Author Topic: To the guys that have been here awhile  (Read 3409 times)

Offline Rotorian

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To the guys that have been here awhile
« Reply #105 on: December 13, 2002, 09:15:30 AM »
Originally posted by Oedipus
Ratbo for having an honest to God good memory and for not donning those rose color spectacles like so many of your friends have.


So close, but so far away.  Most of those you called wearing "rosed colored glasses" abhor the kind of behaviour AH aproves of by way of gameplay I.e. the pork and auger dweebs, the gangbangs, the generalisimos, the ever eternal landgrab.  All products of AH's stated gameplay goal of "winning the war."  

The flaws in the system were there like in AW.  The recent (not so recent anymore) influx only brought to light those flaws.  In fact in put them on the front page.  HTC's advantage is that they are willing to work on resolving those issues (I hope they can).

So, while your and your high horse put blame on the current state of the game on exAWers you are wrong.  Way before most of the "rose colored glasses" crowd came over, most of them had brought to light here and elsewhere the flaws in the system.  

And then, you get your nickers in a bunch when Shane starts whacking those who exhacerbate the kind of behaviour you so much detest.  You are full of contradictions Oed.  But dont let that stop you from blabbering 'bout.

Good day.

Offline Rotorian

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« Reply #106 on: December 13, 2002, 10:33:55 AM »
Originally posted by Oedipus
  You, Shane, Tumor and Grizzly are vBB facestudmuffinging, lamer gangbanger no skill dweebs and you all suck.
(that last is just doing my part to be a vBB "Shane")


Yer learning.  Soon you'll be one with the force.

Offline Ripsnort

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To the guys that have been here awhile
« Reply #107 on: December 13, 2002, 10:40:11 AM »
I miss that field A27 (I believe?) in the beta terrain... rolling in at 150 mph onto the field in tanks! :)

Arena was more fun with 200 or less. Of course, the times I've had a chance to fly (early Sat. mornings) thats what the numbers have roughly been running.

Offline midnight Target

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To the guys that have been here awhile
« Reply #108 on: December 13, 2002, 11:43:00 AM »
I think things really improved once all those cool AW pilots arrived.

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #109 on: December 13, 2002, 12:13:41 PM »
Originally posted by Tilt
This produced a problem in game play often referred to as the "disney land" effect.........  2 sides at the end of one of the rivers battling it out whilst a third far away watched on.......... or flew for 40 mins to get to the action

If the stated "objective" was to capture and hold the center atoll for X amount of hours to get a reset - it would tend to concentrate the fighting more toward the middle. (I'd hope)

Big pork came from the fact that a player could (in AW3)carry out a suicide raid on an enemy fuel silo and "pork" the quality of fuel such that its octane level was reduced......and all players upping (with the exception of the 109F) would fly poor performance planes.......... hence land grabbers would pork fuel of any field they intended to capture........this was later resolved.

And now the land grabbers pork and auger because it's faster that way to capture bases. Only the fuel motivation was cured in AW.  Pork and auger continued there (and here) because it's a more efficiant way to deliver more eggs. That's motivation enough. (and the cure is elusive).

Infact it lacked the tools...........making a terrain was a massive job...........

Therefore it lacked the time - as I said.  :)

Tilt: the MA balance is about game play and creating conditions for optimal combat.......... I believe that HTC are doing just that..........they have the tools to do it.........they can adjust stuff............try stuff.......... what they have said they will try next seems very logical.........

And I think over time they will indeed find answers. I just threw out one idea to "change motivation". There could be a dozen answers.

Be sure there is a large group of players who are very much into winning the land grab.........they enjoy it ...............just go to the MA and watch...........

I *know* they enjoy it - I *personally* enjoy it.  But I always RTB'd despite a motivation to auger - just because I'm the kinda guy I am.  When I got sick of it all - I gravitated to exclusively scenario play.  I still think you can have a "war" and a "land grab" and somehow eliminate abberant behavior.

HTC's challenge is to make something for every one without splitting stuff up............ the gap between RR & FR was a serious problem for AW............ AW also had a fighter only arena which after an initial spell became just what the duelling arena is here.........

Exactly, Splitting up the community does no one any good. HTC has a challange indeed - I think they're up to it.  :)

I do believe the MA seriously needs a field limit (AW's zone limit) to spread stuff out more, reduce mass raids from one single field etc etc

And there's another good idea.  Again. the trick is to limit "strange behavior" without ruining it for the stratego types. Not easy to do.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #110 on: December 13, 2002, 12:26:39 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
I think things really improved once all those cool AW pilots arrived.

Agreed! My K/D ratio improved! ;)

Offline SirLoin

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To the guys that have been here awhile
« Reply #111 on: December 13, 2002, 10:57:48 PM »

Feild limits was a great Air Warrior feature...And my K/D ratio drastically improved when I came here.