fast, accelerates well, turns very well and climbs better than most. Although it is lightly armed, the guns are remarkably effective and accurate. Since I began using it about two weeks ago, I'm 60/3 with 13 assists air to air. Those three losses were to a B-17, an La-7 and a Spitfire face shooter (who also died, but as I was diving, I hit ground first). I had 4 other losses to GVs, AI ack (awarded as proximity kills) and one accidental ground collision. Tonight, I went 6/0 with two assists during two sorties (counted in the 60). I'm little more than an average pilot. Therefore, how does one explain such a lopsided score?

If it isn't an "uber" aircraft, I don't know what is. All it lacks is a provision for external fuel tanks. Correctly flown, the 9U is as dangerous as anything on the planeset.

I talked a squadie into trying the 9U. He's an average pilot with an 0.85/1 K/D. Yet, he promptly went 20/9 before the end of tour 28.

Don't sell sell the Yak short.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2002, 01:55:43 AM »
Originally posted by Widewing

I'd argue that the Yak-9U is the most balanced fighter in the game.


i agree the yak9u approaches uberness - only thing keeping it out of the average players hands (the tnb spray n prayers and the bnz run cherrypicking fly forever fweenies) is the ammo and fuel loads -
it's fast, it turns excellent it can hang with just about anything, it's just the small clip and so-so ballistics that make one have to "work" in the yak.

the stall is not too bad either, has very short takeoff and landing, great all around visability except in the fwd view when you're trying to work a shot.

i stopped flying one on a regular basis because it wasn't fair.


Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
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Offline akak

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« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2002, 02:09:13 AM »
Doesn't compare having Fester in your sights while he's flying the 262 and he gets away because of the reset.


Offline Fariz

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« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2002, 04:53:34 AM »
Originally posted by Widewing

I'd argue that the Yak-9U is the most balanced fighter in the game.


I'm 60/3 with 13 assists air to air.

Strange, your stat for last tour shows 54 kills for 8 death in YakU. It also shows that in Hurricane IIC you has 79 kills for 14 death, so Hurricane IIC is uber now also? :)

Your stats shows only that your care about kill/death rate. It is easy to find our by checking your kill per hour. Man, at 3.6 I will make better kill/death in 202 than you had in YakU, so what, will it make 202 uber? :rolleyes:


Offline Widewing

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« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2002, 09:01:15 AM »
Originally posted by Fariz

Strange, your stat for last tour shows 54 kills for 8 death in YakU. It also shows that in Hurricane IIC you has 79 kills for 14 death, so Hurricane IIC is uber now also? :)

Your stats shows only that your care about kill/death rate. It is easy to find our by checking your kill per hour. Man, at 3.6 I will make better kill/death in 202 than you had in YakU, so what, will it make 202 uber? :rolleyes:


Apparently you didn't read the post very well. I explained, in detail, my score with the Yak. 54/8 last tour, 6/0 so far this tour. Of the 8 losses, only three were to aircraft. That's 60/3. Not difficult to follow, is it?

What my stats don't show is more than a dozen of hours spent capping HQ. Dozens of hours flying high escort for heavy bombers. And finally, a great deal of time flying Goon/Buff patrols.  In fact, I refuse to fly HQ cap any longer, since virtually no one else wants to lend a hand. Kills come infrequently, but did total more than 25 Buffs and Lancs. That's 25 times the Rooks had their Dar when otherwise would have been blind.

However, I do take care not to place myself in situations where I can lose an aircraft unnecessarily. I'll tell you what, you fly your style, I'll fly mine. The fact remains that 95% of the aircraft I engage in the MA (when flying the Yak) don't survive the encounter. Much of this must be attributed to the Yak. Getting a good K/D in the Hurricane IIC is easy with four Hizookas. Establishing an even better K/D in the Yak with its light guns and short clip is another matter. Indeed, if the Hurri was armed like the Yak, no one would use it.

My regards,

« Last Edit: June 04, 2002, 12:19:25 PM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Wilbus

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« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2002, 09:46:08 AM »
My score proves nothing about the Yak Fariz, the reason I've flown alot of perk rides this tour? No idea really, the 262 is nice when the country is getting gang banged to hell and back. The F4u-4 is no more uber (except high alt capebility) then an LA7, tempest is very nice and fun to fly and it is uber. The TA152.... Don't get me started.

I was gonna make it an all US/brittish tour, thus I haven't flown either VVS or LW fighters much at all, I could make the next tour VVS and LW though. Won't be home much after the 24:th of June though.

Yak 9U is definatly not overrated, it's VERY underrated.
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline Morgoth

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« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2002, 09:50:19 AM »
Originally posted by Kieran
hehe, the brainwashing begins anew...

Wouldn't it be funny as hell to see every single pilot in the arena in a LW ride for one night? I mean, what would they cry about then?

Spits, P38s,  and Mustangs of course.

Offline Fariz

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« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2002, 06:38:29 PM »
Actually that discussion is porked :) It seems all problem is that we understand word "uber" the different way.

My points are, a) personal k/d means not much, and can't be used as a prove of plane quality. I can make 60/3 in 202 also, if will be determined enough and causious as crazy -- so what it will prove? Only that I was determined and causious as crazy.

b) what tells me a lot about plane "uberness" is its use. If few people fly the plane, it is an experten ride. It can be super-puper good in hand of expert, in hands of casual it will suck. Saying it other way, if newbie got f4uc when it was not perked, he could get 3 kills in his first ever flow mission. If he gets yakU, he does not gets it the second time, because he gets no chance in it.

BTW, if you payed attention, last time ENY value were adjusted, YakU got 30 from 25. Strange, is not it, all "uber" planes got it lower, and YakU got it higher. It is a conspiracy I tell you :)


Offline dfl8rms

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« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2002, 09:31:02 PM »
Don't know if I can add to this discussion, but I use the yak 75% of the time.  I was drawn to this plane early on in my AH playing because of its speed and ability to turn.  Eventually as I get better at ACM, I might actually dream of getting a 6 kill flight :)

As far as uber'ness of the yak, the lack of ammo & fuel keep a lot of players out of it, especially on the ndisle map or anywhere the bases are more than a sector apart.  Who wants to fly to the fight and only have enough fuel for 5 minutes of action before rtb.  

Apache on the kills, sorry to hear about the lost perks (if indeed you lost them).