Author Topic: What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44  (Read 202 times)


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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« on: March 27, 2001, 10:48:00 AM »
I had to log off after 12 eastern during the middle of a capture for 18.  When I first logged on the nits had 3 bases, and everyone was whining, as soon as I logged on 2 squad members were on as well, and a third joined about 30 minutes later.  We did some base defense for about an hour, do to 25% fuel at front line bases.  And set about a plan to start capturing rook bases, so our standard formation rolled off and we had a new vehicle driver, his first time in one.  VH down and base deacked a furballed ensued for a force of 8 fighters arose to meet us, shot one down in my handy 88 and missing ventral gunner and landing gear stuck around as long as possible to divert attention from the M3, the other CAP did a great job of knocking down fighters and getting back to the area "Wotan, bradys5"  While I am flying back to base I see the info popping in Victory 1 by KaK3 followed with another 1 by him.  He shot down 2 fighters with an M3 doing 45+ and dropped the troops off right at the HQ.  Excellent job by him for his first vehicle sortie, we proceeded to take 2 more bases after that in succesion.  The last one was awesome we had 4-5 lancs up 1 B-26 1 goon and 2 hvy fighters for 18, only 2 fighters rose to meet us and 1 flak pnzr I had to leave mid way thru the battle just wanted to know if we got the island?  Also kept hearing the whining about us attackign the rooks last night, first we were taking bases while they stalled on the east front, there were never more then 5-6 of us attacking the bases.  Our strategy was to get a foot hold, and take 18 and start hitting the bish from another way then dead east.  East Front was stalled we were making it a way to get new assaults going from multiple directions, so if you are still ticked about that, well you figure out a better way of not taking ground for 4 hours    Special thanks to BD5Pilot and bmer1171<--spl> BD5 helped bomb on a few missions with us and vulched a runway for us when fighters were enroute, got to admit that was funny.  ghosth and his lanc group helped out on 18 so special thanks to them as well, well organized and did everything right.  Salute to the buff pilots we will always fly with you to target.  I hope everyone that is in a group gets as much fun out of it as we do, nothing more satisfying then knowing you have someone to count on when you get in trouble.  JV44 Platzschutzstaffel is now ranked 38th and moving forward.  Each day we get to know each other better, each day our missions are finding more success then failure.  This is what a squad is all about.  Not just joining it because everyone else did, or the best players are flying in it, but to have fun each and everytime out.  Salute    

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron

Offline sling322

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2001, 11:38:00 AM »
By the didnt capture 18 last night.  I shot a few of ya down with my Ostwind.  Somebody finally got an egg on me...I think it was BD5Pilot but I am not sure.  Then some help showed up and we were able to get fighters up and kill the C-47's and their troops.    Was a great try though.  <S>!

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2001, 11:53:00 AM »
Aye it was you, in the osty, I forgot to grab bombs then I hear on the con osty by map room, thought to myself crap i dont have ords and I am halfway there.  If I had ords when I dived on you we would have gotten 18 for I was the only fighter around and the goon was about 3k away, great defense m8 I had to leave after my untimely explosion    Salute

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron

Offline LePaul

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2001, 02:03:00 PM »
The battle at 25, and 18, were a blast.  We almost had 18.  Slings ostwind was hard to spot from my altitude and since I only had 100 pounders for anti-ack, I didnt think I could do much to him if I did find him.  I put my LAST 2 eggs onto him (nice hiding spot next to the tower...on Roger Wilco, we diverted all remaining bombers to hit you, so you WERE GONNA DIE! hehe).  I was amazed I got you.

I'm still chuckling over the mission at 25...some poor spitfire kept trying to come up and he just kept getting hammered.  Then he tried rolling FROM the hangar itself, so I flew the B26 THRU the Fighter Hangars, guns blazing, go get him.  I would have LOVED to have seen the look on his face  

Wotan...told you the B-26 barrel rolls nicely!

18...well, we came so close!  I ran out of nose gun ammo right in the midst of chasing a Yak low...had my flaps down and everything to stay low with him!  Had him smoking and he had to by laughing his bellybutton off, seeing a big B26 glued to his butt.

Was a great time, my squad (332nd) was in there on the 18 hit and we all commented how fun times like that raid make it all worth the $30 a month!

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)

Offline LePaul

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2001, 02:08:00 PM »

We *almost* captured 18.  Goons dropped troops right in front of 2 P-38s.  They dropped to earth dead.  I was trying to dragg fighters away from the map room...I think if the goons had landed and quickly rolled to the map room, we would have had it, despite loosing a few to strafing, etc.  But, hey, it was all in fun and we scared the heck out of those bish for a bit!

Look forward to seeing you all online tonight!

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)


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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2001, 02:15:00 PM »
Aye BD5, will look for you tonight, we will be doing the same thing organized attacks on bases, and the more the better especially experienced barrel rolling, hanger killing 26 pilots lol.  That was hilarious, and hte attack on 18 would have gone much smoother if we had 2 more fighters.  


Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron

Offline sling322

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2001, 05:16:00 PM »
Originally posted by LePaul:
only had 100 pounders for anti-ack, I didnt think I could do much to him if I did find him.  I put my LAST 2 eggs onto him

Thats what those noises were...    I heard a few ping-crack noises but I didnt have any visible damage from the first couple of them.  I guess the damage built up until yer last 2 eggs did the job.  


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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2001, 06:14:00 PM »
The attacks on 25 and 18 were a blast. Multiple squads working on the same page is the only way to go. Sturm, sorry about getting you killed at 25. I was hoping that you were in a GV w/some firepower. I should have dragged them away. Lessons learned. You can bet that I'll in the air tonight.


Chris "Bmer1171" Toombs
332nd Flying Mongrels
"Don't fly to fight. Fight to fly."


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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2001, 08:22:00 PM »
Not a prob beemer, you should have heard me yelling in the mic, was thinking what is this newbie doing?  Then found out you were helping BD5 and I understood, seeing how I was just in a M16 b4    Salute we are on tonight but Nits situation does not look so good.

Sturm6 StaffelKapitän
JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron

Offline straffo

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2001, 01:16:00 AM »
Originally posted by Sturm:
I had to log off after 12 eastern during the middle of a capture for 18.  When I first logged on the nits had 3 bases, and everyone was whining, as soon as I logged on 2 squad members were on as well, and a third joined about 30 minutes later.  We did some base defense for about an hour, do to 25% fuel at front line bases.  And set about a plan to start capturing rook bases, so our standard formation rolled off and we had a new vehicle driver, his first time in one.  VH down and base deacked a furballed ensued for a force of 8 fighters arose to meet us, shot one down in my handy 88 and missing ventral gunner and landing gear stuck around as long as possible to divert attention from the M3, the other CAP did a great job of knocking down fighters and getting back to the area "Wotan, bradys5"  While I am flying back to base I see the info popping in Victory 1 by KaK3 followed with another 1 by him.  He shot down 2 fighters with an M3 doing 45+ and dropped the troops off right at the HQ.  Excellent job by him for his first vehicle sortie, we proceeded to take 2 more bases after that in succesion.  The last one was awesome we had 4-5 lancs up 1 B-26 1 goon and 2 hvy fighters for 18, only 2 fighters rose to meet us and 1 flak pnzr I had to leave mid way thru the battle just wanted to know if we got the island?  Also kept hearing the whining about us attackign the rooks last night, first we were taking bases while they stalled on the east front, there were never more then 5-6 of us attacking the bases.  Our strategy was to get a foot hold, and take 18 and start hitting the bish from another way then dead east.  East Front was stalled we were making it a way to get new assaults going from multiple directions, so if you are still ticked about that, well you figure out a better way of not taking ground for 4 hours    Special thanks to BD5Pilot and bmer1171<--spl> BD5 helped bomb on a few missions with us and vulched a runway for us when fighters were enroute, got to admit that was funny.  ghosth and his lanc group helped out on 18 so special thanks to them as well, well organized and did everything right.  Salute to the buff pilots we will always fly with you to target.  I hope everyone that is in a group gets as much fun out of it as we do, nothing more satisfying then knowing you have someone to count on when you get in trouble.  JV44 Platzschutzstaffel is now ranked 38th and moving forward.  Each day we get to know each other better, each day our missions are finding more success then failure.  This is what a squad is all about.  Not just joining it because everyone else did, or the best players are flying in it, but to have fun each and everytime out.  Salute    

Those bastige have stolen your enter key ?


Offline Naudet

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2001, 01:35:00 AM »
WOW, can't belive its u Sturm, when i think what drove u crazy in the last month of FA, but i went through the same "mutation" after joining AH.

It's just a game, fun is the goal, everything else doesnt matter.

Offline Ghosth

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2001, 07:31:00 AM »
<S> Sturm, Was a very near thing at 18!

Just give a yell when you see the dogs online, we buff, we jabo, we escort & we HOWL!

Offline pzvg

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What happened last night for the knights? AAR for JV44
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2001, 09:14:00 AM »
All hail the squads, without whom there is no credible defense :P
Question; where were you at 6:00 AM EST,
when there were 5 knights desperatly trying to hold on to our 2 remaining fields?
It ain't about squads, It's about the folks who fly on your side  
<S> to all Knights who made the other side earn that reset.

pzvg- "5 years and I still can't shoot"