Author Topic: About them CV thingies...  (Read 933 times)

Offline rshubert

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Tough Love
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2003, 12:19:15 PM »
This is tough love, lassie.  I'm trying to help you.

And you're still a jerk.  A jerk with a short attention span.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2003, 12:22:21 PM »
Originally posted by TW9
This has already been implemented... the 8000lbs of ord has to be put on cv within 5 or 10mins i forget... Its the same for hangers too i believe..

I did not know that.  That is a good thing.  And gives the "soft CV' whiners less ammunition.

And yes, Lassie, you are STILL a jerk.

I should probably put that in my signature block.

Offline Furious

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Re: Tough Love
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2003, 12:40:20 PM »
Originally posted by rshubert
This is tough love, lassie.  I'm trying to help you.

And you're still a jerk.  A jerk with a short attention span.

Could you please explain to me how you got all this sand in your vagina?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2003, 01:39:22 PM by Furious »

Offline lazs2

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2003, 01:12:01 PM »
yep... as it is every target takes damage till it breaks.. it is not uncommon to see the CV take direct hits that show no damage whatsoever.   This could simply be adjusted as many have advocated.   I think gameplay would be better if the escorts had to be sunk first.  I am not adverse to anything that would keep the cv's in play longer tho.

Offline rshubert

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2003, 01:37:31 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
yep... as it is every target takes damage till it breaks.. it is not uncommon to see the CV take direct hits that show no damage whatsoever.   This could simply be adjusted as many have advocated.   I think gameplay would be better if the escorts had to be sunk first.  I am not adverse to anything that would keep the cv's in play longer tho.

Then use your (assumedly) incredibly low ranking to take over the CV and get it out of harm's way.  What??? You say your ranking is only in the mid-1700's??  What's up with that?

If you had a balanced score, you could control the CV.  Put it anywhere your little heart desires.  Furball all day and all night.

Or you could go to the DA.

And, you're still a jerk.

Offline rshubert

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Re: Re: Tough Love
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2003, 01:40:38 PM »
Originally posted by Furious
Could you please explain to me how you got all this sand in you vagina?

It's not sand in my vagina, it's dogsh*t on my shoe. (note the clever allusion to lassie)

And, lassie is still a jerk.  No improvement today.  I think we'll need to come up with a "lassie jerk report" to keep track of it.  Some kind of scoring system would be required.

Offline lazs2

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2003, 01:50:34 PM »
tough guy... I have no interest in driving the cv... talk about boring.  besides... I got no problem with the way the guys who are driving it are doing... it is the vulnerability that ois the issue here... try to pay attention.

Offline Scott

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2003, 01:55:10 PM »
Originally posted by fullback
I have to side with TW9.

CV damage doesn't need to be hardened. The historically-correct defense of a CV is also the approriate defense in AH.

Fly multi-altitude CAP [Carrier Air Patrol ;)] at proper intercept distance and your CV is less likely to be sunk. Don't fly a CAP after placing the CV in harms way against a numerically superior enemy and you lose your CV.

Sometimes you just have to do the grunt work. It comes with the territory - just like running supplies.

This argument makes no sense in the MA. In order to get people to fly a tedious cap over the cv or field or other strat target, you would have to assign them that tedious misson when they logged on. Then in order to make the game any fun the other country would have to have an assigned misson to sink/capture/destroy said target. (oh, wait! won't that be the new mission arena!)

People in the MA want action, whatever that means to them. And since no one is going to send you to Levenworth for 15 to 20 for not caping a field, they are going to go where they want.

This is not a WWII sim, It is a flight combat sim. That's why the overwhelming majority are here. They want to blow stuff up, doesn't matter if its  fighters, buildings, ships,or tanks.
The point of this and almost every other thread like it is That the effort to destroy cvs, fuel, etc. is disproportionatley easy compared to the effect it has on game play.


Offline rshubert

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I Cap CVs
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2003, 02:07:49 PM »
Originally posted by Scott
This argument makes no sense in the MA. In order to get people to fly a tedious cap over the cv or field or other strat target, you would have to assign them that tedious misson when they logged on. Then in order to make the game any fun the other country would have to have an assigned misson to sink/capture/destroy said target. (oh, wait! won't that be the new mission arena!)

People in the MA want action, whatever that means to them. And since no one is going to send you to Levenworth for 15 to 20 for not caping a field, they are going to go where they want.

This is not a WWII sim, It is a flight combat sim. That's why the overwhelming majority are here. They want to blow stuff up, doesn't matter if its  fighters, buildings, ships,or tanks.
The point of this and almost every other thread like it is That the effort to destroy cvs, fuel, etc. is disproportionatley easy compared to the effect it has on game play.


I also cap fields.  And hunt for sneaky goons.  And sneak around in goons.  And I up bombers for half-hour rides.  And drive tanks.

I have a ball.  Don't mess my fun up.  I don't disagree that it is too easy to kill a CV, but there is a point that you need to see, here.  If you don't use the CV in a stupid way, it lives a lot longer.  You should be railing against the fools who sit in the turrets trying to shoot at Cod knows what from 30 miles out.  You should be convincing your teammates to defend the CV before it moves into harm's way.  You know, plan.  Think ahead.  Play smart.  Play to win the game, not the next move.

And, lassie is still a jerk.

Offline rshubert

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2003, 02:25:32 PM »
Originally posted by lassie
tough guy... I have no interest in driving the cv... talk about boring.  besides... I got no problem with the way the guys who are driving it are doing... it is the vulnerability that ois the issue here... try to pay attention.

Okay lassie, try to follow me here...I'll type slow 'cause I know you have trouble reading fast...

The fediddleing carrier would not get so many attackers if it were (1)defended properly and (2) positioned properly.  If the guy driving the carrier did more than just have it run back and forth 5 miles off the coast, TANKS (fer crissake) couldn't damage it.  CV drivers need to use their heads, but they usually don't.

When I am involved in a CV vs. base fight on the base side, it never ceases to amaze me how many different times I can get up and attack the CV.  Heck, when I take an A-20, I have to circle out to get to a reasonable altitude.  THAT CV SHOULDN'T BE THERE.  It doesn't need to be there.  The problem is TACTICS, not hardness.

BTW, the same type problem exists in base defense.  YOU CAN'T DEFEND YOUR STRAT FROM THE BASE.  It has to be done AWAY from the base, to get the enemy to drop their ord or die.

How do you predict what the enemy will do, so you can go get 'em?  Lots of ways.  Dar.  GVs sneaking around near their bases. Some use spies, but not me.  Estimates of what their intentions are from past experience and projection of current operations.  In one word, intelligence.

OOPS.  That may be the whole issue, with you.  That may be why you are limited to a thumb candy view of the game.

And, you are STILL a jerk.

Offline lazs2

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2003, 02:29:33 PM »
tough guy... you could still do all those things... closer fields, manable quad fifties...  perked bombs... none of those things would prevent you from doing any of the talentless things that you enjoy...  you could still get a load of laundry done between kills is that is what blows air up your skirt... we are not trying to take that away from you..

we simply want your effect on our game to equal the amount of skill and effort you put into it (flying for hours is not skill and effort).   and... we simply want some places where it is easier to get into the action for our few hours up.

Offline Scott

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Re: I Cap CVs
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2003, 02:31:12 PM »
Originally posted by rshubert
I also cap fields.  And hunt for sneaky goons.  And sneak around in goons.  And I up bombers for half-hour rides.  And drive tanks.

I have a ball.  Don't mess my fun up.  I don't disagree that it is too easy to kill a CV, but there is a point that you need to see, here.  If you don't use the CV in a stupid way, it lives a lot longer.  You should be railing against the fools who sit in the turrets trying to shoot at Cod knows what from 30 miles out.  You should be convincing your teammates to defend the CV before it moves into harm's way.  You know, plan.  Think ahead.  Play smart.  Play to win the game, not the next move.

And, lassie is still a jerk.

I don't see your point, I'm not trying to mess your fun up, I don't really understand how making targets more challenging will do that.

I'll cap a field if it needs it. I love that people fly bombers (they are sooo fun to shoot), Tanks I don't care about but knock yourself out.

CVs  in the game are not commanded by career officers with proven competence but rather by whoever has rank and the desire, please note no competence  for command required. So of course the cvs will be used stupidly. There have been enough flame wars on this board about how XXXX stole the CV and killed it, to demonstrate that there are not enough competent admirals to go around. Also realistic carrier ops would be a bore.

You want to take bases and plan ahead, great! That will lead to some interesting fights, IF fuel isn't the first thing destroyed. (what is the use of base capture if all facilities are destroyed. You put yourself immediately into the previous defenders predicament, no fuel, vehicals, fighters, bomber, or radar...)
I'll look for those fights and defend or, tag along on the attack to do some air to air, but that's about all the stratigic thinking I want to do.

Win the war? Endgame in the MA is one of the least fun times for me, either as victor, vanquished, or second place. 20 perk points, got plenty, don't use em much, don't care. All a reset means to me now is that I'll get booted out of the arena and then come back to the same map.

So when it comes right down to it you, I, and lazs all agree about toughening up the CV!


Offline sax

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About them CV thingies...
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2003, 02:49:01 PM »
Weird thing is you can dive sraight in and survive long enough to drop ordanance , but circling the CV group from a relatively save distance and 1 ping will send ya back the tower.