Author Topic: Issues with any solution  (Read 228 times)

Offline SkyGnome

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Issues with any solution
« on: August 15, 2004, 01:31:50 PM »
There are plenty of workable ways of encouraging people to move countries, but I think for any to work well they need to focus on the problem from a longer-term perspective.  Constantly modifying the rules as people log in is going to cause all kinds of unpleasant artifacts - some which will damage important positive aspects of the game (squad ops, joint operation nights, low player count times, making friends, etc).

I would suggest maintaining a running average of team player counts over time (say a week), and try to balance that number, not the instantaneous player counts.  Basically, only put whatever incentives into place when the instantaneous player counts are apreciably off AND they are off relative to the direction of the long-term average. (See end of message for example)

The point is to have a subtle push towards long-term stability, not some wierd gameplay mechanic that interferes with people doing what they want, when they want to do it.  Team loyalty (getting to know the folks you fly with) is a hugely important and rewarding part of the game, and I'd hate to see that go away.  I don't want to switch teams at all because I know the folks I'm flying with and who I can count on and who I can listen to.

Similarly, mechanisms to encourage new players into the teams that have the long-term average disadvantage would probably be a much nicer, more subtle - and long-term solution to what sould be viewed as a long-term problem.

 - SkyGnome


Week long average (in percents): 40/25/35

If current player count is 37/30/33 - no bonuses because despite a small imbalance, the trend is positive.

If current player count is 41/25/36 - middle team gets a bonus because the trend is in the wrong direction - just enough to encourage migration.

And basically, once the running average gets reasonable, leave the teams alone.  Let there be instantaneous numbers disparity - it's fun being outnumbered if it only happens sometimes!

Offline xBarrelx

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Issues with any solution
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2004, 01:40:18 PM »
people were whining about the immediate numbers.....not that they were out numbered all month. they dont care about any other time other than the time that they are on playing. good idea.....but no.


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« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2004, 04:54:26 PM » is my idea.......

HT buys us all a plane ticket to Vegas pays for our rooms, beer, girls, and gambling for a weekend. Then he lines us all up, draws three captains and they start picking there teams. (like when you were a kid picking who was going to be on your kick the can team or something) Once we all get back home and log on AH we play nicely ever after with no whining about the numbers....LOL....

(For the ones that can't figure this out, the above statement was meant as a joke, but if HT wants to take us all to Vegas, I'll go. :D )

  Retired from AH

Offline SkyGnome

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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2004, 06:43:36 PM »
Oops.. meant to do this as an addition to another thread.  oh well.

Originally posted by xBarrelx
people were whining about the immediate numbers.....not that they were out numbered all month. they dont care about any other time other than the time that they are on playing. good idea.....but no.

I disagree with this.  I don't think Hitech is seeking to please the chronic whiners, but instead to stabilize the 3-team dynamic (a timeless classic).  Primarily, number imbalance in an instantaneous situation is caused by two countries collecting against a third by coincidence.  Look at the map some time and do the math - a small percentage coincidence in this respect makes a much bigger difference that a similar percentage in team strength.  But this level of variance is fun, and the long-term variance is annoying.

Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2004, 12:38:26 AM »
Well if the 2 against 1 theory holds water, tonight (Sunday) would have been a prime time for it to happen. Did it - no.
The 2 on 1 scenario only usualy happens when 2 countries are close to a reset, by that time the third country is usually low on numbers because dar has gone etc.
Look at the advantage now, the other 2 countries start getting ENV modifed.
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