Author Topic: Envoy denies allegations about CIA in Venezuela  (Read 1327 times)

Offline 10Bears

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Envoy denies allegations about CIA in Venezuela
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2003, 02:00:54 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

Allow me to adress the oil concern more broadly. The only reason anyone gives a damn about the Arabs and other 2nd or 3rd world people like them is because of oil - their control of it is a fact of life that does not change one bit no matter who is in the white house or downing street or whatever. We have to deal with them, no way around it untill new technology comes out that totally removes our depandance on petroleum for enery and manufactiring purposes. It's that simple.

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen AS.. SIMPLE... AS ...THAT.

No one disputes Otto Reich is lying his *** off.

Some might call this a lootocracy.

Offline miko2d

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Envoy denies allegations about CIA in Venezuela
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2003, 02:39:55 PM »
crabofix: How can 2 political parties represent the will of a country that has population of 250 million?
This is a question that really puzzles me.

 We don't really have 2 distinct political parties. Their position is the same on all essential issues. The major ones are government control of education, government control of economy, social engineering, welfare state, etc.

 We do have a lot of political parties. Few people care about them bacause the education successfully inoculated the majority of population against contracting any ideas.

 Also american people are raised/educated as total wimps. They are not taught to take risks. No more "liberty or death". No more "better lose in a fight than submit without a fight", no more "die standing them live on your knees".
 Even in matters that do not concern life or death or even physical danger.

 Now it's: "I like this guy but he has little chance to win an election, so my vote is going to be vasted, oh horror..." Back to the republicrats it goes.


Offline Rude

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Envoy denies allegations about CIA in Venezuela
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2003, 03:45:48 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears
Good find Charon, interesting article.

If Chavez is bad for Venezuela, he should be voted out of office on the next election. Isn’t that what democracy is all about? Either you believe it and promote it or it’s so much rhetoric.

The sad truth is corporate CEO’s really have no use for democracy and will use any means necessary to curtail the will of the people including the use of the CIA to stage coup attempts.

One would hope that President Clark on his first day in office fire the CIA.. they’ve been blowing it quite a bit lately. Can’t even overthrow a Latin American country anymore sheesh.  

But getting back to  Otto (4th) Reich here, do you believe he's telling the truth?

So Clark will be our next President?

Offline Rude

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Envoy denies allegations about CIA in Venezuela
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2003, 03:48:13 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d
crabofix: How can 2 political parties represent the will of a country that has population of 250 million?
This is a question that really puzzles me.

 We don't really have 2 distinct political parties. Their position is the same on all essential issues. The major ones are government control of education, government control of economy, social engineering, welfare state, etc.

 We do have a lot of political parties. Few people care about them bacause the education successfully inoculated the majority of population against contracting any ideas.

 Also american people are raised/educated as total wimps. They are not taught to take risks. No more "liberty or death". No more "better lose in a fight than submit without a fight", no more "die standing them live on your knees".
 Even in matters that do not concern life or death or even physical danger.

 Now it's: "I like this guy but he has little chance to win an election, so my vote is going to be vasted, oh horror..." Back to the republicrats it goes.


Were you born in the US Miko? Reason I ask, is that you seem to speak as a recent immigrant more so than a US born citizen.