Author Topic: first impressions from a recyled newbie (lengthy)  (Read 422 times)

Offline Wanker

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first impressions from a recyled newbie (lengthy)
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2000, 08:36:00 AM »
Lazs, so what if you don't get excellent results with the Dhog .50's all the time? I know you are a die hard Corsair lover, and I think that's great. I don't mean to sound like my friend Stiglr here, but why do you "have to win" all the time?

I love the Spitfire, and fly it more than any other plane. But, the Spit IX isn't as competative in this planeset as it was in Warbirds. But I fly it anyway, because I admire the plane, and I don't mind getting killed in it.

If they introduced a four-cannon Spit into AH, I'd still fly the IX, because to me, that is the "real" Spitfire(or at least the most well-known in the later war years).

I'd think that most of you hog drivers from Warbirds would be plenty happy with the Dhog, given the Hog's crappy performance in Warbirds.

Not a flame, Lazs, just a serious question. Why do the hog lovers in AH always fly the Chog and not the more representative Dhog?


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first impressions from a recyled newbie (lengthy)
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2000, 08:39:00 AM »
the day the hogc got here took 50 % of the fun out of the game . same thing happened again with the ostwind. a 5 year old with enough e can kill a good pilot in a hog 50% of the time .a 5 year old can hold down the trigger for 7 min and kill whole base . htc is going for the least common denominator. same thing that tv sitcoms do . quake had a bfg9000 no so do we ,both ground and air unit . it is that simple .


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first impressions from a recyled newbie (lengthy)
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2000, 11:42:00 AM »
banana... we are not getting our points across.  If you read my post you will see that It is not the historic vagaries of the fifties that I am frustrated about.   it is the vagaries of my connect/the internet.

I believe that there is, for my connect anyway, something wrong with the performance of the fifties in ah a lot of the time.   This causes frustration.   This will happen for periods of time ranging from an hour to all night and then get better.   At their best, the fifties are a nice, perfectly deadly guns package.  at worst, frustrating.

The same effects happen to the cannon but there is such a margin for error that it is much less noticable and hence, much less frustrating.  

Historic?  LOL, I know that against fighters, historically I would be better off with 6 fifties... Since that is not the result I get in AH then Historic has no meaning.   I am simply picking the most effective and least variable gunset.   I would of course welcome the larger ammo load and more rounds per sec of the 6 fifties if they worked "historically" for me.

Also...To use history in context with the planeset and arena setting that we have.... not to mention the missions and formations that we fly.... is ludicrous IMO.

Oh... "gotta win all the time".... No, but I don't like to lose a kill to the internet.  Do you see the difference?  

Also... I have flown several other planes so far and have found that so far all of them are easier to fly than either Hog.   I also find that any Hog is the easiest plane for me to kill so far.

[This message has been edited by lazs (edited 10-23-2000).]

Offline Wanker

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first impressions from a recyled newbie (lengthy)
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2000, 11:54:00 AM »
I see where you're coming from now. I must've filtered out the stuff in your post talking about your connection. Hehe, my wife says I do the same thing to her, too.