Author Topic: AH staff "For Your Eyes Only"  (Read 526 times)

Offline Nomde

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AH staff "For Your Eyes Only"
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2001, 03:30:00 AM »
I don't agree with a "fighter town" concept in the main arena. I can't remember how many times a fighter/bomber/c47 would up FT in AW to capture or attack a nearby base. The predictable crys of "cheat, poor sport, liar, etc.." would start the arena ina mass argument and ruin the experiance.
We have a Dueling Arena and that was placed there for a reason, use it.

Nomde" TARGET=_blank>63rd FS, 56th FG
"Zemke's Wolfpack"

"God loves the 56th cause we keep Heaven filled"

56th Fighter Group "Zemke's Wolfpack"

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AH staff "For Your Eyes Only"
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2001, 04:26:00 AM »
Another vote for an FT here!

Nomde does have a point, at least with respect to the AW FT, but that could be covered (as Lephturn mentions) by limited plane/ord/fuel options  at the FT bases.

On the other hand, while Deja makes a valid point in that an FT would draw away fighter jocks from the "great patriotic war", there's quite a number of pilots who don't take part in that any way. Certainly in my own case, I log on and fly to the nearest furball regardless. I can understand that some of the online generals get frustrated when their finly laid plans don't work due to number shortages, but that's no concern of mine. I don't go typing "nEEDMore figgters AT FURBAl over A1 NOWWW!!!", do I?