Author Topic: TA-152 eny and perkies?  (Read 349 times)

Offline Kirin

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TA-152 eny and perkies?
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2001, 04:47:00 AM »
I totally agree with Santa.

Alright, the Ta152 is a very late war plane that saw combat in only very limited numbers but its performance in AH MA is far from being ahead of the rest of the planeset. It rules at 30k, that's true - oth the La7 rules at sealevel. I think we have to look at average performance in MA - there it is quite on par with the common late war planes.

Speed: at low to med alt it is rather on the slower end.
Manouverability: decent roll, decent turn - not shining in one category but nice combination - still outmanouvered by a La7 easily.
Guns: decent punch for a LW fighter - suffers from the lousy MG151 as any LW plane here - 90 Mk108 shells are nice to turn planes into firballs but only below 200 yards - still no match for Hispanos - hey even a Spit is deadlier at medium to far range!!
Climb: below par until high alt - althoug it has quite good acceleration (read those 2 factors are closely connected on several occasions on this board... ?? )

All in all a good plane but no monster. Perk it for its average performance in AH MA? No! (or cheap perk if other late war planes e.g. P51D, 109G10, 190D9, La7 etc get perked too) Perk it for shift of balance/popularity? No! People rather fly the D9 because it's "Hunstang" abilities or the G10. Others but LW fanatics won't touch it anyway. Perk it because its lack of use in RL? Yup, but as I understand HTC this shouldn't be a criterium.

About the tendency to rip wings: Yup, those wings are long and narrow (almost like a glider...   ); they look fragile. But still I think the Ta152 is too prone to rip wings (happened to me 3 times now in Ta152 - I maybe ripped wings once in a other plane since AH Beta!). Especially the left wing shows a tendency to fall off at a speed of around 400 mph - and I am always gentle on the stick, no spiking or whatsoever. Very annyoning when you pull after a con in lag pursuit (almost same speed thus less force) and he comes around while you loose a wing.

Just my observation....    


[This message has been edited by Kirin (edited 03-29-2001).]
Real men fly Radial!

Caligula the one and only

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TA-152 eny and perkies?
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2001, 05:19:00 AM »
I am yet to get killed in Ta-152.
That plane IS a beast if You know how to fly it.
I have 8 kills in it,2 mustangs ,3 n1K,1 B26
are the ones I remember.
You just have to make sure You are 25K+ ,or have total advantage.
It can have a lot of fuel,that would make it a perfect high alt escort if it wasn`t perked.
All HQ raids would make it to target with Ta152 escort,50 perks make people think twice to risk it though.

I say keep it perked.
I haven`t enough points for arado,coz I don`t like bombing flights,but I think it`s cool that we don`t need to worry about mass jetbomber raids,all kinda dweebs abusing them
high end planes..

D9 is very nice,finally a LW plane that can
kill N1Ks easy.

Offline Kirin

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TA-152 eny and perkies?
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2001, 05:54:00 AM »
Caligula - you have 8 kills in the Ta152 so far - that does mean rather little fighting in it. Sure, if you stay above 25k and only attack when everything is at your favour and if you disengage at the slightest disadvantage you prolly won't get killed in the Ta152 - but that is true for most of the planes.

I have to be killed in the 109F4 yet this tour!   (4 kills only though... :P )

Speaking of streaks... Fishus 200-something (or 300??!!) streak in the FW190A8 is still to be broken!
Real men fly Radial!

Caligula the one and only

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TA-152 eny and perkies?
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2001, 06:02:00 AM »
Sure 8 kills aren`t many,but I only use it when I need to kill very high buffs or something like that,except for the first test run I made.
Perk planes are meant to be used at special setuations IMO, not for furballing.


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TA-152 eny and perkies?
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2001, 07:54:00 AM »
Explain that to the guy who was on the deck in the tempest.  I think it was Voos<spl>?  Was 1 guy at the base defending, had a buff overhead and a M3 almost to the base, I was flying over hte field at about 8K and some reason decided to go down on deck, reported over RW possible low con coming in using shoreline ridge for cover, sure enough bamn here comes a Tempest right at me and he was moving.  We did a HO, I hit him with a ew 20mm and saw smoke coming from his engine, so I knew I got him good, he did get the m3 though, so we rolled another M3, and sure enough here comes that tempest again on the deck heading str8 for the M3.  By this time a N1k had taken off I tried vulching him but came in with way to slow, and tried to go vertical after hitting him a couple times, wrong move and I paid for it.  Lost both aerilons, but was able to ditch.  So what I am getting at is, this guy lost 140 perks for a base defense and stopped it for we couldn't attack it again.  How many others out there would do this?  Salute to this pilot, defending 24 from 43.    

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