Author Topic: Fox News is just plain BAD  (Read 1165 times)

Offline N1kPaz

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Fox News is just plain BAD
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2003, 04:02:39 PM »
oh and lasz...your right...partially.

it was also about rich fat pigheaded rednecks who enjoyed raping their slaves, splitting up families, and using humans like animals. can tell yourself whatever you want, my position will be the accepted position in the future. accept it or reject it, one day that battle flag will be realised for what it is...a symbol of oppression (oh and a handsomehunk badge)

Offline lazs2

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Fox News is just plain BAD
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2003, 04:20:20 PM »
your sure a touchy little guy nik... bet yur a privilidged little white kid who doesn't know a damn thing about it.... here's a clue for ya.... the chicks won't dig ya more if you claim to hate biggots.    heck.... black folks will just be embarassed by your zeal.    

the confederate flag was about states rights no matter how much you need a whipping boy.  for you to be so upset about it means that you arte either not to bright or.... very tightly wound.    I would guess that it is all show tho hoping black folk and chicks will suddenly like you more.

Offline Drunky

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Fox News is just plain BAD
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2003, 04:25:19 PM »
apparently ignorance is one disease that science can't cure....*sigh*
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« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2003, 04:53:24 PM »
MSNBC has Bianca Solorzano....they win! :p
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Offline midnight Target

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Fox News is just plain BAD
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2003, 05:04:20 PM »
the confederate flag was about states rights no matter how much you need a whipping boy.


Unless you mean the States right to own people.

Stole a chick from a biker once. She was very grateful. :p

Offline lazs2

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Fox News is just plain BAD
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2003, 08:40:11 AM »
yep mt.... we used em up pretty quickly in those days....  unless of course you mean biker as in.... contemprary.... even chicks ride em now type of "biker".......... in which case.... it was an overweight 40 something wife of a gucci leather wearing accountant on an electric start full dresser that cost him 20 grand or so.

in either case... she probly was grateful... course if it was the first case then she probly stole everything that wasn't bolted down in your house on her way out and we ended up with it for a couple $20 bags of crank.

Offline StSanta

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Fox News is just plain BAD
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2003, 10:45:33 AM »
Heh, I think I'd enjoy drinking with MT and Lazs