Author Topic: Where is the AK's Map HTC?  (Read 1812 times)

Offline AKcurly

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #75 on: December 05, 2002, 04:42:30 AM »
This thread is locked.  Go clean your toilets or do anything you consider productive.

Many folks are unhappy with the textures in AKDesert; some are unhappy with the elevation choices; many like the elevation choices; many like the variety of gameplay.  Lazs is still pissed because he has trouble finding furballs.

There, I've convered it all.  Folks, the hoss is dead - quit beating it.

And besides, Kappa asked a simple question.  No reason to beat him up.


Offline straffo

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #76 on: December 05, 2002, 06:15:29 AM »
Originally posted by AKcurly
Many folks are unhappy with the textures in AKDesert

Personally I'm not unhappy I'm just colorblind and I bet there is no color blind in your squad otherwise you would know for sure that some textures just hurt colorblinds eyes :(

It's not a rant but more a constat.

Offline AKIron

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #77 on: December 05, 2002, 08:36:34 AM »
Originally posted by Apar

Last thing on this from me, from what I have seen on this BBS on this particular topic is that many well meant critique on the Desert map has been categorised under the numerator of whine's and pissin and moaning by several AK's.
To me that seems a bit childish.

The fact that 'many' people log of when the Desert map pops up should say it all ('many' because it's meant in a relative way, and compared to other maps)

I do agree with one thing Wulfe has stated is time for a MA poll on the Desert map......and I'm very interested in the results.

Apar, I have to disagree that there is even one "well meant critique" that was categorized as a whine by an AK and challenge you to reference it.

Curly, maybe kappa asked a simple question in this thread but there were quite few posts in others that were inflammatory. However, I'll just create an ignore list and add his name and be done with it.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Ripsnort

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #78 on: December 05, 2002, 08:46:45 AM »
"If the revised map is liked by more, wulfe, do you not feel like you can put your peeved ego aside?"

Ohhh, the irony of such a statement when coming from a horses mouth :)

Offline Turbot

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #79 on: December 05, 2002, 09:01:01 AM »
Originally posted by wire
I like the statistics part of this thread. Brady, I'm sorry, but like kappa pointed out, it's misleading to compare the number of replies posted here to the total population of AH. As kappa has said, the correct population to use is the community of people who visit and read the bulletin boards.

I looked at the last 100 threads posted and the number of replies received. Of the last 100 threads, the average number of replies was 16.43, the median was 6 and the mode was 1! (mode represents the number that occurs most often, right Mathman). Less than 40 threads received more than 10 replies and only 9 received more than 42 replies. If the last 100 threads is representative of all threads posted, it means the pizza map thread received more interest than 91% of the threads posted. Based on these “lying” statistics, I’d conclude there was a high level of interest in the pizza map thread.

Ahhhhhh………, I enjoyed that………hey, I can’t help it, I’m an accountant.

However this ignores the human dynamic - people like to squeak a great deal more than praise.  Once you factor this in - which is tricky to do (who has the figures?) your milage will vary.

I don't mind the pizza map - a map is a map is a map.  I do like variety though.

Offline fffreeze220

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #80 on: December 05, 2002, 10:00:15 AM »
Hey kappa and steve u wanna duel me :) i got some cookies and milk for u :)

Offline DrDea

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #81 on: December 05, 2002, 10:18:43 AM »
Personaly I cant stand the pizza map.In fact just yesterday I deleted my account because Im tired of getting time off work only to log in and see 80 some people showing in CT and having that sick feeling in my gut KNOWING that the only reason numbers are that high in CT is because its pizza time again in the MA.I dont knock those that like the map.To each there own but Im not paying my $ to go into the game and see pizza every time I get 2 days off.Just isnt that nuch fun anymore.Tear it up guys,Maby I will see ya in the future.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Offline Steve

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #82 on: December 05, 2002, 10:37:19 AM »
Kappa, I'll duel you, when I feel like it..I'm not going to drop everything to duel you just because you are in your room raging impotently at the world.  When I'm in the mood, I'll drop you a line.  In the mean time,  have mommy drop an extra rytalin in your pill pack.  

Kappa I'm sure the rest of the thread readers got this, but let me point this out to you since obviously you just don't get it:

Kappa sentence: Dont be pathetic and throw numbers at me.. yes or no?

Kappa very next sentence:

We duel 10 times... I bet I beat you at least 9 of them.

Kappa you don't think numbers shouild be "thrown" at you but you "throw" numbers at me the very next sentence.
Kappa. you're such a handsomehunk.

Steve:  Steve 9, Kappa 8

Kappa:  Wahhhhhhh! (assorted insults)
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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #83 on: December 05, 2002, 10:38:50 AM »
Freeze, let's just say you kicked my butt in the duel so we can get straight to the cookies, ok?   :)
Member: Hot Soup Mafia - Cream of Myshroom
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Offline fffreeze220

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #84 on: December 05, 2002, 10:45:01 AM »
ok lol

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #85 on: December 05, 2002, 10:51:35 AM »
Okay... I guess I'm one of the AK's who's been pissing and moaning about the map when a "well meant critique" gets replied to.

So lets just get the record straight. Kappa posted THIS in his thread: "Specifically notice the fact of 42 replies in 24hrs."

I pointed out to him the lack of replies that agreed the Pizza map sucked in my first post in this thread.

Kappa asked: "well if 14 could careless, why did they reply?"

I replied because it was an inane rant. (It was, and there's no denying that- the choice of words he used proves it)

Then he replies pissing and moaning... so who is it that was pissing and moaning this whole time?

Not me!
(yes, I AM bored- stuck in the house cuz of snow)

Offline X2Lee

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #86 on: December 05, 2002, 12:04:00 PM »
Originally posted by kappa
I am only trying to make it better for all, yet all of you want to attack in some form or another. Why must you?  

I know why I must attack you Kappa. I saw you in a P38 and I saw you in a Niki. Also your cpid starts with a K and I HATE kaptain Kangaroo. Thats plenty enuff for me....

I heard from the inside grapevine that the pizza map is revamped and coming out with next release along with some other very nice maps.

Oh yeah your name also has PP in it and thats just disgusting.  


Offline kappa

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #87 on: December 05, 2002, 05:11:25 PM »
lol thats great steve... How could I expect different

Offline MrLars

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Where is the AK's Map HTC?
« Reply #88 on: December 05, 2002, 06:05:11 PM »
Originally posted by AKIron
Mr. Lars, methinks you may have been a bit tounge tied, perhaps you meant 14" of sock tucked in? :p

Hehe, maybe that's why sex has been like shootin' pool with a rope lately....< TM G.Burns >

I gotta get my 'script re-filled, I'm out of my magic blue pills ;)