Author Topic: How I envision Mission Night  (Read 248 times)

Offline TheBug

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How I envision Mission Night
« on: October 09, 2004, 11:23:39 AM »
Ok I wanted ot lay how I envision Mission Night's, or Target for Tonight's,  evolution.  Using this weeks setup as an example I wanted to lay out my plans than get input on what you guys were thinking, find the weak points and come up with something that will work smoothly with the CT.

I truly believe that these Mission Nights are the building blocks of a CT community.   You are more likely to flip the bird to someone that pulls out in front of you in their car if they are a stranger, than you are if you knew they were your neighbor.

Here goes(some ideas stolen from wargames I own):

Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Nov. 12-15 1942

After the disatrous outcome of the October offensive, the Japanese Army concluded that victory could not be expected unless troops and supplies could not be transported to Guadalcanal en masse, as opposed to the piecemeal methods employed up to that point.  Eventually the Imperial Navy agreed to move the entire 38th Infantry Division in a single convoy of 11 transports.  The operation was to be covered by yet another sortie of the combined fleet, although the unavailability of the Shokaku and Zuikaku(damaged at Santa Cruz) meant that the carrier forces would be rather weak.  However the US situation was even more tenous, since only one operational carrier, the Enterprise, remained in the entire Pacific theater. Nonetheless the situation was desperate enough that Admiral Halsey felt compelled to risk this last carrier in support of his own effort to reinforce the troops on Guadalcanal.

Map layout:
 All bases east of V4 will be held by the US initially, all others will be IJ.  On Guadalcanal itself the US will hold all bases, except V4.  V6 will be considered as the USN transports unloading supplies and troops to reinforce the 'Canal.

Order of Battle:
The US will be assigned one CV fleet.  The Enterpise was suffering from elevator damage, but can't think of a good way to represent that.  Thought of maybe allowing flight from the CV for 15mins then removing the planes for 5mins, but that's a bit too restrictive for an open arena.

The IJN will be assigned two fleets, one will be the transport fleet with only LVTs enabled, the other will be their full CV fleet.

Planeset will be dictated by the setup, although I think F4fs should be added to Henderson.

Starting locations/fleet restrictions
The US fleet will start in the 14.6 grid and can travel anywhere but not North of the X.8 line.

The IJ transport fleet is to start in 10.9.8 and sail for V4.

The IJ CV fleet is to start anywhere on the map, North of X.9 line, per the side CO or the CT staffer if no CO steps up.  The fleet can travel anywhere but not South of the X.9 line


The IJ score a Major Victory if they are able to get a number of LVTs equal to 25% of their side's number to V4 and unload.  CT staffer using God's eye will score this.

Otherwise it will come down to points.  Need to look into to how much points for each objective to keep it fair, but here are the things that will generate points.

Sinking the opposing sides CV(not including the CV in the IJ transport fleet)

Sinking ships in the IJ transport fleet.(maybe just DDs ??)

Destroying the Hangars at V6 will be considered as sinking the USN transport ships.

Think that is it.

Special Rules

Although bases can be defended by GVs they are not to be used to attack bases on Guadalcanal.  But all bases are open to air attack as each side's strategy dictates.

Also see above for CT staff enforced planeset limitations

Event time is to be 2hours??  Maybe from 9:30pm to 11:30pm EDT?
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline TheBug

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How I envision Mission Night
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2004, 11:30:01 AM »
So what can be added? what should be taken away?  Things you like?  Looking for all contructive comments.

As you can see it will take a bit of planning, so I believe it would be a necessity to start at least two weeks in advance, so a calendar dictating the CT setups a month in advance would be needed.

Adding a link to this forum and the Mission Night website on the MOTD would be beneficial.

Having two staffers that will be able to show for each mission, one is only needed( very much needed) but having two will cover any holes if someone is drawn away by RL or conx issues.

It will also take a couple people to step up an assist in the planning and COing.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline Slash27

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How I envision Mission Night
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2004, 02:34:39 PM »
I'll be there thursday.

Offline o0Stream140o

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How I envision Mission Night
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2004, 03:02:38 PM »
I think routes and bases we are upping from should be kept to each side that is COing.  I think if we just give a planeset, at least 3 targets that will be hit.  Don't actaully give the target that will be hit.  It will give some of the surprise so if someone that wants to do an NOE won't have to worry about getting wipped out.  Dar in here gives a good representation of where people are heading unless they use that to there advantage.

Just my thoughts

*If you need help Bug, I am there*

Offline TheBug

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How I envision Mission Night
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2004, 08:12:22 PM »
I agree Stream, that is why there is multiple objectives.  It leaves the planning and strategy up to each side, but keeps the fight in one general operational area.

I think numbers and interest needs to be built up, and more advanced planning needs to be done.  Mostly feeling out which squad wants to play for which side to kinda balance numbers and determine who will play the leadership roles.

Mission nights like these need more than 5-6 days to organize in my opinion.

Thanks Slash, but this was kind of a for example thing.  Didn't think there was enough organization to pull this off yet.

Is there??

Having a CT staffer there is only one limitation, appreciate the offer though.
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane